HvT -f x+T ' . ' . fcurday, December 26, 1926. I! I^w I^BL? Locals Am ^ Mrs. Dan -Paterson is somes' what indisposed and we hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Estelle B. Pinckney left the city Wednesday for Jackson ?villc, and other points in Florida ^Jto spend the holidays. JDr, and Mrs. David Dixon, and their sister of Barnwell; are in the city_ this , week viliting m.W We regret very much to learn BJ|of the illnesa of Miss Mayme M^-Grilhn and hope she will soon S Miss Cynthia Nicholas arrived m in the city Saturday and will be the guest of her aunt in Heathwood for the holidays. B Miss Mamie Howell, of AsheBville, N. C., is in the city, visits' ing relative? and friends; we wish for her a pleasant stay. Hr Mrs. Artless Wallace Grace, of Atlantic City, N. J., .is in the L-xity~for an extended stay, visit^?We wish for her a pleasant stay. - -6 Mr. artd Mrs.' E. T. Goodwin, B of Evanston, 111., were visitors M* in the city Sunday and Monday; They were enroute to Winter H Park, Fla., making the trip in their new Locomobile. ? Mr. L. Palmer Chappelle, a B student in the Medical School of B Northwestern University, ChiBT" cago, Ill., is in the city for the V ? ? ? !) uuuuays visiting relatives, and ^friends. We wish for . him- s pleasant stay. Mr. Talmedge Chappelle, a student of W.ilberforce University? Wilberfofce, Ohio, is in the city for the holidays, visiting relative's* and friends. We extend him the keys of the city. Le Circle Entre nous Clut Hhad its hostess on Thursday af"TWigg Thnmocino, TVin .mas. Despite'the fact that the weather was very inclmeent, the members were oujLto-enjoy the - affprnnon After the games, s delicious salad course was served. Prizes were won by Misses ?- Cornwell and Sutton. . tained on Thursday^afternoon by "MISS Lucille Monteith "at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Games. The Christmas spirit prevailed throughout the evening and after the games, a very -delicious salad course was served, followed by sweets. Miss Mahel Jpnlfino wm Vuu ?..?o tuc wuinei 1 of the first prize. Mrs. Elisker L. Starks of 712 Richland street left Thursday, Dec. 17th for her former home, L?Tuocalooaa, Ala., to Spend the Christmas Holidays with hp* sisters, brothers and other relatives and friends. While away she will visit Atlanta, Ga., and Birmingham; as she has a bro\ i ther at the last named city. She 1 \ will return home after the New | The following invitation has been received at this office: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Asman request your presence at the marrigae of their j daughter V4 Miriam Elizabeth t to tivev. j^ewis K. McMillan Wednesday evening. Dec. 15th, nineteen hundred twenty-five eight-thirty o*clock at Second Calvary Baptist church rt^ Columbia, S. C. VANCE-LEMON NUPTIALS. Thursday ev&iing, at 8:30 o',^,'v + . . .. " d PctsohaIS | clock, December 17th, a lovely home wedding of ,charm and aim ; plicity was solemnized, when ? iMiss Virginia Vance became the , bride of Prof. R. Isaiah Lemon, :the Rev. E. A. Adams, pastor of Bethel A. M. E. church, offi- ciatingr ^ The occurence was of unusual and pleasing interest to the 1 many friends of the contracting 1 parties, which < was witnessed 1 [by a welt crowded house. ^ I The bride is J,' the youngest 1 daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. 1 L. F. Vance and is an attrac-" tive young woman of pleasing * personality. ~? ? ^ Prof. Lemon, a member of 1 Allen, University's major faculty i is an accomplished young man 1 of exceptional sterling qualities < and is much esteemed. ?l The popularity of the couple ' was shown, by the many beauti- M ful and useful gifts received 1 which were on display. -Best wishes are tendered them ' from a host of warm a?nd sincere , hearts. 