The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, December 27, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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' 1 ' < ' ;' ' JSljl" !i " T.': -'jfT m THE UNlON TIMES [=] WEEKLY EDITION VOL. XLVTI. NO. 52. UNION, S. V., THURgjgAY, DECHMliHIi 27, UM7 , President I In) Will Cut High Si Increase Wag RJ> DipDPl W l/AA VVI (By Ass< Washington, Dec. 27.?r nounced, will assume the every railroad in continen day, Deccember 28. M< general One of the first acts of tl operation of the rialroads . aries of the railway execi measure the wages of rail Securities to be issued 1 ment is in control will not the President will ask Coi ment to buy any quantity < ings over and above the ar to the government. Conj propriate a large fund, pr dollars for immediate suf the food traffic which has tor general will have auth< ernment shall also assurn the express companies. Ii been in position to pass oi '" It is held. It will also be I , government will purchase will prevent the rules of s? the future issue of Liberl |)M l [ the actual government fin Germans Make Thre< (By Asa Paris, Dec. 27.?Three att last night on the Vardun fr< tempt the enemy succeeded ii driven out immediately with is officially announced. Many German Social Christmas Ev< (By Ass London, Dec. 27.?More t German minority Socialists Eve by the German military dispatch given out today by tl Depoty Warden Kills Who Struck (By As Atlanta, Dec. 27.?Dr. Ja Deputy Warden of the Fede this morning when Dimitre with an iron bar as the pris* PopofTs only statement is: was sentenced for counterfei Washington Doubttul 01 (By As Washington, Dec. 27.?Cc posals for basic peace cause* for their sincerity. There if or the uerman representativ as long as possible. British Steamer Wr< (By As London, Dec. 27.?The Bi hundred tons has been wrec Africa, says the dispatches two hundred and fifty-nine a Announces Co !ontinental Ui ilaries and SlightlyEl es?McAdoo Will iavi cnnnv*ol ivi uciici ciju | b \v sciated Press) The President, it has been anpossession and operation of tal United States at noon FrijAdoo is appointed director IV! ie government in beginning the will be to reduce the large salutives and to increase in some way workers. >y President while the govern- s* be less than four percent, and c igress to empower the govern :>f new securities. All the earn- c nount to be agreed on are to go ? jress will be asked also to ap- fc obably two hundred millions of ft >ply of rolling stock to handle sc swamped the roads. The direc- tl >rity to decid ewhether the gov- *( e the operation and control of ^ i his dual position McAdoo has ni n securities and interest rights, p tris duty to determine when the y new securities, and this plan ^ icurities from interferring with nc ty Bonds without necessitating * ancipg of the roads. n ; Attacks On f Verdun Front Last Night11 lociated Press) acks were made by the Germans e HITA i. iU? 1 A. ? A. n Jilt cast ui lfxcuac* rvi uic at- ; i reaching the French lines but was JJ heavy losses, leaving prisoners, it h I _:o: 1 ists Arrested > in Berlin, It Is Reported ' d n sociated Press) han three hundred members of the 1 party were arrested on Christmas r authorities, according to a Zurich ( he Wireless Press. t ?:o: * i Prisoner ! Him Down With Iron Bar T sociated Press) mes R. Brock of Trenton, Georgia, ral penitentiary, killed a prisoner Popoff, a prisoner, struck him down oners were leaving the dining room. "Was personal matter." Popoff ting from Ohio. _ :o: I of Sincerity German Peace Proposals ; I isociated Press) i >nditions surrounding Czernin prod officials here to feel apprehension i a disposition to feel that the object , es is simply to protract negotiations ?: o: ;cked; Lives and Cargo Saved isociatea Jt'ressj itish steamer, Nagpur, eighty-three ;ked in Delgoa Bay, Portugese, East from Lisbon, passengers numbering nd the cargo were saved. ntrol All Ri lited State! leven Austro-German i Brought (By Associa Rome, Dec. 27.?Eleven A rought down by British and Ita hich developed when the Teuton > bomb Treviso, sixty miles no] ar office report today. SOME HUSTLER rs. A. R. Fripp Sends an Additional Forty-Five l>ollars for Red Cross Proceeds From Box Super at Westley Chapel School Mrs. A. R. Fripp, teacher of Wesy Chapel school, and who recently int 23 news names for the Red ross, with the $1.00 from eacW ime, has sent Macbeth Young, ounty Chairman in the drive for in million new members of the ed Cross,, another check, this time >r $45, this sum being the proceeds om a box supper at Wesley Chape! ;hool, the same to be turned over to le Red Cross to be used to the beai ivantage. Mrs. Fripp is some hustr r, and that's a fact. If every comtunity can develop a leader in this lovement like her, Union county will o far over her quota. Mr. Young requests that we urge pon all communities the necessity. >r pressing the solicitation for new tembers right up to January 1, ah phich time the canvass is to closer fa doubt there era mejfry conimun>es that have rallied nobly to this ist call of the Red Cross, but Mrs. 