f* Saturday, July 25, 1925. P*-$ ? '-Locals Anc " Mrs. FJorenco Carter, one of the' nlf} TTipmhw? *>?>i foop ik qnito ill ut her 1 home on the 800 block of Hampton 'Mrs. - Rpsaip Coleman, Bftl TT..vr4n?v' street, is quite \U at. this writing. .,' { She is th(T wife of Deacon Walter" ' Coleman. , ~ ? ' ( -___- , ; . ! M. A Cantata, entitled "Rebecca" will foe given at Zion Baptist church next Wednesday night. Adults 25c; cttildren 10c. A- . Mrs. Patsy Miller, of Clearwater, | Fla., was fh the city a few days last J Ly lbs oI ''F'"wa^hing"on' St.' ^ ?flfiss Holcn Crimea uf Nuwberry, S. C. spent a few hours with Miss Rttth Dunlap, Sgtur-, day after motorinc from Irmo ? Mrs. Alice Fisher and little grand son Thomas Chatftpion, Jr. ,\ | have returned home after a plea-| I aant stay ? with relatives and ' friends. ? _ ; ? ~ , " Miss Annie Belle MeGraw ^nd-her^ PMinnie McGraw left Mon- j rkitte^. N.^G. ' Their little I ac McGraw has gone to' C- " l. Parker, and her mother ;t Van Burep, of Klmtni, ridaj^-?ta-Arisiit relatives Wc hope for them trip, ? L -Miss MildrocTC. Lance of Columbia, S. C. left Saturday for ft Philadelphia, f5a., visiting relaII lives and friends. They also F went to other parts of tjie liorth flk|.'rn states. ^?Irs. Addie Lyles, returned. ' from Birens Sunday, where she attended State S. S. & B._y._P^ U. ConInvention": W-hi 1 o thevp cVio ??io rmr" ^ guest of Mrs. . Amanda Saxon on E. ? -4iampten -St. J?f X?, i Mrs. Rosa Hampton, of 1008 Heidt her relatives in Atlantic City, N. J. t Sir Thus, Hampton, her -husband is* Jooking after the Southern Freight ^ Depot by day and living bachelor's 3^ -life bV Hinni. 1 ?=-^ , r? ~^ -r"^ ?~ ~j? -f>elle~ and Gross accompanied by Mr. ^ Allie Sightler motored to Sumter to attend to business of great importance. While there they listened to the Simpkins Entertainers. Thev renort ed a pleasant evening. .i-.. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owens, of Eau? imis, muturud lu Columbia last = ?ilrday, visiting Mrs,-Lula Bunting, oF East -Pendleton St.. Thpy rptnvnod: Sunday, taking Mrs. Bunting and Mrs. Mary. Hampton wjth them. We wish ""| them a pleasant trip. | On-last Saturday, Mrs. L. M. Grif- ( fin, Miss A'lmena Griffin and Messrs. G. A. Griffin and Amos Watson rpotored to Ninety.Six, S. C. After.spending the night there, they visited Greenwood on Sunday and made the return trip to the Capital City Sun^Ij^lay afternoon. B Mrs. A. Walker, the efficient I book-keeper of the Victory Saving^ _Bank, is spending her vacation at nwh^prtr ' NT r. Mlgg nnicy Phiii-Ii, teacher in the Booker Washington I High School is looking after heri work, (luring her vacation. We wish her a pleasant stay.~ rProminettt~amOTlg the members at- .H tending the State League (Convention at Allen University this week are: y* Prof. G. W. flowprd and Rev. J. L. Benbow, of Georgetown; Rev-.' A. C. I Sumpter, of-Dillon; Rev. L. D. Gamble I of Union; Rev. D. L, Witherspoon, of I Spartanburg; Rev. G. B. Brown, of ?St. Matthews r-E?q. Morgan of Orangc burg'; Dr. D. P. Pendepgrass and many I others. - A complete account of the doings of the Grand Lodge will be given in this | paper next week. All K. of P. memo9rg in - tho city Qml ovor -tlw- Stut?I that wish to get a eripy of this issue | will kindly get in touch with Geo. H. Hampton, Mgr.,c|o The Palmetto H' Leaden A representative of the paper will also be in Newberryjto get ^bthe news. See him if you wish to, newspaper ih the State. . Mrs. Mae Adams Black, a r Tnember of the Hcmie Economics I Department, State College, Or ,\ /> % *1 1 Personals l.e .ft" angeburg, S. C., has been granted 1 ;leavu uf ubdonce tor one year in"*3 order- to take advantage of a: ^ scholarship given, by the Gen-fs oral Education, Hoard. Site will n je_a_ve, July 2~), for Hampton.In- ii stitut'e, to be goiie until Septeraber. 1926.- WHile there she wiH r Tip advanced work in the school of Home Economics. P One of the greato*t-?raternal organzations among our people,?the Knights * of l'ythias, \\:!1 gather next week at c Newberry, S. C. A nuipber of prom- J ini'ij^.l^ iiliii of lid.- city, Sira -Le\tk\ the Grand Keeper of: Records '* and Seal; Dr. ,J. 11. Goodwin, Grand c Medical Rcc-islor:?Prof. W. II. Tliu ~1 mas, Grand Deputy; Escp N. J. Fred-rt crick,'.Grand AttorneyProf. I. M. A.!; Myers, Grand Sec'y.; L. A. Hawkins,!^ Dr. N. A. Jenkins, and the represen-[ rati VPS Tsf Dtp VoWaiic ' lnnnl " *~J ? .^co I are 'preparing to leave tho first of thej l week. A strong representation from t the "Cjourts of Calanthe will be there. ^ f , i Nerval II. Allen,-representing } thp American Negro l,ahar_Can^_ gress passed throdgh the city to establish eoniifiiLlees^Q^- action. _ for the Congress Convention. The "purpose of this Congress It-TTo organize fhe Negroes into j the trade union and to -secure better working conditions for the _ colored worker. The convention- wilL be held in Chicago, oh or about the 25th of October^?He I . _ . it (Mr. Nerval Allen") extended a'j cordial invitation to L,abor un-*1 ions and social organizations to ^ attend the conference. ^ MR. & MRSTC. H. HANNELLY ^ announce the marriage of their , .?... daughter ~ 1 L_ - JENNIE MAE ' 1 .to - _ ' MR. DANIEL. \V. WALKER April twelfth; nineteen hundred 1 _ - twenty five '' ~j* " ?t ' r iitrmiurrsunvnie, IN. Li. . i* PlUHT.SSiQN M NOTICE ^ Hi'. J. M. Walls, lias returned to the jcily iiluLivtil p-.-uiine his' practice at once , ^ - i . ic MARKtiU;!: AXNOl NCEA1ENT. U _ - ITT 1 J ?^nhouiK-c'iiH'ntri wore sent out last, week,- announcing the marriage ot Mi ss Deulah 'Pearson to Mr. Herbert Mills. They were married at Hamp- < ton. Va., mi July Oth and left soon af- ^ ter toy their new home at 901 Moiv ris Ave., New York City. Mrs. Mills was a teacher at Booker Washington 4 High School 111 this city. * EN1) HUMANE TOUR.< Hamilton Piinnl v i'nnnln J, ? w.. * vupiv ItVUI 1 I'lea'jtcr ^Kindness to Ani- U; fflitlU IJV Ihelield Secy. ? ... ' 1? Gilford, S. C.,' July I >.?Hampton ? county has had a humane educational 4 tour that was arranged by Mrs. Eu- ^ _bctuia Englud^?\vlu> is the sponsor*^ for. the organization of tho first Band of Mercy in this section more than four years .ago, at Gilford in the city * public school. ' ' T4m> first meeting was. -Qpcned.--at_4i Hampton the county seat, Sunday af- 4 ternonri when- Mr. niuui Carroll,1 ^ Sie:rfiettr secretary' of- the Ameiicaii Humane K.in.-nlim> ^.n.ii'l y, nf IlnK-: ton in company wijh Mrs. English and JieT sup, Dr. C. AT English, a" recen? *" graduate of the UnTversiuy ofMtchl-: ? First?Baptist?Church.?C. H. Hoyel ^ j a well known business man presided. 