The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, May 02, 1925, Page FIVE, Image 5

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-V, ' ' -. _j^rda>%_MSy^2^gg. t j CRurch News p?j by DR. J_C ZION BAPTIST CHURCH RAI8- , ED $1,664.90. , OTHER NEWS ITEMS. , ^ We had over ^three hundred;; pupils in Sunday School last Sun- ( ^?day morning, Dr. . ^toodwin i and his able assistant, Mr. James ] W. Hopkins were elated over the . progress of the Sunday School. J were raised. ; Lesson was profitably discussed. ?- rhand atT L111307 ^wh en pastor ] /.- White, began his discourse. Dr.1] i White preached a most wonder-j] sermon from the subject. j< "Lifting up of the Serpent of 1 t Brassj." Tbp pastor^aid-hare th** fact that salvation by" the way 1 of;the- rosfl -was the only salvat-J iorr. A large delegation of men ] from HamleTTN. C.. and Char- ] Iotte. was seen in the conprregat-'] ion last Sunday morning. Col-i' lection $80.00, l( At New Brookland - _ |< At 3:00 o'clock the pastor j i drove his big Cadillac over to ? New "Brookland, where he met ! his anxious members,, a number ] of white people wore in"the au-'i ~~Z dfence tahear the sermon. ~ Bastor White preached from ; ?- -?-subject of "Lost "Opportunity" 3 which thrilled the entire-church, * A church conference was?.held U' ^i to Arrflnw snmo ii^iirnV, r?n<-fA?n Vm ww ^ w\/??iv V/iiui Vii II ICl t tCX k5j , P this having been done the meet- I ing adjourned. Back at the Old Ship of Zion. At 8 o'clock the church ,waa? filled downstairs and,_scores were, ] seen going up in the^~galleries.j< - Dr. White had just gotten up to itake his text, when he spied Pr._ I. D. Davis, pastor of the Ladson Presbyterian church of this city coming up the aisle, he conscript - .ed Di. Davis in the evening serr vices.. Dr. Davis preached not ~ only nn infltiTiiTm'ljii'i mnn hut ' ^ a spiritual one ,as well. - The V? whole house was well pleased to have Mrs. I. D. Davis in the con? gregation as well. - ? - -1 Then came Off the rally. We placed on the table $1,GG4.00 in cold cash. The congregation was; -"r f dismissed-amidst shonts of en^ --thusiasm. - I ' =? |] Other News of 7^" | Mr. Curtis Porter and Miss 1 Lorean Surgues wei*e happily married at the parsonage by Dr. J. C. White, last Tuesday night, amid a largci^mmursfi_hf-4mungl - . ^ people^ Mrs7"Julia McGoirfnick, wife of Rev. McCormick, a highly es- | , v fcomorl momKnr nf 7l Art Por?fiof !' f i Kvyv/iiiv^v* uivyiiivvx vx uiVii passed away last Saturday. Heri ?funeral-was preached by the pas-j tor, accompanied by Dr. R. W. ? Baylor laot Tuesday. ?r HBamuel Dennis, young, member i of Zion, who died on Scott St.TT between Sumter and Main, wasj funeralized from Ziorr Baptist, last Wednesday at B p. m. ^ j old regulars, underwent a very; serious operation at High Point,; N. C.t but is much better at this, :t siting. - ^ - Miss Laura Bvrium,?of the' ? -, V ' t . Sophomore year at Benedict col__ lege underwent a serious opera"Iton last Wednesday at Benedict: Hospital. Mr. Jno. Porter returned from ~ Coatsville, Pa., last Tuesday, after a> stay of two years. FIRST CALVARY-CHURCH The Church with a Welcome. un Saturday, April T?5fFl, the Pastor and wife, Rev, and Mrs. Long were given Quite a happy surprise by the Clubs of the - -?church. The Church Aid Club gave a beautiful gray kitchen ca-" i^ binet and a> dinner-set, the Volunteer Club had a lovely corigokitchen floor and the Dorcas club t V . ... . ... - w Of Columbia | - WHITE mett eixhle furt h e living rDomT+ Rev. and Mrs. Long are very, grateful to these Clubs for the Wonderful expressions of love and cooperation. t _?Unday- School was opened at 10:00 A. M. The Superintenlent, Mr. W. H. Harrison and his teachers were on the job" The lesson was reviewed by Miss Mams, a tea-eher of the Sunday School. 