The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, May 16, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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j: i Ti Merchants & PI; "The Old 1 j The Oldest and Largesi 9 I : Is Your Money Suppo # # ; At this critical period in ! ers are offering their mills ar their services to tho United 5 | Would you like to do you ? your money where it will 6up Banking System, which the C stand hack of our commerce ! You can do this by openin of every dollar so deposited j I tern where it will always be LOOK FOR THE BANK V : And deposit your money wl | F. M. FARR, J ''resident. 9 MftAiUMUUllMIUAUMIiyM One Pair of ...Lifet Are you abusing and n< you will pay the price late, of all headaches arise from aching, burning eyes that j and many other ills are d strain. In such cases ther that is an unfailing one?p SCHOOL CHILDREN carefully examined before 1 if necessary, fitted with gls An examination will cost is no need for glasses I wi for glasses are very reasor every pair with an absolul tion. ? f. C: DtfKEr 1 q \f.,;n | iu iuaiu uncci I - : " SERYIC ' an be used as an Ambulance, for deli -ions. Especially adapted for lontr disi a-he re within thirty miles of Union F!1 BAILEY UNDE Office Phone 10(> Peoples Und Funeral Directors \iitomohile Equipment loi Calls Answered Pro H. W. EDGAI Phone 240 Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE ana ikcjm. it acts on tne Liver, Drives out Malaria, Knriches the Blood and Build9 up the Whole System. 60 cents Senator Hoot says it is time for the American people to shut up. It is hoped that Teddy will consider that as altogether personal.?Wilmington Star. ^luriiwwimwfwwwffwwwM UNDER ? \COVERNMENT ? ^SUPERVISION S Kj\ MEMBER BANK UNDER, j ai IE ? m inters Nat'l Bank j t Reliable" ] " I Bank In Union County i ai i St i rting the Government our history our manufactur- J in id our young men are offering nj States Government. I r share and help by putting J port the new Federal Reserve ; iovernment has established to ? su industry and agriculture? m g an account with us, as part \ joes directly into the new sys- J cc ready for you when wanted. j ^ VITH THE CHIME CLOCK I ^ lere it will be absolutely sale ! a* J. I). ARTHUR. ; T, ^ . 1 ? at Cashier. ai I ; ai ! in UUIIdUAUMMMUUUMAiUM C al hi m Eyes to a t ime... iglecting yours? If, so, \ r. More than two-thirds ni i eye-strain. Dim vision, soon tire, granulated iids b( ue to sorfife form of eye u e is but one remedy and JN, iroperly fitted glasses, should have their eyes v being taxed by study and *1 isses. you nothing, and if there o 11 tell you so. My prices a table and I stand back of li te guarantee of satisfac- F s "Optometrist Union, South Carolina h vi T ? g ds w n I . I 1,1 '"i'''' '/ ?:? ftm- M V.? m'Jjf ?m%0&v few^sHB -A ;ii E CAR verinpr Caskets and on Funeral ocen tance calls. We deliver Caskets any j EE OF CIIARC,K. L.j RTAKING CO. Residence Phone |w ertaking Co. and Embalmers .J) rnishcd When Desired. ; mptly Day or Night !,i | (>| Rfc, Manager. ?n Old PoslolIIcc Bulldlnu ?? lm 1? And now the fools hens are observ- '' iiitr ejfRless days.?Anderson Mail. 666 ? Gives Quick Relief for " COLDS and " LAGRIPPE H Price 25c and 50c Per Pottle LOCKHART JUNCTION Lockhart Junction, May 15.?Well, e are having fine weather now such i we need, getting warm and a rain >w and then is sure the thing for le cotton that is trying to come up, id it is also fine for the gardens, io vegetables are real fine and qvery le is feling proud and talking of leir nne garaens. Sometimes things look gloomy, len again we feel like we are on the ountain top. If we people would op and think for a moment we all lould be very thankful to know it is i well with us as what it is. We e living and worshipping under our vn vine and fig tree, while others e living under adverse circumances. It could be worse with us id might be if this cruel war goes i. We don't know what we are comg to; maybe we are at the beginng of one of the greatest wars that story can tell us about and while e are enjoying this life and surirrounded with plenty there are any who have not bread to eat. I think about the young men of this ?untry and of other lands and counies that have gone out from their >mes to meet the many hardships of soldier's life and they may never *ain enjoy the pleasures of home, his is a very sad thing to think jout and yet it is true. We meet nd know mothers who have sons bvay who are grieved because they re gone away and they are prayig for them. J. L. McKirmey who is with the oast Artillery at Fort Moultrie is k home on a furlough to see his is fathr and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly who are nw 1 i vi no* in Snnrtiinhurcr mntnrn/1 awn to Kelly's Sunday to see his lother, Mrs. Pollie Kelly and at nded church at Foster Chapel. Mr., and Mrs. Elzie Guyden of partanburg were sit the Junction lis morning on their way home from visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Galllan. Rev. H. K. Ezell and L. E. YarDrough of Cross Anchor visited '.ichard Littlejohn and family last eek and attended preaching at New [ope church. I niet Mrs. Susie Coleman of Jonesille at the Junction this morning; le has been visiting her. mother, Irs. Newton Gallman at Kelton. Mrs. W. C. Edmonds and children f Spartanburg are now visiting Mr. nd Mrs. T. B. Kelley and other relaves in this community. