r .... ? r Saturday^ May 2, 1925.- . Locals And Mrs. Helen Hood and daughter-Lit?ff tie Miss Helen Lewis returned to Atlantic City, Nv J., after spending ( friends. t' ~ " b ^ . t Rev. E. P. f2ljis, Pastor Miller Cha- j pel A. M. E. Church, at Newberry, S. 0?, was in the'city a few hours Wed- t nesday. i . i , . a Mr. W. H. Reddick. successful tail- \ or of Laurens, S. C., spent a few days j ^ln the city this week, visiting rela- S - &*ea and friends. ' ~~ ' = = Dr. W. S. "Thompson, Practicing" Dentist of Georgetown, . C.f was call- ed to the city this weekr- on account of the death of his mother; who ( \ was buried^from the Sidney Park C. M. E. Church, Tuesday. Dr .J. D. Williams, of Newberry. ? passed thru the city Wednesday en- 1 ^[route to Orangeburg, to attend the ( Palmetto Medical Association. ? Mr. Frank Calwy reTurried home for ^ a few days vIsic_to ~ relatives and "1 friends, 'after quite a stay in the i North. Mr. Calwy is now residing j ' , Dr. and Mrs. Teele, of'deorgetQwn, f S. C.fjpassed through the city Tues- ^ day on their way to the Doctor's Con- ![ vention at Orangbeu^g. They spent 7 1 4 a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. ' Pearson, while here. " T h A terrific wind-storm that threaten- ^ ?d to do severe damage, tore .off th tt roof of Dr. H. H. Cooper's residence t '*"< in Pinehurst. Mrs. -Cooper seems to r fc??-house at the time of the storm;?No ? _1 one was hurt. _ _ * MR. & MRS. LAWRENCE MACK r announce the marriage of their daughter -AGNES LAWRENCE " """" to UK. william a. Mcdonald February 23, 1925. Columbia, S. C. t ? AJAX FROLIC BRILLIANTLY p-? DANCED. ? , ? ii t The Odd Fellows' Dancing A- i< eademy, on last Thursdayeven- ing was the* scene of, muchj^ fiplenaor ana enjoyment, wnen ajj Knot nf tVi a TrrviYnrroT nnntoTv cHf ' r??vuw vx V11V# ^ VUI45VA Mvyay wj | ^3 gathered as guests of the young) j men of the Ajax Club. The Academy was elaborate- t J ly decorated in gay colors. Thejf \ place at eleven o'clock, led by|" 1 -, Mr. Henry Starks, accompanied j by Miss Sadie Mae Adams. f , Punch was then served to the \ merry dancers, that they mighty H refresh themselves. ; \ J Wonderful music was rendered c ? by "Wright's Celebrated Orches- lj 4- tra" ^ r ; Quite a number of out-of-|b town guests were present. Viz: jh - . Miss Elizabeth Dougherty,; i-of'c Howard University, Misses Ale- 0 r~ thfaTtaMett^nd-Mamiefianders of*" Qh&rleston, Mr. Williams, of t Sumter; Mr. Frank Adams, of I ' ^ Greenville; Mr. B. T. Miller, of I Laurens a>nd others. c |T The affair was chaperoned by r Mesdames N. J. Frederick, Re- f becea Gantt, Ethel Adams, D, 'ii I H. Means, T. H. Jones, Gazella d vChappell and E. B. Lewie. ? t' PHI BETA SOCIETY OF ALLEN?^ ^ UNIVERSITY. ~ 1 j . b .f Because oil important duties which ^ t.hft President and Vice-President ** late, Mr. Sawyer was elected Presi >'^1 dent Pro. Teni. for the time being, j 1 Mr. Joseph Freeman read a very in- i S teresting paper. The male division"! of tfao~Gleb Club wits practicing and-j { la the reason so many were absent, j) Professor G. A. Singleton, lectured^ ii on^he book called "Toward the Un- |S I derstanding of Jesus," by , Vladimer J Lf Simkhovitch. It is needless to review! j I* * hook or person unless you have a! !< ?baekground. Jesus' program was an H coa.omical one. . [ I. U?Priesthood, 2.?Baribe. ;8. San- - j Ihedrin Court. 4. Mistaken IJeas of ij the Messiah. 