The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, April 04, 1925, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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E felCttT , ' | Questions and Answers^ In Negro Historv ?-p The Associated JSegxu I'xessjL} r .. ' T ' 'i BY GEORGE WELLS PARKER j Author of "The Children of The Sun.",^ L !s . QuestFons pertaining1 to Negro His-1 g tory anywhere if of general interest,', and not too long, will be answered by .1 Mr. Parker in t,his column. When Is pace will hot permit or the subject is t ? - not suitable, letters will be personally j? tions, t^nd when a stamped envelope l? enclosed, Address all communica--1 := r tions to George Wells -Parker. 342<to? ____ Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. i ~ ~ ~ A's mother was 1-4 colored, . 1-4 white and 1-4 Indian. At j the same tme A's father is whito ? Of what breed i??A?-?F. G. s Camp Lewis, Wash. 5 According to figures he is an ? octoroon as far as his African . blood is concerned .and legally T ? white;?Dut what he is ethically i or nationally the Lord only ? 'knpws^ I don't. Was the Queen of Sheba a * Negro and where was ShebaT? . Mrs. A. D. F,----- '/ The Queen of Sheba \yas of Ethiopian blood and a Negro accordinor^tCF-modern usa$rf?~df th p ' word. Sheba Was a country on! the southern coast of Arabia and in the province of Yemen.?Yemen was founded and populated by Ethiopians. The present^ iiame of the" country is Saba. >j ? Will you kindly inform?rnir: from whence came the early Greeks??W. B. R., West Phila-j] delphia, Pa. ?Ancient Greece wae really a j confederacy of many small gov- ^ "rrrrrmrnrvhz rrw trarmv ? ,a' al derivatives. The Argives of;( Argos, the Mycenneans, the A-ji thenians of-Attica, and the Lac- | ? edamonianS of Sparta, were o- ( riginally colonials "from Afriea-,Crete and Phoenicia.T At the time for the Trojan war the prin-~j cipals were largely of African | _,j_ descent with the exception_of' the Acheans who were of a ^ .more northerly clime. The an^H cient Greeks were in reality mu-)? i_ lattoes. Dr. J. II. Themis, Mi^rnn- AHdiA nnri j Julia Thomas, Mrs. -J. D. Wright, Mr. *, Lester McLester, Miss Eunice Carroll and a few others motorecj, to Orange- i' burg, on Sunday^-- i1 The Communitx Glee Club of Cam- ! den, gave three entertainments at the ] last week. The programs given were at the^TvirTcwood, Hobkirk and Court ? Inn. The audiences at the various ' houses were very much pleased ^wtThT^ the programs rendered. A total a-; ( -mount of over $300.00 was realized",~( exclusive of expenses. The Commun- ( ity Glee Club has at present as its * 5ng~~of our "very-popular teachers in ( the Jackson Graded School-of?this ] city; Miss-Thomas is tfte sister of Dr. y J. Horace Thomas, 3VI. Dr, a leading j ?colored?physician of Camden. The rest of the personel of the. Club, consist of Miss Julia Mae Thomas, Musi-1^ ~cal DfrectreTs; Mrs*.-, J. D. WrighF, t Secretary; Mrs. S. R. Payton, Treas- i urerrMrn, Thouduoia Frierson, Viee==^ - President; Mr. Alhcrtii<? qtmrort A.f? r Ph44-:p 6risbaneplvir. Otis Aaron; Mr. Frank Shropshire; Mr. Manley_5hrop? shire; Atty. and Mrs. H.~ F. McGirt; t Mrs. McGirt being a former member S of tWe Fan;ous Williams' Jubilee Sin- \ gers; Mr.VPaul McGirt and Master Al- ^ vin DuBose. The Club in all of its. j engagements,^ accompanied by Rev. -R. Fa Rrnrlfmvt nf Trinity \T TT nhimnV. t ^~.Rev. Bradford is aside from being a man of letters, a very forceful and { energetic speaker, and one capable" ( of putting any proposition clearljr be- , "Tote tbe^e^ of hls^dteh?