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gault of Great 'alls were visitors in this section unday, coming in their auto. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Garner spent le week-end in Cherokee \o see their' :>n-in-Iaw and daughter, Mrs. and T. Inman. Miss Ruth Inman came ome with them. Dr. Thrasher and I were again inited to another birthday dinner last hursday, the 9th of May. Mrs. L. . Garner celebrated her 57th birthjy, entertaining her friends royally ith many varieties of good things to it. I will say Mr. Editor you would ive been welcome if you had hap ncd along at that hour (Moxy, you lit tolling us about the good dinners >u have; it makes us hungry?Edir). They have eight children, all cing, all belong to the church, also ! grandchildren. She has one boy i the service of Uncle Sam. These *e praying people. My dear read's I go into many homes and someme have been in strange homes but was not a stranger any more. I id many big-hearted people overyhere 1 go. It is good to go around id meet the people and associate toither. ON'T SCOLD, MOTHER! THE CROSS CHILI) IS BILIOUS, FEVERISH ooh at tongue!. If coated, clean little stomach, liver bowels i Don't scold your fretful, peevish lild. See if tongue is coated; this is sure sign its little stomach, liver id bowels are clogged with sour aste. When listless, pale, feverish, full f cold, breath bad, throat sore, icsn't eat, sleep or act naturally, us stomach-ache, indigestion, diarKMl trivo !? loucnnnnful 4 4 ^?1? , X M VV it Ui ui vail" ?rnia Syrup of Figs," and in a few :>urs all the foul waste, the sour le and fermenting food passes out F the bowels and you have a well id playful child again. Children like lis harmless "fruit laxative," and others can rest easy after giving it, scause it never fails to make their ttle "insides" clean and sweet. Keep it handy, Mother! A little ivcn todays saves a sick child tcorrow, but get the genuine. Ask >ur druggist for a bottle of "Cali>rnia Syrup of Figs," which has di?ctions for babies, children of all ?es and for grown-ups plainly on le bottle. Remember there are >unterfeits sold here, so surely look nd see that yours is made by the California Fig Syrup Company." and back with contempt any other R syrup. ? I will say to those who do not get the Weekly Times or Daily Times that have paid up your subscriptions, let me know and we will have it sent. Sometime* I might get your post office or mail route wrong and turn it in to the editor that way and you might miss getting it some time. I Will say again, the editor sure has been lenient to his patrons. I find many behind in payment for three or four years that are paying up for the paper and. want it on?they cannot do without it. The Gault school closed last Friday night exercises by the children which were well attended. The teachers are Prof. O. A. Darby, of Ches tor, miss uarry uaurcns 01 inman and Miss Lucile Tracy of Union. Miss Laurence is Mrs. Waters now as she got married since she began to teach. The teachers will not come back, but they have given satisfaction and I wish them all much success wherever they go. Messrs. Carbery and House of Union will be at Elford Grove school house on Sunday evening of the 19th to meet the Sunday school at that place. Moxy. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER Crashes into sour bile, making you sick and you lose a day's work Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy constipated and all knocked out just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it. WOMEN GIVE $36,000,000 Thousands of patriotic women ill all parts of the United States are freely giving their time to make surgical dressings, knit goods, hospital jDi/$nent{v comfort i kits, sock's and sVwiter8* Tne value of this labor given by American women is estimated at $36,000,000 a year. The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary auinine and does not cause nervousness nor nging in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. I ST TIV/IIV WIISJXI R June NOTED EDUCATC give series of lectures. States Naval Academy, ; tional Child Welfare Co Gary Plan; John R. Kirl Ella Flagg Young, forn , Schools of Chicago; Dr. American Consul to Gre lege; Dr. A. E. Winshie, and author; Dr. W. C. B of Teaching; Mrs. Emn COURSES OF STU the needs of (1) Superi (3) Primary and Grade those wishing special brf FACULTY: Presid petent faculty composed other States. SPECIAL FEATUB July 8th to July 20th; C( monstration work with rural school problems, k methods, etc. County b cates now in force for a School and take the final Lectures, Entertainr cational Moving Picture