The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, May 12, 1928, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Saturday, May 12, 1<)2S .. . ! ONDEfr^T-,,.; - CAPITOWIjMT^ ' ">)*'' J Mrs. "P. A., Ingram, rs*.. .'? .01 .; of Moniinyv (iloi v ( . n : : ? Knights of Toussailit ;;f --company with the Rev. i: Thursday of last \vn V t.t v:: Miss Daisy Bell R: bin- n. ly of Laurens, but i w ; ?.and Greenwich, Conn., . the city for several day:- f;: guest of MittS Be.s-;c >h.e ' - 2016 Morion .St. i>h.e left i week for the North," \vh re spend the summer : Mrs. Florence SinuM'n; ' 3 1 way in_OMhgH)u,.-pi,v..hh. * 'been in the city for"Tmire t returned to her home. o. Mrs. Ottic Evatij TayKtr. of. A i ta, Ga., was in the city (,'umj y . '< ing the week-end with her. Myrtle Evans .Moore on l . Note!) Road. . * ".' Rev. James A. Tolb?it, I:-v \\ /. ward Stewart and I{t\ . .1 . i ' len, all of Greenville, vr? re.-hr 'hi <.'! during the week i 'i , i.u ter where" they alien-! i. State Convention. - TJn y ers at the headquarter.' o-' x'.'-. ' ' of Toussaint. Revs. Charles 11 . Di iTv.'.n. i.\ i4 V > ersK Thoniai.. M. .11 >y!cin. (' ; , SamueTTg". Youngble .-I. Jf&u ' ers, Charles A. Mel.V dir., ' gram, Green;?Culen-nn.?^ ? liam L. Baxter, I'r d.e ; Smith, President Y. !'. '. ^ ^ P. Watsaii,-J-?hn li. \'. .1 W. Baylor were aiiiimtr . " .. Baptists to attor: Association at Sumter last w< . . Mr. P, J. Smith spent ).< T v.-day in the city with his ; . i.c raw Mrs. Joseph Tucker, 21.!(i (! r\hi.- > *:. Mr. Smith, was in'iaii i . . .?r ?in Greenwood after several : spent Coral Gables, Fla. Mr. h? W. "Bradley, v\a> i sick for several 'lay, at his "I ; -Hampton St., is inip;'>vi!;>,-. ' he will soon be quite \vt ii. Mrs. Si.. SI Ytfunfel.'U'c d. v Y oa Rev. S. S. Younubbid;!. ; : * i ' Calvary Baptist Clunvi), ii Vie . i" I,: operation of the tin oat la-t >. . day at the Waye.rly ho.-t 'We1' trust she will soon. he. vvelb ar l.again. Miss Almena Griflin, t'2"! 1 \ . V. . left Wednesday, May 2: York City, where she will a.'.. , summer' with relatives vbd .1 . On Friday night. May i-f. . K tie S. Knox, Miss Marie, j'i.. IP." Miss Mary West and A!:. Hutto were the- guests .<<. masiaa Boozer at her .l ean dent at Irmo, S. C.- Thb e1,, .. spent.plyaing' .whist? "Ihe/.h ,.?e artistically decorated with bvv pqt~"fiuwi'ia: '-'- j ?: Sunday, May .Oih, ?>liss Ala.~! 1 .Ywas highly honored w;thVi.-Y , -guests, vizi rPiol. 11.. 1V ics _ and Mr. P. While, t i" i1.4: V*. Togehter with the n- . ? "MliF^Fary West were1 gnu.g.,-, ; .'