11:15. pr*?flnh?d''ii: /ery- instructive and helpful ser-^ non from the text John 10:29,30." His subject was: "Eternal Life." j Immediately after the sermon, Rev. Player offered prayer. Two candidates were received for oaptism. ' ?-?f TiOQ-p. M. The B. Y. P. U. was held with the President, Mr. M.- Sr Stewart presiding. The urogram was conducted by Mrs, i nasina_ jNesbitt. The subject; 'The Cathay ot Marco-Polo and Shina was presented in the form of reading by Mrs. Hattie Stew-| FTnr^R, Blakely??In-; strumental Solo by Miss Ila L;" i Stewart. Cornet Solo by MliE."i M. Keitt. A reading onth?*%s"-' sen by Miss iiidna .Cratt. ' [ M. The Pastor pronchod from the text: II Coir 12:10." "WheriT am weak^'then . am I strong.'1 ;?- - " Mr. and Mrs.. Dillard of Second Calvary worshipped with us Sunday- evening?Glad Mo have?011. Crime again; \ The Installation services bogan' Monday, April 27th, 8 P. M.fandj ftllLclose Sunday, May 10th. The public Ts cordially invited to ?ome out and enjoy these services. 1 publicity committee,* Mr. P. M. Bowling, Chrr, Mrs. E. W. Long, Sec'y., .Miss L.F, IIarrfson, Reporter, Rev. H. W.- Long, Pastor. lANFft^WAp^T. A M K "710*1 CHURCH . Cor. Blossom and Sumter Sts. has in store for all who may come, great things and these, things are handed willingly by' the membership?and?Paator. i Last Sunday \Va>3 a high day 1 with u.s, Tho Pnqioit Rey? R. A^r lexander Carroll, delivered two5 masterful sermons. The morn-; ing subject was . "The exalted, name of Jesus," (Phil. 2:9.), and from which subject die assured J us that , there was no mame soi lasting as the n&hje.of Jesus, and the subject was-tjiscussed.iinrWj the following heads?1st. Why! this name should-beycohsfdered/ above every name. 2nd. The; Significance of this name. 3rd. j Th&_lrile import of?the?name.4tn. The Greatness of ihe-namer5th. Its durability. No one who heard this great Gcrmon Went a-; way"~without food Jfor?anothe*4 weekf but in order that they may! it ' not nave tne cnance to get a refreshing draught during the; week, they came back Sunday night to iiear a message-on "T|ie Widow's Mite" which was a great message "and . fuiHrf information which was very great-, ly needed at this time when the hearts of men are turned from duty to God and the Church and ?eel that jvhat the.v_do is mnrPj of an act of charity than {hat; of one's Christian duty. After' having given the setting of thej message, the occasion of the scripture as presented, the. Doc-' tor gave two general Divisions; of the message?- XaC. !iume~oi; the things which the incident re-j vealed concernfnjr Chsisk 2nd. | Some of the things which itre-| veals concerning ours_elves. His. conclusions were indeed in keep-' 4 I ing with the delivered message And every one wa? benefitted,We | &re-inviting others to hear the; Gospel from the Gospel preacher.! THE PALMEr NextSunday, is Zi- ] on Day, the day set apart by the ! last General^ Conference to be observed all over the Connection in honor of James Varick the founder of the Church. The ] Pastor.jyilL preach, in JJie-rnorn-X ing followed by the Holy Com-p 8 P. M. the Pastor will deliver a ' message giving some historical ' information of ttnrChurch from,, its organization, its struggles 1 and present achievements. You should hoar him,-and' know Jjle I1 Church, as such. The Afternoon 12;30 Sunday , School to which 9 persons were 1 attached last Stmdsjr^and they are- joining every ^Sunday; 4 P. M. The.W. H. & Fi Missionary " SnniAtv will Ytzrvo ?oaS?n'/n>o V -vnvfi OWi VIWvJ and a special sermon will be delivered to them by a visiting Minister, selected by Mrs. C. J. Benson, the President. 