J * Saturday, June 6, 193S. - . ' /_ J Church News BY DR. J. C ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. i Sunday School was large and l flourishing with Supt., James 1 W. Hopkins, at his post of duty 1 on time, surrounded by his host 1 of about twenty teachers, and ,( hundreds of pupils. The Second Sunday in June, 1 we will observe Children's Day,'. Mrs. Elise Pinckney King will * have charge of the music. The _ teachers are busy getting ' the 1 young people ready for the oc-1 ~ casion. ^ ~ ^ """ At 11:30 the spacious audi- < torium was crowded with Peo- 1 pie eager to hefar the word. * ur. j. u. Tobin Preaches Great J l - Sermon. -The preliminaries with usual announcements having been dis- k pensed with, the pastor introduced Dr. J. C. Tobiri, of Union to preach. Dr. Tobih used as his text: "Simon/'Son of Jonas, , loveta .fhoii me?" Prom which!'. T he preached a most wonderful " sermon. - He .swayed The" people " on his mighty eloquence at will, . _ he tore into shreds the average Negfp^conception of the Chris/ tian religion.Of the many ??gifted sons of South Carolina^ * with eloquence without measure. It was indeed a mighty ?7-timejin Ziontr???.? At 8:30 p. m., the Rev. L. C. Crafton, of Prosperity filled the! pulpit and preached an earnest and powerful sermon tn a prOwflz: ed house. After which the pastor baptized. New Howard Graded School at ~ ; Zion. Mendaynight. the New- How33 Jird rGraded school, gave a dramatic play at Zidfif Baptist church to a large and apprecia tive audience. - Prof. Dendy, principal and his faithful force ??of teachers,are to be highly com^ mended for the--splendid work they have and are^ doing for our young people. _ _ Church Locals. Rev! j. C3Whiie, our pastor, motored up to Rock Hill, Thurs-day on business. Mrs. Emeretta Washington, ton is recovering from, a severe spell of illness. ~ Had Hainniell 1300?Woek-ef Lincoln St., is and has-been very ill for sometime. ~?~^r~ Miss Maggie Beecher, who has has returned to the Capital CityT Mrs. Cherry Rabb is quite ill at her home on Laurel St. Miss Susie Benson who?has been quite sick at her home on ?the 1300 block of Hampton ia FIRST CALVARY CHURCH The Church with a Welcome. \The members and friends who attended services Sunday were delighted to have been there. The Sunday School was well at-1 \ tended. The Superintendent \ and teachers put quite a deal of enthusiasm in the lesson. An instructive review was odven Hv t . Miss C. B. Singleton. For the morning service, the pulpit was graced with Revs. ~ Brooks and Lawrence. The pastor pre&cffCfr a- logical, and instructive sermon from theText I Cor. 13:13,.. Subject "The Love oT^lod." He held his audience spellbound from beginnig to end. He gave a/persuasive reason.why we should cultivate th?habit of 16ve In all things, and showed that the supreme need of the age ?ip irinrg Pwp fnr pach nthpr Immediately after the morning service, the funerals of Mr. Roundtree and Mrs. Nixson were held, The B. Y. P. U. was held at 7:00 o'clock. Mrs. E. W. Long had charge of the program and r~zz,'": " _> Z. . 4 ' . - ? 4 esss&acea:eoasaxttexeeattea^^ | in Of Columbia \ ]| :. WHITE ~ ' , ,'JZ>r 1! , m -enaered a most excellent_pro?ratri consisting of bea-utifpl soos both vocal and instrumental, recitations and a special address is iy Rev. Davis a studenlrat d?ene^ xi lict College.~ it At the night service we were dc favored with a sermon by Dr. hi L C. Tobin from Psa. 57:7 which er sermon was quite interesting./' de The members and friends of w the church are very much elated ie jver the work of the new paster-^ who is getting new hie into ev- d? 3ry phase of the work. er l^ublicky Committee? b< Mr. P. M. Bowling, Chr. jn Mrs. E. W. Long, Sect.