.i.u? Katio J?. Knox, ihtr .? ; Sgtu J.; \V. Pllnikett- i?' .'n a. * home, 1027 College . .Si.: . ;v. . 1. kett is from Pittsburg, i'a."i.> ,ua ; in the \vorld's war \vi:h-the .* n .we. iously wounded and is si'i'.l _ York Infantry, in. whioh la v.n ?vi -_ from the results. JLe" ;?!.:-> n:,2 7.7 A 'the U. S. 10t}> Calvary. Site m Since"/comjug^ to Culniub... -;.Y. ..a,. beeSi iiondueting a tailor shop r.i . v Washington St; % ,v CARI) OF THAMCS . ' ~ W6 wish to thank oar niChy Y;V> <-.? . and relatives, ior their nr.-ni-y u< kindness t6 us during thi. .... a . .. Alette J. "Lotvitiai',' and; death of our sis.ter* and-r trie; u. s. tiful floral designs. Dr. BY B, ' lohng?Hy^? ' Mr. and Mrs." Jake Kubanks, , Mr. Gerand JohnHerv Mr. Richard Johnson, . ? Mr. Joseph Johnson. LAST RITES FOR OR. ll II. JONI'S Winston-Salem, N. C., May <5? Or. E. H. Jones, Grand Chancellor ut* tho Knights of FylhTaiT "W- T r~ North Carolina, was buried here day. Dr. Jones had been sick ; lime. His dc-atn was not unv ,V?..?w)r?rU l'ylhi:i.s I ' A .. ^ .Uld brother* throughout the S.ulfc.. ' Simple and biief funeral rUj held here this afternoon for the late Grand yhanceHor. that were yttomUdlby most of the represenativc hu.-hne-s. professional and educational h-a. . from all parts of the Slate. countrVVnen. Under a iv <f esith' and bartks of V j distinguished fra^erijul leader reiitsu 1 I ; i ; :\ui) w. kiulek l'ASSts i vuumu. v.v.n. v. ? ? 1 ?-u . ari \V. Kihlor^died at his .\ i' *'i 11^4 klyn, N. Y., Tuesday, A i ' ,' ruVi' a brief iflness with >ii\ Kiblei' .yai born in "fa i ,.l X ?:t Was a son of 1 Kii-kae+l. Kibler. ' s '<" . was! converted and- x : 'I..1 'Turn Baptist, C'nurch ci ' ' "> \ N. V., antT^was.baptised s : t ". ? ? ! '? 'J "tfi'vivod by one daugh* ti '' ' .' ! <! ft w Ivibtor; two .ststcr, ( i !i; r: i.-on; C'i'iuml)ia,"'Sr C7,? e- il ;rv- n? CcTitubus, Ohioj. " > 1 \ Mi'"->*s aijd u host I Z'x-. K: hi or was tailed t " ' i'.a in the latter part 1 ?, V?ti e '^.Picral of -hia i was wade in' Bf-ooklyn,' ^ v ;e t?f -his- wife . wlio ; ^ i ^ o t r iJyft .grave a'year and .j ; " r OF TIIANKS ' ; ^ -i-ri< : Wo take this method " tiianks to our many j ' h reavonicnt, the flcath i i> '.her, tor the kindness.!' iCTvuI IT fa I. designs and letters of ! liikj * " 1 ' | . J-'lrn II.. ."Bryant, s . 'i- io IJ.. Cherry, ' .* Co of <. V. .. Hryant, . i;'ii'i'?11. W iiUhiv.p, ' -hew FC Bryant. -? *- : r:i \\it school anv(, chockAM v i'l > ! .!