' ' 1 - * ^ ? ? * 't ' . * DEVOTED TO THE , ? - INTERESTS O F THE PEOPLE; vrnr=T^?NO. '44. . IK 8,700 PEOPLE I ? PASSED THU ?GATES THl JRS. . r . : ?" . it-' A Howling Succcess-More Interest Manifested tl^an Ever ? Before in lis ^.History -?. . _ . . i_ O . '. r ' ALL OFFICERS RE-ELECTED " & -- Great Annual Foot Bali Game Between Benedict and Allen _l_1_ - Prize Fight New Feature _ The Negro State Fair, the accustomed Fall Festival for the colorpd ppople of South Ca.r- olina closed last Saturday with the-greatest success-eFits-longr hist'ory of~~eighteen years, so said Dr. John H. Goodwin, the president, and who has held that office for twelve successive ^years. " The peopIcToFSduth Carolina, manifested more interest than | . ever before,; the opposition of; t, certain newspapers,, the- adverse criticism of unscrupulous persons notwithstanding. Tlio pvVviHi'Ha ?/ovq tvirmn . ?~ ~ ?^ v. muic general over the state, the crowd was larger than ever before on Thursday, the big day. It is~~estimated that ' more i than 8,000 people passed thru1 the gate? on Thursday. ~T~ ; . 'I,'- -: .y V - - ' " . . ^ SAME OFFICERS RE- '"j [ELECTED. The directors of the Fair Association met at Bethel A. M. E-{ ~ Church on Sumter St., on Wcd-| L nesday night and re-elected the; M same officers for the year 1926,1 ^ wEIcb are as follows: Dr. J; H. Goodwin, President, ( Columbia^,: I Green Jackson, Esq., Secretary, j ^Lcolumbia; Prof. T. L. Duckett,' m in ilii l CnhrrtTp .Supt-j?Ti?A. Williams, Newberry, Treasurer. ?The following direct,or s.wcr&. I.i i . .1 i n * pi1 II'i,nil nj?congressional dis-?district, Summerton; W.-S. Wat-: ? soil, 2nd district, Ridge Spring;! G. Cr Williams, 3rd district, Newj Continued on page 2. ' . ?" 3 . . , . V ' * k -v^m 8^11 T PrwHtait ~9t^tlirS^tl^u^E y.. ' -; ?' " "" ~ ..'" ~ .1 I fly ' - _!^1_ H ' .v I i ' ' ' i' * . SNATCHE N. A. A. C. P. TO FIGHT FOR jj I mr.RTY ANQ?CITIZENSHIP ( American Fund for Public Ser? vice Gives $5,000 and offers $15,000 More IT IS DO NOW, OR NEVER c . e Messrs. Louis Marshall and * - r. MoorfielchStorey are Giving ^ their Services Free New York, Oct. 30?On the ^ day that Clarence Darrow be- ^ gins his court defense in De- , troiLof Dr. O. H. Sweet and 10 ,, other colored people, charged with murder for-defending-Dr. j Sweet's home frorrTa mofrTthe Q Natiori&H Association -for the ^ Advancement of Colored -Ppq- t ?. ~ "I ^ pie, Fifth Avenue, announces it has begun to collcet & jused in fighting the Sweet and other civil rightscases. 3 $5,000 has been given outfight to the N. A. A. C. P. De- ^ fense Ftijnd by the American Fund tor Public Service, known . T 1] also as the i Jar land Fund, and $15,00U mofeit7ha>s been offered > on condition tftht the N. A. A. C. P. raises $30,000 to meet it, 3 that is, two dollars for every . dollar .given by the Garland ^ - - - ? X U11 v* t In announcing the "N. A. A. ' C. P. Legal Defence Fund Cam- ' paign, James Weklon Johnson, , Secretary of the N. A- A. CL-lvmrr* r~ _ "Are 12,000,000 Negroes in Amerlc^"T5ady'"td^back up the N. A. A. C. P. in the "fight for ^ lihertyfand the Adrnmoft rights:^ of citizenship for every colorpd|. man, woman and child in n Continued on page 2. f a ??| ' h c t 9 B u n mj - c: it B? =:?? . r* =??^ ~r p t n b to, .