*?1-? } Y Miss L. F. Harrison,-Rep't'r. fh( Rev. 11. W. Long, Pastor. !sy SPECIAL B. Y. P. U. PROGRAM lt 81 ?The Baptist Youngs People's Union cif Zion Baptist Church will have a special program next^1( Sunday afternoon at 5:30 P. M.rf1; June 7th inst. In connection with r2 the__Pew Rally, JJie. Thir.d_grade P* of the .New Howard Graded ei school will give a Biblical drama V( entitled, "David and Goliath.:' Special music will "feature^the 111 . ' ' -' J* ~ ' tT program. - f1 The public is cordialljrdnvited j*1 to. be present to witness this program. - ' -"M John Carter. Pres. ; J Rev. J. C. White, Pastor.??-f : MACEDONIA BAPT. CHURCH Sunday May 31 was a big day oi at the Macedonia BapTi sFCTTurch a 2nd Nazareth Baptist Church tl confederated with us. We had d; a glnrimis; firrip Tbr> Sunday tc School was good; the lesson was p taught by the pastor, Rev. R. ,nWp Korl Q eovrv?Ar? Kir" T TP J' f T V 11UU (* OV1 lilVll KJ J U1L. t A' Watkin. His text was found in s 2 Cor. 5:17?-If any man is_ in nv Christ he is a new creature. He oi preached a good sermon. Bro.~f? ^Watkin is^a coming^ouhg preach cl Tlr Myprs praved a wonderful praver. jThe Rev. Gordon brought us v greetings from the State Con-, Mention. Ho?sakl?that?the? preachers say it was one _pf the . best meetings they have had in ~ ten . years:?The Black Spiirgeon preached on "Let there be^ no-Strife between us for we be. Brethren.- We know he (Rev. ^ R. M. Myers-) is, an able Baptist ^ preacher and if he did not make good we don't "see why. After a short talk bv Dr. R. M. Mvprs ny~good things" to~eatr~ Tu our-? regret Dr..Myers left us at 4;45 . o'clock to talrtr--the" Georgia hound train to stop at Granites---, ville and Augusta to run a ten ^ night meeting. We "wish for ^ him a pleasant trip and pray fori the saving of souls through his divine messages frdm? Jesus.s Christ. | Watch for the play "The Rich Fool," at Macedonia. I - m n'm ' ' - k [ WESLEY M. E. CHURCH Corner Gervais and Barnwell Sts. ti The Wesley Sunday School o, M. under the supervision of Mr. C G. L. Ratliff. |L Following the devotional exercises a diligent study of the les- y gon was begun by a corps of faith ful teachers, and a body of ea?r- ^ nest pupils. A splendid collection \tfas tak"i5n. The lesson was reviewed by the pastor, the Rev, "N. S. Smith. The hour having arrived for preaching the Rev. Virgil Johnj son being present was triced to i preach. He responded willing-*" ly. Rev. Johnson preached an able, instructive and soul-stirring sermon, greatly enjoyed by all who were attentive and apprec #auvr? . | At the evening services a rich literary program was render&TT" the following participants mak r ~~ , THE PALME! g splendid and impressive! >eeches: Mr. I. S. Leevy, Miss ulah-Hicks, Miss -Ruby Leevy, | and not in out> de environments, and he draes *each what he believes, lie liefieves that the laxity of >me government, home training; as blinded-the Negro to his own icial consciousness, and his own >ssihilitip? * filled Viim with -frvr<_ gn hallucinations and nas ari-' m him so far from his God iat today he is feeding on husk i which thtiTe is no strength, e believes that, sound doctrine f'lhe1 pulpit and-in-"the life' of-jn Vinmp liok^o up with* the school -room, will slowly, but rarely reverse conditions and Lye Yhei.race its; proper place i the race of life. You are asked to liear him xch Sunday, for he always has "message^ftlll of inforfnatlon of le practical side of life.