__ ; ? , ' ;i'? i Satnrday December 12, 1925 .' I Locals Am _< | .TTT.i.:'. . The Club of Benedict College boys entertained with a party on Friday night at the home of ?Miss Berley on Marion Street, ? -Mrs.-tillian Spencer formerly of this city but now residing in our city as the guest of Mrs, Rosa Nesbit. ? ? \ ' l:-.t.-AiWre LylesHspent the week-end in Svannah visiting her niecer-Mr^ Alber?tha? .Hume, who was ill but was much imt^??Axr/-.A L - ??j ijiu?cu vii ner return. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bascard announces the birth of_,a daughter, Teretha Leo, born = ?December^ 2nd. _ Mother and daughter are doing fine. >t. Mrs Harry Goodwin was hostess to Le Cerle Entra Nous . Club on Thursday afternoon-. The Games were played in a setting of roses and the Christ , mas spirit, prevailed throughout the evening. Prizes were won - bv Misses Cornwell and Sutton and a salad course was served. At St. Lukes P. E. Church on Hampton Avenue;, Rev. J. B. j Elliott will preach land admin | ister the Holy Communion Sun\ * day December 13th &t 11:15. A. / ' TVI ATJ. A J AX CLUB NEWS % , ?? The Aiax Social Club held a special meeting Monday Dec. 7. Tho meeting was opened by the vice-president, Mr. Heyward Friday by singing "America" followed by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the November meeting were read by the secretary, Mr. A. Rowe, after the _ opening-performance-and spepial hi. ;iness was dispensed with the u-aal suggestions and de~ " signs were then considered. "" ? Plans for the winter dances we;? made^ ' " v: ~ ' * Mr Henry Fe]der ipade an impressive talk about the kind and " J:_ time the Ajax Socials should be given. Messrs. Starks, Adams i /-i: 11: ?T. -1 ? cuiu vjiuiam aisu gave suuie forceful comments.* Mr. James Mitchell, Chairman of the Entertainment Commit. \ tee was praised higihly by the President lor the effective way program recently. The Ajax Syncopaters are enJoying great success and are to piny for the Radio Social Club's dance, Friday." It was decided before the adjournment of 'the - mppfinff to mppt. at. Hevward 0 Friday's home on 1300 block of Blossom Street Monday, Dec. 7. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF BURIAL AID SOCIETY Mrs. Siisie_..Blake McKan .attended the annual convention of the Christian Home "Benefit Burial Aid Society at Johnson, S. C. December, 3, 4, 5, and-lL They did much good for that city... Many hundreds of dollars was collected and old debts paid off. Every one should be a christian Home member, it helps you while you are in health, helps you when you are sick and buries j^pu when you die. Wn raAAf PVPrv 9nA artH 4t.h Tuesday of each mopth at Pinkneys Lodge No.61 Mrs. Susan B. McKan, Financial Secretary, Mrs. Jessis B. Legge, Recording Secretary, Mrs Corine Javis, Vice-president Mrs. Jessie Counts: A CORRECTION In our write-up of \ the death and funeral of Rev. T. B. Nelson, our reporter stated that Rev. Nelson was burfecTheside his f&ther-in-law, the late Bishop W. r D. Chappelle. This was" a hlts, ' take, he was buried by.his father and not his father-in-law. iMihMllM> llillten rthiiifil hlli Vi i 'm^in ' dw_s ; ? 1 Personais NOTICE -'? j The Annual Meeting of the i Stockholders?of? the?VictorySavings Bank will be held FriI'day Dec. 18th, at Frederick's' Hall, 1331 Assembly Street, Columbia,rS. C. ""'Z ~ .. \ i W. H. Harvey, Pres., G. C.J Floyd, Gat*hietv j??? ' "*". . , . c - I ' \The regular monthly meeting of the Richland County Teach.ers Association will be held~Sajturciay Dec. 19, at 1? o'clock at l the Booker Washington High School. | . Devotional exercises to be con.ducteddjy Dr. I. D. Davis-andre-j freshment.s sprvorl bv -fannl-l ty of New Howard. i . " ^ J There will hq a, rnntinnatinn .of the Methods and ^Presentation , of GeographyHoy Mrsr CrD: Saxyon.? I j ? Teachers are asked to -day their annual dues. . . - j j j Miss C. A. Jackson, Pres., Mrs, M, E.'Dunmoro, Chairman.Program Committee.' , .. 