--- p Colored Stjrt* Fair Aaaaclatton. COLtJMBTXrgrc., SATTJ sir D FROM NATIONAL BAPT BE WEEK'S EDITOPIAIg- 2 rrom The Detroit Indepen dent, -0etf-28, 1025;) " ^ THE RACES CALL. ^ . - , r Mr. Clarence Dirrow of Chi- c ago, the nation's most renown- i d criminal lawyer; Mr. Arthur^ Garfield Havs of New York of j c lational fame and one of De- r. roit's most outstanding attor-> eys, all white, have been re-! i ained by the N. ,A~. A. C. P.. to'i iefend Dr. O- H. Sweet, his two i i rothers and seven others, now f eing held on murder charge.'1 Vith these attorneys will be as- t ociated. Attorneys Julian W. 'erry, principal counsel for Dr.. c hveet; Cecil Rowiette, and i 'has. H. Mahoney, all three of 1 hese men of color represent 1 dmifof the-best legal talent of t )arrow in this case has brought f The very presence of' Mr. 1 ur city. ' . '. ?. ^ new angle of public sentiment t nd' we think favorably?so.-k Public sentiment is-pne of the n this case, as in many others. * The National Oflice ?f the N. t i. A-- C. P. 'o? New Vork made t masterly stroke when it se- t urod the ncrVirc?of Mr. bar- T o\v, not only are the Sweets fril their associates-- orr trial, I I II Mil I I II 1 I * ? lit also the entire colored citi- j enry of-Detroit,, yea, the colred "peoplle of this country, j it this time the N. A. A. C. P. ( nUrhtimr 17 restricted white neighborhood" cases through- j lit tV?o TTnifarl ' Qtofnn The. price. of_I)r. Sweet's de- $ piise is the price of the defense- f f every colored man's rights t n Detfoft, ?to Ijve where ins x loney will buy without inter- t erences. One dollar from j very man and \yoman of this ity is but trivial. This small I mount, howeyer, tvoulld, be l irge enough to make the tight v omplete and evidence the fact 3 hat we deserve the sacrifice of' I le N. A. A- C. P. and the aide v ttorneys in the cade.' t -uThiHr-far, the citizens of Deroit have responded splendid- y 7, but so far as raising money c o have just started.?Through fj he N. A. A. C. P. and the City v /ide Citizens' Committee we f re well organized to collect all n ecessary funds. r~, } G We are sure that every red \ ioodod --man ! auti -Truman will ~ ot fail to respond to the race's c all; - ' . t II. I Floyd J..Calyin in The Pitts- f burgh Courier. Oct. 24, '25.) ? The N. A. A. C. P. announces s has' secured Clarence Darrovv n minent criminal lawyer, to de- c r>ml Dr. and?Mrs. O. If. Swce.t-^ Ml nine other tturumlaiils?rrr7 he Detroit murder case, which v esulted aftty: the defense Dr. g UFA/\f ?V? n "wvi* l-> ' - 1 * ircci. mane ui ins norne in a y white" neighborhood. The resence of Mr. Darrow assures i hat no pains will be spared to f ot only free the defendants, r ut to vindicate them in the ? tand *which they took frnd The B rinciple on which they actecL s Mr. Darrowr^ireiSy' famous, ' "" - - ' *- ? ^ RDAY, NOV- 7, 1925. FAIR B THE .GAI * . j5I 10,009 DEF 1ST SUNDAY SC ^KURO?TAXPAYERS WIN FULL SCHOOL TERM IN^ SMITHFIELD, N. C.' C. L. W."5mlth of Smithfiold, C., reijurts?to the National Vssociation for the Advance nent 01 uoiorecl feopte that :ok>red tax payers of that city ecently won a light for a full 8 nonths' school term for their children.?When the Board of rrustees of the Sipithfield Schools Ignored petitions -asfc ng them to change their ruling -educing - the school term to 0 nontj,fj^ the colored taxpayers illled* a complaint in court and lad a summons issued agairftt ;Re Board""oT'Tru'stees. ,Before the time set lor a :onrt J\earing the Truslees_a^ jreed to meet with E. J. Wei-, uns, attorney for the colored .'xpaycrs, and passed a resoluion directing that the" Smithieljj lis last act in the d ,vn>i ov hfy Jr. Darrow's ex< ?< ?