'ripp has, we judge, outstripped nem all. Death of N. H. Hawkins N. H. Hawkins died at his home ight miles above Union Monday ight and his body was laid to rest n Hebron cemetery yesterday. He ?as 66 years of a pre and is survived y five children of his first marriage, lis children are: N. H. Hawkins, Jr.: lennie Hawkins; Guy H. Hawkins; irs. Nora Burgess; Mrs. Douglass Lancaster and Bryan H. Hawkins. Ie was a member of Hebron Baptist hurch and the services were contucted by his pastor, Rev. J. M. Vogdon and Rev. States Jolly. Burial of W. Farr. Gilliam The burial services of W. Farr William, who passed away Monday jvening at 7 o'clock, were held at his lome on E. Main street, Wednesday norning at 12 o'clock, conducted by Hev. J. W. Speake, pastor of Grace Vfethodist church. Mr. Gilliam is survived by his wife, who was Miss Hunter Young, two *mall children, his mother. Mrs. Mary William, two brothers, D. Fant Gilliam and R. R. Gilliam, prominent business men of this city. Mr Gilliam bad been for years one of Union's leading business men and his sudden death has brought sorrow to many hearts. City Offers $25 Reward The city authorities have offered a reward of twenty-five dollars ($2f>) for information leading to the discovery and conviction of the party or parties who, on last night turned in a false alarm. It should be $50, or three months on the gang, for it was a pretty scarry trick to have the whole fire department running out to a supposed fire when there was nothing to it but the silly prank of some silly fool. At Hotel Union. Wednesday, Dec. 26th. E. 0. Steinbach, Salma. Ala.; II. B. Jennings, City; R. S. Mclver, Green ville, S. C.; Boyd Farr, Lockhart, S. C.; Thos. Roberts, Camp Wadsworth; E. H. Holdeji, Camp Wadsworth. It is hard to down a man who doea not know when he is whipped. Selfishness is a canker that eats the heart out. lilways c ; Tomorrow*. \ ' Urplanes Down on Kalian Front ,ted Press) n* ustro-German airplanes were ^ dian flyers in an aerial battle ei is made an unsuccessful attempt rth of Venice, according to the w Ci th Pittman-Pitts ti ? i i i . i Ci jveverena ana rars. Alexander mc- j Arthur Pittman announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Elizabeth to i? to Mr. Wesley Capers Pitts ?fn Wednesday the twenty sixth of December nineteen hundred and et seventeen nl Carlisle, South Carolina r( The ceremony was performed by h the father of the bride, Rev. A. McA. Tittman and the young couple left mi immediately for a bridal trip after il which they will be at home in Conway, S. C. Mrs. Pitts is the eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. McA. Pittman of Carlisle and is a young woman f high Christian character and charming: personality. She is a graduate h of (ireenville Woman's College and r( K taught successfully for several ? I _ Pitts is a graduate of Clem- 11 i|u ^College and of Carolina and is ln?i .highest esteem liy his frfetads and business associates. Mr. and Mrs. Pitts have the good wishes of the community for a long and happy life. Notice to Fourth Grade Children 1 The fourth grade children of Cen- 1 tral school who were invited to the j home of their teacher, Miss Kathleen ! James are asked to postpone this I i.:i ^ 4.1 ? if: ? visit until luruitT nutice as miss James was called out of town to- a day. Miss James asks that the children s pardon her for postponing their par- f ty, but she pot a messape late today _ callinp her away, and had to respond to the call. 20,000 Graduate Nurses Will be Required in Army Hospitals j With a continuance of the war, in the next year at least 20,000 nurses will be needed at army hospitals at home and abroad. Of the 80,000 praduate nurses of the country only 3,500 have so far assipned to duty in army service, and of this number 1,500 are in France. Any army nurse must be a praduate of a traininp school for nurses and must have served for two years in a hospital. They are assipned to duty in the United States or abroad, and preferences are pranted when conditions permit. Nurses who prefer not to have service abroad will have their preferences respected. Thanks for Supper Union, S. C., Dec. 21, 1917. Mr. Editor: Please spare me a little space in your paper to thank the Monarch Mill Company for the kindness in their pivinp such a nice supper. Everyone present enjoyed himself, especially Mr. Howard Roulware. Never in my life have I seen such a pleased man. Now he did do some ieastinp. The only reason he didn't pet any n ore his pockets were shallow and there was another man made happy, Mr. O. W. Shirley prove! to be in pood form for eatinp everything in sipht. He would like to pet a suppei 1 i:i?