TIIE INDEPENDENT PltESSl W l'UBLISIIKO EVERY SATURDAY MOHNISO, | TERMS. " ESS1"?! per annum, invariably in advance. Advertisements will l>c inserted conspicuously J at the following very low rates: 1 square of 12 lines or loss, 1 insertion, lii j livery following insertion, " 87 i mjunre a mom hp, *4 . 1 " 0 " , to insure attention. POETRY. 't'tt Rising on a Rail. Didst ever try it, render mine, the dizzy, weiling ride, Tlint sends the warm blood surging up, like waves on ocean tide ? I?idst ever try tho whizzing ear, when other nostrums fail To kill the blues?didst ever think ?f riding on t a rail? Ka-eliuck?ka-ehoo! The iron horse eomes ; splurging up t he track, As if the very N'/mt's-hin-nnntc was saddled to | his hack! And in no very measured terms he splutters j forth his rage, To find himself so harnessed in the groat un- : wieldly ?lai?e. Ka-chuck?ka-choo! Awav we g<>, through meatlow?over plain, The saucy echoes calch the tone, and ring it out i again ! Ka-chuck?ka-ohoo!?the wild woods j-hoiit while spinning round and round ; Anil off our hearts fro, polka mad?hop?waltzing to the sound! Thou in the car such Babel din?such ecaselutM chat terings Of timid women, grown-up boys, and "itlier sic like things!" 'Is that the J*ucu-foco. ma? that thing that ju.-t pulled by ?" ' ?/?;, land of hope and blessedness, >.! > ihUUt let j mc out!" While here and (here n fhdgling 3fo*c hawls, "Say, old Mnrtengale, It arn't no worsrr, is'it, now ??this ri'liug on A *\Ar? ^ 1 - - I* * v/. tuu pen, iinu ueacnery, uuiauncss and | direful insinuations are thrown out without stint by the diplomatists. What is to be the result of this Eastern question? "Who knows? It is evident that the sequel is not discoverable at present. Russia is so vast an empire, that though its extremities may be cut off and destroyed, she will still live at the heart, and like the Polypus, reproduce itself. Napoleon, when he attacked Russia, went to Moscow, that heart, that seat of her power. her hoi* ?> '? f A J WJ ?v? WIIJ/VIOUUUII, lllIU 1112r | . influence. The loss of Cronstadt or Sevastopol will not overthrow tho Russians. In fact, if they are beaten they will never know it. And this is the great difficulty. Franco and England will finally get tired of the enormous expenses they are at, and they will negotiate a peace as soon as they can. A peace relieving England from debt, and giving permanence to the present French Empire, will be a boon to both, and no trea ty will be made not founded on these two ideas. The effects of this protracted contest on American affairs arc tar from beiii? pleasant The enormous drains of spccie which our European creditors are making on us, must have the result of curtailing all credit operations, by which specie may be drawn front its retreats. Nor have wo yet seen any great demand for the produce of this country, which was so confidently, predicted as one of tho probable adttrijujg^& us of this Eastern question. On the whole it to look with natation find rARflf??WRh ?l.n r - ?r- ?? - ? w Mjryu uiu IAMIIWU Tt is atarttterin'-which -wo liave no great interest It is acontrovcrsy between four old dynasties, whose monarchs and whose nobility have kept Europe in a blaze for liundretfe jc^ years,' whdse ware are not for the people but for ...themselves, and who suffer Rations like .Hungary, Roland and Italv to be ground to the dust, that their own family interests and compacts may be perpetuated. , I ;> .. 'In this view of the subject, it is not matorial "which whips." We are called on strttVahrKlItT W .1 J ? J WM..HI.J, ?w ouuiiiq jDuguuu HIIU praise h$ Ti<$k'c?pdwit on Jhfo occasion, but let no American. shot'life eyes to the fact, that , the British Lion is still a beast of prey. Whenever fife feasible for the English Bngji^h Govewment,to give it fling 11/ Hook. Effect of Lorn Pukaoimnx:.?The gravity of a village congregation, in a neighboring State, was completely upset lately by the following circumstance : An eccentric preacher, intending to illustrate the superior efficiency of loud and earnest, preaching over that which was calm and deliberate in totio and manner, turned to one of his brethren and said?"Brother AI it I were to say to you, in a very low tone of voice and uncxcited manner, "Your house is on fire,?your house is on lire;" would you not suppose that I was jesting with you, and the declaration would produce 110 died ? Ihit it' I were to cry out, Jhuther M , your house is on kikk ! 