6:30 Var-,' spetia! program which isdn keep ing with this growing ..depart- i' ment. ~Coifte and be a part of uar: ?-?-?-?- ~ i' J -ST. LUKE P. E^UHURCH J The annual Easter electiQnj was held Monday night April ;1 13th. 1925 and the following i Wardens and Vestrymen were, elected to,S?rve the ensuing year j1 Mr. RiRgPaul, Senior Warden,: Mr. R. SlRobortn^ Junior Warden; Mr/Elliot Wiley, Mr Howard 1 Williams, Mr P* .T Cnrlpy, Mr | W. H. Winthrop, Mt. John-Evans Mr. Harry flood win, Ml*, flartar' Williams, Vestrymen. On- Sunday, April 19th, the Messrs?HL-H. Mobley, F. P.; Paul. .John. Elvans?and -Howardr Williams, were elected delegates: to- represent the Church at the' Annual Council to be held at St.J Armes" P. E7; Church, Cayce, S.j G.;July, 1925. Sundays morn-j ing 11:15, Prayer and Holy.) Communion by the Rev. T. T. i Pollard. Sunday school atr4-:60; o'clock. Members^ and -friends j arp mosT cordially invited to be. present and worship with us. .REV?PLAY ER'&-GOSPBLrTABER. NACLE. . i . 3 Everybody is invited to bo with us Sunday, May 2nd, 1925, at our Gospel | Merth, of Spartanburg to preach for ?He is a very fine speaker. Cume ' out and hear him. . _Qn_..lasL Sunday. wa had- a v?ry splendid sermon preached by the Rev. Alexander Carroll, D.? D., of Jones' Chapel A. M. E. Zion church. Dr.1 Carroll had this choir with him. Ev-^ j erybody was well plepsed. If there ever was Missionary -work neededr itis there on 1017 Washington St.j( Gome and help us with our Gospel service. . . _ ___?UREV, W. P. PtAIR: J TWE SEVENTH DAY ABVEN^ -TIST CHURCH. ~ There was quite a turnout; last Tuesday nijrhtr^at^ the tSev- r enth Day^Adveiilisl Church, toj witness the play "The Twelve Tiibes." The pastor wishes, jto1 thank his many friends, thru 1 the columns of this paper, for their kind assistance and coop-! ?-?? v : ... * | eration. t. The interest is still at fever j heat everySundaynight, at the' Adventist Church, on Henderson street. The subject for Sunday night wtlt be^'The Woman cloth-> ed with, .the sun, and the moon I under her feet/' Steropticon j pictures will be used to illustrate the subject.^ All are cordially j invited to attend. Admission i I JOHNSON-BRA I Funeral JDiredh ??y ? ba I 1115 Washington COLUME C- --?? * _ _ /?? ?? -j~ ~7^" ' ~ _ * ITO LEADERS " ~ " Free. -Our slogan, ""Back to the Bible." BETHEL A M. E. CHURCH _ Bev. IS. A. ADAMS, Pastor, Bethel Church had reasons to feel proud Sunday. The Sunday, School punger people are taking a great part in its' operation. Large congregations met the pastor both morning ind evening. The churBti was thinking in terms of finance, yet four perrotrs utrited^wlth the church. Three men and one little girlr^ The League is still alive, and we are aoping tfchay?=maay present Sunday. Irt~otrr-first check up in the rally, tve had $1,51:1.93. The captains have gone back to double their . efforts. 'Watch for our next report." Sunday is Holy Communion. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WORKING WOMEN MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. Congaree, S. C..?Thh first annual meeting of the Working Women Missionary^ Societies~rrf Lower Richland, met on the 19th of April, at the Sijoarn Baptist Bhurclr. JBe^otionahT'~were conducted. by. JBm. Wm. Jones. Sec. of the Working Women Society of Congaree. Prayer by Sister Daisy Taylor. The welcome a?ddress^was made by Bro. R. L. Blue. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting was to discuss ways and .means by which we ean do more mission work and to bettor our .cendt. tion in every r"?: The subject was taken np with much interest and was well discussed by the many delegates that attended the meeting. Another meeting will be called at an early date, to complete unhn^ U.? rni? j*-" iMi.-MMi'M.