~ al.I T ?. i? liivts inni evci y iiikiil. iri rcK?ru? iu the company here is wishing them a i merry Christmas and a prosperous New Yeor and another supper at the < i Hotel Union. L. G. Tallone. ENTRAl POWERS SOLEI DECLARE WILLI? istro-German Foreign Ministei ment at Peace Confei (By Associated Petrograd, Wednesday.?The Cen leir resolve to immediately sign p< 4.u^ ? xlc me war on conditions equally j zernin, Austro-German foreign mi ice at Brest-Litovsk yesterday. T icmselves to such terms without gi ould recognize them and carry th entral Powers. Czernin declared le basic principles uttered by the E isis for such a peace. :o:? locks Soared at Opening Of M (By Associated New York, Dec. 27.?Stocks soare ; this morning, denoting the satis unity with President Wilson's de iads. The advance ranged from U sts, all standard shares being bid i ; o:? othing to Report of Impi On th (By Associatec London, Dec. 27.?Nothing to rc ostile artillery activity north and eported to the war office today. :o:? ne Large and One Small Steamer San (By Associatec Paris, Dec. 27.?One French stea 3ns and one under that tonnage w tig the weed ending December twer : o i? Vooden Ship Building Pk (By Associate Washington, Dec. 27.?Wooden j ured as almost a complete failure istant general manager of the erne: ying before the Senate Committee BELGIUM'S HEROIC RULER I iiiiiiif iiiiMimrvTB mtiiJ \ pi New photograph of King Albert of m Belgium, showing him in his field unl- m form. ]y ar Daily Cotton Report, j '' (By McNally Cotton Company) dl January cotton opened at 30.80, closed at 30.31. st Local market 30 1-2. Seed $71.00. Uj MNLY IGNESS FOR PEACE r Czernin Makes Staleence Yesterday. i Press) tral Powers solemnly declare ?ace terms which will termiiust to all belligerents, Count nisters told the peace conferhe Central Powers also bind larantee that Russia's allies tern out honestly toward the the Central Powers believed Russian delegates could be the arket This Morning 1 Press) d at the opening of the markfaction of the financial comcision to take over the railvo to eight points in railroad ip furiously. >rtance e Yprcs Front Today ; 1 Press) | ;port last night except some ; east of Ypres, General Haig ^ i i French \ ik During Past Week ? ? 1 Press) | ,mer of over sixteen hundred : ere sunk by submarines dur- i. lty second. j in Declared a Failure j i rl Press) t 3hip building program is picby Hear Admiral Rowles, as rgency fleet corporation, testi- r today. ; Who's Stupid? (Bristol Herald Courier.) The following interesting little distch from New York appread in sterday morning's papers: "Although he was a German sub:t, Eric Hoeoker, a butcher boy, ssessed an air of such profound jpidity that he was permitted to 11 daily at Fort Totten in his unds. Today he was interned on lis Island after army intelligence leers discovered that he had impornt papers among his effects and at he was an expert telegrapher d map maker." Hoecker wasn't stupid at all. No M-man subject is stupid, not even , the nrt of appearing so, when ere is devilment and dirty work to done. Somebody else was stupid hen this expert telegrapher and ap maker from Germany in the ifce of a stupid butcher boy was ven free access to Fort Totten. The government is anxious that e people shall realize that America at war with the greatest and most cious and unscrupulous military >wer on earth and that if the war is i be prosecuted to a successful terination they must stand by their untry to the utmost of their enerv and resources. The people are benning to realize it. They are also ^ginning to wonder why the governent does not adopt more drastic easures which the emergency cleardemands, in dealing with German id Austrian spies, enemy aliens and sloyal natives. * ' 4 A joy ride often terminates in a * Itch. Star gazing is oft rewarded with a .ubbed toe. "Some stuck up"?a cat that steps ion a sheet of "tanglefoot." .