The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, April 26, 1907, Image 7
Eustom ma
% The Old R
Union SI
fiPhone 41.
Ifor we I
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Now is the vei
} come in and select your Spri
the choicest patterns and if
w, make your selection, an<
lu want it.
you are hard to fit, all the m
me to us. Suits ready mad
asonable prices. Everything
ember the place.
rlarke Clothir
Bailey-Copeland C
yx >oc
l Brownstone, belonging t
Breeders* Association, will
the following season. Ten
and $20 to be paid if foal r<
|V be refunded by the Asso
ji found at Crawford & Aycocl
^ ^ I I II I *0 'IP
i i.
II ^
= *
. . k\
eliable >
hoe Co. I
Main Street. |f
ta*t wx taKs^anmtaK m*M
lave uj
r!nn Neckwear, ?
ring Shirts Galore. ?
ry best Time fjj
ing Suit. You get the pick
you are nor ready to buy ^
i we will put it aside until C
ore reason why you should
e or made to measure at Hi
; new. No old goods. Re- &
ig Company. |
o.'s Old Stand. S
? ?luk U l U V
u IHC iKiihiny IIUI96
stand at Union, S. C.,
tis as follows: $5 down
Bsults. If not, $5 will
cidtion. Horse will be X
c's Stable, Union, S. C. X
Happenings of Interest
About Town.
Miss Marie Clifford will spend tin*!
j week in Spartanburg.
Mrs. Jeffries, of (jaftney, is the
] guest of her daughter, Mrs. Davis
| J wfT ries.
' Misses Mary ami Annie (iregory,
of Santue, have been the guests of
Mrs. Frank I'eake for several days.
i Miss Maude (lamer, who has
l>een teaching this winter at Winnsj
lioro, has returned to I'll ion for the
Misses Mary Emma ami Louise
' Foster, ami Eloise Beaty are at;
tending the May Festival in Spartanburg.
I Mr. Paul Wilburn, bookkeeper
for Crutehtield and Tolleson of
I Spartanburg, was in the city Sunday
and Monday.
Misses Hettie and Nina E/.ell, of
Jonesville, were in Union Tuesday.
They were accompanied by their
! father, Rev. H. K. E/.ell.
j Mrs. W. S. Lipscomb, of Gaflf1
ney, pleasantly remembered in
Union as Miss Sallie Jones, passed
i through the city Tuesday en route to
' her home in Marion, S. C.
j Rev. I). C. Freeman, formerly
pastor of the Second Baptist Church
| of this city, was married last Thursday
to Miss Viola Creager, of Alstyne,
Mr. R. V. Hawkins, who lias
been studying in the dental college,
Atlanta, arrived Friday night for
his summer vacation. He will spend
some time at home and will then
probably go to Mississippi for the
rest of the summer.
We are glad to hear of the excellent
stand Miss Virginia Briggs
is taking at Winthrop college.
Her teachers are highly pleased.
Miss Briggs was a good student
when she attended the graded
j and we are not surprised to hear of
her success.
! Mr. J. R. Westmoreland, private
secretary to Aug. W. Smith, has
been made bookkeeper of the
Union-Buffalo Mills, to fill the
position made vacant by Mr.
Matthews, who was recently made
liookkeeper at the Spartan Mills,
Spartanburg. S. C).
Dr. J. G. Going an<l Mr. A. D.
Price left Union Friday for Norfolk,
Va. Mr. Price will go from that
, point to Baltimore few a few days'
visit. Dr. Going will go on to
Washington and perhaps other
points. They expect to be gone
about eight days.
A Mass Meeting.
A mass meeting will he held in
the Baptist ehureh, .Jonesville, on
i Sunday night. The meeting will
| be in the interest of temi>erance.
Rev. D. E. Camak, pastor of the
i Jonesville Methodist church and
Rev. H. K. E/.cll, pastor of the
Baptist church, will deliver addressed
at this meeting. They will make
a strong tight against having dispensaries
re-opened in Union "connl,y'
Graduates With First Honor.
i _ ^ ?
Miss Eleanor S. Saunders, of McI
Connellsville, graduates at the head
I of the class in Charleston Medical
j College.