-i?me?ionowing Societies were represented:^ 1. zion Benevolent by bister -Bertha Davis, Secretary^ 2. Stg John Excelsior Daughters by Sister Sarah JohnsonpDresiderit. 3. Jerusalem New Enterprise by Sister Mart-ha Deas,_JPresident. 4. People's Mission, the Men's Society, of Hopkins by Bro.'E. J. Morris, President. 5. New Light I Beulah by Sister- Fannie Johnson -and Sister Marie Wilson^ 6. Siloam by^Sfster Julia Mock, President, and Bro. R. L. Blue, Secretary. 7. Horreli Hill by Sister Daisy Taylor. 8. 1 n!.x. ^ ee uy lister l^ouisa Cioodwin, President and Wm. Jones, Socretary. Ways and means were well diocuoncd by the fulluwing delegtites: Bro. R. L. Bluer-Sister Louisa Goodwin, "Sister "Martha rah Johnson, SisterjBer-tha Davis, Sister "Marie Wilson, Bro. E. J. Morris and Bro. Wm. Jones. "Hymn 392, C. M? was lined by Sister Louisa Goodwin; at this hour, a>U rose ,and gave praises the "truth and the life. Benediction by Rev. G. B. Neal. Wm. Jones, Rec. See'y~ ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. C. CRI MI'TON. I^tnr' SERVICES: Sunday^ScJtiooL : 10:00 A. M. Morning Service iv. 11:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:00 P. M. EMANUEL A. M. E. CHURCH II on/I lo ?Rev. D. M. McGH.L, PffSTOr.? ?-SERVICES: ? Sunday School 1 10:00 A. M. Morning Service 11:30 A,.M. A. C. E. League 0:00 P. M. Evening Service SUlO P. M. - ' HT. OI IVE BAPTIST CIIURCII 1915 Laurel Street REV. \V. G. Gt'NTER, Pastor. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Msrnlng Set1 vleft r?- 1:1:00 ""Iff: Evening Service 7:30 P. M. DLEY-MORRISI irs Jk. Licensed Imers St. Phone 3512 HA. SC. ~ w ~ : ? ^/ CHURCH DIRECTORY i" ~ ~ . . ^ - _ BETHEL A; M. E. CHURCH iSi Corner Sumter and Taylor Sts. jM Rev, '?. A. Adams, Pastor. B. I,' , '' SERVICES: ?? . E ; Sunday School 10:00 A. M. 1 "^Morning Service 11:15 A. M. _ A. C. E. League . .6:30 P: M.. B Evening Service _ 7:30 P. M. "SIDNEY PARK C. M. E. CHXJHCH X 1100 Block Rlanding "Street ? Si Rev. W. E. Farmer, Pastor. M ? ?SERVICES: Sunday School i 210:30 A. M. Morning Service 11:30 A. M. i Epworth League 5:30 P. M.I -Evening Service 7;30 p M g-] JOXES^CIIAPEL A. M. E. ZION [ ~ -- 1 ? Vll L/ UV/11. Corner Sumter^ and Blossom Streets Si , Rev. R. Alexander Carroll, Pastor. M SERVICES: !A 'Morning Service 10:30 A. M. Sunday School ^ -12:30 P. M. V. C. E. Society 6:30 P. M. n Evening Service - ft 00 P. M,? ' ? 2nd. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH St t 1500 Bloek Bqtl Street ? * M Rev. H. M. Moore, Pastor. lMj SERVICES- -E1 Sunday School 10:00 A.-M.+? ^Morning Service _ 11:15 A. M. j B. Y. R. u; _ -6:00 P. M. ? 1 Evening Service 7:30 P M. J ' ^ ?---v- .. . | Si 1st. CALVARY,BAPTIST CHURCH Aj Richland Street B. REV. H. \V> LONQ, Pastor, j E^ ~ SERVICES: iSunday School? el 10:00 A. Mrj-? Morning .Service ?11:30 SA. M.T7 JU-X. P^-U. ? ? 6:00 P. M. j Evening Service 8:00-P. M. ' ' . ^ TX'^VMtfErHTTRrif .!rTfr= Corner GerVais and Barnwell Sts. j Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor. ! opnVIf'Pfl. {-A, ? ? UUlt T IvlvkJ - ? { Sunday School 10:30 A. M, Morning Service j^__ll:30 A., M;| Livening Service ??v ZION BAPTIST XHUR(J U J? Rev. j. C. White, Pastor. i.^V ___ SERVICES: ?U- |Ai Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Morning Service _I_1_ 11:30 A. ' B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:00 P. M. i ,i . i"_ -t j NAZARETH BAPTIST CHURCH --L_ Sunday m, i Morning Service _i____12:30 P. M, I B. Y. P. U. -1 5:00 P. M,f-1 Evening Service 7:30 P. M. | ? I -I- ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH Booker Washington Heights ^ Rev, L. C. Jenkins, Pastor.?j -?SERVICES : s ' Sunday School ..10:30 A. M. ~h. ,y. p. u. o.