Gymnasium, Regulation Alt ? ..... Alleys, i,arge Athletic F Board and matriculs The best accommoda and inspiration unexce School Bulletin. Reserve dormitory a> O. B. *JO R< Rheumatism Back < With No Let-Up In Its Torture. ( Pretty soon you will be reaching for the liniment bottle again, for the i millions of little pain demons that i cause Rheumatism are on the war- j path. Winter weather seems to awak- i en them to renewed fury. 1 But your Rheumatism cannot be < rubbed away, because liniments and 1 lotions cannot reach the disease. It j is in the blood, and only a remedy that goes deep down into the circula- ; Pure Paint You can depend on paint made white-lead and pure linseed oil. greatest covering power and long< Dutch Boy white-lead, mixed \* linseed oil, makes weatherpro For interiors, it assures a b< smooth surface, easily washed. "Whether you buy of us over the by mail or by telephone, you v our best service. Our stock is and reliable. The Union Hi AGREEMENT BETWEEN \ U. S. ANI) JAPAN 2 Tokio, April 30.?(Correspondence 11 of the Associated Press)?Submitting written answers to interpella- s tions in the house of representatives, I just before the recent adjournment of e that body, Viscount Motono then Ja- ^ pan's foreign minister, but who after- ? ward resigned, said that the Japanese 1 government had no intention of re- ? pealing the "gentlemen's agreement" A between the United States and Japan 1 at the present time. 1 The interpolator, Mr. Hayami, ^ thought that the time had come to j send more Japanese laborers to the , United States because the wur had Iincreased demand of labor; r [cia. He belived that the Hi me hirtl J arrived to solve the immigration question and thought the "gentle- ? men's aerreement" should he abolish. . ed. Mr. Hayami continued by recommending that the government open i the way for a supply of Japanese la- \ /IER SCI dROP COL OCK HILL, S. < IS to July 26, >RS: Famous educators of 1 Dr. Alphonso Smith, professo author; Dr. Henry S. Curtis, f nference; William Wirt, orij: c, President, State Normal o tier President. N. E. A., and Liberty H. Bailey, Cornell L ece; Dr. Henry N. Snyder, P editor of Journal of Educatic agley of the Carnegie Founds ia A. Fox, noted parliamenta DY: Full courses of study w ntendents ajidPrincipals, (2) Teachers, (4) those wishing I inches. j i i * eni jonnson nas secured an ut of specialists and pleaders of :ES: Special course for Club )urse in Surg;cal Dressing, P; children in all grades in higl indergarten practice, lecture oards of education are authc 11 teachers who do satisfactor; examinations. nents, Out-of-door Plays, Mu s, Personally Conducted Ext Size Swimming Pool with fi' 'ield thoroughly equipped, ution fee for entire session, $3 4-1 AV?rt A %-k 1 r? A A 1* ? wuna. r\ piatc xux lieaiLIl, r lied. For further informati 9 ccommodations as early as pos HNSON, P )CK HILL, S. ' on the Job its Old-time Fury tion, and routs out the disease germs, can rid you of this disabling disease. S. S. S. has given some wonderful results in treating Rheumatism. Being a purely vegetable blood remedy, it purifies the blood of every germ, and thus removes the cause of Rheumatism. Get a bottle to-day at your drugstore, and start on the right treatment that will get results. Free advice about your case can be had by writing to Medical Director, 26 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Dutch Boy '??2 Lewis Brand White-Lead of paint.^ irdware Co. discount Motono replied that the rovernment did not think the pres nt circumstances allowed of such an irrangement. Commenting on Mr. Hayami's deiro that the general granting of mssports to Japanese emigrants be expedited and simplified in procedure, discount Motono answered that the government would try to meet the nterpellator's wishes as far as poslible He added that the government vill give due consideration to the natter of giving preparatory eduqa;ion to emigrants. 3LD FALSE TEETH WANTED OONT MATTER IF BROKEN We pay up to 15 dollars per set. Also :ash for Old Gold, Silver and broken Jewglry.Cheqk sent by return jnail. jOods held 10 days for sender's apiroval of our offer. Mazer's Tooth Specialty, Dept. A, 2007 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 18-6t-pd-w. The Red Cross operates in France i motor truck transportation service vith 250 motor trucks. .LEGE b?' 1918 the United States will r of English in United ^ ormer Secretary of Na- j pnator of the famous f Kirkville, Missouri; i [ Superintendent, City University; A. B. Cook, resident, Wofford Col>n; Ida Tarbell, lecturer J ition for Advancement rian, and many others. f ill be provided to meet High School Teachers, '""1 _ 11 1 /-v L/unege cretins, ana lusually large and com- I education in this and : i Women of this State, | arliamentary Law; de!i school, model school, s on the Montessori rized to renew certifr y work in this Summer sical Companies, Edu;ursions, Large New Itered water, Howling ; 15.00. I l ! / ' * ecreauon, lniormauon | on write for Summer sible. # resident, c. >