turday, Januarf%7, ,1925. ' ^ ~T"T r_ : ,. 7 }'. ; Locals & 1 - -*? t - ... ?. ....... .. y, irs. Dora Miller, of-2225 Ger- I ;; _ j Street is slightly indisposed. ??- i^Greervof Orangeburg; ^ ny willi the boyn?at Dei rt's on Wednesday night. ? As. Rosa Lee Watts return- t lo her h glad to havelier home again" e Beards are out announcing the \ frnbig of Rsq. William?W. I Jrk's Law Office; "at 15 School f -i- Mred^Bostoii^MassL _JVIr. Lark J W an old Columbian; and his^ t - Siends here wish -him yrnlim- i led success in his profession: ^ B ^1 DOINGS OF LE CERCLE i ' M ENTRE-NOUS. - I J The members- of L&_ Qercle ? ?2ntre-nous met on' their usual Y*By~and time last week at. the ^A-pqidence of Mrs.-Rhodes. Th^ i ? i '<*?r?? ??* Mi IW a little in their class work, n fc^iowever they are hack at work W again to make up for lost inter- In estr All members were present, 7 a good lesson Was had and an enjoyable afternoon spent. A -^.delicious course of chicken salnliirnn, rnnna ^ cracker! ^ rjj^as served. - The next meeting will he with Miss Daisy Roach'. ].r - a burf"^e F*iaT*'- t xiiuuii{j uic many arrairs niai ^ $r crowded the week's calendar ^ J\ was the Surprise-Party .given = ^'Friday- evening, by the -Young f People's Missionary Society- of- ? V Second Calvary Church in honor ? / of their organizer, Miss J. (T. > Poinsette^ at her residence. ~ ^ "J The plans of the society were ^ 'A nicely carried out. A program g d was rendered. After which-^e? \ freshments were served. The ^ i' party, dspite the rainy evening t Lj was njoyed and had a lasjfe at- ^ I tendance. . ,Vi. . .. w ftk ?? ? , a V w". "No reform would be ffectedl^ ** if tip-taking were forbidden and salaries raised, for the 'ban ?would bOgirored^by_both em- ~ pluyees and patrons offcoiehLZ -- The public - wll tip^ find tips ? - will tnkor>j no matter what ^ the=rsalari?#. and wages are."?^ . I H. M. Staatler, of the Hotel PeiinV sylvania. 1 . ~ . -r^rrrr.. ff?Hev. J. c. While, I'aatO^ of jv ZUfc-Baptist. Church has acceDt-1 tl petition as KSHgtros Joe op our staff. Dr. White ti needs no introduction. Our sub- tl senders will bp delighted to ft ?read. from, his^peh_te*4rarme*t-[s] issue. E Personals | very ^delightful time was n honor?of Dr. T. TV[. Walton,. Friday. January 2: at thePalatal Home of Mr. and Jvil'S. J. B.' rink and white with a touch of outhern ivy was carried out in he decorations. The reception lall and parlor were decorated vith pink shflrtpri lightsr and an ibundance of ivy. Whilein the lining room unshaded pink canlleiTih silver candle sticks were ! >urning. In the center of the " linings room table was a beautiul lace .centerpiece .which held he snowy .white birthday cake vith twenty-five small pink can-1 lies, supported on a sliver stand. J ?he birHtday cake was sent ronxSt. Petersburg, Fla. by Dr. Valtonrs mother. Suspended rom-the light which was a hfowl >f ivy were four streamers of i link paper. Music was furnishIenry -^Starks^- A delightful; Those enjoying the evening ] vere: Missess Ruth and Alma , Vatson, Jennie Mae Champion, . juth and Edith Butler, Catherine Mack; Genevieve Vincent, "lorOnce ; Gantt, Wilhelminar ~ Thompson, Geneva Cornwell, )em6tra Johnson, Lillian Watts, . Jarie Taylor of Cincinnati, O.; . lossie Thomas, of'Boston, Mass; { Jllie Jones, Matilda Goodwin, ' tuby Entzminger, Mabel Cloud, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. and?Mrs^T A T 1 ~ *. a. jenKins, Dr. and Mrs. C.