f! Merchants & PI i ? j "The Old 1 lie Oiliest and large Is a member of the FKDE ^ the United States of Ameri< thine like N.OO0 other N A I It t RESERVE SYSTEM, and ? RESERVE RANK, and >ret ^ have a N \TlONAE Savin] Irnoney is absolutely safe, ai any time you net ! it?wit you DO NOT need it. it is p ,ly, hotn nur'nt and day. ? LOOK FOR Till BANK And deposit >our money w I I E. Rl. FA Kit, s I President. Ita'iiiHiMmiiaw M 11111II M?HMl V \ XXXXXXXVXXXXXVXXXXXXXXJC 1 For 2 A Fc / * I Studehake i mi | FIRST COME, tI FontB >^4. A^A | XI | "Old H I Wa T Y X Has Led Then X "ri pab' Y i iidII r ui\ v | And Stil Y For s; T I The Peoples ^ A^^A. A "2 in 1 Shoe Polish" is made ^Rj "2 in 1 Black." (paste) and "2 in liquid); lor White Shoes, "2 Yofclj "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid); f $gS and ' 2 in 1 1 an Combination'' I m lOc Black?W H F. F. DALLEY CO. of New 1 QUICK LOANS. Money to loan upon county or city cat estate. Loan may be had for from one to twenty years. .'t9-tf Barron & Barron. -\if mnfTffffffwwwfWfiiiimf UNDER 1 \COVERNMENT ^SUPERVISION QKSNA MEMBER BANK UNDER 3 FEDERA L RESER VE ACT 3 II anters Nat'l Bank | Reliable" si Bank in Union County : UAL RESERVE SYSTEM of : ra. It is bound up with some- ; >NAL Hanks in the FEDERAL * we can jro to our FEDERAL ] ALL the money we need. We ! -js Department i:i which your J nd you can tret your money at hout any question?and wh'le ilinp up interest for you stead- ! i ? WITH THE CHIME CLOCK i ? here il will be absolutely sale 3 J. 1>. ARTHUR, Cashier, ^ i s a ? a Sale! I " w More g r Wagons | l tid 1 lies | FIRST SERVED | fr~ ^^c^JO *- -11 AWWWWVWWWWVVWWW iE | ickory"! | y?n | n All For More | TY YEARS | II Leads | ale by Supply Co.| ?? ?gmw|. m for every use. For Black Shoes. flsd i 1 Black Combination" (paste and jgifffl in 1 White Cake" (cake) and ^Kg or Tan Shoes, "2 in 1 Tan" (paste) P9a| (paste and liquid). H? Trite?Tan lOc B fork. Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Bj mmmmmmmmmmPK iilflrliiiiMii Alifcki JW Dutch inventors have perfected a combined mechanical and chemical jiiutuna iui iccuverni^ an me uncansumed fuel from furnace ashes. The cashier should be known by the company that keeps him. JONESVILLE Jonesville, March 27.?The J< Hames chapter, U. D. C.f held tl regular meeting with Mrs. Arch ] brand on last Tuesday afternoon. meeting was ably led by Mrs. J. Scott. Miss llelle Owen of Woodruff i the truest of Miss Sallie Lybrand 1 week. Miss Georgia Parks, who teaches Cherokee county, spent the weekat home. Mr. Few Shipman has returned his home in Hendersonville, N. C., ter spending the winter in Jonesvil Mr. and Mrs. 1). W. Whitlock w Spartanburg visitors Sunday. Miss Helen von Lehe spent the wt end in Greenville, the euest of bpr ters at G. W. C. Mi ss Springfield was a week-end itor in Union. Miss Philips of Tryon, N. C., stop over for a few days' visit to Mrs D. Whitmire last week en route h< from Florida, where she spent the v ter. The Jonesville Township Intei nominational Sunday School coq\ tion met with Gilead Baptist chv Sunday. A splendid crowd was in tendance and many interesting ti were made. Little Miss Acmes Leister is spc ing several weeks with relatives Mooresboro, N. C. The chief attraction in town week was a carnival, but many v glad to see the troup take their parture. Tecom, STOMACH ACTS FINE NO INDIGESTION, GA HEARTBURN, ACIDI' - "Pape's Piapepsin" fixes sick, S Upset Stomachs in Five Minutes. You don't want a slow remedy w your stomach is bad?or an uncer one?or a harmful one?your stoir is too valuable; you mustn't injur with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for speed in giving relief; its harml ness: its certain, unfailing actioi regulating sick, sour, gassy stoma Its quick relief in indigestion, i pcpsia and gastritis, when causec acidity, has made it famous the w over. Keep this wonderful stomach sw ener in your home?keep it ham get a large fifty-cent case from drug store and then if anyone sh eat something which doesn't a with them; if what they eat lays lead, ferments arfd sours and fc gas; causes headache, dizziness nausea; eructations of acid and ; undigested food?remember as as Pape's Diapepsin comes in cor ' with the stomach it helps to,. f * t * V r\? r~ -ly-r-a:' the excessive tr.x.. the stomach distress cauaea'by it) appears. Its promptness, certil 5 and ease in overcoming such stem disorders is a revelation to those \ try it. German breweries are manufact ing a form of yeast to be mixed v stock foods to increase their nouri ing qualities. A sanitary engineer of Pasedt Cal., made a tour of inspection of city sewers recently