^'Th such. way, that "he who runs may read and clearly understand and be convinced of the importance, necessity,; and value of lending every possible _? ? l eflfort toward tha cause ha represents^ Mr#. Elise E>. McLSster, our very, popular and energetic Assistant Sup- I erintendent of Colored Schools in l?er- i f - shaw County,"l?~now verjr" busily" en-'I gaged in the arrangement for Field i i Day exercises for the various Rural y schools in the County of Kershaw, j Mrs. Estelle Faulks, who -spends t*' most of her spring and summer in the t ^ North-west, has begun the ereetion; 1 of a very beautfiul little bungalow1 \ ... ? , m Tamphpll Street. Although Mra i| Fftulks has no definite-intentions of I ^ "" living^ permanently in Camden, she ? ia Is erecting, this beautiful little home for her children and in . tfra ^yjpnt "" ? hat she decides later to resume a ~ >erman?nt abude in C&hiden. ' The Pool Room, CAfy^nri .. nerly ion water the rfftspie'o s"~6f~~HT~ pMcGirt, or McGirt Brothers, has, >een leased to Messrs. William Harris tnd Robert Williams. The office of' itty._JMcGirt will be located in the ame place above the Pool Room at | 27 Main street, Camden, S. C. For nformation iji travelling, drop in and, \ tee us. Elks are welcome at all ? m ~ imes. We live in the house by ther"" tide of the road. We mean to be a. friend to man -and men. When yotn" r= each Camden.* see us. . [ T JTyinity M. p. chuygh is gradually I caching the goal wherein it can be-: .iw tlin nrnntinn nf nf>w church. Sverybody is awake tq the necessity s working. Rev. R F RmrlfnwJ 4-v.ot ? irclcss Pastur, is working While' W6 I ~ ueep. * A new "church in Camden, | >eems the height- of his ambition. 'I Send all Local News to H. F. Mc-> 5irV. Be sureTo read "HumanTLTfe" | a n next week's issue. Week after lext, read "Cooperative Business" by fT.~T\-McGirl, Cumden, SJ. C; ' - ?* COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY tio ASKS: "IS NON-RESIS- Ierr TANCE PRACTICAL?" lhe --- - jlie (By The Associated Negro Press.) j? Columbia University in New jeg VTork and the East like Chicago j.^. University in Chicago and the ~he West, is renowned for its free-; * ' ; I C b ] iom of thought and action. It. fQy. is a real beacon of opportunity 'ful| for the young peoples of the pu, ivorld. and the sky is the limit. xvhi Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler,"The i ? j wei President, is himself the person- sho fication of the lofty vision of fi.t ;his great institution*.thejauild-; t ngs uf whiclr rise majestically tair in the heights-overlooking the of Hudson on the East and Harlem, of ;he mecca of New York's Col-^^>red America on the East. arn ?The other day I was invited to mo1 ittend a session of the^ Social is Problems Club at the universi- a c ;y, and I was happy for the op- fr01 3ortunity, and am happier now pac .hat I availed myself of it. The id^ subject under discussion was: rcn 'Is Non-Resistance Practical ! f nr, _Ihe- sessions of the-club- are I iomocratic, informal and digni- n~~, leer. iney are thorough, in the ^ fundamental considerations of r >ubieet, albeit academic. Tiore than for a long time I was *ble to get a cross section ob- CU? servation into the types of the,noj dsing generation "and into the cm dant of their thoughts. I am persuaded ip .believe that the CQr ivorld is in for a great clash of ?01 liCVJ jpinion within the next twen-|wa :y*five years?and out. of it all; (|C? hhepe.