1 NEWBERRY NEWS a ' i ?Newberry, Doe.?W?The?Columbia Annual Conference met; in Miller Chapel A. M. E. Church Dec. 2nd, Bishop J. Albert j Johnson of N. C. presided. On '.Tuesday evening at 7 :oO a pro'gram was rendered by the talent of^MRler-Ghapel Rev. E. P.' Ellis master of ceremonies. 1 j Greetings on the part of tho; imothers and housewives?Mrs., Carrie Floyd; Greetings on behalf of the Sunday School. Miss Ruth Stephens; Greetings on the part of the fathers - Prof. U. S. Galman; Greetings on beha+f of the A. C. E. Leaguer Mr. S. E. ATr.vtin- Greetings on behalf of the F.rlncnt ional intenth^-^Pro R. F. Gladden greetings on behalf of the Denominations of.the "[city, Rev. James A. Baton, A. D. Dr-Remarks^by-tRev ' IS. I " ' j The conference assembled Wednesday morning 9-00 A. M. for business. Wednesday eveIning at 7:30 Rev. F^A. Adams preached one of his soul-stirring isermons. On Thursday evening the Rev. W. B. Bowler preached the Missionary Sermon. Friday" evening 7730 President D. H. SimS, addressed the conference 'on the work of Allen University.' 'the work of tlie conierence was completed on-Saturday at, 1:30 P. JM. A banquet was giv-j en in honor of the Bishop, mem anu an missionary wuiKers uy. i I .the ladies of Miller Chapel at the Hodge School building The" committee on entertainment is jcomposed of 145 women. They ! served seventy-five preachers at lone table, they had everything on-this table that fly in the air } that was eatable, everythingthat grow in the garden from, "pork salad pp, everything to jdrink from water up to lemon punch. 1 Sunday morning 9:00 A. M.Sunday School opened with the Superintendent E. F. Floyd pre-, siding Dean Alston of Allen U-; niversity addressed the Sundayj jSchool. At 10:30 A. M. Bishop! 'J. Albert Johnson preached a 1 j sermon from the bpok of Acts j3:6. The church was crowded to hear |hls wonderful preacher j it was saidamong the hearers it' wnn tth*~ linn!, wh evtii1 heard. j Sunday night 6:00 P. W." Bishop W. W. Beckett arrived from one of his conferences in Mississippi in company with hiy his daughter and one of the presiding elders of Miss. Rev. j E. H. Coit, one of the general of- ; 'fleers, preached the evening sermon. Bishop Beckett told about the' conference helcTin Miss, and how j glad he Was to meet with the *^ j. " yy. . _ 5 im l4; " " ?, rfTB PActarr Columbia Conference. - * 'a The appointments for Newber-|h ry Distrcit Presiding Elder, Rev, ] s G. K. Lyles, Newberry Station; Rev. E. P. Ellis, Silver Street;! ii Rev. T.'F, Harper,, Hannah Cii^|n cuit; Rev. G. C. Glover, Prospe- lc rity; Rev. W. M. Thompson, Newjd berry Circuit; Rev. C. Brogden. h Helena Circuit; Rev. Ch A. Park- I: er, Mt. Hebrom Circuit; Rev. N.'E A. Rice, St. James Circuit; Rev. d B. A. Lykes, Mt. Olive Circuit; t< Rev E.JL. Lilliewood, Prof. W.[C M. BotTifrman, the assistant Su-; B pervioor of Agriculture of Col-1 t ored Schools was ,the guests of V Mr. E. F. Floyd on last Thurs- 0 day, they visited Mt. Bethel-Gar-.a is taught by Mr. Floyd, also the Brown School, and Hodge Grad- n ed School on Friday witfuProf.I ( Gladden, where acriciiltnre is V taught by Prof. Gladden. \ Mrs Julia Huderscm passed C away on last Thursday. She was vice-president of the Worn-jt en Home Benefit Society.?She a was fluneralized at Bethlehem f Baptist Church - Sunday after- j noon by Rev. A. W. Brown of t Tenn. f ~~ ~ |? Mrs. S. T. Moon has gone-to t New. York on a visit. n livery body is asked to come h out to Miller Chapel Sunday to h hear the new preacher. f ? ? * t CHESTER PARAGRAPHS n Mr. J. S. Standback, Prof. sJ" L. Fin Icy, Air. J. C. Channel ^ and several others attended the^ Mason's