5 iur. Barron opened 111s pica lor kind- h ness and bettor treatment not only to animals but every living creature J that he -pleaded at every gathering that he alfdro ; -od hereT The second meeting was at night , in the little town of Scotia where the ' speaker irreL .an. enthusiastic audience, j a Hand of Mercy workers. The Rev. ? J. II. Thomas, the pastor of the Hope- ~ well C. M. F. church gave his even-J ?j ing .sei'vloes over tu tliu lecture thatjjj was given by the Fietd Secretary of'J the National Society. From Scotia j on Monday, the party travelled by a 5 fini* Vjiiii" ,i'Vwi*-*i ttn 1 ^ ?S_l: w*; vtmcj J held at t heifirst Baptist cliurch of j j which the Kevt P. H. Thomas is the', ^ pa^pr". In fiTTlTrg words Mr. Carroll fhe care arid treatment of the live tack on the farrivs, Atfall places* lie vas greeted by both races and it is elt that much good wtH- bt-: the re~^ nits of thgjtvisit?of- tho tour--for huaane education in the cbunty. The ectures were all instructive ainMntersting:^. /,; Aliv/ Emrlisji is doing a grmtt-SVQi'k n her oommunrty.^- ?? " sORTH CAROL IN A SI \l. * TIIiUVE R&leigh, N.C., July-?Lluit the gjjortedi teachers are yos?fn*intertstgl"\n ernar i n g Uicmreives-lor "their profession, Is learly indicatetWn- the report reeased by N. C. New hold, (lll'Ocor of the Bureau t)f Education n the State of North Carolina, vhich states that more tha-n ^our-thousand teachers are on-. he . state. Cojrmienting upon ;+re""sC1tools Mr. Newbold says: 'If the white people would see mw t.hesp schools are run, some >1' them would change their view innrerning the program that ud ication'Ts^mal^g among colored penplp " ? JNCOLN LEGION STATES ITS CASE; "Chicago, July?The following !ommunication hat^-been-^eeeivid from the headquarters oi-the ^incoln Legion, outlining the airposes and status aTfhc-orirai^ zation which is .to hold ij grand mganization convention in this :ity, August 10. and 11. "The Lincoln Legion was turned as the nucleus of a permanent organization by a group of 2x-soldiers who were in Chicago luring the last political campaign. During" ihat campaign in attempt was made to link the newly formed organization to lie Republican iihrtyv"biTt~tlTor.o :oln LSgion Were una-nimous in heir deci si on- to hialvlPfhe liinolh 'Legion independent of any )oliticaI.l party or any political jruup, and op Unit-pi ii.iip!e-4kexifteoinirrtoto mi pura????u? i ' Minn | "ROYAL 1 It Hicrli riatt iv't i. " ' n ^ Qpen? Pail h^TADMISSTOTi t ? CLEANCOOLAN I Beginning Monday Ju I ^ day_for the Kids?It is out j> - ' We Th. ? , i ? EARL PINKEF ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L - THE SIAIPKI^^ J Now Playing Private and P j A n V W li n rn in (I. t - ?*v " ?*vi V ill lit ! Music Studio FREDERICK ! . . - I'honi Ij, W.JL. Simpkins,IMftr., Ben Garrist Address all mail to W. L. Simpk c85g8ca?^^oo:ooooooaO':M:>oc>ooC' OFFICERS: 'i? ! J. C. McGRAW, Pres. ? t H. H. SMITH, V. Pres. X I f DRTJ. J. CRETAGH. Trea.r t J T. C. WILLIAMS, Sec.-Mgr. y Owr > dr. h. c. scarlett, i e. e, moore. ;j; ! ?, " 1 You Are ;f; ; ? : BURYING US, i UIN Why Not 4 f?R.' : J 1 w a l BUY FROM US. | T. < TTO LKATTM >% " tary organization. ' .?