> am-.'1 an operetta in - , v t nU.l^hy Gth ainTTth ! . . j-. : \y (. veiling', May 18th at j ' >: .'i i-c the City'" a drama in ! i ^ v * tn l?y the 8th grade class, | ^ , J? .>.::ing, May 21st'at 8:30.o'-! . - tii,\ e pntertainments are! L'hpOl n"d,;tnr;ram to ~'.i ic p.iMi:- is vonlially invited. : ;'Cjzcm?A MTF.K v .i: t;;:SI:I.I.sciiAFT ?i' :? .th; iir. h'tia-Lcy of the wea ... iiiUh s.oi Uie Lustige P.ut ::ii \lie Cio-ollschaft were . .'or.' "tt.v ' ioll was called. r.j. it.-i us. cnurniinjr . i .'.y 'ai't< mown. April 27, r ., *> 'popular beauties, i ,'t>; Ltih:. ' I? ?bo;- ]iy fY. was kiscussed . . i-,'\. i.i. h Fu ulein Agnes ' vr a. : UeulV of the fife ... 1. i ' the 'lil ted Deutscherc .. . ..S'.V.l a::. \ iiocthe and then j ?**. '>,>* i hyt . in i n go r yavo soroe.i '[1iT it lit' on. 1 >er Charaw . ! i'Vraledi I.unp: served ' r< pit t ( l hervy ice cream, ... a ?vl a.irrts. Hach I.iistijie , rle i; ln;v that' she wishk v.a- \.i >spible 'for her to return j N:AV IdNiTKV NOTES ''' . a; ai at-nidon Mrs. D. K. ?-ataa*'.-.h .. i.-t - .o the New Cen- ; .' ' . .i ' . 1 .> . | i.?tb-w?inclement i .. ?.' ual hour each mem- ! ... .i. it. her place lor the game | i.- played in a love- j i.-.t, > f i:in;v,dowers and shad- I I? it*-?.- table was adorned J ?i v. ?r!:: iv "tn?n.-jinrted?mints?and | ? . Ai U i .-.euiw were counted ...\. '.f. C.dlins hold the top score i I'd a box of linen handker- : . . . . .'.is.' Henry Williams drew. . consolation and received v.;/ a.o'iAi- floored water set. I i Jyhiviu's ;vuc: i were Mrs. 0.1 : \ joon,- Mrs* Ethel Shaw and '.I'vW . < aivy 'i humus'. In the-draw . > i \n i/.c M r*. Thomas drew -si . a.ui .received?'Imcn ' hankcrA <i 'A .n im r--al.ol couisewas served. iv i ;; <>i chicken salad on lettuce .. is-kh s. laiUerthins. sliced to ii, ?tu,_i]esl gs, Hot buttered l X'- ! hi-t 'icu'-with lemon dices. ?M.t- Ktrry (AetHswi-n wiU--entortiun . _ Tlntpdayi at'terhbon, Slay* ' .-I J 1 J|^ 111 ?IIM . r rm? \ - t , ' PlIOXE 5.626 V . *. I * . ? ' " * i - PAUL & U J . *" / it ri 4 "VTI^TX \JIjtij\-N IjKV i ' rr' ? . J W^Maks Old iAhd New One i"p - | Quality And J \ r -1 :: ' '} JJIiLJiil9-TAYLOR'STREE H . v M I llll ?I IBM? ? .' / r r~ - 1 . ' thft i'ajjviirrr THE GOLDEN LEAF ( LIB ?The Golden Lent' Club hul l il-^ )'i "tar" weekly meeium ai uic home < >. liss" Elizabeth Nesbitt, Tuesday, . lay 8th. j ' ,' ... , The' meeting, was called to oi'tL'r y the president, Miss Julia Belle ??< ^i'ompson. The SechcUuy beitHS ab? ,? ent some verbal minutes ul' iho neetin#. which was held at thT"- i.'