seated on the r of a motorcycle. The latest in movinp picture f leries is a double screen, on one which the picture is shown, with planatory lepends on the other. Sun-dried oysters are a delicacj China. Chinese-Japanese biscuits are m of wheat %nd bean flour. m i Delicately flavored tea si pac and compressed by the bare feet Chinese damsels. Belpian war aeroplanes are soi times decorated with Brownies ntlior rrrAfncnnr? p.yren^UB llKUrea. An integral part of the modern comotive?the east steel side fra ?weiphs nearly seven tons. Ixjw Hound-Trip Fares for Everybe Offered by SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Ct "Progressive Railway of the Sou To Atlanta, (la.?Southern Catl men's Association, April 4-6th. Atlanta, (la.?Atlanta Music Fei val, April 23-28th. Atlanta, Ga.?International Asso. Rotary Clubs, June 17-21st. Rirminpham, Ala.?Grand Lodpe O. O. F. of Ala., May 7-10th. Rirminpham, Ala.?National F oration of Music Clubs, April 15-21? Rirminpham, Ala.?United G< Roads Asso., April 17-20th. Rirminpham, Ala.?Bankhead Hij way Asso., April 19-21st. Dallas, Tex.?General Assemt Presbyterian Church in U. S. A., M 17-Jlst. New Orleans, La.?General Fede tion of Women's Clubs, April 9-14th New Orleans, La.?Southern Bi tist Convention, May 16-23rd. Washinpton, D. C.?National 1 ciety, Dauphters of the American Ri olution, April 15-26th. Washinpton. D. C.?27th Ann Reunion, United Confederate V prans and 22nd Annual Reunion, S< of Veterans, June 4-8th. For specific rate, schedules or otl information, call on nearest Seaboi i Aprent or write Freid Geissler, Asst. G. P. A., S. A, L. Ry Atlanta, < C. S. Compton, T. P. A., S. A. L. Ry Atlanta, < J ~ 1 leirf Ly-J rhe* T.i vas last fH< tab] h f iTTpry I t W * ^ If Vk v orld eetLy~ g" """""? ?? 1 EASTER? soon And yc>u wjh want to mak j ~~ ' * MWr*$nent of everything OUR Mil ch I * ho I Is especially alive and acti ;1 I Trimmer, Miss Pauline \ r I Her skill and her ability ' [l ?h- I tion. I Shoes, Oxfords, Slippei i ia' I children in Footwear. A < ia? I this spring and we can s I over last year's prices. ? ai- I It will pay you to look 1 < I large and too varied to ; x" I it will pay you. in I Ladies' Muslin Underv | lieve we can sell you a gj ?\ ide you. k Ginghams 10< Yard Wide Percale he- Yard Wide Bleach Dor or 1C , Figured, Stripe and D( u ?nl Voile (Same quality and san * iy, as last year) ' Children's Dresses h" Boys' Rompers * I FR] of I With a purchase of $5.0 x I Call Pattern Absolutely ] I m m m % b. ! y> ay UNior " a* p- iiiim t MONEY TO LEND 5 on |r1 FARM LANDS I >? _ $300 to $10,000?Twenty years time I ns See I JNO. K. HAMBLIN I er lawyer * I rd Offirc 2nd door East of Postoffice. I _ ? ? Do not judge the liquor by the fane, la. bottle. When a dentist is buried he ha J la. filled his last cavity. IK5TANT P05TUM SB : ^IfOP BjP^^Hj N???m torn CiB>i? 5re's One le drink tHa iies as well < >Ider ones cs ifely enjoy lO CAFFEINE) re's a Reasc fSLLSOCN E e a good showing on that day. for Easter. LLINERY DEPARt ve with the season's most beau Vail, needs no introduction to to please have won her a large s, Pumps galore! Everything Ne bought ?n immense stock ell you the very best quality ai through our stock beiore ouyir allow us to quote prices but cor .rear at prices you never dream irment at less than the materia] i and I2V2C Middy Blouses 12y2c 36-inch Gabard nestic 36-inch Middyr c and \2VyC 36-inch Sport ? -J-J 3 07_i'nnt M orr'P) JLIKU i-i "H1V11 10c : le price 100 Ladies' W< White Waist < Lawns, V _25c and 50c Swiss, Che 25c etc., at, yarc EE! FRI 0 or more in our Dry Goods sec Free of Charge?any one to sui Troon I LI1IILI SJ'S POPULAR SI DR. Ft. R. POPE fi DENTIST C Office Over Tfnsley's New Jewelry Store PHONE 43 ? i: c y Exports to this country from Brad- ? fordd, England, in 1916, amounted to ' s $14,486,669, a decrease of $5,343,906 from the exports of the previous year, i IE HERE I We have a splendid t J 'MENT tiful showings. Our the ladies of Union, following in this seci for men, women and last summer for t little or no advance ig. Our stock is too ne in and look around, ed of before. We be[ for making will cost 50c up ine Skirting, yd. 24c rwill, yd 24c Suiting, yd. 24c ized Poplin, yd. 22c ash Skirts, each 98c Goods in plain oile, Dimity, ck Nainsook, i 10c up CE ! tion we will give a Mct your purpose. I A A .L UU. rORE POSITIVE EVIDENCE rom many people who have been uretl of Eczema by using meutoe, llVaEzaasr TMAOK MARX ECZEMA REMEDY s proof of its merit. Try it today. PA- 1 #1 AA >01(1 only oy us, ouc hiiu fi.w. llymph's Pharmacy, Union, S. C. Love may laugh at locksmiths, but t never giggles at plumbers.