| 5. -Stephenson, Dr. and Mrs. D. C, Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. xoodwin, Mrs. Ethel Hines, Wil- : pn,N.G., Mrs. McGill, Sumter, >. C. Dr^Daniels, Dr. DePinna, )r. Watts, Prof. GeuT H. Hampon, Messrs. Hdpton Paul, CresvpII MnHHpn, T.ivirtgston? Mc^arlinT "Eawrence ""McFarlin, r ["heodore Jones, Bryant Winhrop, Heyward Chappell, Geo. -full, Camillus Woodson, J. BT " jewte; Jit, rLucius ,Danielsj?'.^tr-" Kearney, N. J.?"I will live tntil Llindjtay boys" *??That is- the. constant' thought f Edward Lang, 78, hermit of he Jersey meadows. All that he held dear in life is one. His wife is dead", his sons is app e are d Fof ^O^yesrs he has been a fandererTWer searching. ~uontinu&lly he hears his dead ^ Tlfe calling those. "boys." She alls Jong and loud/feid her wails re heard long into the night. ,ang doesn't sleep much as a reult?and the nfghts are so long. Twenty years ago Lang was hat gave him a comfortable livli ood; a loving wife and two fine oys. One night the boys disl%eared. Lang_was dazed. He couldn't nderstand. Nor could his wife he died calling for*her "bo^s:" "Those calls lingered in Lang's ars.-^He couldn't stand it. He old his business and began to *ander, paring into f the. young men he met, ever nrrfnw mant ? r Ji:__ r < W illCDV a lwiiiiwi ittce. | 3 the neighborhood where he nee had been happy. ' He settled down in the Jersey leaders, out in the seaweed, aay from civilization. That was hree years ago. He has built hnself _a shanty of soap boxes, 4 in and burlap, taken away from i lie Kearney dumps. A cruci- i t hangs over the doorway of the < ^ack, a symbol of Lang's hope < Sat "aome dSjr Wfi" som mar > THE PALMI come back. , -_r ?- " ?? They are about 40 now, if thej still live.? "1 will live until i^fincT hoya." Lang-mumbles-over anc over. ' Doing of a "Dago" ^ ? In New York the other day A1 merindo Portfolior age 47.''retired from business. _He came tc New A ork from Italy" when t boy, and wuiked "without watch mg the clock." He mada monej eat.ahliRhed a cloak and suit business, which last year had a turnover of seven millions dollars and "is now retiring, but he is doing so in an unusual way4 Almeriircfcr called his brother and five otherJ employees whc i i i ii>u mmn witn mm tor years and "iiever watched the clock/' and said: "Boys, I'm going ~to retire and rest, -and rm_ going_ tc er, the Italian who is giving a. ness, said t6~~the New Yorl< Times: "These men are receiving only what they have earned by enthusiastic work~~and loyal service -Opportunities?for- success are Opportunities are?