r Saturday. 28, lOflb. T I Church News K; BY DR. J. ZION BAPTIST -CHURCH NEWS More than 175 pupils reported in the various classes in our ^ Sunday School last. Sunday morning. "Paul's Defense before^ Folix^ was pr^fita^ty disP ciisstd by the several teachers _ an delates. < At 11:30 Af"M, the auditoriiS um upstairs was filled with eager ' .hearers, because many-"~~Of the r members were anxiuus to listOTT to the pastor, having not heard ?. him in three weeks. ? :?Dr White preached John 9:28 Kp Subject: "The power . of the r>ti ^-r?xrcixgiuii. manyj ? -heart s~weremade happy as they'j ? listened to the pastor of how christians may obtain spiritual ?-power. , At three o'clock P. M~.H Pastor White preached at the' B rookland Baptist Church ac-! companied by Lie., John Oliver, and others. ? At 7 rOO" P; M. Zion was crowdtedupanddowiistairs. about 20 blilllf of tIip beon-luft-ovftr from" the hhr baptizing Monday night. Bro. John Oliver preached for the pastor.to. the satisfaction-of | the whole congregation, after which the pastor baptised a good number' amidst the songs .?'< nr?rl jivqiuoc inf CZrif\ A mnnt nn< pair! his- rlnllnr mnnny ' yet, to please do so Sunday,; t ?r" Reporter. ' %? ] ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH 'Rev. J. P. Washington, Pastor. Sunday wa-s a gTe^t d^ay with i us; everybody seems to be in: the'best of spirit. The church is in a healthy condition.. On ( "account of;the absence of '~Brorr5 R. S. Russell superintendent of | the Sunday Schooh and P>ro. E. 1M. Carr, assistant-? "both oT~ |?whom went to St Matthews to witness the closing of the ' Central Conference, the pastor j prejddsd.oxer .the Sunday-School assisted by Miss B. A. ' Bouknight. "" 'V \ Divine services were of a high oruer; tne pastor seems to be in good spirit coming up to the closing of his year's work. Sunday morninghe preached one of Ihosii-jJQwerfnl sermons of his from the subject: "The Purify-1 Text , Ezekiel 36:25-20 verses.-At -night- he again preached an? able sermon from the suhjoct: "Love an evidence of Christianity." Selected as his Text .F John 3:13-14 verses. , "z>W&-are~iust planning To seM" our^ pa^tor^to^ ^ Conference^ to us. We have the right npanjl for St* James. He is, not a grea# talker, but he puts o^br h& pro gram with a smile.f ^Ve/|iever: see him unless he is lull of.OTiiiles. Monday night>-wa^ ? bight? long to be rememberedfiji ' - I A great "Thanaigiving" pro-! gTTrm by Miss B.I A. Bouknight. Representatives both of the Faculty and student; body of Allen University played a conspicuous part in putting . this progra mover. f The program was as follows:: Several recitations were recR-. ed, and several choruses were sung by the smaller children at intervals. Solo?Mr- Thos. Ransom, of Allen University. Paner?Thanksgiving?Miss' Guitar Solo?Miss Ruby Ben-1 sona. teacher in Allen, University, i Three selections by the match less quartette of Allpn University. -- Paper on Thanksgiving?Miss Eloise Jenerette of Allen Univ. Recitation by Sadie E. Gjreep Professor of Latin. * u t Solo by Miss Lucile Broomfield, teacher of Dmestic science ? I? i ,jr PAt\ > -"inr ... ?Oration by Mr. Alphonzo Miller, Allen University. Closing remarks by pastor, and Thanksgiving song by ehorus. joicing, feeling that he and she had been highly entertained. Ibo much praise cannot be gii'en Miss Bouknight for herstrenous endeavor to put over such a program. It is an acknowledged fact that she can >ut it over whenever she starts ifter it.