J V . U I. s. t I I Departm f I BIG LINE OF* p I Men, Womdn & CI I A Specialty? Sho | making and Tailor -Jr ment to select from ?-? at the.Lowest Pric : Connected wi I First Class Barber V ' A Beauty Par I. S. L iDepartm J 1131 WASH1JNUTOI i colum: ~ AN APPEAL TO REASON (Fjom the Philadelphia Tribune November 28, 1925.) As to one's attitude upon : question involving life, or death there can be no middle ground you are either for or~against which shall it be? The H, A. A ?C. P. is calling-for funds in thp Hpfpnso of Dr. Sweej: ei al now ondrial for murder in Be troit, Michij and other cases sooi to~~come" up" "in " the " Suprenu Court of the U. S. If you fee that the effort is worth while anc ought to succeed, express thai feeling in some tangible form oi pIsp nn nnp will ovov l-nnw + V>?n you had any feeling in the mat ter at all beyond what you saj ?aJnd that isn't sufficient. Tin ~~power of -any force is in proportion to the directness of its application. You may have lot* * of sympathy as colored pdople g.euei ally du, but ^uu wyn'O-wii .cases with sympathy plonb, any more than you can mafreThreaV with flour alonei The still smal voice of conscience is urging you to help and surely a people who have spent more than $100 000,000 on churches during the ?laat, fivp ypr.rs rnnnot c1:iim [>overty as an excuse for their tar r;" 1 A - -*n*? i*n*. ? ........ . . . . . v | I _ . CA *I-j 1 ? -It % ?T?? - Y i | 1 ? ? . : . f i Diam -t-f? JL * * j % | Fir % ? Al I I 1602 Ma -4|-~ -V X DIAMC *> >, A 9 RINGS X' I .. jf ? _ BAR PI ,"X" I CUFF L -r | | BUY NC ~ Get into the Sul 2 V J -.' --' :' . . ' " ' V '-"" *:-L. - '1 . . .i'.u '. . ? - ' ~ EEVY ;' I icnt Store f CLOTHING FOR-? | ? ?| rildrcn. Boys"Snfts | es, Millinery, Dress- | rng. ha^e Assort?| and the Best Quality :[: es. I ?: :; * T? ^ th our SJore Is ? & _ ". x SHop f or Men and t * x lor for Women i X JL^Z-R-LV V "X. ent Store 1 L- f V ST., PHONE 7f>(>7~ | BIA, S. C. | Y .. . .?r? ? ^4 diness in support or a mcvcment that is, in the last analy? sis. helping to make the church possible, The ease of Dr. Sweet ?involve!, tin i?im whii. h t hp fn1-. 1 ored people must look squarely ' itV the fr.ee. Any evasion of it ? e&n^be- bul-teroj -ovarily-. at- best ' w hen it-will reappear in a more ' aetite and menacing form. * This is a time"when vaiiL-boas ^ ting of inalietu.-Mo rigliU; free. dom and equality and all the o1 ther steroty ped phrases will 'a! vail you nothing unless support1 nrl li\* o />nn( I'ilmi w>? < l->4: VxVl ?v> CI AUllll IVUHUJi I i III L Will * hejp translate into worthy per^ V rm.mco those 'principles ami r ideals which yoi^claiiti to prot fess Althoagh-the white pre-s of the country seems to have ' thrown, a wet'blanket ove& the ' case, the ears of tho-XatiSn are 'turned in upon it to catch and analyze every 'word so as to de' lefrnine its bearing upon human } rights under the law, and do-you 1 realize tnai; tnis is yomvease j1 You claim tjr have 'trighfs \yhieh other men are bound in rosneei" 1 but this claim has been chab ' longed r-nd the world expects you to go forth nobly to the challenge [ neither begging favor, norjfear; ing~"hare in?t-be-figlit-'bfar^God the race and a better, nation." wr? waiiMiiwiiwwio'uw - i-*a lSH OR CREt XMAS GIFTS oncls, Watches And '< AT MKELSTEif IISTOCRA1-S--OF CREL1T JEWEL in Street Coluri - + .1 . I IKS ' CA.MtOS k k ? rx r. j]\u^ CARP CA ?? V.