.nn. i.l' Miss Emma Kershaw, were pre- L etned by Miss Juliet Kaiford. .nt.Tior.crepims. l ui'- ttlf' Triihy s ere' mjadn .i .Mlft Elht'L Cooke. Hrn if our te^ier-Aembera of. New Yoi l; After the business mec'ifrity tva , Miss cssiy Jackson wiil euye;tuin I ioIJ, .refreshments uoto m.1 ?? he club next Monday afternoon, Ma.. 4th. i. " " . . : i'1'1?? CARD OF THANKS ' Chester, S. C.?I wish to t.h::;;k jal' .v lid friend who so. often. visit v.- i lusbaiftl' during his illness-for- 11 rronths;' also Jr thank ea'cK miniate; or f.fmir, attendance at. the i'uneinl a:. , o6 L want to thank. Dr^ J. S. Aikw^k-' sliick t my husband ^to the verjr te>' [ must say' that the K. of lVswe. ilways on the job .to render htcir set'.-' rices at oil limes. ?Too much .can-,, not be said for this "lodge for tint kindness. Mrs. .Mamie CHanjbe Improved herself to?be a.friend indeed. She would always come to see me in ! the times of nude. May God's bless < ;nas be imored out on each o;fe w h i came ami ministered t onty beloved husband, Rev. D. B. McLu're. AL1CId McLURE (wife). PALS TENMS COCLYl. CHlJ We wish to make our'-second annoilncenient about our annual plina ? dance which avill be lu$d . We.inos- . day night, at th.. Odd l'Vllow's iia.j. May 10th. This dance will be given. , for the benefit of Faivwold fcrhmd. . Music for this affair will be furnished by hte Ajax orchestra. RADIO SOCIAL C LI B The young men of tli,e R' .Social Club j c'tiuest your prescjue at i jieii' a ft Pi'imnn donee l|eld at , hi' A . sembly Street Casino, Monday, May 21, The dance will begin at -l:0i> it'- ; clock "Und last until 8.' Music will i c furnished by the Harmony SiX-orchgs. tra. ^ . . COSMOPOLITAN CLt r, / : The Cosniopolitan Club met in . regular meeihig. J'nday. ~\pr.. 27.'.. at the home of .Miss'Ray ?a:>o . A niteresting program was . re:. ic.i after which the club engaged in. who \ ti tf piet-ty prizes Were awarded. . .Miss rtuth .cutler, 1st ] n/.o ior i dhjft; 'Pr^E E. watts, lit jjirlzcfor- ' men: Miss Champion, consulath n: I Champion and Miss .Watts, boob. X/.-js iEonasir.a an<> Ok Harry Thomas, of Seneca, receive the guests' prizes." . A delicious salad course With dev.;* crabs was served. Miss rFhonuetin-n"ibomas, Dr. Anderson and Dr. Harry Thomas were the guests of the*'e\v-\ ning: Each gave an interesting tali.. Miss 'Rav. Saxon, Mr:.Henvy-M"arrftwv ? and Dr. H. (L Thompson were ho>;.and hostess. " ^ _ A .: f , A JAPANESE I.AWN I'ARTY A Japanese Lawn I'arty, featuring harhpclied hash Will be lnid tniroh Saturday, May 12th on the luv.'n Sidney Park" C: M. E. Church. frOm 12 A. M. to 12 P. M. Beautiful Jayranese maidens will sieve you hash and other delicacies. They will look into your future under Japanese lan-i tei;ns^ escort you info the soft Japanese Garden of Love while "soft Japanese-music fills the air. "Cofne visit "Little Japan' t6?l*Ulll. ??