Grand Lodge in Colum-i bia. thia week. Mrs. Lila Reed and little son 1 of N. Y. City, ate vjsiting rela- tives for several wbeks. I The entire city was saddened s | when the news reached here t that Mrs. Louise Stewart Moran of N. Y. City was doad, Louise f left Chester about a year and a a half ago. She was married" in nthiut casting a vote ' everybody oted for Rev. Williams as pastor for the Mt. Zion Baptist orward and thanked them for heir vote. JBut he said that you 11 will have tn give me sonif; or I am not as a man out of a ob, then; he spoke oF the Palmeto Leader and he said thatrnt light to be in every?heme?ir he state of South Carolina and lany pledged Dr. Williams when ie came back again that thcii ope was to be able to subscribe or the pa-per. Dr. Williams is hinking of coming, to Columbia ext Wednesday, if so, he will lake his business with the otties of the Palmetto Leader and oo he may stay a few days tc uok Columbia over. ' ' - ., Reporter CLINTON NEWS-?p-: Mrs. Virginia P. Kennedy and on James, Jr., left for. Plant Ciy,= Fla., Saturday 5th. Rev. E. L. Lilliewood and amily motored to Newberry tc .ttend the conference- last Sunlay. . .1 Mr. John Gary and Mr. Samlei Patterson left Tuesday or The Grand Lodge rrreetinl w CelumWa,' g)TOlMII,i. well attended Sunday morning, the sermon was very instructive; rt was Kev. B. F. BradfoTd fareweir serinorT 1 before leaving for conference. Dr. : J;vcob Williams of St. LoUis w.'lslri the" l city last week. fR. C WILJJA 4 Incorp ;i| FU RNITURE, RUGS; I v "Phone 1AIN^ST RFFT ^ | . .V?FF"M'W?W?V?'?V?' i capital" I? !? ' RETA1I [ t - ' Ciinchhek i 621 Lady Stree jit ^ ^ ^ .V *; ' _ _4~ ^XKKOTjQXtOCGv uO 0'0:00.C' O'O'O OOCTOG Jd&.WAf JL. . " - f | A School Tea cl fi.a* . rrj| and play music. ;4 ate and hold a Firs ; ;>l - Good posit^n for . - - p| - School near Co] il ' For further infoi jo ! The Palme ' . " I 3 10 Aggf f-? OQLUMl > o ?? ? ^oooo<>c>r>o'ooo'oo:oooooo'oaoooo 1 % | Punctui |- Pnndlure Proof . .3 O 1 g oavers and <^ai Guare oi J[ The biggest bil ? Gas Savers and ( Q v ? cut the gas bill 50 Agents wantec !Tor both. Both fa Write fc Liberal Cc C. B. 10 "so i -C<; ? V/ I * ' t T 11AJL 1 v_, J Wj "j " "' '. "? WHOLESALE D Every garment is tailored to your ! color, cold water shrpryk, finest qual I manship find service guaranteed. 7 SelHrtg "direct ^rom maker to wear< 7 tween profits for your own pocket. Suits and Overcoats S18.5( CUSTOM TAILC P. A. SMITH, Sal >11017 Washington Street, Miss Clara Brevard entertained members of Queen Ester's Club at^ her home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. \V. Balden of a Union, was in Camden last week. Mr. E. H. Dibble, reiiiaeil-lQ-be one. ! of the wealthiest Negroes in the Stale retired from business, last week. : : To reach the Col- ? ored people advertise in "The~Pal-" metto Leader." MS.& soNslfe orated .. " .. i . JNOLEUMS,"SHADES 1 5815 , - CoIumt>iaf3. C. * ~."rS, ???-? ?? - A COAL CO. : | _E.RS OF ? | I RED?/* ' I? f i ash L-oal it Phones 3956 f " , t s OO.O.OOCiOO.OOAO^aO7^O55S05S5SS^ EEO^zL ler, who can teach . J Must be a orarhi- ? ? ?n >t Grade certificate. _? the, right teacher. | umtfta. ~ ?i?|1== rmationv write :tto Leader ? ' | mhlv Streft | , ' r 5 _ '.>00 o 00 o 00:0 oo:oo:o:oooo^AO.QAO.o ? caiao'aoo)o:aooi3o o aoao conaocacuso CH re Proof f Inner Tubes Gas g bon Removers, i mteecl 11 is the gas bill, jj 2arbon Removers jj per cent. i 1 in every ^County | .st sellers >r Terms. - i )mmission. ? ? WNSON J~ t. GreenviHe, S. C* | o:oox>o^ox>c^x>jo:oaoor>x^ao?3?30cw^o 1 - ' " ' " IRECT TAILORS individual measurements out of fast ity, all wobl fabrics. Good fit, work at wholeeale-prieea aavee all in be >, $22.50, $28.50 and $36.50 IRS SINCE 1899. es Representative, ^ . ; Columbia, SL C. ?.? .? ??.? ?.? .. .1 .?.? i i "ina