^~Sihray 10:30 a. m., sermon by Pas* 'm./Y. C. E. Society; 8:00 p. i., Holy Communion. You are skedlto be pregent. Last Sunay was a high da^andTwb perions united with the church, -hile Monday night witnessed ne of fhe~ best Quarterly Conjrences ifr~the history of the tiurch-v \ : ? 1 " :alhoun falls s. c. UNION NEWS The union or the first divis>n of the .Savannah ^Valley ood Will Association convened ith the St. Good Will Baptist huroth-Ma-y -30th~and-31-r.. Saturday morning session? 'evotionals by the^moderatoiT t>v- R. J. Curry ; prayer by Bro. eo. Lewis. c ^ * -The roll of-ohurches was called. ad the messengers enrolled. Names as follows: ISpring Grove; BrorWrffFMsr^ n; Sprinfield, Messrs. Isa JohnDn, Geo. Lewis ; Little Mill, Rev. : Li. iiolbway: liolv Spring, BroT . E. Singletarv: St. Goodwill.' ro. Lewis, M. C. Herrin; Mt. j mted, t-The Introductory sermon was reached by Rev. W. M._ Battle, fter whi,ch a collection was taen the amount raised, $2.65. Electron "Of Officers?On moion of Rev.*P. D. Bull the same fficers were retained, The - of rcers were instahed-hy^Rev, J. !. Goode. At this juncture the Jnion took recess for dinner. Saturday evening session? evotionals by the moderator; rayer by Bro. Geo. Johnson; JOHNSON-BRA Funeral Direcft Efflba J "^1 ' ;; . ? , f 1115 Washington CQLUMI ? v . ITO READER .. Minutes of last session was read by the Clerk; on motion the Minute was approved; Mrs. M. S. Jordan gave a good talk; committees were appointed by the mod erator; the Educational sermon was preached by Rev. B, J. Curry the report of committees; the Union adjourned until ^thejiext Sunday morning session?L>evotidnals by Rey. J. C. Goode; the Missionary sermon was preachecTby Rev. A.'Ware; the president of the Lamar conference^ Rev. J. C. Goode, spoke in regard to Congregationalism. He said "Let the pastors, deacons, and members act with more conformity." The Union ariHi ed to meet with the Springfield Baptist Church, August 29th, 30th and 31st./ MEET^ THE NEXT UNION-. ISA JOHNSON, Clerk. NEWBERRY NEWS" Newberry, S. C., June 1?On last Sunday May $1,3:00 P. M. Rev. J. A. Baten preached the Baccalaureate sermon to the High school. He used for a siibj^ctr^Vtrat Is~m ^thme-HamhThe school auditorium where the services were hadAvas crowded" to its utmost to hear Dr. Evening Service - ? 8;Q0 P. M 2nd. CALVARY BAPTIST CIIVRCII1 Jundf. ir.00 Block Bull Street Mornl Re\\ H. M. -Moore, Pastor. \ ,1?* SERVICES: HEvtnl Sunday School __.10:00 A. M. j Morning Service :15 A. M. ! 3. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. I MAC Evening Service S 1 :a0 P M. I ? . 'x jSund: 1st, CALVARY"BAPTIST CHURCH [After Richland Street"'' ' B.,.Y. REV. H. W. LONG, Pastor. Eveni SERVICES: . J. Sunday School _- 10:00 A. M. ~ Morning -Service _ 11:30 A. M. CH/ D. Y. P. U. ? ???_?[ 0:00 P. M.I,?? Evening Service ----- 8:00 P. M. ? Cot ' " wpcn nr *? "? ?.?. ii ju? Hi. LilUllLH .. Corner G-ervais and Barnwell Sts. M?rn Rev. N/S. Smith, Pastor. - ^und! "^SERVICES: Ct Sunday School 10:30 A. M. ] ^veni {Morning Service 11:30 A. *M. | League _____ 6:30 P. M. j Evening Service 7:30 P. M.I \ - V?R 7f-- ZION BAPTIST CHURCH ... | . Rev. J. C. White, Pastor. 'Sundl SERVICES: After Sunday School : 10:00 A. M. Morning Service* il:30 A. M. iEveni tD. Y. Pt U. 0:00 P.-M.1 Evening Service 7:00 P. M. NAZARETH BAPTIST CIIURCH Sunday School _.10:30 A. M ^jorn Morning Service __12:30 P. M. qnn(i B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. chris Evening -Dei vice 7:30 Pi M. '?!T-? "i * | .[ ' | ? ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH 4_ST Booker Washington Heights I i RftVi I. C 'It"Vr"~, ^ SERVICES: I , Sundav School io -jo a bund; Mornnig Service __ .11:30 A. M. ^orn B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P,__M. C. Evening Service -7:30 P. M. Even - - - ? *? ;? ?FIFTH BAPTIST - CHURCH Rev. E. T. Hampton, Pastor ... TEM 405 Marion Street ^forning Service- ------ 11:30 Sund) Evening Service 7:30 JNlorn I-i LOOK! READ! T s THE G RE AT EST THE MOST 1 !! SARY PRODUCTS FOR FORDS TheGi d - Guides,-Equalizes. Stabilizes and Kee rutty, muddy or sandy. " Ten Dollars will save yoiu$100.00 of. spent for a GUIDEWEL. The Wesco Gas Carbon Rei makes it possible for you to drive your regardless of the HIGH LOST OF CTASt Yes^Wesco Trelps you to keep a BIG B, hoLs in your pocketbook. Then it kicks anci gives it "PEP" AND POWER. TH $30.00 when spent in purchasing the W SAVE YOUR MONEY, DRIVE YC | THE WESCO IS YOUR "PAL." > | -The Cole VisHble G? 8 Tells you four (1) things you should 1 8 1. HOW MUCH GASOLINE IS 11 g 2. HOW MUCH GASOLINE^TO 8 STATION. ~g~*~ 3. HOW MUCH GASOLINE YOU p 4. HOW MANY MILES YOU GI r A]1 these Valuable Facts in fmnt IDASff-BOARD. The Knowledge of t' you $60.00 of your money?Just for $G Each Product CARRIES AN IRON ( 6r money refunded, after ? thorp tria P. B. MDC Representative_in Kershaw, Ricl boro and Chesterfk P. O. Box 41, Office 1203 N. Ca 1 4XMRRN, SOUTH _ ___ _ ? -- i * . . FIVE NION "BAPTIST CHURCH . Divine Street ' , Rev. T. M. Boykin. Pastor. SERVICES: ^ . - w_... . ly School _j r---T 10:00 A. M. _ ing Service 11:30 A. M. P. IJ. 7:Q0 P. M. , ng Service 8:00 P. M. I LEU EM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev.. S. H. Smith, Paatof. SERVICES:. ?y School ___.__T__10:00 A. M S~* ing Service .."11:30 A, M. P. U 0:00 P. M. ng Service i .. 8:00 P. M; IARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH rrer Green and Gates SfreefT : - ? Rev. T. T; Pollard, Pastor. gwUVir-Kfl. - . viy School' 10:00 A. M. , ing Service LT__?_11?16 X. M. noon Service .1 ______ 4 P. Rl. lAZARETII BAPTIST CHURCH 1 SERVICES* iy -School 10:30 A. M. ? ing Service J I __ .11:30 A. M. P. U: 6:00 P. M. ng Service .71 8:00 P. M. .JLV' EDONIA BAPTIST CfiURCH Rev. R. V Myers. Pastor.: 1 opmUfipg. ' A'. jf T ? . I iy School 10:30 A. M. noon" Service |__^'_l"2:0f0 P. M. PfU, 6:00 P. M/ ing Service i_M_ 8:00 P. MiLPPELLE STATION A. M. E. ----- CHURCH. ? ner^Senatfe and Pine Streets. Rev. L. G. Bowman, Pastor. * ing Service l^._ll:30 A. M. iy School 3:00 P. M. .E. Leaguo'"*! 5:30 P. M, Tig Service 7;30-P. M. ^ JONES TABERNACLE BV H O R.M trKnr* XJI v?iu/?ai V| A QIVUI SERVICES: T r \y School -10:00 A. M. noon Service 3:00 P. M. P. U. 6:00 P,_M. ing Service - 8:00 P. M. /' ' " : , . :? ? ? \ .... ' 1 LADSON PRESBYTERIAN Rev. I. D. Davis, Pastor. * SERVICES: ?._ * ing Service ?U:15 A^ M. ay School -1 r^4:00 P."1!! tian Endeavor 6:0Q P. M. . JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH -? 415 Henderson Street ev. J P. Washington,?Pastpr. ?SERVICES: r ay School 10:00 A. M. ing Service. -11:15 A. M. E._ League 6:30 P. M. ing Service? 7:30 P. M.:_ TLdgevyoo1 R CAR AND BE HAPPY. 5 isofine Gauge -j mow when driving: M . YOUR TANK? ?^ g _ ORDER AT T11E FILLING | GET WHEN YOU BUY IT. ? .T A GALLON. j of your eyes,, even on your ? hese facts?FOUR?may save S .00." ~ f? ?V ]LAD GUARANTEE to satisfy * DANA, 1 liland, Lee, Sumter, Marl- > dd Counties. S mpbell St., Telephone 453, 5 1AHQ11NA ^ 8 r ' ^