The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, August 13, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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4^4 4^4 VK a^a a^a 4^4 4^4 a^a a^a a^A J^A J^V a^A J|^A ^y T^~ f IMcLure Mercantile Co.! % X X ?Is Headquarters For? X X X % Seasonable Merchandise, ? ;!; Dry Goods, Dress Goods, % j> Clothing and Notions. We ? jl meet competition and save J; i you money. J* I I I McLure Mercantile Co. I Y Y r H '1? TTM/1 AM<-.A11 AMA< A I mut: uiiui:i'si:iii:rai. y A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A ?^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^V V^V The Last Call of the Season! Before we open up our Fall Goods, which we are receiving every day, we would like to clean up all the little lots in Summer Goods that we still have on hand. The Famous Manhattan Shirt Sale is now on and will until AUGUST 21. We have sold out all of our Straw Hats and a good many other things, but we still have a few of the very best Queen Quality and E. P. Reed Low Quarters worth from $3.50 to $4.50 Last Call 9&.DV A great selection of Palm Beach Suits in all colors, worth from $7.50 $r rn to $8.50. Last Call . . . W>U . One lot of Genuine Panama Cloth Suits worth from $5.00 to $6.00. You cannot distinguish the suits from Qr Genuine Palm Beach, Last call All Men's Summer Woolen Suits V3 oil. i rniir\i | The House of Satisfaction. Operation Not Needed Mrs. W. N. Barnes, who lives in Ballard, Calif., has sent to the 1'inus laboratories a very strong endorsement of Fruitola and Traxo. In her letter, Mrs. Barnes says: "Doctors says gall-stones cannot be cured without an operation, costing much money as well as unneccessary suffering. I am cured, 1 know, ami this is proof positive, and my friends know that such is the case." Fruitola is powerful lubricant for the intestinal organs, softening the hardened particles that cause so much suffering and expelling the congested waste in an easy, natural manner. A single close is usually sufficient to clearly indicate its efficacy Traxo is a splendid tonic alternative that acts on the liver and kidneys, stimulates the flow of gastric juic s to aid digestion, and removes bile from tin general circulation. Traxo should be taken three or four times a day following a dose of Fruitola to strengthen and restore the weakened, run-down system. For the convenience of the pulic, arrangements have been made to supply Fruitola and Traxo through leading drug stores. In | union incy can obtain it at Milhous Drug Co. j The Best Hot Weather Tonic PAINT. c.rovE'STASTKUKSSchiii tonic enriches the Every gallon cost a painter's dav's blood, builds up the whole system and will won- . , derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand 1 * , the depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c. Poor paint, more gallons; good ' paint, less gallons. Buffalo School Opens September 6. Every extra gallon adds to your job its price and the painter's day's Prof. V. E. Shuford, of Gaffney, work; not far from $f> a gallon, has been chosen superintendent of the There are a dozen good paints and Buffalo Graded School for the ensu- Ihundreds of poor ones. Devoe is one ing year. He is now on the grounds of the dozen. The chances are: there getting everything ready for the op- isn't another in this town, ening of the school there on Sep- DEVOE tember 6. ^ Stone-Jones Hardawe Co., sells it. , ' [ COMING AND GOING J Miss Clara Stehle, of Jonesvilhj, was a visitor in Union this week. Mr. II. C. Wilburn of Cross Keys was in the city Monday on business. Miss Mary Spears is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Kelly at Kelton. Miss Sallie James left last week for Enoree to visit her sister, Mrs. J. L. Gault. % Miss Lou Ella Wolfe of Orangeburg 's the guest of her fjrother, Mr. L. L. Wolfe. Mr. Craig Chapman of Spartanburg spent Monday in the city on business. M iss Maude Goforth is spending this week with Miss Mildred Askew at Mt. Tabor. Miss Marguerite Townsend has as her guest, Miss Susie McNair of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lancaster, and little son, Otis, spent last week with relatives at West Springs. Mrs. John P. Rice is visiting telaNorth Carolina before going to her home ir. Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Kathleen James returned to her home Wednesday from a visit to Mrs. E. O. Grist in Yorkville. Mr. Coleman Rice, of Richmond, Va., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Evelina Rice, during his vacation. Mrs. J. F. Buryarik and little child have returned home from a stay in the mountains of North Carolina. Mr. Ferd Lawson of Sumter is spending his vaction in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lawson. Mr. Jacob Cohen will leave this week for the northern markets to purchase fall and winter goods for his store. M rs. Warren Sibley of Spartan-1 burg, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Foster on Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ray and little son, Billy, of Greenville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray on Route 2. Miss Iva Brown who has been the truest of Mrs. Preston B. Branes, left Tuesday morning for her home in Seneca. Mr. Curtis Bobo, who has been quite sick for several weeks, is convalescing, which is very gratifying to his friends. Misses Naomi and Gertrude Faucett have returned home from a visit to their sister( Mrs. C. H. Workman in Chappell. Messrs. I. From and Louis Hain left Wednesday afternoon for the northern markets to purchase their fall and winter stock. Mrs. J. T. Sexton has returned from a visit to her sons, Mr. Clarence Se^ ton in Columbia, and Dr. Ben Sex ton in Blackville. Rev. A. T. Stoudenmire, pastor of the Buffalo Baptist church, has gone to Dallas, N. C., to assist in revival services for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Hayne P.