*oq-p* m. ? _Evening Service 7:30 P. M. FIRTH BAPTIST CHURCH ? Rev. E. T. Hampton, Pastor T1 405. Marion Street Morning Service ... ? 11:30 St .Evening Service 7:30 Mi ELOOK! READ! The Big THE GREATEST. THE MPS'] SARY PRODUCTS FOR FORI 1 The Gl< ? Guides, .Equalizes, Stabilizes and h >5 rnttv mn^Hv r\v Qflnrlv Ten Dgflars will save you $100.00 spent for ? G4JIDEWEL, > ^Xhe Wcsco Ga Carbon H makes it possible for you to drive y regardjess of the HIGH COST OF GA Yes, Wesco helps you to keep a BIG holes in your pocketbook. Then it kii and gives it "PEP" AND POWER. ' $30.00 when spent in purchasing the ^ SAVF. VOI R MOMFy, 1THE WESCO IS YOLR "PAL." The Cole Visible C , -Tells you four (4) things you shoul 2? 1. "lHOW~MUCH GASOLINE IS ,2. HOW MUCH GASOLINE T 8 ^STATION. S 3. HOW Mlth friAsni.i\F. \( 15 ^ "HOW "M ANY MILLS \UU ? AH these Valuable Facts la?trc g DASH-BOARD. The Knowledge of c: you $60.00 of your moneys-Just for Each Product CARRIES AN IRO: T:~"" P. B. MDI | Representative in Kershawr R ; a boroland Chester 8 P. O. Box 41, Office 1203 N. CAMDEN, SOUT ?>?0 i<li "FIVE UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Divine-Street '? Revi T. M. Boy kin, Pastor. SERVICES: - -J inday School 10:00 A. M. orning Service 11:30 A. M. Y. P. U. 7:00 P. M. c ^ 7^ ETIILEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH " Lyon Street- * Rev, g. II. SmiHy^-iyvr SERVICES: ; . mday Schoor lb:00 A. Mi" fk orning Service 1 11:30 A M Y. P. U. .I 0:00 P. M. ^Pni f? cr fsavi-inn O nr\ r? - * - ? . >-? ? o;uu r. Da. p.-jmaryls episcopal church Cnrnfr P.r^n on,I Htv. T. T. Pollard, Paator. ?? SEKVICES: mday School 10:00 A. M. orning Service __11:15 aL.M. . ^ ~ fternoon Service _ 4 P. M. d. NAZARETH BAPTIST CHURCH ' Rev. R. M. Myers, Pastor. . SERVICES: mday School 10:3^PA. M. ^ _ Y. P, U^_? 6:00 P. M, reping Service-^, r..?8:00 P. M. MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH" " Rev.'R, M..Myers, Pastor. ^ , SERVICES; uuojr ouiuui r_i.u:au ^A. M. a fternoon Service 2rQtf~P.'M." Y;p: U- --^?? 6:00 P. M. _ filing Service 8:00 P. M * 3LAPBELLE STATION A. MHCT ^ _? k CHURCH, * ?-?7-??i- rCorner Senate and Pine Streets. -^SEftvrrF!^ ' ?" orning Service' ?.?.nil :30 A. M.~ inday School -___4 3:00. P. M. ' * ' C, E, League: ?__1 5:30 P. Aliening Service 7:30 P.AL y } - " : ' ~ ?? JONES TABERNACLE Rer." Omyhart, Pastor'. rt?t?VI^FiS. _?_ inday School 10:00 A. M. ^ fternoon Service 3:00P. M > - ' Y- P. U- JL 00 P. M. H /ening Service 8:00 P. M. ? -LADSON PRESBYTERIAN . Revr l. D. Davis, Pastor. r " SERVICES: ?orning Service i ___11:15 A. M. inday School 4:00 P. M- ? iristran Endeavor 5:00 P. M. ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH 415 Henderson Street ?Rev. J. P. Washington, l'antur SERVICES: inday School 10:00 A. M. nrmng .^ervicg----"_ i -jl rng"~AT~M." ?? C. E. League .-6:30 P. M? .-erring SjMice-- 7:30 P,4*L EMPLE -ZION BAPT. -CHURCH Ridgewood inday .School _? 11:30 1 orning Service-: , _42:30 * THINK! ACT! j: ""v r USEFUL, THE NECES- I DS. WHAT ARE THEY? gi [peps Your Eurd ON THE ROAD~* of your money or your life when ij; s Savor a net i [r emovcr L_x_ ?I our car as much as you want to :Ji .SOLINE?hands off your pocket. BANK'BOOK by closing up th? J cks out the Cough off your motor x FHREE DOLLARS will save you ? WESCO GAS SAVER. g irrki t n?n a %mi. mi. -A .fri ? mm ? - ' ? ^wvyi% pr/ flArri. ;* jasoline Gauge ri know when driving: IN YOUR TANK. O ORDER AT THE FILLING I 3U GET WIIEN YOU'BUY IT. _ ~ GET A GALLON. ?nt of your eyes, even on your* ||| tjhc^e facta?-FOUR?may save j, . ? 16.00. | ^ CLAD GUARANTEE to satisfy rial. ?'* h i ?-* DDANA, jj" ichland, Lee.^hunter, Marl- ' field Counties. - ? -? Campbell St., Telephone 453, ; I? - : H CAROLINA. ? . ?- | rtrfrfrfrtrtrtntfc^^ ' - - . .u??? m