1 say,sir, Just at this moment one of his auditors who u?.*d an ear-trumpet, not having caught any part of tho sentence except the cry of lire, uttered in thunder tones and with accordant look and gesture, and supposing some part of the village to be iu (lames,started from his seat, dropped his earIt limpet. ami without hat or benediction rushed down the aisle, shouting at th<; to]) of his v? ?ico?"7''ire ! Jite ! Jfrc ! " The effect of tliis unexpected scene upon the congregation was ti uly moving; ami the preacher sat down thoroughly satisfied with this practical illustration of the iuthiciicc of loud and carnc.it preaching. 1'jiECocits Yorui.?" What are you writing there, my hoy !" a>l;cd a fond patent of his hopeful son and heir, a shaver of ten years. ' My <'<->:npothition, thir," replied the yoiithf :! C-'roiius. " liut really, t shall he unable- to contheiitrale my idr-iis, and give them a logical relation if I am conthantly interrupted in thith manner, l?y irrcvaleiit inquiries.'' Tiie Chops Aduoad.?From all parts of V.nrono tv.tu-.Wu r.f < .hacI ?!> ? r- -! uu....u?..i harvest.) THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Abbeville District.?In the Court of Ordinary, In the mutter of the last Will and Testament of Lccv Lomax, deceased. AVniEKKAS Application lias tliii. tlav been t t made t<> me l>v James Ilnrgruvc mid James W. .Meredith ami Xancv his wile, some of tlm legal heir* of the said I.ney Loninx, requiring the paper purporting to contain her last will and testament to be proved in "due form of law": Therefore, notiec is hereby given to Kiihrnim Knight, and others, children ofiietsey Kn ight, to be and appear before me, either in person or attorney, ar, a Court of Ordinary, fur Abbeville liistrief, to be held at Abbeville C. II., on Friday, the twenty-ninth Sep!ember next, fit wllifll tiliin iwi.l > l""v? ? ?? the said paper will he tried. Given under 1113* liaml and seal of office, tliis (lie 2Iid June, A. I>. 18-11. WILLIAM 1J1LL, O. A. J). Jill}' 1 3u? Southern Quarterly Review. r|"Mllrt 1'eriodical is the only one of itaelass in -1. the entire region of the South : and its pages are referred to as the best evidence of the ability of the South, and its capacity to givo expression to the feelings, the interests and intclligeuce of this section of the country. Its purpose is to fairly represent ourselves, and not to misrepresent others. It aims to maintain the truth as we understand it, and to assert the intellectual cpialityof our seoliou, while, at the same time, it will free t he mind of our people from that state of literary thraldom and dependency nude.- which we have too long labored. Wc claim then, from all lovers of tho South and the friends of a truly home literature, that sunr.... i J.w.i, 1U1 uur nurh WHICH will enanie us to give it ft l'rec course, anfttrniinf fSA.iU>*?- - ' J ?0 ...V MVUVUCI U J/CWJIlf, una tliis convention earnestly recommend it to their favorable consideration. J. M. NEW BY & CO.,' wholesale and retail dealers in READY MADE CLOTHING, UNDER THE U. a HOTEL, Augusta, Georgia. J. M. Newby it Co. ore now opening the largest and best selected Stock of Clothing ever offered in Augusta. Every arliele for gentlemen's wear, of the best Goods, make and finish, can be found at onr establishment. Augusta, March 25, 1854. 46-Cm Notice. TIIE Notes of the Estate of D. F. Clkctkly, deceased, are now due, and have been placed in our bauds for payment. Persona owing tlio Estate, will make payment before the 16th of February. Those holding demands against the Estate, will present the same to us, properly attested. . McGOWEN & TERRIN, Feb. 4 39 ?tf Att'ys for Adm'r. New MaUresseg. IIIAVE located myself at Hodges' Depot, and am prepared to make Mattresses, Comforts, Cushions* lor Settee*, and such articles. I will pay a good pYice for Shucks and stained Cotton. Give m?