? ^Saturday, jVprll lg, 1025. 1 Church News ' 111 BY DR. J. C 1X0aQ308C&Q3^^ Q&.OX& 2nd NAZARETH ? MACE- L ? DONIA Sunday being what 4s a del- ei ight to all Christians?Easter, e the Sunday School was_opened 1 by Bro. Frank Watkins. The i -*v -devoted Superintendent and fr teachers were In" their places, j t Afterwards the pastor reviewed r the lesson. - ig At eleven thirty to our del-it! -jghLJJie Dr. Mvers preachec^ a a soul stirring sermon, There-1 were ho dry eyes in the church, [i some-jwerej-shouting, some- say- k Trig Amen. '~~T 7. J 4 Twxrthirty found ua at?the t \?-Macedonia Church. Bro. Frank If ? Watkins preached from St. (ft Luke, 24r48. He made a good 1 talk. Rev# R7M. Myers hasten- j I at Little Zion from I Kings, 13: jr 14. Subject "There are*many |ii Pilgrims sitting under hte oak 1; tree."'? - z.u , 7:00 P. M. found us back to the 2nd Nazar^Jh Baptist, to g the Easter exercises. The pro- e gfam Was good. The teachers I did not leave a stone unturned in h making it a success. p Mrs. Ada Lewie and Mrs. Ke-'t res in the_Sunda>y School, __ After the-program we?had?q the Easter Rally raising $19.47|F ? in cash. The prize of $2.50 in f gold was awarded, to little miss11 Williemay Goodwin. ~ a j At 8:30 P. M. we attended thej?exercises at Macedonia. Mrs#! I D. M. Littlejohn is the efficient I Superintendent. r She always ; a?has a grand program. j r The Rally al the lallei church i was $20.30, 1|he first prize r $2.50 went to Miss Katie Knox; a -***" ?* J Miss Lucille Deos was second,' h geting $1.50 and Miss Lillie Dan- li iel James, third wj?h $.50. i ?*?" Last bt mot least at 2nd Naz^jv areth Baptist Church at . 5:00;g - ~ -o'clock A. M. our pastor preached t *6 theTEaster sermon. The church !h ; had a Targe crowd. That sarhejj lia and both churches enjoyed the services. , yV- " ' I : j. LADSON PRESBYTERIAN ~ ?...-unusually large congrega-e tion greeted the pastor on Sun-L T?day morning. He ^presented an s ' ' rection from hte text found in ^ 5 T Pnr "If f.^hriat hp~ ?arisen therrjis bur preaching in g vain, and your faith is also in,* vain" He presented seven' ^ points on the Ressurection. j AIT qoomod to havo enjoyed the! ^ sermon very much. | j, An earnest appeal was made"^ and one^ person came, forwards, and joined' the church. The g choir presented lovely Easter^ , music.' '! - '" [a ? - The Sunday Scliol under Prof. C. A. Johnsonos doing, an exceliertt-work. ~ At the Christian Endeavor ' hour an fnterestTngEaster pro-1 ^ gram was rendered. The re-'g citations by the little folks were (p | very ipteresting also. - ' L: The juvenile choir under Mrs:tr Davis presented lovely Easter; tj A music. ^ :f ~ '(Thfe cement floor is now in q r-r? and wo aro happy. Wenre^reat- & and calcimine. ~r~~ ~Q Uur Kally was a great sue- ^ cess and we thank the friends L for the interest and_encourage- g( ' ment they gave us. ; ~ . * Mrs. H. N# Vincent still stands j at the head of the Christian Endeavor and she makes a live; president. ?4 ? = ~ ? ZION BAi>TI3T CHURCH 1? \ Zioii-Baptist Church had the.e * ' appearance of flower gardens j a \ last Sunday as the ladies with I b gay colors and beautiful Easter n bonnets stormed our church v with the lateat _atyles. Zion r has more beautiful young girls ii than any Church to our knowi-1 tl 1^. . mria imfa11 ' V . s ~ .