-V-' WATCH ? NS SCARE.Pi: .INKS BIRTH ST )\V PAY NEX ? ^ __ ^ *- , . )scription Contest V rrtn i?AT*nyi ^ What will you do, "blench from the., helm when the wind blows highest and prove your selves unworthy of a race?" We think not, but rather believe you will prove that "violent, primitive emotions so common to the race, have hot wholly absorbed that deeper, sterner faculty of reason which, under God, shall lead - vou to see th(j sword of Damojles hangs over you and to read vour future by the verdict in this case." If you believe with Henry C. ?Palterson that the "PoTehtiaTeqmditv all the races of men is i fundamental Lo^a^proper concerpjtion of race relation," or witli | Dr. Raymond T,. Bye, that "Race the eortam-^iour thro ugh w h iclr the race shall enter upon the 'argest possibilities," or wttli Dr. Robert W. Bagnall, that the "As-umed theory of Biological Su.. -j* j * A.i juifiiy oi one re.ce over another" is but a myth, then you ;,oUt>YP jfi wKai the National As. n'-ivlinn is doing. not only -for ' i lie rave.-but for ^11 humanity. Here, indeed". is a eh.se in w|iich the "quality of mercy is not strained and we are hopeful on. reechoing the call of the N. A, A. C. P. for aid-in its crusade against race persecution, will meet, with a -hearty "response. ' r-T'ft r.wniKir* kkfi'F.H (From The Hot Springs Echo, il'.l Springs; Ark, Nov. 28,1925) Tho :N> A. A. C,"R-is calling L v-?u for.-aid.?Think of the great work for justice' to your race which this incomparable or rqniWiion has done.?Have yon iirmind what was done in behalf 7T_tlie doomed men of the 21th Infantry? Have you forgotten the* "Eld i lie affair? We could call your attention -to scores of other'cases won for you through the efforts of0this great power for equal justice under the law. Every organization in Ilot Springs should contribute some 11 amolHit, however small to aid i in the irreat; battle"for"insi ieo'in ja race and people. Every,loader is responsible in this matter. I V-o you doing your duty? The i\'. A. A1.11". P.'li ualtlng' Iu lira! | from YOU.- . . . . 1 -CALHOT X FALLS, S. C, Greetings to The Palmetto Leader:- . - Eirst I congratulate ycu for en your iirst page at the tap* .of -i-krr 4t rl- hiand- eoriier oho will lird tho/.e words: "Thi.A paper 1* ' ? ' "? mmmmmm? i i ?> ' r * * * * * * .* ?rp:;;r* *? '"'j -Tf VY "T* i v' l x 1 $ ?I-' - - ' f v A ?' v, *.* 5,~ 1 v A V v '. '" I % XT A > A J swell'y :*: Y ^ ! A4 , ? ? -Jfc? Y v Y m:S t | kk, . 'rf $ iKT?I "S ( ? ^ ?? . - f t ? | % y " , sr,s /HAINS | & C ? V if CNF, RINGS : : *. M A ?_L_ & V T YEfAR | 1 * : ?? ?? :?You cannot loS' - . 7 ? . ' -3^ . _ , TO LBADKfl mx. iJOffN e. CUMMINGS DEAD ) < " Mr. John C, Cummlngs, 2321 $ Pendleton Street, after a long c i illness died Saturday morning c December 5, 1925. Mr. Cum- c IF .mings was a loyal member of , c First Calvary Baptist ehurchr j from which church his funeral ? was held Tuesday Dec.?8th?at-j-1 JS o'clock. L_ __ i-P John as he was ealled by those .o who know him?was a member -g of Ct'CSCmil Lodgg-Nu. 95-K. of g P. and also a member of the ? Bricklayers Union, a. large re-,^ presentation from each lodge ? attended the funeral. ' "f~g John Cummings was loyal to ? his church in the, truest sense of ? the word; loyal as a church mem- | ber; loyal as a member, of Ifoelfj Prayer Meeting, loyal as a mem- a ber of the B. Y~P. U., loyal as | a memberr of the choir.; in fact | he was just a plain christian jjj mon tirK/\ tirr.-.i 1ait/\/1 1"*" r* 11 95 man v> uu ?i.'o iu v tu ioooooo<>':>o^nd perpetu- 1 ting its southern traditions/' . 'hat ever,that means. We hear' good deal ab.out tlur ''Negro I getting into somebody's else i lace." The Negroes moves., in- j ) the section of a city hitherto j at occupied by Negroes^ pandc- ] ionium breaks out. lie is re-, y linded that he should stay a-' j ong his own folks. jC Auifct a luui; ago a i.liwtin. L. Liish artist appeared in the Og- t Hall at llamntAn he people in the community of c 1 races wantede Negro public or white pub- js This fact so incensed cer- L in opponents of this Anglo-Sax n Protective League that ?