> a call. Jan. 21 97-Htf DAVID B OWENS XTOTiVM^pr. JO&M ^ STLTAKT in fully XI aattiof-u^L to act, u. Wj Attorney, in tlie my absonee from AbUville JWHtfflt ' * Nor. 5,18C8?2&-tf XARKDf GEIJTKW. J. ' \ ' ' " W\* \ '*r ' AUG USTA ADVERTISEMENTS. Everything New and Fresh. At llic New and EIrgnnt Dry (Jooils Wore of WARD A ?(IK II1RD, AUGUSTA, OA, Opposite Itlasonir Hall. \,\7K nro now receiving our Spring purT T chases of rich and elegant SP1MM; AM) sniHER GOODS, To which we take great. pleasure in inviting I I ho attention of all in want of Family Supplier, feeling assured that wo can offer the Greatest Bargains to lie found in Augusta? !n I'ieh Spring SlLICS, elegant WeddingSl LKS, II:S, 'nSSLMS, UAUKGKS, U1MI.LI ANTS, French Jaconets, Lawns. Besides the largest ?tock to lie found of High Lustred BLACK ITALIAN SILKS, the most elegant Goods everolfered in Ai-crusta. New and Beautiful PARISIAN PLAIDS, of entire new de.-igns, with the handsomest and riehest. combinations of colors, including the gay, the grave, the rich, the elegant and chaste. lMt'll KMBROI1 >F.!< I ICS of every .leJcription, and in fact every other kind of l)rv Goods sllitalile lor l.ndtcs' and ('liildron'i Wfll'Jniliis. SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, of every kind. In this lcpiiriiucnl. will he found gome of the 1MCMKST I'.MKttOIDI'RKI) ('KAI'R SJIAWLS ever exhibited South of the l'otomae. MOUI'NINd ttOODS, in (rival, variety. American, Knglish and l'reneh CALICOS, in endless variety. MANTILLA AN1> DHKSS TKIMMINOS. We slK.il be prepared to please the most fasI tidioiis taste in this ditlieult department, by keeping a large stock of Trimmings constantly on hand. IIOI SEWIFR AND l'AMILV COOLS. AIrish Linens, Linen and Cotton Sheetings and Shirtings, Table l)am:isk.-<, Napkins, Towellings, tt<\ Augusta Sheeting? and Shirtings, Cotton Q.;-. naburgs and Oeorgia Stripes, at manufacturers prices. Our floods will be offered at a small adv ineiupon (Ik- orisrinal co.-t for ea>h, WIIOLKSALK AND IJKTA1L. They will l>e sho"'ii freely, represented fairly, and submitted to the unJ biassed judgment, of the purchaser. Our aim j will In; to please all elapses of buyers, in style, !<|iiality and priee of our goods, und in polite attention. All orders, accompanied with tin- easli. prompt I ly attended to. WARD ?t IHTtCllAKD. j Augusta, March 1T>, 1851. GRAY BROTHERS, AUCISTA, CA. ~B >1>ry GoodK. Having all the facilities in the purchasing <>f th?-ir stock that a cash capital can command, \vc ] bog leave-to assure the public, that we will always keep < > n hand the very host order of Goods that can be obtained, and sell them on a* fair terms as the like ijuality can be purchased either in this market or Charleston. Among our stock will be found the following beautiful Goods:? Cha?te and Klegatit Spring Silks; Sewing Silks and Tissues; liar egos and Hurege I)t'I.anes; French Muslins and I .awns; White Silks, of all styles; lilack Brocade and Watered Silks; l'laiu lilack Silks, all widths; White Embroidered Muslins; Colored Doited Muslins; 1'lui.l mi.l SI.;..,..) | Swiss and Jaconet do.; IJoolc ami Mull do.; White ami Col'd Tarlton Muslins; Crimped Kvoniiig Drosses, new stylos; Mantillas ami Scarfs entirely now; ('rape Shawls, very cheap; White Uaiv^o a!ii*all kinds; Li noil Lustres ami Clutmbrys; Cheap Long Cloths ami Homespuns; Irish Linens, (own importation); Plain Linen ami Linen Drill, for Gents wear; Linen Sheeting, exceedingly cheap; All kinds of Cotton Sheeting; Pillow ease Linen; 4b inch Pillow case Cotton ; Hosiery of every description, very cheap; KmbroidorieS5of every description; some very fine; Sewing Silk Mits and Gloves; Kid and Silk Gloves; Raw Silk and Lisle (Moves; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all kinds; Swiss and Jaconet Hands, very rich; I t imnirie, awiss anu jaconct Trifiuningannil Insertion; liibhon Trimming?, new styles; Licit Bonnet and Ncek Ribbons; I.islc, Thrca give a call before purchasing else where. I, v,?-' fflr* iPa? 4V tfl j jbjfJ&Cfc i /v \ ' ' ! ? ( HEAD QUARTERS FOR GOOD CARRI AT CHARIiESTT jet*, [Lato J. O. 1 Tli? subscriber will keep on hand tho li COACHES, IiOCKAWAYS, "BAllOUC TRAVELLING ^ To hi- had in tho State, embracing nil the newest i build to order unv kind lluil limy he wanted, in Harness, double & single; Whips, Nettings Alrto, Coaclimahcr's stock of all ?2f-I{r]Mtiri?y in all its hrauc/irs, prom 1%}"AU Work i .1 unc 3, 1851. 