* Smith returned Tuesday afternoon from their honeymoon and are at home to th? ir friends at West Springs. Mrs. H. S. Read, of Augusta, Gr.f arrived last week to make her hone with the family of Rev. George P. White, at the Baptist parsonage. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. McElroy were called to Gaffney Saturday on account of the serious illness of M s. McElroy's mother, Mrs. R. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cureton, of Liberty Hill, arrived Wednesday afternoon to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mellow, on Gage Averric. Mr. Allan Nicholson, editor of Progress, eamo home Tuesday to vote. Mr. Nicholson is spending the summer at his cottage in Montreat, N*. C. M isses Agnes Sanders and Ruhy O'Shields were the guests of Mrs. II. B. O'Shields in Jonesville last week. Mrs. O'Shields entertained in their honor. Iiev. and Mrs. B. G. Murphv arsd little son, Bob Gage, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Murphy, are spending sometime in the mountains. Mr. A. C. Mann has returned from Pickens where he spent ten days. He was accompanied home by his father, Mr. A. IJ. Mann, who will be his guest for several days. Mrs. Ida-Morgan and little grandson, Richard, Jr., and Miss Sara Morgn, left Wednesday morning for Blue Ridge, N. to spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Going have joined a party for the Panama Exposition, and will spend a month or more sight seeing through the glorious western country. Af: n_: IL . i i_ i * i-.uim v^aine, ine aauRnier 01 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Caine, is sick with typhoid fever. This young lady has many friends who will he grieved to know of her illness. Miss Cordon Beachley of Mobile, Ala., Is expected in the city the early part of next week to visit college friends. Miss Beachley has just returned from a trip to the Exposition and through California and Colorado. Miss Jean Lindsay, who has been the guest of Miss Frances Nicholson for several weeks, reft Saturday for York to be present at the marriage of Miss Nancy Witherspoon to Mr. Dean Heyward, which was solemnized on Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Jeter of Santuc was ir lUnion Monday, the guest ol" friends Miss lone Li'ttlejohn will arrive this week to visit Mrs. T. C. Duncan. Dr. V. R. Hawkins has returnee from a visit to relatives in Newton Miss. Messrs. F. II. and Clarke Garnet spent Sunday with relatives in York county. Rev. John G. Farr and family ot Hartsville, are the quests of relatives in the county. Miss Mary Jones returned Friday from a house party in Landrum, given by Miss Grace Thorn. Miss Irene McDow has returnee from a week's visit to her sister, Mrs L. B. Jeter, Jr., in Santuc. Mrs. Crim Mixson ami little daugh ter, Mary, of Columbia, are the guests of Mrs. Julia Thomas. Mr. O. W. Meyers, who has beer away on a month's vacation, has resumed his duties at the Battery. Mr. Walter B. Counts of Stt. Matthews, is spending his vacation wit! his mother, Mrs. C. G. B. Counts. Mrs. B. F. Foster and Misses Maudt and Marie Garner left this week for Lake Junaluska, to spend some time, Miss Annie Tinsley left Friday morning for Whitestone to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. W. II Lancaster. Mrs. Mary Alice Sawyer of Kissimee, Fla., arrived Wednesday to visit her son, Hon. J. A. Sawyer, on East Main street. Mr. J. H. Gage, who has been in Union for a week or more, left last week for Charleston, sailing on the Comanche for New York Master LeRoy and little Miss Minnie Rae Kelly of Columbia are spending the summer with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dunaway on Route 1. Master Macbeth and Miss Harriet Wagnon spent last week with their uncle, Mr Will Wilkins, at Spru* Pine, N. C., returning to the city Friday evening. Major W. H. Si'nkler returned to his home in Eutawville Monday afternoon after a few days visit to his daughter, Mrs. Elias Prioleau on East Main street. Mr. W. M. Wilburn of King's Creek in sending us a renewal, says: "Gooi. rains here on the 3rd, and they were much needed, and it is doing good work for the crops." Mr. Allen Sligh, who is with the W. Newell Smith Auto Company in Greenville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sligh on South Church street. Mr. John P. Rice of Jacksonville Fla., is visiting his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Jacob Rice. Before returnir.e home he will spend sometime in th( mountains of North Carolina. .. Mrs. E. C. Fore and little son kobert, of Georgetown, arrived last week to visit at the home of Mrs Fore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Ar* \X7ao4' n i i* *?A/vf A VII ? vOv main Ati urv. Messrs. Ernest Foster, Harold Drew and Inman Carroll left Wednesday morning for Atlanta to spent] several days. They are making the trip on Harley-Davidson motorcycles Mr. R A. Jones is visiting Lexington, Ky., and send to thr Times a sample ballot of the kind they are using in Kentucky. The ballot is nearly a yard long and a fel low has to do "some" voting to get tr the end of it. Satisfaction A tire should give the The Company behind tin crease the satisfaction. 