5. Jesus and Barrabas. ||> After his lecture he asked for ques- ! Ut tions and several memDers responded, j j ^'jv Response Miss Osmona L^Sttterrj mr'' On the next meeting: * debate waft. ; had. Resolved: "That fnen of action j have been of hiore benefitTthan men i I'' of thought.'' Affirmative: Mr. HarII?T old Johnson and Mr. James Sawyer. < II 1 Negative: Mr. Lewie Thompson and j f| . Mr. Alphonao Crawford. Rebuttal: t ' $ Personals^ _ 5 j dr. Suvvyef Tlnd Mr. Thompson. Jlenn and George Smith. ? ioth sides. The Negatvje won, bul he Affirmative had the strongesl joints but failed to prove them. Rev. Holman was a welcome visior and gave us a short taHc~bn: "Th< 3oul of the World is Siclc with Sir ind Ignorance.". Paper on "Music' vas read by Miss Katheryn Sharper Refreshments were served to th< society and friepds. Katheryn Sharper, Reporter. Harvey Wants A Jtuuu >nal . Seneca, S. C., April 27-?Edit )r Palmetto Leader : In reading the Knights of Py ;hias official (white) organ, oi South Carolina, how I wish we lad an organ tor "cuss and dig :uss" matters of vital concern se far a>s the braves are interested )ut of -8 ordOtlTOTisand -hrayel ;he maj ority would willing t<: welcome such a mouth piece a? iome professional |nen going armnd posing as a "K. of P.", yea v.e-have,men of thre g^niE lor tn rlt'OU; I\n fVio. nfrlor r>r ;very thanksgiving day. Were mu to ask such men, .what- h ;|\c name and number of ycrni adgo'i^they woiiTrRTear up their hroats many a time ere the cprect answer would be given. _ A. iide from all_ol that-Ave need a rournal to blow our horn. So vateft ? (your uncle) Harvey, at the ALLEN TAKES GAME FROM ? BENEDICT. In & game of heavy hitting, Friday lllen's nine defeated Benedict to-the une H) to 1. The game started off well end lookLd^as. though It would be a clo^e afair; but Allen's sluggers opihed up n 'the sixth inning and put four mar;ers across the plate, ms the work of the pitcher Reed for tllen. ' ' iCflrrjBy^lrtnmga^ ~^ dlfiH. - - 000 004 33X--10 ienedict 000 000 100? 1 Batteries: Allen, Reed and Swinon. Benedict, Richardson and Mc "arlan. Umpires: Pinson, Morris College, Claflur Osmona LeVallie, Reporter. CRAM) VISITATION. "Excellent companion J. S. &tai> iiicinsr'TL.' K. of thf state ftf South Carolina and Jurisdiction, visited Leaco Chapter No. 22, R. A. M., on ast regular convocation. After conferring the Royal Arch Jegtee, Excellent Companion Stanack favored the Chapter with a very elpful lecture. After which the ompanions enjoyed a delicious repast f salad, sandwiches and punch._? t.R rRirri R ^FisiTRR.isjoiia Wednesday, April 22- T.? Cercle ?htre-nous-Iine? with- Mrs. -Alma Rhodes. Quite an interesting lessor onsisting of sentence structure and crb forms- was-?had. "The usual deasant social hour followed. The quests .woro then invited into the din ng-room where the hbstess served a elightful repast consisting of shrimp alad, crackers and Russian iced tea, [*he first prize, a dainty piece of linerie, went to-Miss iilfian-Watts and he ronsoiation, an'attractive Jar ol ath sftlts, to Mrs. Elise Jenkins. The Chrtrwttl meet next with Miss laisy Roach; ; 1 STOP! !: t I I iiHH 1 E ? ? ( | " " . o^?^y\>Hyty<>*Q^>**Q*< ffiWiWMMMMWMP^MMWMMfclMMWfclMWWM ? -F .;-:',. __ I_.. 11 I 1 * * ' _ LITERARY AND SOCIAL CLUB. ! = Thfe Literary and Social Club > which ^was" organized Feb. 2 2, 1925 gave their first Afternoon Social April 24, 1925, trtrthe reside mce ol Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Davault. A pleasant time .was ^enjoyed by all. Icc eream and cako .was Braved, /winch ' Wftfl very refrenhinp ??