This marks the first time in the
history of this institution and probably
in the history of anv medical
college in this country that the first
honor of the graduating class goes
to a woman.
A member of the faculty in speaking
of the matter, said Miss Saunders
has distinguished herself in her
studies and graduates from college
, as one of the best equipped and
most efficient students of many
Dr. J. W. Daniel Married.
Dr. J. W. Daniel, pastor of the
First Methodist of this city, was
married in Columbia on the afternoon
of April lKth to Miss Ethel
Ragin, daughter of the late Senator
L. M. Ragin of Clarendon county.
Mrs. Daniel is the grand daughter
of the Rev. Charles Shuford, late
, of the South Carolina Conference.
We extend our most hearty congratulations
to Dr. Daniel and his
i bride, and l?id her a most cordial
i welcome to the city.
When the l\ E., J>r. Rays met
the new bride at the parsonage yesterday
evening and expressed his
pleasure in receiving her into the
itinerant "gang'' she told him that
she was already in the "gang" and
was born in it.?Sumter Herald.
F.verv woman appreciates a beautiful
complexion, so much desired by men.
Such complexions come to all who use
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. The Rice Drug
'v *y'' * 1 "MR'*1 l"?
.", * i
"Sow a Habit Reap Character, Sow
Character Reap Destiny."
I # _
x (Original contribution).
Habit is 11 mt condition of body
and mind marked by automatic j
action. The great value of habit
i lies in the saving of time and I
,energy. Habit is the basis of skill, .
and skill, mental and phyieal, is!
the most valuable l*
man can haw. Individual habits
arc either inherited or acquired..
Acquired individual habit* are,
physical, intellectual, moral, and it'
is with these that that the teacher!
is for the most part concerned. As
I a matter of practice, we usually put1
ionly the child's mind, and not all ;
of that, under schooling. At
whatever grade children leave I
school they should leave it with i
better habits of walking, sitting, i
standing, breathing ami other
forms of muscular control and j
direction than they entered school
with. So long as pupils leave
school without such habits it ennj
not be said that the whole child has j
i had schooling. Cleanliness is another
physical habit which should'
result from the iniluence of the j
'School, where the home is negligent |
i and indifferent. This means that
'every school should he equipped in
some degree with facilities for making
the children clean, for a habit
of cleanliness is not formed by interesting
talks almut its value but
i by faithful practice in keeping
clean. Physical appearance is an
introduction to strangers and daily
commends us (or otherwise) to our
friends. Good manners, obedience,
truthfulness, honesty, these are the
corner-stones of character and culture
and the foundation upon
which any genuine success is built.
Each them is a moral habit fori
which l?oth the home and the'
school are responsible.
Some of our most firmly fixed ;
habits are fastened upon us through I
simple negligence. It is hardly
possible to lay too much stress upon
the need of forming correct
habits early in the life of the individual.
in childhood it is much
easier to !???? !. *K..
... . ii vi?\/iii limii tin :
case later in life. Then too, the'
habits resulting from negligence
will soon overrun body and mind
as weeds do a field unless the
ground is well sown with good ones.
Slipshod habits once formed are
liable to' J>reak out at unexpected
times andflplaces and often under
BtWlf"'t'irffllnstance as deeply to
Immiliate the unfortunate victim of
early carelessness or had training.
This is especially true of habits of
and the little acts that violate the
polite conventions. Fortunately
good habits may also exist in a
latent state and make easier the
work of reclaiming those who have
fallen into evil ways. It is easier
to clear an old path, though long
disused than to break out a new
What a man does that he becomes;
"as a man thinketh in his
heart so is he."
Caughman-Hutchinson Wedding.
Mr. A. B. Caughman, <>f TTiion,
land Miss Maggie A. Hutehinsort
were married on Wednesday even|
ing at ?S::> ' at the residence of Mr.
I Thos. W. Hutchinson, the bride's .. iL *
i liiLiicr. niccrrt'iiiDiiy neing pertormed
1 ?>* Rev. Geo. A. Wright. The
wedding was a very quiet one on acj
count of the recent death of the
I groom's brother, Mr. .las. ('. Caughj
man. The groom is a graduate of
' Newberry college of the class of ItKlo
and is a inemlier of the firm of
Hutchinson A- t'aughman of Union. !
j The bride is one of the most popular
young women of Newberry. Roth
have hosts of friends in this city!