- . 1 (Mrs.) Rosa Saxby, Keporter Per J. M. L. ['irst Calvary Baptist Church" 'Tho Church with a Welcome." Sunday school was well attend )d. The Superintendent Mr. H. N. Harrison, .and his corps of ;eacners were on uie job. -line esson was reviewed by Miss C. B. Singleton. At the morning service the j lastor used as -his subject, God's: U'ay. Text: The Lord God j lath His way in the Whirlwind :-nd in the Storm, and the clouds ire the dust of^His. feet.?Nalum 1:3.a Dr. Long showed his congregation that even Though concerning His people even in adversity. He' originates the ^ood, and permits and controls the evils that befall men. _ 8:30 P. M.?^The B. Y. B. U. vas opened by the. president, Mr. M. S. Stewart. After demotions the following program tvas rendered! neauing?Miss Y\ llhelmina Herrin. Solo?Miss Sarah Jennings. Paper?Mrs.~H. W. Long. Address?Mr. T. L. Duckett, of Benedict College. Cornet Solo?Mr. E. M. Keitt Closing remarks by the president. At the evening service the pastor preached a helpful and inxt rnrtivo sermon from thp text Luke 19:3. ?Publicity Committee.: Mr. P. M.: Bowling, Chr., Mi's. E. W. Long, Sec'y.,. Rev. II.. W. Long. Pastor. L REESE'S D] . MRS. P. R. 1 | . A Full Line of Pate 8 Cigarettes and Tobac g Mart am C. J. Walfcoi Times. Ice Cream aT i J". : vm^ 3 1422 Assembly Street,, Y ifoffice.Phone 6026 ' -? ' m w T i?rei 1 V M. AWJ | Attorney-at-Law' V ;i* A Practice in all Cour X 1119 Washington Street, t * V ? | J. H. RO I - MERCIIAl | _ Suits Mad | ' TKLEPH ??1118Yi Washington Strreet, jfc-iVIOVINC? | Bunyan Bu >|> Five Heavy Duty X your service--We "? _ l 1 r uisiance nauis or \ PHONE 5316 ^ - -i? TO LBAPB1I ~ ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH1 Rev. J. P. Washington, Pastor. We, the members of St. .James -Ai-M;?--church arc thankful to say we have come thus' far peacefully and harmoniously. I Our beloved pastor, is expecting ] to leave jjie city for Conference i Tuesday, Dec. 1st. During this | Conference year, Rev. Washing- ton has rendered to us his best i service, which has^ been seen rand felt throughout the entire i community. He has been with us in *Werv worthy effort and has helped to carry over every program for the upbuilding of the church.** Just as he served lthe church in general lie served the Sunday school, Allen [Christian Endeavor League and all other departments ooncerning the church. He has played i Jin nriivr* nnvt in mir Rimrinv school and League. ' And in rp.- q [turn 1 we have endeavored to [play well our part and by the [help of God, we have succeeded. "~7_ i We and our sister church* Antioch Baptist church, have spent the most peaceful year ever witnessed. We have been coritmually worshipping God one with the other. We are growing both ..-spiritually a tuL financially" "but \Ve are not satisfi.Od<. I We are proving for ourjpas^ tor's return after conference. We are hoping to begin our next conference year with the deternotion of putting over a great (program for St. James. Come, Uog what \ko flrp flnwg and bplp - i us to do more. ^ " |_^^__Jessie~M. Lemon. ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH On Friday Nov. 20 the Missionary Society of St, John BapI tist Church held_its mem ing- at. _ j the home of Mrs. Emily Davenport, Booker Washington Ilts. ! The meeting was "called to or-_ | der by its .president Mrs. Rosi-. | ana Brooknart' After the opening the usual routine of business ; was discussed and disposed of. ] Our efficient secretary is with us la^rain after being called out of J- - 1' _ _l_ l 1 ..n i_ _ me cuy to ine sick oca or ner. . grandfather. Next meeting wfH -Ijehekl-frtr HTC^^ffirre-flf-Mrsr 'Sallife, Bouhvare.;." RUG STORE IEESE, Prop- ?~ -glint Medicines. Cigars, ? :cos; A Full Line of rs Preparations at all frid Sodas. ?~ g JjfftjM. ,: '1_.i$ \ ' Columbia, S. C. g 'T.. i . 1 Residence I'hone 1>T98 ? i ;_ SDERICK ...._; L and Notary Public. !' t . . ' ?;? ?i r ts?State and Federal. ' ^Columbia, S. C. !! ... - XJ ^ r^n m!o*h!h?mI**?hWhJw** ** * ** JmJ* * * *J BERTSON ;: ST TAILOR :: e To Order. ' ~ , "j ;j ONE 4003 HH Columbia, S. C. J Li * i vv %m?m!*VV * * % ^ - : ' / . \ I I ?t* *t* *t* *t* * * *t* 4 ** *t* *t* *t* "** *t* *! 1 lAULINe-^-* Trarxsf^r I r Motor Trucks at &\ specialize in long- X Household Goods, y ZOLUMBIA, S.C || ' I J . 1 ' ' i a ' ' ? . CHURCH DIRECTORY vf . ? BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH - Corner Sumter and Taylor Sts~ Rer; E. A. Adams', Pastor. ?A SERVICES: Sunday School _I 10:00 A. M. Morning Service 11:15 A. M. A.'C. E, League : 6:.5U P. Al. Evening Service ... . . 7:30 P. M. * \ SIDNEY PARK C. M. E. CHL'RCH . LlOO?Block?Blandtng" Street 1 Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor. SERVICES: . Sunday School . -10:30 A. M.< Morning Service 11 30 A. M. Epworth League - Cn'JO I1. M Evening Service . 7:30 "P.M. JONES CHAPEL A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Corner Sumter and Blossom Streets Rev. R. Alexander Carroll, Pastor^ SICK VICES: Morning Service Sunday School 12:30 I> M . V. C. E.^Soeiety !TZV_ 1 "0:30 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M.\ i # ^ ^ ' 2hd. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH" l.')00 Block Bull Street Kev. H. M> Moore, "I'astui. ~ . . SERVICES: Sunday School 10:00 A, M Morning Sen ice ,.11:15" A.M B- Y- p- u- 6:00 P. M. Evening. Service 7:30 P M I *t. C A L\ A R Y BAPTIST CH1;RCH Richland Street ??RL\. 11. }V. LONG, Pastor. SERVICES: ? Sunday School?: ??1AA0 a m Morning Service 11:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M. i WESLEY M. E. CHURCH Corner Gervais and Barnweil Sts. Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor.. ??- SERYIEESr ' Sunday School -__.ia:30 A. M. Morning Service 11:30 A. M." League 6:30 P. M. evening aervice-^^^^. 'Lao p. MT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH JlMiUL, SERVICES: - . * Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Morning Service TLJ.lj:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. ------ 6:00 P. M.. Evening Service - 7:00 P.. M. NAZARETH BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School .... iQ-30 A. M,Morning Service 12:30 P. M. B. Y. P. U. StOOP", M. Evening Service ________ 7:30 P. M. ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH Booker Washington Heights ? Rev. L. C. Jenkins, 1'astor. SERVICES: -Mornnig Service ,11:30 A. M. p v n ii - ~ - ? -- u. Q:uu r. 31. "Evening Service 7:30 P. M. ? ? ?.. . . FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. T. Hampton, Pastor ?405 Marion-Street Morning Services ll ;30 Evening Service 7:30 > "MT. OLIV E BAPTIST CHURCH 2130 Sumter Street U ?Rev. D.C. Robinson,? Pastor. SERVICES: ! Sunday School ^____10:30 A. M. Preaching ..11:30 A. M. iB. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. Preaching 8:00 P. M. ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH*? Rev. T. C. CRUtoPTON, Pastor SERVICES:- ? ^ unday School 10:00 A. M. Morninc Service. A. M. TJT5T. PrU. ___ 6: 00 P. M. Evening Service . . . 7iOO P. M. JOHNSON-BRA Funeral DirCtft ESmba % . * 1 ' 1115 Washington | COLUM1 ? * . . / ,u* jjl - m ' " % j| . . ' . 1 rrvm UNION -BAPTIST CHURCH Divine Street Kev T. Sf. Hovkin. Paator. .. SURVTCTTS: " Sonday^Srhoril ' l7):QQ A. M J Morning: Service r 11:30 A. M. ' if: Y. p. u. ? " ; TJ7 V:oo p. ' Evening Service R-nh t> m' V.vv l , AU BETHLEHEM "BAPTIST CHURCH Lyon Street ? ' Rev, g. H. Smith. Pa?t?.r _i_ / SERVICES: " -Sunday ST0H0..1 10:00' A., M" " Morning .Service Z_ ... 11:30 A. M B./.Y.T\ U. 6:00 p; M. Evening' Service 8:00 P M *-r ), . ' / , ? : ^ 1 ' ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3 . Corner Green and Gates Streets Rev. Tr T. PoHard, Pastor. SERVICES^ ' ' * Sunday School L _ 10:OQ A.M.' " ? Morniiig Service?; H'iirv~A. Mr ~ Afternoon Service 4 p. jj V. ' ' 2n5 "N'A/.aketII BAPTIST CHURCH?" Rev. R. M. MverS, Pastor. SERVICES: Sunday School . . . > 10:30 A. M . Morning Service . r :. 11:30 A. M 'H. Y. P. U. ....... 6;(lfi i>; M ' - - ?- _ Evening Service 8:00 P. M JWAO^DOXliWlCAPTLST CHURCH Rev. H. M. Alj'ers, Pastor. SKKVlCESi ' : ; Sunday School >: .^10:30 ' A-.. M f Ajternoon Ser. ice"E EE 5 _ 2 :0Q P. M; , *: Ct jB-Yr-P. U. ---77....?.; r__ 6:09 P, M. Evening Service 1 8:00 P. M 'i i i i - .? ' ' ' t- V 11 . , '?' CiIAPPI.l t K STATION A. M. E. :?? / CHURCH. Corner Senate and Pine Streeti.? Rev. I., (j. How man, Pastor. ? ?- "SKftY ICEST ?^?v"' Morning Serxice ...Is. 11:30 A.M. Sunday School __ . 3:00 P. M "Ax 0. E. League 5:30 P. M. Evening Service .7:30 P. M. JONES' TABERNACLE Rev. B. G, Gray hart, Pastorxr^ % ' v._* SERVICES: L^> u m l a }lLM4W>o I - :IW A. M -J j Afternoon Service 3:00 Pr~5T ~ B. ~Y. P. tj- ; ?.?-T --6-:O0-P. M. r? Evening Service 8:00 P. M. . LAD.SON I*RliSBYTEHIAN ' ' ~~ , Hey. I. lj. Davis, I'ustor. ' * SERVICES: . . Morning Service 11-15 A. M. Sunday School 4:00 P. M. 'Christian Endeavor . . .. . fi:00 p. M ? , . \ r r~ ~ ] . V ..... ~1 ' _ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH ?^ ? , i 415 Henderson Sheet Rev. J. P. Washington, Pastor. Y i . - ^ SERVICES: : Sunday School .!" 10:06--A - M ' Morui?g->ServterTTrr^_._ll:i5 A. M! A. C. E. League.. ^6:30 P. M. ' - - Ev^nng-Servule". -^,.7:30 P. M.1EMPLE ^Z1D3_BAPT. CHl'RCH ??>?Ridgewood ? ?:?~ Sunday School I 11:30 Morning -Service 12:30 ' ' EMANUEL A. M. E. CIIUHCH Kendlaltown. Rev. P.M. McCILL. Pastor. 7? SER\ ICES: j Sunday School .... 10:00 A. M. i Morni ng Service 1 ^0-A. M. A. C. E. League , 6:00 P.M. . *'* i iEyening Service 8:00 P. M j . - . ; i * ~ - * '? I " ' I ... . MT. OLIVE BAPTIST' CIITTRCtt 1915 Laurel** Street j REV. W. (i. iiL'NTER, Pastor. i Sunday ^School lliOQ A.-Mr*" [Morning Service 12:00 M. Evenings-Service 7:30 P. M. I - ~ DLEY-MORRIS ors & Licensed Inters' " 7~ r i St. Phone 3512 BIA, S. C. . ;; \ ' , . " J : . W-4 . , . , ~