- ~l Of Columbia 1' .WHITE | dpp anywhprp X Our Sunday School was crowd- : ^ cl with scholars and all teach- L rs were at their posts of duty, j 'wo young men from Allen-Unversity were welcome guests. ( o pour in, there wa?s not. seating ^ oom in the auditorium and the^ alleries were "crowded, when i ^ he choir so beautifully sang the nthem^ "He is Risen." The ^ Gor. A second anthem entit-j| "TT O lr>lll 1 O W" Jlinn onni* T\?. ! -v. rvqo JUUK. XV1 . ^ . C. White the phstor discussed he subject "The Risen Christ," j f rom the text "Then cama-Mary lagda-lene and told the disciples Rat she had seen the Lord." le put one of the greatest hisorlcal arguments7in support of * esurrection ever, heard before.^ n Zion. He showed conclusive-! i r y that Christianity stood or fell I r pon this doctrine. At 3j30 the Sunday School:r ate a splendid program. Miss- ? s Josie B. White, Gladys Jones, j! .aura -Bynttm^Mrs _ Mary Dans- iy and Ella Bostic deserve the 1 raise for the pains they tb<& in raining _Llie young people. Col3ction ?24.00 for S. S. . Sunday evening another .large f. iverflowing"crowd was ,ont to: ^ tear the pastor's final message, or the day lie-preached from j he subject of "Doubting Thorn-. 0 19 ??I " ' 7 ~ 1' Collections were taken for-thej_ lev, I. P. Green of Roysters andj^ lev. II. Guter during the day. Ir. Seymour Carroll made a', inging speech after the preach-J.1. rig wn.-. nvnr nn HnmaiiP nent of animals. He is quite} n orator, and Zion stands be- * lind him 100 per cet. MrsJLil- ] ian Rhodes of the Good Samartan Hospital closed 'the day's rork with a stirring appeal for ^ pod health. Come to Zion Bap- t ist Chrchu Sunday morning and.f tgar our matchless pastor. If i < rou dpirt knjow^the.way to. Zion' * WESLEY M. E. CHURCH j ^aster-Su^day-the 12th of Ap A il was observed with due rever nce^ahd tS^mosUproFound grat- ( ude to our heavenly Father. A !} plendid congregation gathered >nd thrilled wjth the rich and ap 1 xopnate music renaerea-Uy-the-!! regation was greatly pleased! ? Vesley choir of sweet singers ;.L Irsv N. J. Frederick, our accom-14 lished organist was at her best.] ^ ^ield Secretary of the nerman- 'c nt endowment fund of the j rSon- tlfeeveo aom fm wfy m r f m f i-? outh Carolina?Conference of i * hd^. M. E. Church, was the peaker for the occasion. *' Dr. c tTdeed eloquent, forceful, mstru^ } five and greatly .spiritual and -'ill long he remembered. At i ' I ;00 P^M_ adarge audience was jresent to witness the ?rand pro!F ram of the'Sunday School; the;J ecitations, songs, and solos ren- j r ered byThe children were great ( 7 enjoyed by the audience? Mr.! ( i. T. Ratliffe and his efficient1 orp uf tgfeehers deserver great! redit for The splendid ffaifirng' * f the participants. Miss Helen licks played very beautifully 1" nd gracefully at the evening ervice. j ONES CHAPEL A. M. E. ZION CHURCH _ j !or. Blossom and Sumter Sts. j > uicreartiiiK ner possiuiuues on] he firings line, and all the hith-1 rto forces which have not been, help, are now joining in The.) attle and making the success; lore possible. Last Sunday, dth.heu was a great day in theeligious entertainments. Be-; lgTfastSr frficTTnGch to do with he religious stamina^ but hav-' S iif. I -- - - ' : r THE PALMET ng a desire to put the program I >ver on the part of the Pastor and membership, was another eason for the increased possibilities which were manifested 1 >n that day, and greatly demon- s ftrated before the hundreds who ( gathered at the shrine of hope i ;o see the wonderful display of ( alent by the young and old a- > ike. ^ Dr. W. H. Davenport, Editor i >f the Star of Ziom the official 1 >rgan of the Church was with i hem. and made himself, known z md felt "by (ielivernig one of the greatest sermons it has been )ur pleasure to hear on Easter } or a number Of years. Dr. Dav=. 