JOOASSEE. J THE full-blooded Horse, JOCAS- xfk?. SEE, will stand the ensuing W spfing season ns follows: On Monday, at Huzil Calittbntn's j on Tuesday, at E.Trible's, Esq.; on Wednesday, at G. B. Clinkscale's, Esq.; on Thursday, at Abbeville C. II.; on Friday, at David KcllnrV, Esq.; on- Saturday, at Duo West. Iio will be let to Mares at Ten Dollars insurance. Twenty-five cents to the Groom in every instance. Every possible cure will be taken to prevent accidents, but no liability for any". Season to commence the 10tl? of March, and end the 10th of Juue. PRlWdOPP JOCA5SEE is a fine blood bay, of fine form and muscular power. lie wn's sired by Alnj. Whitfield's celebrated "Wttverly, in the spring of 1848?Wnverly by old Bertrund, of Kentucky ; dnm by Blackburn's Whip; Bertram! by the renowned horse Sir Archy; his dniu KlizH, own sister to the celebrated running horse Gallatin, by imported Bedford. Jocassee's dam was got by Bedford, a descendant from the renowned Kirksey's colt, and he by the imported Bedf'Ta ; his grand-dam by Phenomenon, and lie by Sir Archy; his g. g. dnm by Leopard, and he by the celebrated Quicksilver, a horse of great renown in.his day. From this pedigree it will at once appear that ilocassce has descended from a pure ancestry. as much so us any horse in th-s country. Waverly, the sire of Jocassee, stand? unrivalled at the present day in this country, having obtained a premium in 18-14 at Greenville, and iiiru lib m'WUCITJ- 111 lllso Ut IVIKllctOII I hnd Anderson, being the best stallion exhibited | on oavli occasion. Joeassee is placed so low in price as to lie i within the reaeli of every man who i? :il#!?? to 1 r?wn a mare, and in fact very low l'<>r n horse of his blood, and in form mid figure, size, beauty and color all combined can vie with any horse. Every person desirous of raising tine stock, will do well to patronise this full-blooded and beautiful stallion. A. C. HAWTHORN. Due West, S. C., March. IR3.">. 45 Sni FULLER S HAT STORK, 238, RICHARDSON ST,, COLUMBIA. S. 0. |NEAR THE fcfiW STATE CAJ'ITOL.] rpilE Proprietor of this c-clebratcil EstablishJL ment, although only nine months has elapsed sinco lie commenced business on bis oirtt account, vet it affordsdiim great pleasure to state to the drab r* and citizens gouerally, of ABBEVILLE, that lit has met with tlrnt success that seemed to warrant a large increase of stock and storu-fooin, both of which additions arc ticorly complete, and will be amingcd for the itholctale trade. ear Five percent. ofV on bills of fifty ,<1ol-!> lorn. Terms cash on delivery in every instance March 10, *. S55 [nov 20, '54 Will toe Sold, ? ON sale-day in April, a likely Necro Woman and child, a superior eoofc, ' - washer, ironcr, and seamstress. Negro i Mtind, nnd Bold for no fault. .She may he seen 1 v .at the Marshall House at all titttcfl. THOMAS GANT. March 23, 1855 40 tf i .V. : Just Keccivcd A T II. W. I.nwson'rt Tin Kfore filled with despatch. II. W. LAWSON. Feb. 9, 1855- " '' 40 * tf JONES & LIVINGSTON, Attorneys at Law, OJJice next door to Thvmton &. Fair, ABBEVILLE C. II. H. A. JONES.] [j. W. LIVINGSTON. PANS, FANS. FANS. THE Undersigned would respectfully inform the Farmers of this District (and else"wher?