:and Union who wish every happi,
ness for them.?The Observer.
The marriage of these popvdar
young |>eople came as a surprise to
their friends in Union. They arrived
here Friday, at which time it
became generally known that they
were married.
The Times extends congratulations.
Professor Hand Lectures.
Prof. Hand, of the South Carolina
University, made a very interesting
address Wednesday night before
the citizens of Jonesville in the
lttiovii^t o liinrli L>/il w\/.l 1
i.ivKix.-v vi <* ' K" in??i hm .liiueaPrHlo.
The state has offered to give
! fifty emits for every dollar raised by
; the school to pay the teachers in
j the high grade departments. These
grades run from eight to eleven.
Those who heard Professor Hand's
address were very highly pleased
with it. Kfforts are being made to
j have the Jonesville school comply
; with the conditions.
A four thousand dollar addition
| is soon to he made to the building.
| Subscribe for The Times.
4" / '
K'.\" ^ ivy?> A'>- ,',; " ?.
tvH.;.##^ " .'- / : jr?* *"?%..
WtrV ' . ? V1
,.'& LijttSl<j&
W^j! Mean $ $ ma
\jm buy or wear th
ease an(* durability, '
ft{J Are now lying idle
drawers, old pocke
of the house, whe
m burned up or stol
?*3 burglars, who are t
^ the lives of the <
Jjj steal the money.
1 Don't Tak
^ Deposit this mor
where it draws A
f|| while you sleep, ar
and thieves.
? Resources Over $200,000.
Ng B. F. Arthur, Pres't. J. M. Greer,
; gXX&X&X*
S Solid Oak Bee
2 LHttSS[R---D<wt>lt' Shape Top Bevel Plat
^ VVASMSTANO?LK?vble Shape Top. Bevel
dp 01D?Sevi-nty-siv Inches High, iitty-foi
^ All Handsomely (.arced and Beautifully T
Mr and Washstond.
Welt worth $45.00, Our F
? (asii?
Bf SIRE and see us for Matting, linoleu
^ can save ulcut one-third the prne on
* Crown, Bridgework ant
* Office over Mutual Dry
It Will be t(
S Mfct (MH ' j
lj. cc
^ ^ V^s - r ?*> ' ' :;>&* ?.; fv?iffl
' rT* w^' .<?;?--1. u -/^r /i?1 >k, "* y3w
?> l^ST
is'&D SlliJ v>;;:;[|
ide to all who \$>i
tem. In style. vyS
'Shield Brand ^;'os' IeS
of perfection. ]gp3
SO. Manufacturers. J?|l|i
rA, ca. *
, in trunks, bureau Sl|
t books and cracks S
re it is liable to be
en by thieves and 85
jver ready to attack fit
)\vners In order to
e Chances! gg
ley in our Bank,
per cent, interest wid
is safe from fire ^
Liability to Depositors $150,060. |fl
n l_ U n A*CL!.I J- ? r? SSR
vasn. ii. d. u ameius, assi. iasn. ttflN
1 Room Suites g
gBHg t]XPRJ9|
ggMgp jMssiiM 5
e Glass 24 X 30, two Top Drawers, Swell. Jed
Plate Glass 14 X 20. Swell lop Drawer. ^
ir Indies Wide. Heavy Roll loot.
Inisht-d. a Rich GolJen. french leys on Oresser ^
'rice on just a few Suites ?
?">() (ASII *
m. Rugs, Window Shades and Go-tarts. Tou Uh
these goods by giving us your order.
& HAIR, |
nsTS. 5
1 Regulating a Specialty.
Goods Co., Union, S. C. ?
? = fn
) Your Profit
i. to give a little of your
1* time to an inspection of
^ our clothes. Our garments
are correct in every
?? detail and our prices are
b| j moderate. In the SPERO
|] |? Clothes, "made right at
h[ the right price," which
we sell, we give you maximum
values at minimum
prices. A little of your
jf" time, to show you through,
j will be welcomed.
>HEN. |