AC We are com; I and every ai von will spp - j \_/ f V AXX k7 V V/ Furnishings Men's Clot hit $25.00 Suits at $22.50 Suits at $20.00 Suits at \ $18.00 Suits at $10.50 Suits at I'i $15.00 Suits at $12.50 Suits at $10.00 Suits at $ 8.00 Suits at Overcoats. $20.00 Overcoats at 11 $18.00 Overcoats at I $15.00 Overcoats at $ 8.00 Overcoats at Rain Coats, $10.00 Rain Coats at $ 7.50 Rain Coats at $5.00 Rain Coats at Boys' Clothir $10.00 Suits at $ 8.00 Suits at $ 6.00 Suits at f $ 5.00 Suits at I Sal 1 Remember thes FRENCH AIRMEN ARE RRAVE AM) SKILLFUL (Jo Some Distance to Rear of Enemy's Lines to .Make Important Observations. Paris, Nov, J).? Published reports that French aeroplanes are never 4 i-w? i.' ?./ww.1A I ?,L;I many hostile machines rcconnoiter over the heads of the French soldiers, ha brought forth a defense of the French aviation service. This report sets forth that French aviators onerate not only on the German lines, but considerably to their rear. Aviators' exploits have been nunn rous and brilliant. Notebooks found on dead Germans, the statement sets forth, prove that the French aviation service is performing its duty. One French bomb killed .10 men and f>0 horses at a time when a detachment of cavalry was assembling. M any other instances of efficient work are given. In conclusion the statement says this new arm has fulfilled promises made of it, hut that it will never replace any weapon now in use. Air battles between important contingents of flying machines have been lacking. In a few cases two aeroplanes have battled and two instances have been reported in which three machines were engaged, but these combats were mere incidents to the real mission of the aeroplanes as it has developed in active service?that of auxiliary to other arms of the service, more oarticularly the artillery. News Leaks Out. This service, to the civilian, is obvious enough. It is rendffed more so by the rigid censorship. The airmen have been active and bit by bit news is gathered of their service. Extracts from the diaries of German prisoners testify to the efficiency of the trench machine. From diary of a noncommissioned German oflicer: "At ' onol>? rt several men of my detachment wounded bj bomb thrown by French aviator." From the diary of a German avia-| tor: "The seventh company of the Third regiment of the yuard had I eiyht killed and 2'2 wounded by bomb I from a French aeroplane." From a soldier's diary: "An oflicer showed us torn coat taken from one of PiO soldiers wounded by bomb from French aeroplanes." From diary of an officer: "A bomb from a French airship wounded several men of the Seventy-third infantry in rey ion of Rheims." Information from a German prisoner: "A French aeroplane killed four horses of a battery. "Near Neuville, an aeroplane bomb dropped on a supply train, killiny four men. wounded six and killed a considerable number of horses." Il was announced semi-officially re cently that as the .result of manoeuvres of an areoplane the staff of one of the (Jerman armies changed its position. Some Brave Men. In recent citations in orders of the day the following aviators are found "Radot, Lieut., aviator observer, distinguished himself by the number, I ir M * * " - - TUA pelled to raise m 'ticle in the stor< that you have at prices that yc $16.50 U'-n $5.00 Pant; 12i50 $4 0() Pant II *50 $3.50 Pant: 11.00 $3.00 Pant: 8.50 $2.50 Pant* ? 7.00 $1.50 Pant: ______ 5.00 $13.50 12.50 $2.00 Pant* 11.00 $1.50 Pant< 5.00 $U)0 pant! .50 Panti $7.00 5.00 3.95 $2.50 Shirt 'K' ?7 no $2-00 Sliirt -\wv 5R1 SViii'f o.uu | 4.25 I $1.00 Shirt 3.50 I .50 Shirt e starts Satur e prices are Actual C mBWgli?B?? precision and details of information j ?killed by enemy in battle of the ! Marue. "Watteaux, Lieut., aeroplane scout, ! made many fruitful reconnaissances I in aero and frequently exposed to ' i enemy's fire. "Cohen, Scrgt., aviator; killed while I reconnoitring during battle of Marne; had furnished precious information, "Throel, Sergt., aviator, and Thoret, sapper, aide aviator; distinguished services; dropped bomb on enemy's lines; Throel, though wounded bv bullet in thigh refused interrupt work ! to have wound dressed. "Munch and De/.eses; did not hesitate to take the air in mission doubly perilous; obliged to fly low and con! stantly exposed to fire of enemy at short range. I "Laekman. I'arent, Rougier, tii'I bert and Allouch; braved tempest and