-? j "It was; deemecj neceSt-ary to give the organization a U rtipojr- 1 ary name ?to elect temp orary ollicers?and to draft a ter.'"iporary constitution in order to establish a working basis for a pei--manent-organization when a lar' ge r and more represen tat fve? group of Ex-strvice men could - -the iiafitb.ur was^small?and 'ieV-rrT. Veirthe grouff^as ,nof_as_repreentative as .it must be lh order to ... .do effoctiye^ork. nevertheless. a beginning was made. The '-ih- s shrument was-created; What it ., 'should be, how It should'operate,""" who should guide and~direet it, . 'all these'things were left to.the .c,\rser\iee men who shall ass em ble in Chicago August the 10th a-nd 11th. "The proponents of the Lin- ? coin Legion have no apolqfry UK;_ make. It happened that the KOl^Bj diers who formed this temporary organization were - Rep'ub- j licans in the last election, but no effort waS ever made by any of ra< phose mento create an lnslnu. ment-for the benefit of anv pol-. i itical-part-y. And whenever and wherever that, attempt was made | ^ it met'with complete failure. ~pn j "The Lincoln Legion is the p* creation of the?Ex-soldlers - of fr Negro blood who have offered their services in behalf of their" country, and it is up to them-to make of it what they will, "To those men who have free - ?: ? rd pv "given, llieln all to their coun- ~ try, to those men who endured<1 -tlie horrors of war made doub- I ly horrible by the most sinister ? lan<] vicious race persecution ev- I er conceived by a< nation airairist. " its. defenders to those " whose I children and whose children's f children mijght he calledupbn to | suffer a I'iiie even worse than was their lot, the Lincoln Legion | "makes its apjyeal. : "At Chicago, c>n Aug. 1,13 and jtempt to dni?l_an-4>ns-vver-to-Bui^~~^ -lard and to all his ilk. At Chi- -| cago. the Negro ex-soldier will ki *? % "* atU^jppt. to forge ah Iron that Negroes every wheikTlh Ameri-" -r ? < -?? * ? rue A TDC? It L A 1JUM 1 |\U I - ^ L t||| ^ I y At 2 p. m. ?-? ^_Ei ?: ; ; f ;= 110 and 20c c ' ?? f " ? - o D COMFORTABLE _ jj. ly 20th, A Comedy each V '3 _ > ,5 ^aim to please the public > 9 " i ' r b ;' 9 ank You ?. 2 ' A 3 ??? V | ^ a.o o<.y o ? .Aim riikm? ? |-t. ENTERTAINERS p ublic Engagements. Will go o c e Two Carolinas. ? ? ; BUHL, COLUMBIA, S. C. | i M73 - | v R. K, Simpkins, Asst. Mgr., O -J? in, Director. o :ins, Mgr., 1432 Lincoln St. - % '/ < 0 6000000CH>O^XtOC^Or>OOaOOO?OvQ iwaycross rp basket Company _ f $ led. Operated and Controlled \ *1* BY NEGROES "Tit Mannf*r?nrA*? High Grade Caskets | ;j; And Dealers in )t* IDERTAKERS SUPPLIES f \ imshart St.,! and 608 Ewing St. | |? lYCROSS * - Georgia | J Z. WILLIAMS, ;5ec Manager ^ ^ * . * ' r s ' ' ? " "It is no lin.1 [iiojk4,he 1 o^sons; to o; j'jj f?11?? discus- j to w.'jo .. int<"d it ?tnd why. i I1K i:. . , <>r_ nn nrrm ; " '' I1' " '.: ' i doing. firm I'Cwi 'f; .of S<4iih ( .- )olina. arrixorr. State ^faster, Prof. J. v V. McC'rao, S;:i'c Trea.-.uffcr. . ive and *tlv'i4i .i-.o- '>'->m'ficiar lys from fiffy ifFcre lH;ntlred.d< 0111 $25;P'> I ; f:, (-;.x0 of )Usehok] kq. k-. IfVavs from Ston street >63 A ' tUG STORE i| " Druggists :: 13 ? ? . ? ? 5t. Phone 7226 !> < > LR SPECIALTY. ;; yer Prescriptions. SERVICE.*. .. ... .. ~ UJG STORE-1r=*7^