*) that he lins ou hand ft lot of, mid-i* prc.pared to fill ofrfera for, FANS for cleaning ' . grain, at living prices. Apply at the Carriage Shop. II J.TAYLOR, HBNRY S. KBHR, WHOLESALE & RETAIL " - 't DEALER. IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS k CONFECTIONARIES, ABBEVILLE, C. H., B. C. May 10, 1853. *' 1-tf G. ra. CALHOUBf, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN ANT) AMERICAN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, COLUMBIA, S. C. G. M. CALHOUN. Aug. 9, 1853. 13?ly IVQtice. . "I1ERSON9 indebted to the finlmrrilipr i? XT requested to cnll and settle. It is utterly out of the question to let GROCERY BILLS rifn. "It i? to he lioped that this intimation will bo sufficiently plain, properly understood and appreciated by all who owe m7 ? , ... II. 8. KERR. Jan. II, 1851. 88 tf I.'.'-'-., V ?r-T ? ( John 0. Willis, V FJJ Y BOOT 1ND -8H0B STORE, .Tnu^Caxpet Oomb. \ "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BarSa.n,in I ', *co e**bc mif?YSKNTKRY, [ I'OR ALL BO WEI DlAUltlltEA. ) Also, Admirably Jiapted to many D llsnsti The Virtues ofi^cob's Cortliiil arc lus 1st. It curcx th< wol \*casrn of Diarrheaa. '2d. It cures the rvrxl for'-* Wrr.y. 8>1. It cures Cfiiij'ornio^^. '"is~U an biarrhaa. lili. It rcltT(+ 'J-.c * (*'< Vic. 5th. It cures Chuhra V ^.... Ctli. It currme *'I take gr>2*'i ploa-wrt". ..i rceo!iimcn in t Mu.cs (J. DODUISS Cashier "If there iSj,-iny credibility in hnin*:i l? .siim ubove all r piH-paraii'-it^ for the cure of I its favor coininr in from all q*uirterp. it. !iiii->: ! c most if nut nil oiher* |ircpnratu>: ( a "Thie efficient remedy is travelling into nto Huuia. and gaining -ojiiiit.-iahitton whercv ?3T" For -ale hy \Vaui>i iw ?fc J.von, Abbeville C. II.; Joiix S\fiT?, Cokeshury ; \?id 1?3_ the principal Merchants aitd Druggist; 1 Feb 2. 1S55?3D Cm] is?"'. . SSB -kw ja?z ysic cta> BLJ WE, Tlic Undersigned, Buildfcrs of CARRL H. ?K F. A. DKALE, are now prepared to Vehiclc in our line of business. Give us a call, pleased. ZW Repairing IVeai WE HAVE also on hand nn nssortmont of Fii>l These valuable air-tight Cases, for protecting an merit, transportation, or for vaults, arc offered < We will also make and send COFFINS to any Abbeville C. II., January 18, 1355 H. L. JEFFERS, Factor & Commission Merchant, CHARLESTON, S. C\, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. To the Planters and Merchants of Abbeville District, South Carolina: I BEG leave to ??di?pt this method of informing you. tluit I have commenced the Factorage and Commission Business in this city on my own account, and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. ... 1 flutter myself that mv long experience in business in flamtiunr anil Augusta, together with three years in this city, will enable roe to serve you to advantage. I thank you for the nyiny evidences of friendship and kind pntronagc while engaged ns above, and as I have naw, a/j^r my misfortune, commenced an it were nnle manner. Also, js, Buggy Umbrellas, Horse Blankets, &c. II kinds on liuiid for Hnlc low. mptli/ and faith fully donr, at low prices. warranted. 1 : ly :em eemebyi LT3 *TLJS> E it. (cnoiiMtA MORBUS, , DISEASES. < UlLfOUri CIIOI.IC, f CHOLERA INFANTUM. iseasea jof Females, especially Painful uation. i W i'ii Known to Require Encomiums. J? ft curr* Painful Menstruation. 