1 each transaction is one pa C Sizes ' Plain 1 read ' Non-Skid I 1 * ?? - .. i This Service, A Q Fisk A Rlfii > Pm.< f. Time to Re.Tire? (Buy H?k> Hi "WILL THE PROV1SIC } CARRIE Few individual posses J perience to properly adr j is economically settled, a ly and profitably investei and beneficiaries. THE NISHOLSON RANY possesses that k P because it has men who SPut your mind at eas< Will and appointing: us '< tee. ij KMSL1E NICHOLSON J. 11 President Vi f ilitJy 1-J.Ui I _ll pJt*J L.g>7-\11 in _ * ^j?i' r?! i n??i?m Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Dunaway and little son, Jefferson are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dunaway. They have had as their guest, Mr. Clarence Dunaway of New Bedford, Mass. Col. E. II. Aull, editor of the Herald and News of Newberry, paid us a short visit Wednesday. Col. Aull was with the Good Roads Boosters and was held up in Union for quite a while on account of rains. MissMyra Young, who has been with a party of tourists through the Western States and to the PanamaPacific Exposition, has returned to her home. Miss Young had a delight, ful trip and as well as a profitable . one. 1 Rev. George P. White and famil> who have been at Johnston, for several weeks, returned to the city Friday. Mr. White occupied his pulpit at the First Baptist church Sunday . morning. Mrs. White, who has been so desperately ill, is slightly improved but her condition is still quite serious. Mr. Eugene Evans and daughters,) Misses Margaret and Nancy Evans, of Pendleton, are enjoying a motor trip through the country and stopped over in Union with friends for several , days. Mr. Evans is a former resi1 dent of Union and has many friends > here who are always pleased to see ; him. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Adams of Norman, Oklahoma, arrived Monday afternoon to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Browning and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams Mr Adams has held the chair of Political Economy in the University of Oklahoma for two yea. I and has resigned to take special wot k in the Columbia University, i I ' COLORED UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT A. JETER, Prop. Careful Attention to all Work Entrusted to Me , Phone 221-J 37 Gadborry Street ; ? purchaser satisfaction. ~ ^ 5 tire can give Service and ir he personal element entering int rt of the remarkable Fisk Service Compare These Casing P* 3x30 ] 3'rX30 I 4x33 | 4x34 ?.00 n.60 19.05 19,40 9.45 112.20! 20.00 20.35 uality Product and Lov tn Unforgettable Comb b is fa Tires Foi nri *i ^ i nc union iicholsonI BANK AND | RUST COMPANY jf| UNION, S C u!J _ 1UL ? >NS OK YOUR WILL BE Jf|K :d out." jjj ;s the knowledge and ex- |j|| ninister an estate until it liM 1,1 r|i nd to keep the funds safe- ||| 1 so as to protect the estate :f; BANK & TRUST COM- j | nowledge and experience ||ji specialize on that work. j| ? by letting us draw your jj is your Executor or Tri.s- SI i ROY FANT M. A. MOORE |j ce President Cashier Special Advertisements MONEY TO LOAN?$600.00 to SI 1 ll (Will H(1 r?r* * ?" 1 A Y*V,wuv.UV/ \??l llllfM WVVU IfUl t'MHl'-t moderate interest and long time. 10 years if desired. J. E. Minter, Financial CorresDondent Union Central Life Insurance Co. tf. WHEN you have Beef Cattle, or Milk Cows or Hides for sale, call on me. Will be glad to handle same for you. B. E. Teague, No. 180 Main st., Union, or Phone 156-L, Monarch. 31-4t.pd. THE SUMMER TIME Laxative, Ice cold, Huiet's Solution Citrate of Magnesia, at The Palmetto DrugCompany. THE BEST results are always oh tained from the best drugs. Exactly what you get at The Palmetto Drug Company. IF YOU WISH TO LIVE LONG and grow fat, I have the remedy; it is Graham bread you need. My mill makes the best Graham bread. F. M. Adams, Adamsburg, S. C. 32-4t. THE MILD, Pleasant and pleasing Liver Pill, Huiet's Blood and Liver Pills, at The Palmetto Drug Co. WE ARE IN POSITION to negotiate quick Ionas of from $300.00 to $3000.00 on real estate. See us now. Barron & -Barron, Attorneys at Law. 18-tf. FOR SALE?Beautiful Pot Plants, Ferns, Geraniums and Beg-onias. Price reasonable, am compelled to sell. Apply to Mrs. Fannie Price, No. 8 W. Main St. 32-3t-pd. REWARD?For the return of a Red Back Memorandum Look with name on back. Lost Monday afternoon. F. 11. Garner, at Union Hardware Company. THE LINIMENT that never fails to stop the pain, used anywhere ar.o guaranteed everywhere. I>r. M. !>. Iluiet's All-Healing Liniment. at The Palmetto 1 > Co. Je&Lm. Fiss Service mmmmimmmmrnm ???wmmmmmmmmum i ? w .PRICES | i ices "i? ?l?:??? 4's x36 3x37 " 27.35 32 30 28.70 33.901 v Prices Make The ination r Sa/c Z&/ Hardware Co.