~ ? i This Club is making the social life t more enjoyable. *' : Officers: Hertesine Cannon, "President; Eva Castor, V.-Presiderit; Pru? dence ~ Claris Secretary! Blanche i Jackson, .Asst.-Secretary r ~Willie Mt' chelle, Treasurer. 3 IN MEMORIAM. In sad but loving remembrance of = Fenton ~E. King, who departed this = .lifPi Mnv 1i 1Q9^i 77A bitte^ cup, a shock severe ...UV T 1 1 j . xu paxi. wixii yjiiM riuvta so aear, My loss is great, I'll not complain, -- Dut trust In God to meet again. ' " In a world of pure delight, F In a land where there is no nighty? ; Fenton, I know you are dt rest, _?Believing^ou are a-welcome guest." ? His "wife, (Mrs.) M. L. KING. ? ? ?;?~ LF HUDSON. j Miss Estelle Hudson,, who had T charge of the Beauty Shop at J. S. ' Leevy's Department^ Store, 1131 Washington street, passed away Saturday ' night, April 25, at 8 o'clock; at the . on Pine Street, where she was resld-: irig, "while^ making her home Tiere. _The news of Miss Hudson's death ' came as a severe shpek to her many r: friends and acquaintances, which num-~ considering he* short so ijourn here. The following letter of condoleTTce" was sent to her parents by Mr. I. -S. Leevyr ? Columbia, S. C., Apr. 30, 1926. = To-Mr. ancT Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, 38 West 137th St.,? . - - New York, N. Y. It is with very deep sympathy for - your bereavement: and the loss^o? your ::OTlY Tlatighter, Mice Enteric 'Had^nYT We send these words of comfort: Miss Hudson was a lovable young I woman and nil wVi<-> Irmir V.Q?. _? ?... ".IX/ ixnv ?T uv;i| 1UVCU ' her. . She applied to me for a place inmy Beauty Shop, stating that shet wanted some work to do while recup-f jerating from rpcent operations. I did I i not ask her for any .recommendations, but admitted her on'her'womanly api proach and honest face, and I was 4not?diaappoinled in doing so. T" ; Hrar>fc-0od for-my acquaintance jwitir. such a beautiful Hfe;?The?stnntbw+ of her influence will forever grace our business. Like a mighty tower, she stood at the head of our Beauty Shop. Her advertisement " in the weekly and daily papers, her irrtroducjt ion to "prominent men and womeneverywhere, the excellent service she - rundered her customers, who were ?r?rr'?MMTTfy -4w TTL* ? :? |6*w?t'"6 auaiuia nxv.c u imguiy ar* ! my, "caused men and women eve'ry| where to inquire for her arrd-to seek" I after her service. She was like ai j candle on a hill, giving light-ttr all. | We shall miss her from our store, our social gatherings, our church services and our mingling on life's thoroughfare as one of our own. : __ With faith lfi4 God, we cease our weeping and continue our journey toward the sunset of; our own lives, be' of eternity^ we will greet Miss Estelle ! along with the Redeemed of God on the other side of the river where conI t > gregations never break up" and Sab _ , I S. LEEVY, Prop., Leevy's Dept. Store. ~ ? ? m -* Newber i-y^NewSrNewberry, S. C., April 27.? r Th re w~fl? A vpry lnrprp*7?rmrrl. nf Tpeople in town on last Saturday. READ AND I If you are Fashionable Place for you to have your ] you from $5 ^o $10 on eac I carry the BEST in Woole make any selection you des Sired style to your measuren A Trifthfa-aH T ask. emrand Styles.?Come Tod* aee a Fpll Line of Up-To-D J.W.BI Merchai PHONE 71 ? 