8lli. li r< -1< /' ?.? in Htu-k mid Loin*. I Dili. Tl counteract* ST>rrou*?(M and !)< | lot li. ft rt-M&rc* Irrrffularitiex. [syond-'rici/. j 1111?. It dispel* Gloomy and J/ J ? 12lTi.. It?? an admirable Tonic. [Feelings. Jucitors, Testimonial*. Sec. in?l have found it a most uffiuiour, ntn' in niv* lion. Uikam Warner, Jinljrc of Supreme Court, commend Jacob's CurJi'l? ^^.v! n persona' r;ii?i friends nroun-lin , i sntOfieni ^tijirautv l?i!, vir.., a sovereign rnnrdi/." W.M. II. '< A-rnn, riv Judge Superior Court, Cherolu-: invaluable medicine to nil nfflietcd witi?'*-vel j ri-niu.Iv?deeidcdlv superior to nnj'lhing . *c | LDiNc, Deputy G. il. of the Grnml Lodge, Gn. | 1 this, with nil I Imar about it ns a remedy by j hut it stands at. th- head of ev^ry preparation ; in- diseases f?*r wlsi' !i it is compounded." of th<: Bank of tlic State of Georgia, Griffin. J ony, Jacob's Cordial must stand pr<-f testimony us; wry far in advance, as n curative agent, vf A. Fleming, j \T:n*i?ic and Fire mu ranee Dank, CJriftin. >i ivy a- ".-.-i Bonaparte pushed oolun;-.? el* Ui?*d."?omri. -r J'jf r--jnii,n. May lv, 'SS. Kor.i;j:r? ?fc At>.\Ms. llodirea' Depot; I F. G. Parks, Green wo '; | IIavilasis IIauual &. Co., CiiRvI*?ston, Wholesale -Aijents; i .hrougliont the State. \VM. W. BLISS A CO., Propriety*, , 2s o. 2D Beekin^m^^^et^v^w^Ywik. : J2 s_ roar ?n?Mr as: ~ssr \GES, BUGGIES, ?fc<\, at the old stand of M i put up, in the very liest and latest 9tyle, nny , price our work, and you cannot fail to be tly Executed. ^3 i's Patent Itjetalic Burial Cases. d preserving the dead for prolonged interexceedingly low for ca*h. part of the District desired. TllOS. M. CIUlISTlAN, JAM US L. t>EALE. 37 ly Sheriff's Sales. f > V Virtue of various writs of fieri facias to 1 y ruo directed, I wiil sell, on the first Monday in April next, nt Abbeville Court House, within the leeitl hours of sale:?, niiiiivrrsiii mini, more or i?*?s, i?onnde(l by O. Trible, Widow Webster uixl others; levied on ns tliu property ot Llenson Posey, to satisfy the costs in eases of Charles Alurpliy and others, vs. llenson I'osev. 4 houses niid lots in the villngo of Abbeville, containing respectively 6$, 7, 4f, and 1$ acree. nu?r<.' or less, nil well" improved, bounded by James II. Cobb, Jane Alston and others; levied on (is property of 15. V. Posey, ads. the State,. J. J. Lyons, and others. 17<> neivs of Innd, more or less, bounded by Catharine Mnrtir, Eliiw Banks, and others; levied on as t)>o property of James Bunks, ads. Thomas Ferguson, and others. *' 2 negroes?Adeline nnd J?m?levied on as p-operty of W. W. Anderson, ads. D.-O. Hawthorn, and others. ' 2 sorrel hdrses; levied on as the* property of John W. MeCree, ads B. I* Posey for 13. V. Posey. At the residence of Martin Atkins, on Wednesday after sale-day, 26 bushels corn, more or less. iJ bushels oats, more or less, 600 lbs fodder, more or less, 1* bed-stead. 1 sow and- 0 pigs, 6 shoats, 1 axe, 1 chest, 1 pair pants, 1- vest,, and 2 shirt*, 1 plow and gear ; levied on under attachment as the property of Thotyas J, Atkins, ads J. J. Devlin. Terms?Cftsh^ . THOR. P. COCHRAN, 8. A. D. Smriff's Office/March 12, 1864. . OR IE NT CH APT EE8, rw&i COKESUURY, ^ VSTILL irieei on th?