4 iiipuit is a giual-fehaia>cter, and s giving to the church and race fious defence of fhe race" that t C TlllblioVlorl in?4-WlZ. ? " ' ^ ruwuoiitu in nnn cuuinryrne tssisted largely:in making Eas- "j er great and stimulating the | >eople; who^ rallied to the stanlard, And ihadetire-rally great uccess, which however has not )een completed as many of the nembers-individually have not eported, but a reasonable nount has been paid on the mort rage togehter with the interest; and the Pastor and members lave decided, to make quarterly ~ >ayments on the mortgage vl^enever interest is paid in or- " ler that^the great White Ele- v >hant may be destroyed. 1 The. Pastor will preach Snn- J lay morning and evening, and all overs of gospeTfruth arc asked 1 Pastor at ltf.30 a. rrnf on "Pre- j SlimnfAlia Qina " n*- Q .AA ? ! ^ KJIUU, ? OliU Cfc-to?O ?W?[j? ^ m. on "The Thorn in the Flesh.''J \t 12:30~Su?iday~school conductid by the Supt. G. H. Williams, >:30 to 7:45 V. C. E. Society by diss F. C. Benson, President, * vRo has stimulated new life in ~ TTTs department. Cuine and five a helping^ hand. EASTER AT BETHEL A. M. _ E. CHURCH. The services on Easter began vith j the early morning service. 1 rhe pastor,liftev. Adams, preach- ( *d-a-very inter-oftting sermon-on :he Silence of Innocence, Matt. 5 27 :12: A splendid congregation 1 iVU.4 present. ?J The Sunday School was ..very , *_ 1 A A 1 . 1 " * ? ' ? 1 argeiy auenueci, possiDly tne . ergcst- in- a number of years, rhe exercise in the afternoon by_ .he small children was enjoyed , )y all. ' ?4 ?At ...tlie_.ll: 15 _a im_ ..service -a J arge congregation met Dr. Adims. Alariy- new faces \yere ( ;een. It is commonly heard that i j he pastor really did step.nmthe j ( 'gas." There were persons who-j-* reara Dr. Adams in Edgefield^ >n the 9th of April who came to * iear him Sunday. Text Phil, f r:107 Subje^F: The Power of \ he Resurrection. During the 1 lay several persons joined the c :hurch. quite a number were bap j jership. ~ ?In the evening music was the " nain feature, with a number of a ipeakers from the congregation. c Svery speaker and every song v jointed to f.hp Rpsnrrprtinn nf * Christ. The collection for the jlay was good and pleaded all. t Thus ended a high A* c bethel.) 7? -1 Keep Your Eye on Bethel. 1 * JOHNSON-BRAI r 1 rv! rv - runerai l^irectc - Embal u1115 Washington ? COLUMB1 ayjujalttii . TrTO LEADER SICKNESS AT BENNETTS- ( " VILLE Bennettsville, S. C., April G? , Dear Editor, please allow me to jay that we are having quite a leal of sickness in our communty at this time. The?sisters ^ >f the Hitters and of Rev. I! W. A Willia-ms, D. D., are ill. E Our oldest deaco?T-'J?nies-Tnr-ler, of Saw Mill Baptist Church s Has. been ill but is on his feet a gain. DEATH OF ANNIE ADAMS ^ Mrs. Annie Adams of Bennetts i villerS. C. departed this life Ap- -1' ril 1st, 1925. She was a faith- p rtii memuer oi -tne saw .Mill liap. . LM-ChuM for inaiiy years.. She is survived by one son, one c laughter and several grand I !hHdrerr-att Fa host of friends;" We who mourn her can only say Sleep, on beloved and take \ ;hy rest. ' j E - The funeral was preached by , Rev. J. J. garrison of Columbia. 