-multiplying; but only for the youth uhafraid of toil and study. -Tarthe jnari who becomes so engrQssed in his there is assurance of great , sue-. cess .?But let not his efforts be twieiy semsn. L,et him remember in his advance, that the heights_ of success are jiot aihieved by 'spoilation of others but rather by helping others to help themselves." Queer doctrine for one 0:8 "them there furriners" whose ! ' ' ? x? ? T ' ~ fk. x f - T >t r ? i * Hi I??1^. ? "-M v :~?r~ -l i ,,, STTO LEADER" ?7 'T _ duced as low as one-half of .one r per cent. He came over here when ten years of agejwent to 7 the^public schools and when fifl teen began work as a messenger boy for three dollars a week. ?The State . Mr. Jas. Williams f" Funeral Services : ; "THe~tQnferal SerVlcesuf Mr. James Williams was held at -Union7Baptist Chufchr of which 1 he was a member, on last Sun-] ""day! Tfrnxr?Rywlfiw pVnachpd ^ powerful sermon. His text was ^ He said where:have ye l^id him? " They said unto Him, Lord come I end g?~ ^nylfin wag n# ~hia hpst, - and our hearts did feast as, we : listened to the truths spoken by this ^piinent devine. . MrtT Williams has been em: ployed by~the Southern Kailway as a switchman for a number of , years. - '' , " He Is also a member QLJJie _ Undertaking - Establishment of = ManigauIt, Williams^ Gaten. Mattie Williams, two -daughters, - -Misses JFhwfW -ftnH T .pnlft Wil. hams, one brother, Mpses Wfl" liains, 'Six, sisters, Mioo Mary *" Mrs. Annie Brisbon, Mrs. Janie ; Anderson, Mrs. Alice Means and Mrs. Annabelle Jackson. < __ 1 its utmost capacity with friends 1 who came to pay their last tri irate of respeet-to their deceased f fri^r\ji^d hixither_ interment ~ was in the TRSIP _ dolph Cemetary. " . *. 1 ? ' ~~T - / v.1. .rjz: J % ~ r ~ . . _ EF.GAL PR I ' * ' ' The general pi requested to visit -j " : The Regal J >c Effich Gour t , and Se Are here at y< ePinna Drag Co. ? -^* *--"- '-i^^-^^-'-^' t^T i i ^ ' ' ' ?'"^'". _ *,7^.::^'^^ ?' "*gl --" " ? I ? . J . . |^ZowiN& I Merchant" We carry a con . of Domestic anc 1 \Y 7 i 1 - ' r ~ w ooiens-^ome c sun 1117 WasHingt - ? PTionc byb I IMPERIAL DHL |T ? - : ? ? | Prescription B: p I 105 Washington St. Everything carried in a'Firs' " " DDtrcrDitrri/^Mc n m % "~"We call for and deliver - YOURS FOR SEP IMPERIAL-DRI *|? : ' !' '! *! I- " . , = ? w. H^totj TAILOR X Cleailing, Pressing and A To Order.- - A11 "W o r ! $ 11181/2 Washington St., Phone ! > .. A^A .4. .4. .4. A4A T$T T$>~ *$* Tjr 4T Tjr 4^ .$. .?? A,.; . _ ^ .. UG STORE " - 'V*- : . __ . ublic is cordially v ?*? ^ ' ' i 1 * ;_ .1..1.117111 _ 11 s ? ' Drug Store hj5" *c ;ncy? _ ... _ fesy ' . , .. . * irvice 3ur disposal. rj4nc., Proprietors '?;?... 5 ??? PAUL " j_:i Ijailors j 1 lplete stock? - !\'T.~ 1 imported I I your next !_-v 'r--'""-. ~~~\~ L- .'r^ ? ' -"' _ '* j * 1 . *- ; ?I j ? on Street 3r V ? ^ ?-" ? )GSTO^El|rr" ruggists | Phone 7X26 | __ t-class DrugStore __ f SPECIALTY.^ | Prescriptions. . . X ~~ V-~ \ VICE. | iG STORE SG^-37Z=z-4jir: 7 .Itering Neatly X Suits Made ^ % k. Guaranteed. { 4727 Columbia, S. C. '? XKKX~xk~X^K"X^X"X"X** SS |i? 1 j ' 1* *^WF ??-m? ' --; "jr --L > ; Tzr-f ?--Hy-.????' ? ! ?:?a :??? .J...1 "-v .1 M._f* ?"*? : -: V - =? - -T-: ? T ^ .-. ... ,4 .. - rf ~ - 1?_ y ??---I=-f?rJ". :3:;"'7: ? ?F ?? ?*? - ' :, .:^r ' . ' > 5 - ? . ~ .:-^r== ? t ? t .:.