fog in order to secure precious information.'' The perilous nature of work of the corps is demonstrated by .lis paicnes oi uetober ld:J. in a single day i i four (icrmun flying machines were ] j brought to ground by French and y ; English marksmen. Two machines of i the Tauhe type, pursued by French j I aeroplanes over Rheims, were obliged t to turn about after receiving injurie s * ' that caused their ultimate fall within i :'he CJermun lines. Near Montdidier, i a machine of the Aviatik tyre and a j Tauhe, flying at it height of 1,200 | yards, were brought clown by the 1 French fire. A Tauhe flying over ( (Iravclines, near Dunkirk, dropped | several bombs, then was hit by artil| lery fire and fell. Malaria or ciiills & Fever1 Prescription No. 6(i6 is prepared espccinlly for MALARIA or CHILLS ft. FF.VER. 1 Five or six doses will break any case, and if tak it then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than i Calomel and docs not ?ripe or 6ickcn. 25c I ? i Occasionally a man has it soft, spot c in his heart, but more often in his 1 head. _ 1 In the Balcony. j As twilight deepened, he and she i Were sitting in the balcony? \ They were together, side by side, I To hold her hand he vainly tried. t "O, no," said she; "I never could Permit you to; no lady would! s Besides," she added, "you forget I 'Tis hardly dark enough just yet." j ?Eugene C. Dolson, in Lippincott's j Magazine. Lightens Your Burden. An in active liver will put a load on t, you that is enough to stagger strong- f er men and women than you. c Relieved of the impurities that clog t its natural functions this same liver 0 will double your efficiency in business, in good nature and in your good feel- g ings. ? Calomel used to do hut not now. T1 Science has found a better way in iirigsuy s Mv-vor-l,ax. Hold in 50c v and .$1.00 bottles under guarantee by Glymph's Pharmacy and every bottle t bears the likeness of f,. K. Grimsby as a a protection to you. c o An innocent-looking banana peel is h often the first step to a downward v career. \ lLC< oney to payou: s to Actual Co an opportuni )u have never 1 Extra Pants (Men's) s at $3.00 s at 2.50 3 at 2.00 3 at 1.75 3 at 1.50 3 at 1.00 Extra Pants. (Boys') 3 at $1.35 3 at 1.00 3 at .75 3 at c_ .35 Shirts. sat $1.65 ;s at 1.35 s at 1.10 s at .85 s at .35 day morning !ost prices. Nothing r*T c ? ~~^7T JAPANESE EMPEROR^ GIVES A GOODLY SUM Tokio, Japan, Nov. !?.?-Emperor ifoshihito has given 50,000 yen (S25,)00) toward the foundation of St. (.uke's international hospital at Tocio which will bo conducted under the luspiees of the Episcopal church misdon represented by Dr. Rudolph Teu>ler. rrii_ ? ' * me announcement or tne imperial ;ift to a Christian institution which is without precedent here was made lr ^ount Okuma, the Japanese premier, it a luncheon today attended by .r>0 of he most prominent persons in Tokio. Phe British ambassador. Sir William [Jonyngham Greene, sent a letter and .he American ambassador, George W. juthrie delivered a speech. The substantial imperial support, it s stated here assures the success of .he undertaking which will cost about i half million dollars. It is planned to make the establishment the most elaborate in the Far "last and it will mark a distinct advance in medical research work here. Count Okuma in making the anlouncement of the emperor's gift said hat the omnevnr wo? norsnnull ne who has trouble from disordered cidneys. The secretions from my cidneys contained sediment and the >assages were painful and irregular, fly back ached and I often had pains n my loins. 1 Joan's Kidney Pills vere procured from the Palmetto Jrug Co., and it didn't take them long o relieve me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy -get Joan's Kidney Pills?the same that dr. Jones had. Foster-Milburn Co., 'rops., I'uffalo, N. Y. Interludes. A fond father attended the graduaion of his pretty daughter from a ashionable seminary, and at the close if the exercises the head of the instiution rushed up to papa with hands nthusiastically outstretched: i want to congratulate you, Mr. Imith," said he with great volubility on your very large and extraordiarily affectionate family!" "Large and' affectionate family!" yonderingly repeated Mr. Smith. "Yes," was the happy rejoinder of he principal, "during the last term 11 of Miss Smith's ten brothers have ailed for her to go motoring no end f times, while John, your eldest