-^there- wHi?be a larger ? jpportunity for the development coj if'"life, liberty and the pursuits un; )f happiness." - ;sjn The subject was a fortunate for )ne lor tne occasion! "Is Non a~i Resistance Practical?" There ajj. -vere representatives of many ^ ;aces and nations present. A wa niddle western white American cja ,vho seemed, to be a native of .no ouxx noveriti generations OSCK ^yh ntroduced the subject with a SPf Tffeen-mlnute talR7 and revealed-^ ?Rat he is a pacifist. There was~^g ;he Hindu, devotee of'Ghandi; thi he Chinese, the Jew, the Rus- ? iian,. the. Hungarian and othervise; there was the Syrian, and ne Ijrish, the French, the white <[ Easterner, and the white South- j :rner. and there wag the P.nlnr. j id American from East, West j tnd South. The occasion offerid a fine background for -the-^?! :onsideration of the subject at land. ? " . ( 1 j Dispassionate Frankness of i ?op'""-". !;J One of the facts was the dis- occ. lassionate frankness of opinion, tior f "there were a shade of emotion 'the t was exhibited by those who >elieve that civilization has been i our nore largely advanced by arm?d ojn orce than by non-resistance. \ nifi< ["here were practically as many;_ riewpoints as those who entered UN he. discussion^ jffith the armed-! dree group unquestionably in he myprifeyr 1 Bu8 Events in the French Revolu v . * - . - . . """ THE PALM! FOR THE PROTEC1 Join The Ame A FRATERNAL LIF1 Regular Joining Fee $1 for $3.50."^ The Order "pays Death Benefits. * , EDW Office 1119 WASHINGTON . .. - :-"QUR~l Coleman's 2 First Class -1-103 FRIEND STRE n, the Belgian Congo, North, r Africa, India, Ireland anc j United States were used ir illustrations. The non-resis tee group believe that the de opment of individual exam s, to the last njK^h,- using ius Christ and Ghandi as ning examples, will bring tc world universal acceptance pf non iatanee or achievement by braif :ef soul force, rather than brut< rxr.?On tht? other hand, it was ur ed by a very closely observing te -youngr womaa that if a persor 'p put I hn I-f ?>nnf ?v?/l ? ? 1 1 ~ wvw VI. AI1V PilVVV C4I1U IX HlclU UO? uld come?at- hi^ even ,fhe paci s would, fall to the use of' forct protect himself;?it~~~wns main' jed that too often in the hnnals history there havp been instances "mad. dog" nations, and neacc J12-people-have been forced to us( led force or-be annihilated. Tin re sober minded held that idoali.^rr fine -and beautiful, but tocf/v-fifier ondition rather than a theory connts people. At any urate, even the ifists were forced to- burv then lis- during' the World ""War, but linded the pacifist group, "Do nol crct that Fort Leavenworth ' was twknl with tliftcP-whVi for 6 lciulo." . . . _ . _J . f* ... merica^s?Problem of Color._ rhe American Problem of Colway uilly Incidentally referrec in the course of "several disisions. It was interesting tc :e that during the entire distr.ion there was not one apeakwho referred to jAmericar retftions hut-whn deiptorgtf~th tow obstructive and unjust y in which the whites have lit with the issues. I gathid surprise that America's ored millions have not more ited stood up, "live or die k or swim, survive or perish'1 1 the privileges of freedom ol ivity and expression to whicTi -mankind is justly entitled, e superiority complex idea s in poor favor. with the So1 Problems Club of Columbia iversity. There was-not-one in the remotest sense, mind to feel that.-hc had any:ng o~rT~anv~~other person. 01 it any otTTSr person should nk that he had anything on fg| v-ti- are- proo<l *to be able to Ray t we never take .advantage of the ision to swell our profits by queslable methods. We never advise purchase of an expensive casket V for the profit on it. In every nnce where we act as undertakers the family as well as for the digad interment of the dead. Perrin & Singleton ur.KiAKiiKS & EMHALMKKS Open All Hours 2lB N. DAKUAN ST.?3?"