2-4 B. SWAFFIB WHOLESALE j C L 0 T H I N G E 8 T 3m?. !i (jimtiitv ISiiildingK, C 1> S. ?t SON" would respectfully invito the t STOCK of Spi'in^ ailtl N?ii Manufactured l>y themselves expressly fir th To?KTIIKIl WITII .1 SI en's F n r n i k S1IIKTS, GI.OVES, COI.I.AltS, Bl'KPKNUKllH C WAV ATS, 11A XDKKItf* 11 STOCKS, DKKSSINl! ?: Country Meivhiints winliin^ to hort ti]>, > vauikii Stoclr, itud lit Charleston Prices. Coluiiibin, Oct, "0. isr.o. C< 3ft MAT SO TOM tEJ <3L ZXLX> CL CIIOLKI5A. ) j,ou Af ]>VrtKNTi:ilV. S 1)1 AUUIKKA, \ IfiOWJKI. I>IS Aleo, Admirably adapted to many Diseas Menstri THE VIRTUES OF JACOB'S CORDIAL A 1st It euros the worst oases of I'Marrlncn. 2d. 11, cures the wor?t forms of Dysentery. " I. It. euros California or Mexicnu Diarrhusa. 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. 6th. It euros Cholera Morbus. Oth. It cures Cholera Infantum. A few short Extracts from " I have, used Jacob's Cordial in my family, n:i?l nient, a valuable remedy." Jlon. 1 " It gives me pleasure 5ti being able to reeoium once, and tlio experience of my'neighbors and frie to believe it to be all that it purports to be. viz: \V>r. II. Um?ku\vooi>, formerly "1 tnko great. pleasure in recommending this in diseases, for which 1 believe it to lie ft sovereign 1 ever tried l>y mo." A. A. (J aclmnu, Ii "This ellicient remedy is travelling into eelcbri Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used C2T [ 'or sale l>y Wakiu.aw ?fc Lvov, Abbeville Smith, Hodge's Depot. F. G. I'auks, (Ireonwood. sale Agents; and by the principal Merchants an Savannah, (Sa., May 13, 1351. AUSTRALIA IN MARKET! 1 i OFFER for sale S?> acres of LAND, more or 1 loss, lving on the Snake Road, eight miles r and a half from Abbeville Court I Ions'-, bounded by lands of Samuel Jordan, Patrick McCas- ] lan and Thomas Thomson. Twenty-live acres > are cleared and in good cultivation. The bal- , auce has good timber on it. A dwelling house , jukI out huihlings on it. This land lies in the i gold region, and lias one of tho richest veins ever discovered in this country. , Any wishing to buy, are invited to cull , and examine it, I intend to move "West, and if , not sold before pale day in September, it will be j put up to the highest bidder. , ltKUBEN FOWLER. ] Feb. 11 40 Cm j THE VALLEY PIONEER. j rJ"MIK undersigned will publish in the town of ( J. Hamburg, u new Weekly Paper on or i about the first of September next, bearing the I above title. s It will be tho aim of the Publisher to con- j duct "The Vallej' Pioneer" in a style that will make it acceptable to all classes of readers; to fill its columns with general intelligence, the . news of tho day, historical anecdotes, tnle3 of real life, poetry, light literature, humor and wit; in fact, to make it striekly a Newspaper. "The Valley Pioneer" will advocate the UUIiilUtiCUIl 111 l>vl tol UIIU llltUllIUl 1UJJJ1U V CIJIUIIL of tlio State; the building of the Savannah ^ River Valley and Columbia and Hamburg Kail * ' Roads. It will be independent in politics, not ^ identifying itself with any party, but firmly op- ^ posing such measures as are injurous to the C prosperity of the State ond the country at large. 1' The publisher will be ably assisted in the ? oditorial department, which, with his experi- ft encc in the Newspaper publishing busi/iess, P and the extreme low rates of subscription, will J1 make the paper a welcome visitor. 11 Tebms.?One dollar in advance. No paper n will be forwarded unless the moyey accompany ^ the order. 11 Any person procuring ten subscribers, and v forwarding the money for tho some will receive ono copy gratis. J. M. ROBINSON. Hamburg, S. C., August 10 1854. LAND FOB SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sole bis tract 11 of Land, in Abbovillo District, five pUlt! 8 miles from Ninety-?ix Depot, aud one mile from ?' Puckett's Ferry on Baluua river, containing " 903 Ac res. J About seventy five acres Woodland, well tim- \j bered; Dwelling, and all necessary outbuild- w ings Attached; And as healthy as any situation 0] in the District a; Persons wishing to purchase laud, would do well to call and examine for themselves. I am determined to selj, and if uot sold before the first Monday in Octobcr, it will be sold at pub- lie auction at Abbeville C. II. Persons purchasing tho land, can also pur- / chase Stock, Com, Fodder, Oats, Plantation I m ^ XOU1B. OiC. A W. B. MERIWETHER. v August IS, 1854. 