-Fourth Mo??dny of-.ffr*-'. TT ry niontli; also/oti tllft Pridoy ib Feb NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. I WILL attend nt the undernamed times and places fur the purpose of collecting Taxes for 1854 Dae West, Monday, 29th Junuary; " . " 18th March; Calaham'p, Tuesday, 80th January; TribleV, Wednesday. 31st " Lounduville, Tliursda}*, 1st February; _ Speed's, Friday, 2d ' Warrenton, Saturday, 3d, " Abbeville C. II., Monday, 6th. " Calhoun's Mill?,Tuesday, 6th, J' N Willington, Wednesday, 7th, " - Moraine's, Thursday, 8th, " 'r TolbertV, (in the linage,) Friday, 9th " 1 Bradley's Old Field, Saturday, 10th, nod March 17 th; Greenwood, Monday, 12th, and March 15 th Cambridge, Tuesday, 18th February ; Woodvilie, Wednesday, 14th " Whitehall, Thursday, ISth " Cot hraii's, Friday. 10th, " Cedar Spring, Saturday, 17th, " Donald's. Monday, 19tii, " Seullletown, 'IV esduv, UOth, " BnniioroV, Wednesday, 21st, " Cokeshurv, Thursday,"22d, and March 14th Dea Tall, Friday, 23u February; Smithville, Monday, UGtli, " ltobertV Store, Tuesday, 27tli, " Ni.nety-Six, Wednesday, 28th, " /n.1 is-i-i ' ? ' ??vv'o? o uiu riviu, rnuav, "4U Jiurcil . Abbeville C. II. nil Court week. > Salc-dny in April the Inst tiny for making returns. All persons failing to uiuke returns on the above (on il'H said) is'-abseikt from and without the limits of this State, nnd has neither wife nor ajjtprney known \WUliji' the same nprtn.whom a copy Qf the snid Declaration might be served:* It is therefore ordered, that the eaid Defend* ant do Appear and plend to the Mid Eteclara^ tion on or before.ihe twenty-fifth day ol' NovemDcr, .in < lie year of our Lotd oriethfcusand ejght hundred and 6/ty-fivk otherwise final and absolute judgement wlUthen be given and awarded against him.. . . MATTHEWlloDOlJALD, C. V, P. ClerkV Office, Abbeville District* ) , A >fpj^erabef50,18M. TIKI TIN!! TIN!!! HW. LAWSON, very grateful for patron age heretofore enjyeil, beg? leavj to ?ay to liis friends and customers and the public generally, that he has now, at bis old stand, on Main Street, next door to White & Bullock, a full and complete assortment of TIN WARE. In his store may be found Buckets?ull shape* and sizes; Covered and uncovered; Bonnet Box- ? es; Bed-Steamers; Coffee v Pots?all sizes; Cake P n ns ? a S3 o rted shapes; Candle Mould s ; Cake Boxes; Coal Carriers; Cullenders; Coffee Roasters; Candle Sticks; Dish Pans; Disk covers; uusl I'jma; tot Stoves; Foot Tubs; Glass Drainers; Knife Boxes; Lanterns; Lamp-Feeders; MilkPan9; Milk-Cups; 'Money Boxes ; Molasses Cups ; MilkSkimmers; Muffin Kings; * Marking Clips; Oil Lamps; Pepper Boxes; Pudding Pans; Pie Pons; Piute Cover*; Reflecting Ovens; Sliowsr Baths; Stew Pans; Sugar Scoops; Sugar Boxes; Tea CaiUBteri; Trumpets; Water Pots; Wash Pans; Water Dippers; Hcholnrs, the services of BIk. MONTGOMERY. , a graduate of the University ?f North- CarolU na, baye been procured. V; ' - ' ^ A new and commodious Academy fill ? t , fill i) it .time be completed. The btnidiajfftr k/ ^ retired as to insure perfect quiet, #nd fretdour from all things calculated to distract the ?tten~ tion of the