2 T. H. WILL^fclS, Springfield Colored Girl Scouts s Win ContesL_With National ? Negro Anthem. ? t . v< - J (By N. A. A. C. I3: News Service^) The only-colored- troop ofgirl 1 scouts in Springfield, Mass., vhere there are 1,400 girl scouts. I llfnoroilinv vnnonf Ixr xita^ ^ ?ivv/^v/vnvi y A Ul jr w tllC iV" . cahsong contest against 12oth- ? er trfrops. The coiorecC girls j sang-Jamos Weldon Johnson's Negro _NktionaL Anthem," set to mttsiy his brother. J. Rosa-_ mond Johnson, j . ' MiSs Edna P. Randolph writes that not only did the colored girl scouts win the sorrg contest ; but they were also the only, j roop to be in perfect uniform. IITT UTS HI Fn^OF It AKITOXF, MAKES HIT~IN CHICAGO. ' Chicago, 111., April.?Lacking--1 Jie advance announcement--and? colorful history of Roland Hayes- student, now tourincr t.hn rnun try as a -concert singer, took the j ie appeared here Thursday night in a> baritone recital at Kimball. were agreed that Mr. Bledsoe possesses-.one- of-the i narkable baritone voices of any i if^the-prescnt day -concert ar;ist. r~" Edward Moore, music critic if ttrcrChicago Tribune, Who" hatr^ fot been especially outspoken in j. lis praise pf Hayes, came right ? >ut?for * Bledsoe. "THe wrote: < _ " o 31edsoe is announced for a song ^ ecital it will pay you, if you ^ ^ace for the sound of an-exiiva-d * O ine human voice,jto go and hear-3 lirif. He came "to Kimball hall 2 ast night, practically unherald- 3 1?~ 1? 3 -- " ;\u anu tvcil icas MIUW"II itIUl 1'U- ^ riained to disclose a voice of ex-r ^ raordinary richness"arfd beauty. ^ Slot for years w&k "VisiorrPir-^ :itive," from Massenet'd opera, ^ Tferodiade," been sung as well ^ is he sang it. With the mem- ? try of the many low baritones ^ vho have-strangles- on this a- ? iaV hifeh notes, and the equal % mmber of high baritones who cj lave fainted out on its low ones o| he evenness and rich quality $ >f the performance last night % 'onoWPfi n )iece of fine music." M FY-MORRIS 11 w mm mm m iiavaainv | >rs & Licensed 11 mers I St. Phone 3512 1.1 I A, S. C. |J A , v ; +i i ' 'P * ?*-* ... "T v ?' .~ - .ivUv." ^ li', vl- !??? ?I" -*f V v ; " 4 ? 3HURCII DIRECTORY' ^far~ ' - ' i' BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH ,;S Corner Sumter and Taylor Sts. Rev. E. A. Adams, Pastor. .. ! I 7 SERVICES^" I fornlng Service 11:15 A. JM-.-"" l." C. E. League 30 P. M. | Evening Service 7:30 P. M.I IDNEY PARK C. M. E. CHURCH 1100 Block Hlanding Street Rev, W. E. Farmer, Pastor. . SERVICES:/ ' \l unday School _ ~ _ 10:30 A." M". I lowing Service - _-rll-:30 A.'M. Ipworth League . ... 5:7i0 P. M. ! h-cning; Service - 7:30 P. M.; < jiwy u nitnn ny, |. y\> CHURCH. ? -orner Sumter and Blossom Streets S lev. R. Alexander - Carroll, Pastor. SERVICES: Iorninar Service . 10:30 A.. M. unday .School 12;00 1'. >1. r. C. E; Society 6:"tri*: M. ivening SerViqe 8:00 P.-M. " . : ' ' * j 1500 IJIock Hull Street I1 Tlev. II. Mf Moore, Puitor.? -p SERVICES': "] lunday School -1_0:OQ A. M.? Iorning Service _ 11:15 A. M.; I. Y. 6:00 P. M. Evening Sorvico st. CALVARY BAPTIST CH^RCir;, ; Richland Street , - , !] REV. ?. W. LONG, Pastor. ] I" ~ "SERVICESh lupday School 10:00~A. M.1 doming Service 11:30"1\. M. i- v. p.-1?. . . " oTorrrrr" WESLEY M. E. CHURCH ?Corner GervaTs nnd BarmveJT Sts. Rev. X. S. Smith. Pastor.* ? -f.; SERVICES: ~~ lunday.School _ 10:70 A. M:~ 1 doming Service 11:30 A. XI.' .eugue - ... - 6:S0 P. XI. Evening Servnio ... 7:20 P. XI. ZION--BAPTIST CIIURCII -iRcy. J. C. White, Pastor. "" SEUV1CES^=-^? ^ Sunday- School - 10;0Q-A. M-doming Service .711:20 A. XI. ' 1. YT. P. U. . Q ui) p. XI. Dvehin? Service ... 