'PAUL BAXTER ANNOUNCIUlJ MENT. '. Mr. Jonathan A:- "Baxter, of 1 > '?' . ( Georgetown,- S. C., has^mnounced the engagement and approach ring marriage of his daughter,, t Marian Angelin, to Mr. Robert 'HoptohTPaul, of Columbia, S. C. | The wedding will- take plcae' o'clock. . i, . ; . *7 I This announcement is of in, terest to a large circle of friends, I in Birmingham, where Miss Bax{ ter, the charming bride-to-be, is instructress in art at the Industrial High School/ having held the position for three years. She is leaving for her home , on the 24th, and many delight. ful affairs are being* planned by :close friends to fill up the. interim, among them "a .gift tea," on the J.9th, and' a trosseau (.luncheon,-and, finally "asaronara partyTwhich is the Japanese ^ -fn?" frnnrl_K?ro 5f 5+ U/> m ? ui?muflii "*=J Mrs. W. S. Williams and Miss Jjanet Goodgame will attend the k 1 wedding^, Mrs. ? Williams will Jsingthe nupti&l music and Miss . Goodgame will sei ve as maid of , honor.?Birmingham (Ala.) Reporter. __ / ' _ * Rev. Ezekiel H. Trezevafct. A.R , S T B , frnmJRnatmvM^ss . arrived in the city last Sunday * to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. Rev. Treze'ivant will leave on Dec. 31, for I Chicago, 111., where he^wilhenter) Chicago University, to take his 1 Master's Degree. We wish for. Rev. Trezevant much success. . in/aiden how art thy kisses? 'IMaiden, liuw ait thy kisses? i would know z i would kiss thee - i would crave never-more. ' Maiden, how art thy klsaea | Are they as thine heart? Loving, warm or _ Conquering as Cupid's dart ? Maiden how art thy kisses? 1 Are they as thine eyn to other Woman is the nurse whom nature ht (riven to all mankind. She tak? charge of the helpless, and nourish* and cherishes those we love. She the presiding genius of the fire-sid< Here she creates an atmosphere c serenity and contentment suitable fc the nrture of character in it# be ; ' lf ' H5TTO LBA0BR NEXT4VEEK. jive to our readers an up-to-dati ve have had to work without "look We have decided to give out week's vacation for the holidays form. Her eyes shed brightness ev rerywhere. They shine upon coldness and make it warm, upon suffering anc i relieve it, upon sorrow, and it is J made cheerful. She is justly styled I one thinks of these qualities of wo0 hYan, how can he but admire her and . be astonished and exclaim, Wonderful! jy In jTTe first" place, consider, if you please, this wontl^r as a sweetheart-. ' She makes and breaks hearts, she is a magnet which attracts or repels. - j Ilazlctt said;-"In her presence, one g feels as if he Were breathing a spird UuaL0a<'nU-" "Eyc"' t_ a good womap," says -he, "forms a companionship in Whose presence ? i wrong actions are impossible." ?tj Think of her comfortable underp. standing, her sweet comradeship, her j restful confidence, and hr tender afTectlons. Her love is the Divine passion by means of which the whple ? world is kept fresh and vn., n? ? .ft. "CI 7 love si the perpetual melody of hu? manity. It. sheds, "y ,.Oj-MlgnprW upon. youilT~ahd throws a halo around _old iage. It glorifies the present by the I light which it } asts backward. It ^ has an elevating! and purifying effect ?t upon character. Think,of woman as 0 a sweetheart, atjd I hear the lincotix. Tprcious Oxclamulun, Wonderful! ?In thO Second phee.^think of thisf rwonder as ir wife. 'Tluri" is nothl" ing which so settles the tcrbulence^ U of man's nature as oneV unii'?-i:iuuon is the daily bread upon whiol; the heart of the wife feeds. C- WiJjhjjt it, her heart will-' starve. . WiVh' t she 'will be man's best counsclloiyfor her instinctive tact will > s lead Hh ly'ght where his unaided rep' son rfclit po wron& ---AVhen ^ think.4jf the depondaTne^c<>mpanion J" ship, he unwavaring faithfulness, ' I- and tl ""'lynf 'l"Yfttinn afn-yi*ift?ti [t'ito e-x^ims, Truly, she is wonderful! \ y*frhv l^^rt'oT^ff^^^e^v^tls^c^llecT^ mothi nlTfaare's Vrna^ or piece. Moth-? er Tial/ritten no 111 iad_, nor Hamlet, ^ C- nor hi she designed a cathedral of !' | St.- Pshe" has" carved ho Apollo.*! .0 Beiuele, nor invented telescopes, *| |s but Miliis done something far bet- * i ter anlar greater than all this. It S ? V ( is at 1 knees that greta men are -? *$ L>. made, \ grente-t?jo oilueLion oi all O the wci Mother is?an ?to ?? .S?whom K lent a body ftir a b?4ef 1*1 -irirmn,Vt j mi lllll I nnrht rrnt Y ,_-i ThinlaT the wonderful love she ? has fori a love that will rot?H.t 1 ,e 1 - ?tn? go, JlvF" as old as the ages, as ? n pure -a*lid, as fi?-m as Gibraltar. . and stroy than death itself. . Thar% :e- nr*moth e How shelors that we _might be o d happy. AsUffers pain, endures q j hardshipsld disregards her ' own ^ -."ffgCTtg that mTgtvt~ succeed 43Great ryrsmake ""-great sons. X . and great Is make .great nations. ^ ' It is mothlhiood that inspires in- ^ n ventors to lnt, sculptors to carve, '?