*. oi Mr Jr.van by cross examination /as the highlight of the evoluion figseo. " J"; Negroes the country over rill await breathlessly-the outome of this case. A colored nan's house was attacked by a /hi to mob. The man fired rom within. A member of the -nob" was killed. , A clear case f a man defending his home. Vhat will, the verdict be? .AddefF interest is"; ?.?rotrscd" bcrause the case conies up in I)eroit, a typical Northern City, t will likely prove a precedent 01; other cases. T If the deciion is adverse, it may.be the ignal . to a determined mrtvenent to retard the expansion tf Negroes Jn decent and repdclftiT T'OTTimtinltH's. ' IT it is avorable to the defendants?" it rill.be the signal to other Ne;roes to hold their own aginst ill odds. The N. A. A. G. was wise n securing such able counsel or the defendants. On such a nomcntous issue, no stone should be left unturned to get t right start on a question with lueh far-reaching consequents. 1 / ' ' ??- : MM .LOWS GC ? . HOOL CONGRESS " NLX1 SE^MUN JUNE 1926. TO BE HELD IN COLUMBIA; .; 10,000 - Delegates and Visitors Capital .. | T . <>' s r _ v ' . WAS THROUGH DR. WHITE: v y ^ He is Backed by City Council and Chamber of Commeace ? " of the City ' ! South Carolina will be the]J host of the greatest gathering j' ': of - Negro religious workers in 1 I her long history when n^xt-June-W l.the. 12th, 10,000 Sunday School ,< - workers. B. Y. R. U. ^residents* ' and leaders,, the National Lav^: Lrum?hrr-'agnu will ji!-.i-,emble hi Columbia. The brimring of this National ; Baptist Sunday School Congress 1 | to this state was through the 1 [untiring efforts of Dr. J. -?C. 1 White, pastor of Zion Baptist church, and president of the , State Sunday School and j P. U. Convention. Two years J J ago, Dr. Wftitet-tried to get this.' -igreat National Congress here,' when Cincinnati, Ohio took it i ' from . Columbia. t! i Dr. White then had the jback-B ;ing of the City. Council and the i Chamber- of--Commerce^which ! he will have this year, s.j Definite information of the i National Baptist Congress' coming to Columbia was communis - rated lu Dt. White in a ~telc?gram from the Congress' Sec-; r rrf.ary, JDr. Henry AJ^n?Bnyii-jfrom Chicago, where the Com- ] L mittcd met on Oct.*- 18th.? The Nationr.il Baptist Sunday School Congress is the most ef-j ficient, the largest body of Sun' day School workers in the world , Continued on page 2. ran 4 M <* KKKHN Jtaff Secretary of the South Carolina i *> i i I ^SHIISCKIKK AM?| ' ADVERTISE?Cur* rent, Social and Gen- * ~ ?? eral News. . ' ^ : 5c A COPY. 1?h| )ES FREE TWICE TRIFf) CONVCITED OF MURDER Wartime Finger Prints From the War Department Seta Payne ?" ? ? Boyd Free WAS MISTAKEN IDENTITY^ The State's Attorneys have been Convinced that he is not the Man Wanted ?. After being t\v*ke triedand convicted-of the murder of an aged man in May, 1918, Payne ... *Boyd, West Virginia 'colored man, goes free, the State's at- " torneys having become . con- ~ j vinced 'he has been the victim jf a case of mistaken?identity Jl' Payne Bovd as 'dist ingm>hed _ from Cleveland Boyd, the man sought in connection1-with the The Blluefidil,"" West Va., Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of~^ ~ Colored People raised $1,000 to fight'* Boyd's case- Other West : Virginia Branches of the NrA. A. C. P. .-organized Payne Boyd clubs throughout the" State and J . aroused public?interest in the case. ' Payne Boyd.,- was further identified by both*7 white and - ,-T colored citizens who testified **, <. that he was not the ma '