>11J ^ forms of agitation and criti-1 ism concerning the President'(; id administration of Hampton | dlowed. A l^\v thejsame auditorium. When the a nowledge of~**he?proposed <>p-1 a jarance of the Gke Club reach- Ig I-this. Proteeiivo Association aj orm of protest arose, Every [jmceivabie effort was made to't wvont, t.hg-filen Glph from keep- ,, ig its engagement. After fail- c [g to persuade the President of j ig University to cancel the en- j, agement, a call was made upon v le governor of the state of Vir-'a inifl tn nroViiliit + hn nior? PMuV, r V "V VJ1UV Q om singing at Hampton. The ^ jvernor did not intervene. The j ;presentative of this North Caolina University appeared to r jofl advantage.. The occasion r Ev5 greatly enjoyed by all. L A bill is now to be introduced j, i the Virginia Assembly fos-L red by the above named socieT, according to resolutions air nf th n n t irm r\r\ + Vi<-? 97 1^ November Be it resolved by 300 citizensT" ' Elizabeth County, VingtAja, in ' a?semhte?}rth?t we = prote.^t against the doctrines id teachings of sociall equality, I ithr ibs resultant tendency to- C I ard racial amalgamation andL g the indiscriminate seating of a hites and blacks in pubic as- J mblages, as fostered, fashioned g id foun(TetTat Hampton Nor- 3 y Contestant Wi kiHJP ~~~' '' " * '"^Ty fiatiirday December \2, 132E ^ooac^o^<^oooa^owo^"o:cf5S8 y and Facial 1 Popular at | LJTYSHOP lRTMENT STORE. I 7 ong'fclt need among our people ? expert supervision of Mines. Ad- ? T" h graduates of the Poro College, X e? first-class ladies' barbers >vho :? "Von ni'cil.mit worry abo.ut your C .louston.?Just enlist in oOr army:?J a ? ni >st courteous service the Poro g Facial massaging liOc to $1.00. c |v u 1 ;t p Pnrni p rice liy all audits. 8 i Columbia, we want our "women ? hop, especially equipped for your c jui una invuiory cennec'ieu. ine ? e. Phone for your appointments. 3 Geneva Ho ? 911 D AND TAUGHT | ^RTM E N T ST QUE. T| lumbia, S. C. I'll ONE 7507-_ | vooorvooc * oobc-bc-.ocK>? nal and A;.r irul1 m nl Institute. And bo it further resolved that * veiviVfd oiirsyl.vs ;vs reuuea- . od our represerJl-dive in the Je- * " ji.daUijLi at the next.ses- .ioUi-cf the' 'general - assembly of. i_.__ dirginia, ju<> 1.il-iting the jnixng ol ain.iem-es ai public assent- ~ ilagcs. ? " s ? The si atI'-uf-A'ir^inic? lias eg lahlished amide precedent for lampion Institute in maintain- 11 j? a whit?-principal and admin-' istra'ive board. The colored niblic schools of Richmond and iVilchburg have white princiMany st:>tc insliHitions. j ncludnig the school foivfhe coltrcd deaf and blind, the tuberulr .Miiaioi'dw*. 'lv lio.'piial foi* He-insane hewe white heads, intriK'tor.-,. adnnnistrativo officers tc. The chief agitators at the neeting held in Hampton on the !7th. admi toil, and even hoaseil 1 hat 11i;'v had nevi-r been to Hampton lnstn ute. They tad never studied conditions nere at close range and did not mow the authorities there perohal'y. still (l ey were willing o go on record as asking the general assembly to pass a law to eflvrcct-a-- conilitiQii, which__ J Iocs not exist. -- J This Anglo - Saxon Club is I insisting on Ticing "ghi'ii the ' irivilege ay. Is the Ogden auditorium ,t Hampton "the Negroes' place r the. Anglo-Saxon Club's place? VHAT KIND OF EQUALITY . , . S THIS? The physique and physiognony,' as well as its complexion esembles the K. K. K. If it ontinues to function, what will e left for the invisible empire o do among and for the F. F. V's . -T ? icrif/rn wthtt qpi torn - ? < > A V4 AA UV/I1V/VIJ UNION, S. C. thGrade Honor Roll for month Ending December 4th, 'ecolia Farr, Blanche Jeter, 0. L Brandon, O'dc&sa Johnson, Aremenrj Kershaw, Lillian Richrd, Henry Smith, Walter Lee eter, Joe Coneland, Henry Gosette, Robert Beaty. Iiss Alberts II. Ruff, Teacher. ins?See page 3 '