> e drscoverei^ldiscover, and archi- q S tects to coT?>t. It is mother, then $ ^ who has m?ui the great wonders g of the worw0\v much greater is 8 y tho maker M thing made! ? y M-Ms for tlliiiA.n thing", ihr gnre ft meT- 1 ,2 ,t O?means o^hat 'she is growing ? T?is for th\r,g ^he shed to save J ' iH?is for thEjj-t 0f purest gold. 1 5 |E?is for thl,s that kept watch C ,r o'er-^e.I . _i_ if ' *" R?means riA^d' right she'll al- g 13 ways be. I JS _ !r Put them Vgether, they spell g ^ mother, a worm. means the world S*. i >C 3" to me. ' j* Stop! O mal a moment! Look n at 'woman and? ^ ,l- ------ " - _ > vu me voice 01 3-yonr own HIKi declare that' 13 woman is the Ipgt Wonder in the co] *3 world. ^ _ \ mt is j Mrs. AddiAum jR very ill tw s. tat the Bened?0Spital, hut at ,f this writing, ljB reported to )r be rapidly imfcig. We hope for her Bpeevery. j 10 } JOB PR1 J J?- Our Job Departmei all modern machinery to work with speed a us atrial. Specialattei t - _ | Hair Bobbing 1- Massaging F Iporo beal J I, S, I FF.VY'S PEI'At il Our Beauty Shop is filling a Ion 8 in Columbia and vicinity, under the e.\ J5 jjdie Lyles and Geneva Houston,bothp St. Louis Mo. w Mines. Lyles and Houston are J j S know how to bob hair in any style. 1 g !?hair at all" says Mmes.. Lyles and Hoi Lp?of owitomers amb get?the bo-t?and m System-ha* Price for bobbing is only 35c. f g Hair pressing and shah*pooing, regu 5 Manicuring 35c and 5(lc. 5* . While visiting arKP, shopping in C :jg to advantage itf thk P.t-.n.ry. vh,.; 0 convenience and comfort. K.-m mnm j-|j Shop is a.\v/a^jLtn for vour service* ^M.nes. Addie Lyla. & J u PORO system irsrn |~ir S; LEEVY'S DEgAR | U31 WASHINGTON ST. Colui v o OOJOO oo o oo o.ooo oooooooooooo o c ot33j?0>tTOaooac0^t^aoj^cfaooo<^oap< | ^THE SIMPKINS' -EN 0 TH^ItEAXTNG COLORE 8 THE TWO CAF J 7?PIECE! 8" 2 Saxophones, Violin, Clarinet, Kas? V 8"' * Music furnished, for Bolls, Parties Pi where Good, -Late, Lively, High-Class Studio:. 1323 Assembly Sty O?y TFT Fl'linvPe o O I PRICES REASONABLE. : SAT C>" * o 0 LeRoy- Simpkitts, Manager, Eu 1% . !, p., Ben Garrison, ^ ; capital a : f ; . retailers : Clinchfield~A r_ i : _ - ~ - - - ~t)21 Lady Street f c8^iiDCfaco?0r8^ax>r>ryooaooo:oooic>oooC' : * ' -o? * ' Puncture Pnncfture Proof Inne Savers and Carbon Guarantei The biggest bill is P.o-o 1 r?_-i vjuo ^dvcio cinu ^arc cut the gas bill 50 per Agents wanted in for both.- Both fastst ?? H Write for* 1 e Liberal Cornfr 'v C. B. JOHf 501 -C. Markley St. C oo ooooov WHOLESALE DIREC % . Rvfery gnrmt'iil is tailored "to ymrr indlvlf lor, cold water shrunk, finest quality, all inship and service guaranteed. Selling direct from maker to wearer at wl een profits for your own pocket. Suits and Overcoats $18.50, ?22.f CUSTOM TAILORS SI P. A. SMITH, Sales Rep 17 Washington Street, * [NT1NG ^ it is equipped with r> which enables us nd accuracy. Give ; at ion to mail orders and Facial | Popular at | ITY SHOP I fcTMEXT STORE. | felt need amonj; our people 9 :^ert supervision of Mines. Ad- P fir.it-class ladies' barbers who 9 i'ou need not worry about your P jston. Just enlist in our army & courteous .serviee the Paro lar Poro price by all agents. ^ Columbia, we wart our women ?r-espetially " frtu/pped for your 1 $ and .l-.ivu.ory c< nnceted.??he?i? ?r(Phone for your, apj.ointnfents. g.* Geneva Hon on . ! S. AND TAUGHT ??I?1?^1 TMENT STORE. F Tibia, s. c. phone 7567? | > v O C O.O O OO O 0~0 Oft.O O " __Z_ - " " t 3 coo o&o>2o oao o.o o.o o .aoaoepn TERTAINERS" | ' :d orc hestra in " g r tolinas. i iolin, Drums, Piano and Cornet. & , D?fnces and for any Occasion P Music is desired, 8 Hours 3 to 5 P. M. 2-? . g .4.4-73?"175,6. ' g, V ' ISFACTJON GUARANTEED."8 gene Simpkins, Asst. Manager, q Leader,. ... A_ 32 Lincoln St., CoIurflTna,~g. U. g>A1. CO: - | ~ " _f * T OF ?^?x ^oal ' | 3hones 3956- I ~ : - ~ ~~ f- ^ 00 Q OOOOOO ODQtiGC C)Qr^ Proof \ *r 1 ubes Gas := " 1 Removersj f the gas bill, I >on Removers | Cent' ; every County | ^ ~ rms - ? : i= fission. nison ireenville, S. C. ?1 . s :t tailors lual IIIMSUTtmcAts out of fast * wool fabrics. Good fit, worlt holesale prices saves all in be_ 50,1 $28.50 and $36.50 NCE 1899. - .. reaentative, Columbia, &. C. v i