son, as taken her to the opera twice a /eek." Grand tableau! * . j ..JHI OST r Fall bills and ai >st. Look over < ty to buy Men' leard of before. ! Underwear Wright's Health and other $1.50 Garment at $1.00 Garment at .50 Garment at Night Shirts. $1.00 Garment at l 50c Garment at Sweaters. $3.00 Swpatpr nf $1.50 Sweater at $1.00 Sweater at Hats. John B. Stetson and other $4.00 Hat at _? $3.50 Hat at $3.00 Hat at $2.50 Hat at $2.00 Hat at $1.50 Hat at $1.00 Hat at I, Nov. 9. Las ; charged and nothing >THI]N HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Heward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh * V J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in al! business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents nor hot tie. Sold I iv ;>11 ilwimrioto Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. New Secretary For Rock Hill. Rock Hill. Nov. 7.?Mr. William R. Timmons of Greenville has been chosen by the board of directors of the , chamber of commerce as secretary, to succeed Mr. C. W. Roberts, who recently resigned to take the secretaryship of the Birmingham. Ala. chamber of commerce. Mr. Timmons has had several years' experience as assistant secretary in Greenville.?News & Courier. Mr. Timmons is well known in Union and has many friends here who are pleased to hear of his success. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wen known tonic properties of QUI N IN li and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Staboard's New Engines. Thirty-five huge freight and passenger engines, recently purchased by the Seaboard Air Line, have been put on the road. The freight engines weigh 150 tons, are 8f> feet long, carry 17 tons of coal in their bunkers and 11,000 gallons of water, and are driven by eight pistons. The passenger enginesfre the same size as the freight engines, but weigh 1T>9 tons and have a maximum speed of 75 miles an hour. These are the largest engines ever brought South and are attracting attention throughout the Seaboard system. How To Give Quinine To Children. FRURII.INK is the trade-mark name (riven to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleasant to take anil does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nnuseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine lor any purpose. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The uame RRUK1I.IN R is blowu in bottle. 25 certs. The breakers and other machinery used in the preparation of coal in the state of Pennsylvania represent an invaclmnnt ~C tea ana naa ? VOVIIICIIV U1 ipuU,Vl/l/fUUU. Only On? "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full tiatne, I.AXATIVK UROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold In One Day. Stops cough and headache, and works off -old. 25c Government officials have estimat- ; ed that 1,350,000 horse-power in the form of f?as alone is wasted every day s by the old-fashioned coke ovens of the fi United States. ti to A SAL *e cutting the price 3ur Actual Cost pi s and Boy's Cloth Caps Brands. $1.50 Caps at ___$1.10 $1.00 Caps at ? -85 .50 Caps at ? ,35> .25 Caps at Glove $1.50 Gloves at ___ '' C $1.00 Gloves at .50 Gloves at ?$2.00 ? ^ Iq Neckw .85 50c Neckwear at 25c Neckwear at makes. Half H< _$3.50 50c Half Hose 3.00 25c Half Hose 2.50 15c Half Hose 2.00 ___ 1.50 ' Col,ai 1.10 All 15c Arrow Br; .85 | 10c ea its Two Weeks. f sent out on approval d IG CO 1^4 A^A .I^A y I Let Us Fill I Prescrip ? i* Where You Get P T % X And J: | Quick Se ? | MILHOUS DF X Phone 76 THE iti irA 4^4 /k 4^4 A A^ii AA A^aa^I A | Use Dusl | For Sweeping an $ Floors and Carp< down the dust and % and moths. 1 Bbl. Lofts aft 2% cents Y !/2 Bbl. Lots at 3 , cents X 25 Lbs. for One Dollar, | BAIL | Furniture & Lui A^A A^A A^A 0 % ,T W Three million dollars have been A woi pent to bring the power of a water- yet few all ninety miles to Bombay for elec- rying co ric light and power purposes. is obvioi Kb * e'?.?r ..t eTI on each ices and ing and > # $1.10 .85 .35 .20 is. $1.10 .85 .35 ear. 35c 20c ose. 35c 20c 10c rs. and Collars for ch. i luring sale. MBHOBIM ft * w Your I lions | x i urc Drugs % I rvicc | T % tUG CO. I V REXALL STORE lAAA A#* A A A down | % d Cleaning % its. Keeps I kills germs | T V t 5 per pound i per pound *+* delivered E "V | nber Co. T. ? $ l " T^T T^T nan's tongue is her weapon? women are arrested for carncealed weapons. The reason us. ,M