15 . lm 0; Jaly 20, 1854. tf Silk Goods. GRAY BROTHERS have Inst received ? ( fall assortment of rich and elegant V Spring SELKS, to whieh they reepoetfnlly in- 4 yft* attention, :'Augruta, March, 25, 1854. AGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! ON PRICES.^ fhornton.] urgcst and most elegant assortment of J11 ICS, BUGGIES, GIGS, SULKIES, VAGONS, ?fcc., styles and latest fasliinns of the day, and will tfie most superb and durable manner. Also, i, Buggy UmbrellaB, Horse Blankets, &c. I kinds An liand for *al?; low. fit/;/ tin (I faithfully tlotir, at low pricrx. rurr?)itnl. ntu^iv jiuviiiiiv.'s in. juices buincicimy dow to Make it. an inducement for purchasers. The Machine being simple in its construction, uid not liable to get out of order, is capable if Splitting and Shoving Two Thousnnd Shingles per hour?better than made by hand. It s portable, and can be worked by hand, horse >r steam power. Ten to fifteen days work of a klachine will make enough Shingles to pay the >rice asked for a single one. Large inducements arc offered to persons wisling to purchase the right of several Districts.? Jnc of the Maclijiies can be seen in operation I n tlie City of Auirusta. at Wni. If. Goadrinli's I 'Inning Mfll, and one also may bo seen in a hort time at Mr. J. "Witt's Machine Shop, at Jdgefield C. II. TIIOS. G. LAMAR. Hamburg, S. C., April 29, 1854. 51-tf "c?lJBAI? CASH STORE. ABBEVILLE C. H., S. C. CHAMBERS AND MARSHALL, HAV E opened at- tlio Corner Store of Dr. Marshall's Range, where they will offer 0 the citizens of Abbeville the Largest and Jhcapest stoek of Fancy Staple Dry Goods, toot*, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Irockery, for Cash and Gaah Only. Our rofits are so small that we are not nbfe to sell ur Goods on time, and we are confident, after n examination of onr stock, the purchaser will orccive such a great margin between our 'rices and the Prices usually nuked for Goods 1 our line, that they will bco that it is to their dvantago to buy tfieir Goods from us for Cash, i call is solicited, as we take pleasure in exliiblg our Goods to all who may favor us with a isit April 22d, 1854, 40 tf ?jo8ton Kins. rHE subscriber?, having had nino years expericnce, and given universal satisfaction > their patrons, being now fully propared with ood machinery and the best of workmen, feel ife in saying to tho Cotton Planters in general I this and the adjoining States, that thov can lrnish them with tho best COTTON GINS now iade. They could offer a host of certificates, ut believing the warrantee to be sufficient, they 'ill say, send on your orders through the mail r their agents, wlio will visit the most, if not II the Planters m reasonable bounds. S. H. & WM. CT E8BY, Elberton, Elbert county, Qa. Feb. 4 <34 ly mi 1 ?? , i Bags Wanted. ln? Hundred Ttaousaad lb?. wanted at Kerr's Grocery Store, .bberjll^, C, IL Any kind of ol?an Cotton 6r foollcn Rag. will ba takeitat a fair prjoo in xehange for Goods. July 20, 1864. tf Whiikey aad Peach Brandy. ? BBIS Barton's bolt ByeWHISKKY. /one lY, 1854. * MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. I When tlio R. H. R. Theory waa first declared I to the world, skeptical persons doubted ita cor* recuicss, and looked with distrust on the remedies it possessed. Others, however, struck with the originality of its views and coneesdiog merit to the theory, were induced to try if tho remedies bore outin practice what was claimed for them in theory. A third class differing from the others and perhaps more numerous, without consideiug for a moment any merit they mighb he entitled to, tried them, merely as a venture, growing out of a desire for something new. Wo arc satisfied with the result, for the public has received the benefit and It. It. It. Theory has triumphed. Kot a day passes that wo da not have admission from some hitherto unbeliever that their skepticism was unfounded and convinced