IM ' Of The EL " By W.Fran ; ~ Othee: 164 ?u P~> ' ~* - - Telephone tl ' ~:og%g^amo;c>o:o:oo^^^ rV mitos above Atlanta. More, than 2,000 people of Marietta earqu their daily bread in "Atlanta and since the installation- of- bus - -service1 between these two cities the street car company has sutFered a severe slump in business. They claimed that they were losing money on the line, and because the city councils "of these two cities were unreasonably slow in taking up the matter nf-having these jitneys discontinued - the "cbmpany Tiacf some of the rails removed from the track. This action has proved a great disadvantage to the patrons ~of~ the line, making it necessary for those whom the jibneys cannot accommodate come to the city by railroad. < ~Jitrfey abolition is being considered By council at this writing and it is thought that they will reeident of the Georgia - Jitney iSus association, has called a mass meeting-of bus owners, drivers and sympathisers. as well as the general pubtic. . A- hot fight is expected before the end of the week as several members rfcouncil favor a referendum FbrtTpTiTecision "oi "the people. ? BATTLING SIKI SEES ATLANTA. Siki, the Senegalese prize-fighter, the conquerer of Georges Carpentier, Lhe black man who speaks eleven diflerent?htnguages, the iowdy man of the ring, isiiLAtlanta. Hfe will- have enefit Life" Company r CTflS." Congress 1898. Office: ?n, D. C. 'cs in.26 States -v ... =_?^4 250,000^ - ? 1,000,000.00 ?-^=~? ? Department 256!000 00~' ~ " 38,000,000.00 ?? 700,000.00? a A r 4. district Manager. ? ~c n ; IT* i _ i ;n ui me ivace rjmpioyea, business Administration, First Class Representatives. Office: Columbia, S. C. ..i.,?. : : ? ;?-* i* n , ' v THE PAglEl L a fistic encdunter with Happy Hunter^ S; Atlanta Negro light-heavyweight,, at 5 the Auditorium Armory Tuesday C night. 3 No sooner did the famous fighter 8C eat a few Georgia sweet potatoes and 2 .two or three meals of rabbit before * he felt "bully" and was ready for a j .Wild rampage. So? on Sunday, in ; spite of the hea^y^ rains, he decidecT r; to see thfi Gate?City. Ha hired ? taxi $nd beat it for parts unknown, and when he returned a huge bill was - presented to- him which made him feel " Trig serious happened. Ben Bluesteih, ^ life-majiagerT politely paid the bill ^nd decided the best way to keep his pro tego in eheclt would be-to-hife budy- " " detectives were hired -to follow Mr. I iSki-wherovr he decides to go in order" " that the fight fans will be sure to see 1 flUP wnen tney go to tne Auditorium Tuesday, night. jr _ i 1 "" ^ . " ' 1 V 1 Columbia Theological Seminary To be j Moved to Atlanta. J -_?The:well known- Presbyterian Semi-" 1 -nary on Blanding street, Columbia, S. C., which has stood as a shrine to j jroung^vhite men uf Umt-f alth for" ^ 98 years, will be m<5ved to Atlanta I soon. A 40-acre tract of land nearj< Decatur'has been donated and $250,- i 000 of the $500,000 askecbof the peo- pie of Georgia will be donated by citi- t zens of Atlanta. . ] Theschool is owned by the Synod I of , Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, i Florida and Mississippi.?It will be * mofe centfaljy located in this city. ^ 4 _?_i_L?? 5 . - ED; CREW CAPTURED.?'"j A bateau, containing 200 gallons of ', liquor, which had drifted Tor threep Thrifc /-? nil.n f I. n PliolfoliArtnVino w'tmv ^ u wiiw vuottaiiuuciivc iivcxt fromthe pointTTn the mountains where * it was made, was- captured by pro- ' hibition agents Friday morning as the ^ "skipper" and his "mate" were, unloading the cargo on the banks of t ' FultOh county. ?3 Two men, wet through?and half ~ frozen?from exposure, were-arrested * as they carried, can after can to I a^Waiting automobile. They gave A their names as Early Moss and Minter * - Portrc, of Dawson county, arid made' ^ b"bnds qT?50D each. A tip-from Daw"son was their nemesis.?Atlanta Con- 1 stitution. . ^ J Douglass and Lincoln : Were friends Springfield, HI., Jan.?(By -The-As sociated Negro Pressed?