713 MAIN' ST., >.. -> ' , , : ' HByrcyfcgADER - The farmers are getting throug. ^planting cotton. The Agricul "Tural beys of Mt7 Bethel Gar ' many school, are through plant f -ing their cotton projects. Then . are eight boys who have tw.< acres of cotton each; four , pari " -time boy"s7"ergTifeen in the evening class all through. There was a high day at Miller Chapel A. M. E. Churoh all dav SunHflV " Tho Rpv X, JRDavis preached - the morning shrmon. At 8 P. M., the church was crowded tc^ the utmost, to hear Rev. II. W. Walker. He preached from Isa. 28:10. It Wfls ynl sprmons Hay. Walker is one of the coming preachers.? - It has been announced arid well advertised that on the second Sunday in May it will do anyone-good to be at Miller ChajDel to see how easy the members" raise one thousand dollars. The Tribes. Each tribe is. to bring fifty dollars. We have heen told: that some of them are-ready to report. The President of Allen I University, Dr. D. H. Sims will lie our guest all day." Also other distinguished friends from Columbia. Come arid see and help mrttets graridratiy-f ortheTemodelling. The chureh^work wilt "bpgln "at* once. Mrs. James Wallace was car-1 Tied" to the hospital and also -MlS. F01 tfirheld. -on" day for "operations??Both have: "been perforrriect Mrs. Maria Emory one of the oldest and most beloved women of Utopia Section, died on Friday night. Mrs. Emory was 76 vpora nf ooro QVio nroo o A/..t/^4 Ky?tv um? <* uc y WH*? ed woman to her church. She is ^iTrvived by "onp. son _J B. jftfflpry, rme rtaughteiyMi s.Mai1-" ^hall and a host of relatives; Funeral services were conducted by her pastor Rev. E. R. An- i derson.-Sunday 11 A. M. Inter- I ment in iianah Church cemetery. -- ; The people of Newberry^^re very glad to have Rev". Dillard back agaiy as-p&ntor oaivdry Presbyteridi jchurch, He pasjurty y^rs ago.?He= must be a'good man to repeat himself. Ir BethleheA Baptist Church. On Sunda1" morning at 11:30' o'clock, the ^ev. J. A, Baten, pastor of Beth^hem Baptist church ! brought a venderful message to; his people, ^aking for his text Evndna 'A ^ Tlie following preachers v^re present: Revs. A. B. Caldw^l, C. M. Means/one of Bethlehe/Vs newly licensed prpnrhprs, old Father _H. ! Hentz. vAt 4 P. M1 the Young Men's JTorupv met-iir its regular meeting, Th-esiden^N. C. Lake, presiding. Invo^ion by Rev. C. M. Means. A er which the pasTur inlfuducef'^RtuT-Sr-E; Martin^ a newly licer^Bd preacher from Miller Chapele(K. M. E. church. .Rev. Martin Reached a strong encourgaing ^"Vmonj taking for his text Cor. tfU5. This' being Rev. Martin's Vefond sermon, a) though it woulj^have led on?, to believe that hdnhad"been: -in the fielcf for a numre8" of y ears, r"Miss Carrie X?tMor gan wa3 at the piano, accprO^anied bv Mr. W. C* Baker, wie \ his violin. nof sh '? ' oiS3X??wa8?5 eag I i or Conservative tnin3 the* jj next SUIT made, viv^an save s 'h Su.iLy?out5buy:,)ouw 1 on'y 1 ns.?100". Pure _ m. You f lire, and I will mar the de- J lent and guarantee "u a yiT. ly or as soon as yot. ? ate Woolens. d RO . ilegf 1UNSON _ rp~ ? - mtrj qt Tailor . -? ' ; - ? Z^ COIAJMDI^^ ,-wfrn m, 1| 1 n ijyfiiiiii- 11 f| h --ftjrs. Ellsworth Patterson, c - ganist of Bethlehem Bapti - church is on the sick list. Ho - she will soon be out again. 