= . " BARBECUE DINNER ilrs. Fiances Brown, "Queen i f the Barbceue"?will have?barbm. \w?d in -' ners to sell today, Saturday, May 12:h at her Assembly ^street , reside'.:".. . Yk?"'t tbiss culinary Uvrr. day. Dinners may be had .from 10:2:) A. M. to 10:20 P. M7-?. wmmmmmmmmmmmmamoB. INSURE YOUR CLOTUE3 ? IARSH ALL | 3 & DYERS : , > '" ^ >uit3 Look New .. S. s To Fit You. Service To All - |' IT COLUMBIA, S. C. |; J ? ' . . . * . . * <) iKAOKh * ' * rrf n.r: ro'i s tka i'.\ic i-v i J.ii. lv 1 uis _ l\'Li l'urv .lOniUy, .way .14-ii ut.Srhi(>\ ^ . .M., ii.' t'4H?rt4t, iioia '1'tii > .. h , -iio \vh j'h i iu-iv \s iil ljc.'.|>ti.*iuy* ; i'. !rc'SlniiV'iiis and jolly ym'i<l .^ain.e* . )*?'<! 1:> ?A1 >,1$' A1 at . VValr " i.e.', .\i l.y '.^uVv'Ti f?f tl*at ?'iul:rit\ ; - -?TWr,:' ? ?:?4 UAM.vvn* c.i.i ii io ('i{i; I'l.AY ,? , , 1 1 *"7~~?' ; '1 a*1 .1 ii-a , i'.a L.; iiv-r liiiitf lu-' 4",.!. V.!.: \ i.t-.!, -o ' u. >ii^ .-j _ . ..u.t''Rt-'; ol'-iove, u.'rU' , 1 ??.. . ' I1 IM- i. V '.I1.1.. [ " .J - . . .. at'.n C.'uirk Sti'iktri "1 \\i1 I you;-early or you. w.11 cyoi- , '.'Hit1. y.i.Mr?n-1>> .lit,-.? hi n?;i , JocS .Sli !.os- VwL':ve'' no May Lilih-. ^ Sidney I'aik ' ?*" Chare.h, \I:IiicV >.:vf:> MORRIS <<>:.TO 1'i.AT ^ 8 sinr <;ame ' | v , -l?* .... 7fj-rr.6 t'olli'S ?>ui Her id < ' Co<4? -o ^viil'rross ins Monday, .the 11th, . Ijo -Art :S'.ki l :lv \3 Kic-i . hi '<) o tw 11'.to ihe \yurld who;has ' he.right.' the LliV.iS(J-t l'l' fa.jhilV.'t am I-, a.- ! st ope ga.v.o. Tiice" i :v.'s are'highest in ninC for 11*-8. i, i-\'l i fK- nif. f .:iv ...i i t.he Baptise at thoii best Moa-iaj-. mi' 1 h s< h*rtrt"s y?n i hti;. : n ; a > i\t I* 'ci.nilnjv to \v/t:u- -s the Xj iic.v.L : Th.-. w.uV.i- \\^H j<>.' A.inits, h?wo(>.-cm?;s-. t i.I N S' tONiivSf To fit. LI EM) VI S!ll\ i V I' ' UK i \l > ' .?l?- ~ i ?-?? ? Til.' ';'ICIMVS JtP.4 Ivttl'-'iy .-r -.( t he \V<)1'];L !i.A i-.V.U sr-( ' liilliuMthe of ? ci*:n a> Si<;.fu y l'aili ?'. 1! n'ooiu-V.i'tij, e oiihij*; Majr'lo, : ' j .i; ' C Ifiiu fa M, I., ivjnjr;' i ?Tict". 1IJ L?. 1 ..Kniirivt'.lni". Ss?-Mil. AmluiM : ii yi.y i i r, .* } ? 1 tiv .e (jorilun, " ; j 1' ( .. ?jm ;lam.) ' . . /. e/'aj.j i ioa-?-Qt;ceij. Amte of* V?;!:ijj*L?ivlis ~'*M ay fir:? L. ' \\"ilSo?i.. .Li, V --Mi-. itvitv'.J; . ? ri?