^Fhe Illinois j Historical Society has just published records which reteal an interesting __phasa of the relationship?between """Stephen A. Douglass the political riJ val of Abraham Lincoln, and the martyr president. So intense was the political en rn ky be t w ee el _thfise. two. .men that it has become to mean the same _ thing in human story :of Damon and Pythias does in human friendships. But it is now learned that, despite their fights on the rostrum and the decline of Douglas due to the rise of Lincoln, the two men maintained a strong and. tender personal friendship which was exhibited in_manv-aets-= ,0f kiridness by the one for the other. _ H is related that on the occasion of 'Lincoln'sinauguration at Washington a ruftior to the effect that- Mrs. Lincoln would be snubbed by Washington society absenting itself. When "" Douglas heftriT the report, he set to work to prevent any embarrassment jto the president's wife and /escorted her personally to the ball. There were many other times when occasions arosc when he could show the president similar courtesies and he never failed to do so. ?"TT~T~? H NELSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Hair Dressing of??? All Kinds. Mme. Josephine Nelson^MjfT.. 1317 Wheat St., Columbia, S, C, ===? NOTICE Davis' Flower Shop Has moved from 1010 Washingr ton Street and will be Located Feb. 1, 1925 at 210^GERVA|S__SlREEfc:= ?In Connection? BEAUTY PARLOR Poro System Used and Tauorht. Visit I Shop. Hour#: JgBjfe to 8 P. M J /?.+ } ' * . ,.* . . s , , -St'tf ' jyj. ~f -V TO LEASER . Death of Mrs. Sylvia Wallace*__ " A telegram was received by Mrs. Margarett Stratton, 2317 Washington * St.,_announcing the death of her sis- 1 ter, Mrs. "Sylvia Wallace. Mrs. Wallace was formerly of this- j City, but at the time of her death was living with her daughter, in KansasCity, Kansas. She t.h? wiHrvar I Geot Wallace and also the momer of -1 tho late Professor Harry Wallace. No word concerning the funeral arrangements has been secured as yet. Georgetown Items. -In spite of the inclement weather, Sunday. Jan 18, 10i>K, thn A tian Endeavor League of Bethel A. M7' E. Church, of which Rev. J. L. Benbow pastor, Jifild--4ta?regulai^-s?rv1ce~^at~~ 6:30 P. M. The service was opened ay singing "He Leadeth Me," after .vhich The Lord's Prayer was chanted. \ beautiful and interesting lesson tiled "Medical Miaaiona" wag deeply iiscussed, led by Mr. Chas. S. Brownfe. Timely and helpful remarks were pade by our pastnr, Rev. Benbow Followed by a beautiful solo, "Loveing conducted each Friday morn- $ ng. These contests, designed to.dem- S mstrate-the""Work~done by the ct>nT- < >etrng'-grades, will continue the week- < y series of exhibitions staged by each jrade before the holidays. v~" "1 ? Miss Jennie Young is again on the 4 caching staff, after an absence of a . rear.- ' ' 3 Among many?other good features ioward school is noted ior marriage \t tmong its teachers. This school year 'j vill not he an exception' for Miss ?| Josie^ Taylor, one of the teachers^ lecided to make her permanent home >; n-Georgetown, -when during the Hoi- *| days, she became the bride- of Mr. ?i Robett Jackson of this city. * JHfgjafajHrargjaiimrErgjHJzrarajzjHm^ sir ?? S|~ | \ J. B. LEWIE, 1 ^ j - ' | Lewie ? ?? Luc l "~rrT5 to Asse i " ~ . .v :T .'1:?' r... -,- .???- ; -. 1' ' ;t_ "< The Youths' Improvement Club, o which Dr. Wm, S. Thompson is presi lent is making rapid progress. Thi wonderful organization is doing mucl for the up lifting" of the young peopl in our city. The members are looking forth t< Alonzo P. J .1012 Washington St. W m . Sis 1: LUNC1 . . ??HOE SHINE T I -,. - 1110 Washington St., g&eceoGO&Keoeeesss^^ 'W^'W*X ajajajarzjarajararejaiaiafHJ^^ " *3 I ' - " ot^^COT?^O^:O:O^O:O:O:C^X>:ox>;O;OV: President,? "CEO, H. HAMR1 i s ' - ' . ' I ' -.'* PRINTING tRe Art of produci i lpressions?on?Pap 1 T . i - ?> - ia we nave *me ART v -- 1 Printing & Sup; al ancLLong DistancePEone " rtftfc?~STREET COLE + "V *%-* ~ C ' ' ? ? 1 . _ :? ' i r c SattMjaj^_Ja^ary24?_jj2g7~^ f ' j| f a grand "Masquerade Serenade" on ^~Feb. 18;?Owing~tothe condition of ^jil s the weather for the past few days tJ3 i the members were barred from the Va 0" courtii. ' --? . ...Yours for succses, +* 3 .?. c. s. B. -A . II IINPFPTAICFRS ==, ~ and bmbalmers * I Funeral. Supplies * | AT LOWLbl phone 3922 . Columbia hhbhiimmhbiiiiipbiibbbSi? ???iI * ROOM ,._ZZI^ ; areor in rear:^-~ ^ ? i flnlnmhia, ft 'f??^^'K, j S * r /\nrmr? 1 _4 LUU^UiK - . ; , , r t ORING _ ' 1 C ? essing and Dyeing | H-ftorkpd, We Call? hone 3814 - Columbia, S. C. *j? J v . X ? , U mco?^aj?5X03X03?xafa g ON, Manager j jj ng i . n til i 7 j ply Co. ^|~ I ^ 4523 -- ' - - | P Mm A, S.-C. I