5^ Mr. R. E. Patterson, from tl ) firm of Patterson ft- Pratt ? t dnrtflking ?stal>Ushment ->we , to Union?Sunday to-coraitret tfuneral for a white undertake accompapied by brother Jes: White/ When it comes to cq] ducting Tunera.Ia they are on tl j jobvTzr' The B. Y. P. U., was in fu bloom-on Sunday evening wit Master Eugene' Schumpert ? the piano and Mr. W_^_CL-Bake 'with-his .v-iolin. .Mr^jiaker-4sTbusTmfno" ma^of this town rui ^ning BiU'berr~Shb] After B. Y. P. U. service: Rev. Baten preached a wondei 7"fyl sermon^takiay lifs^text tror Ueremiahr 6 chapter and 3rc ve^se. He "certainly preachy j\\lth^f oreg/ Ife is ther?fees preacher in the state. Rev Pollock and Rev. W. K. Wilsoi -were visitors at our^chiirrh m Sunday nighf."?- " ~ * The Missionary. Society * o Pethlehem Baptist churqhme at the home of MraT Fforenc* Clerkley. This society is doim a _gj^atr"WrrrlC-_T?Tt^ -busi ness^ of the afternoon we wor< highly Served with ices, and cake We always enjoy being at the -homo of Sister Clerkly.?Mrs Marnier. Botrglnss is President Mrs. J. A. .^Baten, Vice-Pres." ^ftarrre Lake, Sec.,, and Mrs. *? J, > > Gussie Miller, Treasurer: i I X, H. PIF I UNDERTAKER. I??"?erf South Uaroli 8 B Pihckney's Sani BEST EQUIPPED IN TH t? ~} FOR Y< |_Uttic^ Phone r;U7 I J 1006 WASHINGTON ST., | OWEN Merchai IWe carry a ?of ?Bomes& r | Woolens?Cn 9 i r 1 | before purcn; | - si ^ 1117 WasJ , "^honc IMPERIAL I ' i i| Prescripti ; | 1105 Washingtc g?? Everything carried i 2LX. . ocnrcr-RiPTinr t rneov^^n ? iv. ? W^ -call for and YOURS PF.R1AL * 1 ' . - _ ? wa* . v *? ?"* ? SEVEN - - J '" )r- Bethlehem is planning a great- ist rally for the third Sunday in .4.-^ pe May.? Rev. H. M. Moore spent a fewhe hours-in town, returning home ft- from GresnwdQ(I,~~where he has ~ nt -jeerr-visttihg his ^mother. We a are always glad to have such ;r, men stop \\7th us at any time, se The Cadet Boys of Newberry Oz,..are drilling hire.?They~are uhie der the command of Sir .J. B. Giles and Sir E. R. Miller. They ill arp lnnkinrr 4-- il ... iuj naiu LU LI1G COmh. i h g of tha Grand Lodger which it is to be held in this place in Ju?Thev are lively'and-full of _H g Pcpr~ Sir Tr. it. Miller is~l jr Sergeant of H. E. Williams CnL_n~ 57 "No. 32, -U. R., and drill master 3, for th$ Cadets. *- ,_3chg Rev. J. A. Baien was out n 4)T town this -week, conducting- ~ 1,! revival meeting for Rev. Gandy, d Pastor 1st Baptist church, t Groo'nvillc, S. C;., r ' """T ~ \J Mrs. Gussie E. Miller called n | the Lady Courts together Friday a4_afternoon -Tor^ ^the purpose of iorganiziing a C&lanthe Drill f Corps. They met at the home t jot iir J. B. GilesTETCaldwellSt. j'They ""hope to have-everything rOn-readiness for?this" coming -4 Grand Lodge.;_!f7^?7_?-??? 3 The members* and Inends of ? Bethlehem are glad _to know? * that Sister Charity Montgomery ?of Coats street and Sister Mary riniu'^V,?_ " 7 , KJi. pianuey street are , i able to be out again, after both ' having undergone an operation at the Columbia hospital. iJCKNEY I 'vi' 11 .in ii I na and Georgia. Cheapest Undertaker, Very Best Service in | T77 * "" H ~ LI ?-WITH _ J Complete Motor Outfit. | Second to NONE in tlt^H .... tary Barber Shop E CITY. COME AND SEE KJRSELF. ~ _ - ; , 'COLUMBIA, S. C. St PAUL,?JL? nt Tailbrs I . complete stock - | -i and imported? | ime and see U.s ?" g , a sing" your next UIT :\ t llngton Street 6963 >OOt?C?^OOWD^XADro-CAD^rroW0^7g0<--' > X"Xt,*JwM"X',X',X"> < '. '> <' : ! < on Druggists > 1 |j >n St. Phone 7226 ,n a I 'irst-claaa Drug Store: i MS OUR SPECIALTY. deliver Prescriptions. 1 _ FOR SERVICE.: ' ' ~ | DRUG STORE i? ? < ? ?" ? < > ^ ^ f.j r~~ ^ -1: l