*?. ' ii.ii 7. ion IJltMflsL C'.iU> < 'cjn i :<;hj ''%i a. En' ?Mr-.3!av;;" M. . .'o AtI!a\\ Is. Mrs. Aln ri' Ah.s. AI;\iy-C^>ul!t? j.r./l .Mi'-.11'ir.ero. K. til?Tho*. WAjhanA.. icrr Af t'aiiv. T^cwc r. . . . i.nai ..-Um!. 11 . liujv.iii.v- Vt"aMt&. .;v - Suhulii rs. . \\*L'.sic-.y. \I. r.. 0--"?vh?Qiu;wi Mai i i : !r.ri: r a, Aus ,'t --'Mr?.. W .xkcia ' . .1 - I>iv .r. R. '.JohaVuiV. AlaKis- | AIV OPE I*. I wo .: - vT ,'v ...". O.; '; .Vi ' /, .. t A Dream c * * y ?^??V-' . ? - BY THE FIR V B \oker T- Was f " rURS , iVlA | . 8:30 ROYAL ~ t ' I ADMtSSlON , Lrzrarazrenirzn^^ . 7" ?4 y%r ^ ^ iri iv'i * ~ . l \. * A r! . New HoW; |jj; : ,,j,. ;May P| ... Vi?it "I he Garden of L< 1* r The ^jtt | ADMISSION ~ HOURS I j - ^. All Kind of ?-yr * . i . jr . ' i KUy< : < i _ ' , . ,. _ ... . .!' ' i 1:1111. . ?v. a . , . ; . .i i* . -;i ' ... . ' ; ' Vivtoiu l.Ii ** '. i' . K'i : y j.; ; * ? .'/*. * . f ' ikziSr, I.' , 'fe ^ - .'.'j ; . J i N i. K. ".xr i ! ' .V ' - . , . j ^ ^ ?y.J il'i.J'4 * v* .a; ; * t * ? .\ il. *1 ?; ' . *.* 1 : .y. by I .y : . ... . / A/ * \(^r< ~V f-' p <> ' '.i ; ., ' i rair^iam ;rv ST GRAPHS; I./; 'y. Tiin2 ton ScTAoI Y IS, MT^G; 1J. Mi?" ' / '* fHESTftE- ~ - .V ' ' ; '," A > v A A *. y ** ? V. /. v v v .' , <? r v -andTai^-*rd S hooi ? T ? ^ 17 18 ' ' ' . 1 ?. ove" -_"A' istCry Lr.nci" >sy Tonl ?^ . ^ He B until 11 ' v Refreshments -THE FACULTY ^ rf. " ' ' ' H J, .' ' . > \ " ?^ \ ; y? Z1j. ^ V' ' ' ' ' .'1 - - . l_ ??, ; ?r ; ? : ^;.K *' ' v " . t j; . . .. '. < >. . ... r-y pvZWl ' i w:;. ii(, i. v ... V, i'J'-i ,. I * v; " ' 1 1. . 3| C-:^ ? , * . . > ??? " ?_ _ :r * .. * *"y' ; * ? ( ' i.?' /.. ^:.L:V . . _ i; ! *S ' - -V ' ? ' ,'i. l' V ' V ! /?.A' .' 1 ' ~? . / f f ' 75 ; r " "~*~T ; { " \ t-;% f- ; i * ?i. f. v.I-,i i-Alii J / v i . \ ( * ~ < I.. " i . ? : * ' . y. ]. y' ,*.,' H ~r~^~? ?* ? s *- ?- -" . ' / ^?. -xrrj'v; i 1 - -- -?- ??: 1 ?? - ? ?j* ' 1 ' 1 ' ' - ??:?' "' iiaiMri 1 r. , i. . .A l w.?l . fe-r-. . ,-u^jrxrx-^, v; .'r ' ; c*v.cs- *& ''"T . . * 'J ?p ||. .r ~ * ^ ' '' "V . * : ki?i : *L . ' . .. 1 1 ' ' _ ' . ' . ? ' .! ' . ? . , ; ' _ _ ' ?.- '; . . .. : n??i i ' ' ' '< < -. ~ s. -r. ' * ' ' 7 " ' - >S?| ' V;.;- -.'il-:.: * ?. J : : --?Li'.* .;- V- j.:i " ^'L- ,-r ' T { f ' _-* ' Pf S ' . ' . . , ' J -/; --- . 1 *. ' ' +-1 - ' " * . ; ?. vJ * - - . -- n V fj' 'i-;f i ' jr , t .*"#' ^ ' * * <-TT ' i mi i .... - , .I . ',. iur ' ' --** - - j mi HI i ., , i UJJI_ i - V - r???-?_' ' >- :?,Js ? S3 _ _ . ?-?? gutii.iii i> j?Ji ?' ' " , -w vfrigpf ?. . aasa^.