by reading our Family Friend, lrnvo proved by their own experience, tho infallibility ->,..1 uivuiumv.". i>ui > uuy passes Ibut wo dix notreceivo grateful testimonials of cures effected by these Medicines. " i was seized with cramps and spasms last night says one, and had it not been for Radawny's Ready Relief I should havo died with the pain." Another says, " my ' wife was slowly sulking with an affection of the Lungs and my neighbor was suffering from Scrofula,?I have seen them both restored to health by ltudwny's Renovating Resolveut. A third say, " Radway's Regulators have cured! mo of habitual costivencss that was the burdenof my life." Such are the characteristic tcBti-* monials we daily recivc of the R. R. R. Rcmc-' dies. R.\i>way's Reahv Rkliw, the first of the R. R. R. remedies, is the most quick aud safe rem edv that has ever Vet been discovered for the' instant relief of afl ACUTE OR CHRONIC) l'AINS. It is a certain disenfcctant and will neutralize the most violent poisons of Malignant Epidemic?. If the human system i3 soized with the virulence of Cholera, Small-Pox, Ship Fever, Pneumonia, or other fatal poisons, Radway's Ready Relief used in connection with Railway's Regulators, will check the violence of the disease, neutralize the infection, and will not only protect the system against sudden ucuui, ma will restore the body to health ami strength. We make this assertion bohlly, and if any Physician or Chemist doubts the grout power winch we claim for our Heady Relief, (ivcr malignant pains, let them examine it and lust it, it will bear the test. RHEUMATISM. I'.mns stopped in a few minutes. The moment Railway's Heady Relief is applied to the parts alHii-leu with rheumatic pains, whether it no in the kneo joint, the linns, legs, feet or loins all, pain and anguish ceases. Cr.ii'i'i.i:i) kon twkxtv ykars. Sir. Charles M. t -. i < *- * ?* * * " tiuuuaiuii, .>:isiiviiic, was crippled with a chronic rheumatism for twenty years. He'purchased' from J. M. Zimmerman one bottle of Ready Helief, ami one box of Regulators. The Heady liolief was applied as soon as it was obtained. In twenty minutes he was free from pain ; I n twenty-four hours lie could stand ulonc ; In four tliij/x he could walk alone. Hy the xise of the Resolvent, Relief and Regulators, in one month lie was entirely cured. A huh/ aytd 85, had been crippled for years, couhl not rair>c her liaud to her liead. One bottle of R. R. Relief removed all pain and stiffness, created new life within her disabled body, restored each limb and joint to a Btrong vigorous and healthy condition. The lady is well known in Asheville, N. C. Thomas W. Atkin, Esq., editor of the Asheville New\ published the case in his paper on the ISth of October 1853. Simiiien Attacks. Ciiamps and Spasms. for all internal difficulties, where the patient is suddenly seized with Crayips, Spasms, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, ono tonopoonful of Radway's Ready Relief will in fifteen minifies allay tho most distressing pains. Fever and Atjne. Let those afflicted with thisdistressing malady take Radway's Ready Relief internally, a teaspoonful every fifteen minI utes three hours before tho chills come on, and ! a dose of Regulators every night; also, rub tho spina of the back down with Ready Relief. It will entirely cure and prevent the system against Ague and Fever. In eases of Burns, Scalds, Bruises,' Strains, , Sprains, Bad Swellings, Heart Burn, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Radway's Ready Relief will remove all pain in a few minutes. For sale by Wardlaw ?fc Lyon, Abbeville;: 1 Boutwright Barkuloo, Columbia; Dr. F. G.. Parks, Greenwood; Beach the ordeatfef th*r-sncce8sful competitor immediately afWfj^e jpE of January 1855. Teut&Stolrtapy, one year $2; one copy, six. months $1 J^flve copies, six months, $4; ten copies, six months $8; ten eopios, twolvo innnt.li> 41 K -?1? " " '* ~~~ , V.V| .. mu cupin, is moniBi, twenty copies, twelve months, $28 No number of subscriptions abovo twenty can be taken at leu than $1 40 eaob. Names con be sent at different times and from different postoffieea. rLotters should be directed, post-po^to Mann A Co.. 128 Fulton St,. New York. *' . Messrs Mann