Spartanburg journal. [volume] (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1900-1906, September 06, 1906, INDUSTRIAL EDITION, Page 9, Image 11

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<1 I JRy - ^ . -ScSiHSlBHHBeSrMr ' &* < *M ., S<;yBKtemamE8&/- / JflI I ^ta^jffM^y- -; : ?i ISVnfc; "MPKwfflB^KlSRIH^^^H 0 ^gS3naBMBBKBgaaSSWWy<BM^^^1 "I 1 o o [i < b ^ BBBBWBwWBBWBBBWBWBBBBBBB st K^wubb i ^ K'- < iV)T2iI^^BK^BSSP?bV'<: '*M2?^H^I^BttiraBM J nnifMril MWmW /tv ?. '$ *B<f '&?XJ&l?^^HlU|jBH PaV^H| IvfRln VMS W P-lffr^ Is^HhVId^BHR^^^HHl^KN I^BfVHI w-x UMSiSiHI ' v i v? nHnn^Hn i msHi^i * $ MEN'S DEPAttTMENT. A 1 I ^ LADIES DEPARTMENT % FI RNISIIINd DEPARTMENT. <??C?<i?C< ??;? CC?# ?fe#< ????? MN?<Hi?? WE BUT AND SELL SOUTHERN N IRUSSEL -1 F0U1 MAC! Our Machine St< with every applianc and efficiency. We do all kinds of Repai to the largest. Skilled workmei work guaranteed. "DAYLIGHT STOR ' %' f& .(j.-.f '.. ' ' .-c.i. .."' ? * ' * 1.1 LES liriLDINU. L CLOTH] 1 ^ Wearing Apparel 1 WH -j!l Women am Children F *" * LILES BUILD] I s H Spartanburg, ? MOO??OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?W ACCOUNT. WRITE US FOR CIR MUNICIPAL BONDS F< COMPTON IffDRY AND IINE feHOPS )ps end Foundry are e necessary for pr manufacture Mach: r Work from the sm a in every departn " EM -v ? [ sale cu easy terms. v - . . ? ? (i\5 * ' gS> (or Men, fMHI. aaeaaaet "Style C IBH^R* pPiPpT ? / Interior view It is our aim to a to offer the man Tailors, Iia aaaaaaa? . - , . v .. . V' ' - " . ; : CHICKASAW SO\l* AVOItkS that the owner acres of land and splendid hnildi 'quiiiiiK htr; time with a factory complete in ev p factory, com- particular, the canine, boiler mi is offered for piping having recently been til There are three oughly overhauled. The factory I BM|| hi I'Ciijjth* i " KiilUi ^ 'I -' * |^^HSHHH8BK8w^P^QBSBBr-vro VI ^ aHBff jBh Ilf'Kfi *XVi? ^*-"*/ 990uEwR *^gik WlflBKnHV lBm896f ir"TUI HVEUKoMI lHHSHEb I^IH^WIKK!fi9 ISHH vlSf&J* fer *5b i^b bi U8hk1uI^B '*.: -?*,# 'IBHl MANTEL ROOM. aaaaaaaeeaf enter for Men." 1 i y J * 4/ of Bomir & Crigl r's $ 8 I SI/ 8 w 8 SA> si/ Iways have what is new $ who loves to dress well * St/ SI/ SI/ SI/ >1/ 4/ 4/ 4/ ND CRIGLER | tters and Furnishers Jjj 4/ 4/ SI/ SI/ 4/ 4/ 4/ Sli ^ u/ * L"?_ X ^ 8 ^ * i large capacity and as all tlio in- $ gradients cf snap are home products, 8 here is a splendid cpportunltv for a SI/ v 4/ ivc man to make money. Clerk of 4/ C? urt T. It. Trimmler can give full particulars. 8 4/ o> 4/ ? IIA It It IS-ti It IM F.S tO. * fv VI/ ^ rhe succ.sscrs to Ilateman & Lee vt> in the dry goods and hous.> furnish Iing husimss is the liarrds-tli inio.-. 4/ 4/ ( ?).. in ill-- Ituildiag c n .\.? rgau 4' Squat c. Percy \V. Harris, ihe man ^ ager, is a .ciing man of in lomiiah'o t eiiorg and push and having made u 4/ 4/ success <1 selling diy go.ids for Sl> \!/ I years si it '1 later sue < <!" :! jis traveiin-t sali-sinaii. <i. i i -d to icvato ill ^ Sparianluiri:. '.<< suof iiulii in diirilm iis i .mi vt'iirs lias fully >1/ justified his decisii a. They keep a $ liitth tirade <f pt? ds in every thins -j? f< r women's wear ami house fur\f/ nishings. Their trade already ex- vl/ VI/ ngs over several counties and is ^ ....... constantlv growing. Thev cater to ery \t/ and '',e ''est class of trade and are ali il> lor- ,'u* while <;n the lookout for the \t/ has '""west in the markets. _1_ \l/ ~ " " - t & il \|/ 1 111 Hi IV i >* IllUbUlllI 111^ \l> Lumber I * vlf * $ * vt> all kinds of I ROUGH AND $ ! DRESSED J LUMBER and I BUILDING t MA 1ERIAL.... | 1 Largest Assortment of t in lias) in the city * If you need Building Ma-* terial let us figure with * you. | # Sl'AKTANBI'KU, S. C.