7:00 P. XI. NAZARETH BAPTIST J7IIURCII hinday School * .10:20 A"."XI. downing Service 7 ll':30 PI XI. ' J. Y, P. U. 5:00 P.. XI. 1 Evening Service 7:30 "P." XI, ^ ' ' 1 !' oi. JUU.^ DAriKSi jdiLKCll Hooker Washington Heights, ' I?pv T C tnn?in? Tatfnr ' SERVICES: * Sunday School 10:30 A. M. ; "lorrmfg "Stir; ice" . . _ 11 :!',o A. 3fr }. Y. P. U. ---6:00 .P. M. Evening: Service 7:od p. M. ' - -F-i-PPH- H A PT I ST -&H4-RCH-?? Rev. E T. Hampton, Pastor lorning Service 11 :S0 ^ '.vening Service 7:30 i ammmmmmm m i wiiiimi ^mma^osccaaoxvo.o^-^o.v.o.oso.o.v^ T.QQJ>! read? The Big "the greatest, the moI sary prodi'(ts fo.'t so! - V;The Gi Guides, Equalizes. Stabilises and rut t v rTmT - ^ .V -A vV ----- ? - - ; J - ? . & ,L .. . .. .....witv ? (' ? FIVE. UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Divine Street . j Rev. T; M. Boykin, Pastor. ? *. ^R VICES: Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Jorning Service : 11:30 A. M. L Y. P. U. 7:00 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M. iETIILEIIEM BAPTIST CHURCH Lyon Street ?S. H. Smith, Pastor. ?" "SERVICES: ~ iunday School it 10:00 A. M. doming Service 11:30 A. M. i. Y. p. U. -----6:00 P. M. ' ivertmg Service . . .. 8:00 P. M.??-1? ? r-iJ' 5T. MAICV'St EPISCOPAL CHURCH ?Corner -Grev^n?and Dates Street* ' Hlnutu!S^otort ,_j-h== Lunday JSchuol ID;00 A. M. 1 ^Ior/iing Service 11:15 A. M. Afternoon-Service 4 P. M. - ' nd. NAZARETH BAPTIST CHURCH . G - . ^ Rev. R. M. Myers, Pastor.? SERVICES: sundny School r: 10:30 At M. horning' Service _i_.. 11:30 A. M. 3. Y. P. U. _ ... 6:00 P. M. MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES:: .. Sunday School _.;10:30 "TtT M. AfTcraflph Sc-i'vTca# 2:00 P. M. 13. Y. P. U. ______ 6:09' P. M. Evening* Service 8:00 P. M. 11A P PELLE STATION A.' CHURCH. Corner Senate and Pine Streets. Rev. L. r.. Bowman, I'astor. ' ^ ~ SER V ICES: " Morning Service -11:30 A. M. Sunday School _ 3:00 P. M. A.. C. IS 1.6 ague 5:30 P. M. ? Evening Service 7:30 P. M. JONES TABERNACLE ___ ; Rev. B. G. Grayhart, Pastor. -SERVICES: . Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Afternoon Service 3:00 Pr Mr *~ B^Y._P..IL _..6:00 P. M. vujniij; .'I'rvifH 8:00 P. M. _ LADSON PRESBYTERIAN Rev. I. D. Davis, Pastor. ? SERVICES: ^ . Horning -Sendee 11-IS A M Sunday. School 4:00 P. m., whristian Endeavor- 6:00 p. M. : ST. JAMES A. M. E church 41"> Henderson Street - Rev. J. P. Washingtonr-Pastor. . ^ " " SERVICES: Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Mxirntrrtf Service ri-llTl5-'A7~M;? \. C. E. League -11?6: 30-p.-3k?' - ? Evening Service. 7:30 p. m. *e / rEMPLE zTon bapt. church ^ Sunday School 11:30 Morning "Service __12:30 ' ?? THINK! ACT! L :ThrgeI I 0 ' X TTsefil, the neces- ' ? ?>S. WHAT ARE THEY? | devvel_ * I Keeps Your Ford ON THE~ROAD J ) of ynuT-moncy or -your Trfe AifKen" z is Savor and lemovcr your r;:r^ much a a'you wa~nt to i ~ VSOl.IMv?h.-intU r?fT ynnr porkftf? > j ? HANK BOOK by closing up the jj! ? icks out the Cough off your motor x THREE DOLLARS will save you ! ; NYESCO OAS-SAVER. .. ' - ! YOULXAS A-ND. BE HAPPY. ? Gasoline Gauge X ild know when driving: . jj S IN YOUR TANK. g i\TA a nn Cf VJ v / iv i,?r. iv A 1 1HK riliLlNU g p ot: get when you buy it. g get a gallon. ont of your eyes, even on your f these facts?FOUR?may save \ _ ?6.oo. ?!_ N CLAft r.UARANTfiE to *atli*y ! ' " " trial. " : : OP AN A, tichland, Lee, Sumter, Marl-J rfield Counties. j Campbell St., Telephone 458, \ rii CAROLINA. I