~ PHONEfl: in ess 971 Residence 375-J FLORfifiCfi, & a ETTO LEADER ii if i ji ? # ti 0n#n? '?"i g IION OF 'THE HOME | | rican Woodmen j E INSURANCE ORDER. | 0.00. Dispensation is now on" :* ? Sick, Accident, Burial and x . LOTT, Supervisor. j STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. \ iLrTTTr,..,. i :j v r ~~it MOTTO'; I 'having Parlor - \ 7orIc Guaranteed T, lET Newberry, S. C. - him, exeept-in sn far as the op- ;| 1' portunity tp develop presented 2 i itself. THere was no trace of $ - innate privileges for. any man, g ^anywhere in this wide, wide | " V ; ? |; : It is my personal opinion that ea 5 we, of Colored America, will oir) ly bo able to advance our own ? -'welfare in America, as we study t our problems-m relation with ? t tijie problems of the entire world \ -those of the present and those . ?-f 4-U n ? 1 ^Tf . ? - - ? , vjx uic past, we must ,oe at>ie 1 rio see more than an inch from r our nose; we must get prospec- * tive. There are too many of us ; who feel that ours is the only : problem, now, ever hasJaeen, or i ever will be. There will be a real I opportunity to get some where, either with resistance or non? resistance, as the occasion per; mils, if we will - scratch the i scaleis irbm our eyes and view k the^panorpma of nations from the mountain top. Hail, Colum? bia! ' J| ? 'jaiHJHfajajHjajHjHiararajaraia jaiaizjaigia JI".: . ?n?= ?J, B. LEWIE, P j . ? -- f -if^fnr *'.i" is i *j|j- " ' j Imj il? , _ |! k a n( j?- 1 ^ ~ 3 I " "" . ' f--.t |=--=?e.-w"le3 Local 1310 ASSEM ^jjj T SLi " -"r r m, i f. tV . mk ' '-*, * -i ; i ?~^~zz - 'o'"", ** ?Hair Bebbinj Massaging ] PORO BEAl -- I. S. LEEVY'S DEPi Our Beauty Shop is filling a lo ^ * * * ' I . i t?~:?: i/OiumDia ana vicinity unaer HUDSON, foftnerly with thePoro < Mrae. Hudson, is :a high class bob and shape hair in all the late not worry about your Tunr at all" in my arniy Of cusluiiieu and get. vice that the Poro System has to c Hair bobbing is only 35c. Fa< you: want-done; 50c to $1.00. PF< the regular Poro price for alF"^? and 50c. We want our women to show tl Beauty Shop, most beautifully equi] for the convenience and comfort o: visiting in Columbia. The Beauty 1 vice. Phone appointments welcorm Mme. Estel PORO SYSTEM USB ~~tS. LEEVY'S DEP: 1131 WASHINGTON ST. Cc -Day 199^h=??PH6 " -A - ' . PATTERSOP _ . Funeral 1 And Licensed All Ga*ls Promptly^ Night.?Motor Equip Our Motto-' 1^????m rargjiMggraraiHjajaiarzia^^ *? - y p : 1 , , i. * resident. GF.O. H. HAMFTG1 PRINTING ?K. the Art of prqducim i we have the? " **' = ART Printing & Suppl r and Long Distance Phone 45^ BLY STREET C CLE ME . < ~ j" 1 Mbwmwammmmmmm \ tjt i "i i nr^i ' 1 r C * ' A Saturday. /. ril 4,1925. * and Facial |~ . Popular at I UTY ?HOP| \rtment store. i ng felt need among our women in ^ iupervision of ivtmc. KSTELLB ' 0 ? College Branch in New York City, o ladies barber who- Knows how to 0 st styles and shapes. "You need 0 says Mine. Hu,dson. 'Just" enlist 0 tbo hn^t aml'Thost courteous ser?- -r>- -? ^? ... . . - ?y? lial massaerimr accordimr to what ?, - M essing_juid shampooing the hair, &?~r rents. Manicuring will be 35c 8 - ?eir appreciation for this excellent ? pped with rest room and lavatory p ? f our women while shopping and g ..ji Shop is always open for your ser- ? \ 3d. ~ le Hudson ~ "if ? :d and taught. ,L tRTMENT. STORE. | ilumbia. Si C. PHONE 7567 | j iNE NtghuS9i^3^~i & PRATT I )irectors ~ jj L nmDaimers Attended to Day or | ment. _ Nftwhyrry, S: C. j SERVICE" | uH lO^K8SO^C?>"OWOX>0 = j^n V 1 Ira - "1 1 Hi Manager? ?^?? __ I | I -1|.-: " ^ ~ ? ? i yCor^- j : jj?1 A c n n->, o. v_. ? m | | h | jjj 1 .ufML' M j J