scholar. . ' * ' The government of tho School willb* rigid. The moral* and gencml deportment of theStudents will at all tinu?s receive special attention. ' _ Students will be prepared to enter the Fresh-" J v man or Sophomore Class of the South Carolina f' College, and tho greatest care given to thsir ~x: "< preparation. " ' * ' . . v' The Seholastic venr will be divided into tw? jj-.jjj-,;/-Sessions. Tho first will commence on January . ?H. - . - ?... ....v. vvumuie twenty-eight weefcs; the V second will licgiu on the second Monday in Seutenibor, nud continue twelve weeks. l'ho Tuition of each Class will be for tbe v;: 1st Class: Reading. Writing, IstSes. 2dSn. SpeHing, and Primary Geography, - ----- J14 00 $ * 00 2d Class : The above with Geography, History, A* rithruetic," English Grammar, and exercises in English Composition, - - - 20 00 t 00 3d Class: The abovo with all the advanced English ? Brandies, - - - - - 23 00 10 00 . 4tli Class: The above with Latin and Greek, ... 28.00 12 00 Boarding can bo obtained in desirable families, and at reasonable rates, either in the Village or country near tlfl Academy, * Although it in of the greatest importance that all tho pupils should be present a? the opening of the Session, still they will be t?ceived nt any time during the te'i4h. Student*' ; will be charged from the time they enter until . . the close of tho Session, uptaw'special arrange- . ments nre made to the contrary, w V j For further informntion, apply to the Princi- ; pal. JAMES G. CALHOUN, A. B., Principal, Instructor in Mathematics. ' T A \tPu A ^ vnuco a. J1UA l^UJlKKYvA. Instructor in tho Ancient Language*. December 14. 1854. 32 6m *' ' v. RICH AND EL EG ART AT HODOfS' DEPOT. ' " V ' t ' ' ROBERTS :-/'Tr CASIIMERES. ALPACAS. DELAINE!* CHALLES, BOMBAZINES. ME- ' RINOS. SILKS, EMBROl .; fr HOSIERY; GLOVES. .1/77T5, Ac., GLASSWARE, BAGGING, .">? . % ROI'E AND TWINE, FAMILY GROCERIES, kt. We do not pretend, in this advertisement^ flf'' give' a succinct enumeration of all the articles \ we have in store, but will tako great plcnaure t -:A:in showing the .whole of our stock, ana c^nfi deij t ly believe the quality of *6ur Goods togeth- .;,i s er with the prices at which we oflfcr them, will aatisfy oil wud call upon us that they cannot belter than patronise ^ ^ ROBERTS 4 ADAMS. Nov. 10, 1854 ' 27 tf , v- ; A B ARE 02P0BT1JBITY; % LYONS U dlaptoed to frtvor those, who^e old V;;- , \* clothe# won't lasttbem 'til Vnrm we?th-. - r/' er.with an opportunity' of procuring handaome Whrtjsa Surra at Coti. Keed)^ yqh'vi#; ??fc'<. '.'rs'iC tlifl l>nlaiic^ of thttr moiitli. the irhol? of Martb,. , 5. (that death-hlowcv to cow*' nnd$*ly<*,) and '?;V' oftrt op April to -paar'tliroO^lMfoW you can dispense VZcli yoj?p .old patched-dp winter articles'And ii' you do"## tnjft?;>(iey y; * ybu'&ut> doti'the hackwa^d,';^pmd?f^y.' mart is a virtue, In man o jCttilCx&r'liy (totting ^bi^vnrd, with a litUe -%on vy, yon c?n get'. . epongh Winter-Clothtng, witboSttt^ibiug'joxir ortnnkitig a gin gl e gcedunt, to or e*tr*n>ely anx'ivn^ s ?W, - / ';i': , c|n?1y?lV".fpr',ypur.6vh goodT - I. have; jp/c?r ImilSumStbthr ?winSs^^WM"SS?'*' without if SoVoumb. thaol>?<*?fc ?rf - - fM^ B^B0BB8l^8^^MmSKa^H^BS^M8^t>>!Sd - j