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A Meditation. Drayton, S. (\?Meditating upon part Iifo, tin' shortness of time and the certainty of death, I compose tiiese line*: May I live in i>eace with Thee Ready to croas death's raging sea, And then go home a crown to wear, And meet my friends and loved ones there. With Jeans there to wear a crown. Ami then to lay our burden down; The cross no longer there to hear, But a white rolte with him to wear. In that home beyond the skies. He will wijie our weeping eyes; By faith I view that city bright. Where all the saints an- robed in w hite. Nothing there will grow old. But the streets are pure gold; And we're told that all is day And nothing there will lade away. Just up then* at the golden gate. For u-, our loved ones there do wait; i Then let this world with all it- oares, l'ass on by with it- llecting years. Many times we're tossed about With many a eontliet many a doubt; tin earth there's sorrow everyday. Beeau-e some loved one goes away. To all whose friends have gone before .... ?i... .,..1.. :11 ........ i?. . ...J .-O Oin'U .PC I. <| , . A tight <>f faith will gain tIk* crown AVI km i flu's earthly armour is laid down, j There we trust to enter in To that home where there's no sin; Row ing dow n at his feet. Ami then in him to lie complete. As we journey life's rugged road, Prepare, dear friends, for that Me>! ahode; Jesus is our friend we know. Don't you think he's proven so? And he is just such a friend That we in him may surede|?end; Yes, he has kept us all these years, Doth in sunshine and in tears. Oh, dear friends, let us love him more Vor the time will soon he o'er; Parting here, it breaks the heart, Oh how sad it is to part. Hut we know that we must die, l>*t us prepare t<> live on high, Dear sinner friend. I wish you well, VVi11 you not repent and turn from hell. ; How sad, how sad. will he your fate. To put it off and he too late; Now, dear friends, I hiu adieu, het us pray for each other too. The time is short for us to stay, liCt us get ready to go away; So good bye friends, it's growing late, Meet me at the golden gate! ?('. F. Felmet. Every woman appreciates a beautiful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. J5 cents, Tea or Tablets. The Rice Drug Co. u Sc~" '^WKcr'"Albert G. Patrick, ronr Pie lUliiiOkjidjid, Tr-ffrrdn>; mce/' and since confined in ? Sinf Skitwr lu utill ?iV i J i.. gr-t tfrfsTt cfccfoi rl? ^Tofeels confident that lie will yet get out, a man. He has been doinf? time as a haker since his confinement in Sing Sing. Thousands have pronounced llollistcr? Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest healing power on earth. When medical science fails, it succeeds. Makes yon well and keeps you well. 35 cents, lea or I'ahlets. The Rice Drug Co. The notorious Harry Thaw ease is drawing to a close. It was a large ami nauseating desethe public had of it. Judge (iary elosed down the court of common pleas in (ireenville on April ;>. The lawyers had arranged a heavy docket for the next week. It seems that the Judge got tired of waiting upon the attorneys to get ready to go to trial and adjourned the court. Do You Think For Yourself ? . Or. do you open yopr mouth like a young hlrd and gulp down whatever food or m<*J cine may ho ottered you V If. you are nn intelligent thinking woman, in need of relief from weakness*, in rvott-ness, pain and suflVring. then it means much i?. you that there is mir tried and true honest medicine ov known composition, sold by druggists for the cure of woman's ills. ^ H* 4* Tlir innkrrs of I)r. IMenv's Favorite PrefU'riltl inn for tint nnrn of ............ ? ? down. over-worked. debilitated. pain-racked women, knowing this medicine to lie rnude up i of Ingredients, every one of which lias the ' Strongest possible indorsement of the lending and standartl authorities of the several schools of practice. are perfectly willing, and In fact, are only too triad to print, as they do. the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in plain Kn\jliah. on every bottle-wrapper. The formula of Dr. I'lerco's Favorite l'r*v script ion will bear the most critical examination of medical experts, for it contains no ! alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming t drugs, and no agent enters into it that is not i highly recommended by the most advanced , and leading medical teachers and author- j Ities of their several schools of practice, i These authorities recommend the ingredients 1 of f>r Pierre's Favorite Prescription for the rum of exactly the same ailments for which this world-famed medicine is advised. __ j * + No other medicine for woman's Ills has any such professional endorsement as l?r Pierce's 1 Favorite Prescription has received, in the 1111qualitled recommendation of each of Its several Ingredients by scores of leadintr medical men of all tho schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of youi f Consideration V I + f t A booklet of Ingredients, with numerous c authorative profesional endorsements by the j j leading medical authorities of this country, y will be mailed free to any one sending name |, and address with request for same. Address i: Dr. K. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. V. j ( i EUREKA! Yes. ! Have Found it at Last. F<mud what? Why that Chamberlain's Salvo euros eczema and all manner of itching of the skin. I have been afflicted for many years with skin diseases. I had to get up three or four times ever\ night and wash with cold water to allay the itching, but since using this salve in December, 1905, the itching has stopped and has not troubled me.?I'.lder John T. Ongley, Rootville. Fa. For sale by Union Drug Co. A series of photographs illustrating the improvement.- in the schools of Spartanburg County which were prepared for the educational exhibit at Jamestown will be shipped this week. These pictures are interesting reproductions of the old and new style of school bouses and clearly show how the cottntv has advanced. Hard Times in Kansas. ! Ik- old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas <>i" today: although a citizen of Codell. Karl Shanihurg, has not yet forgotten a hard time lie encountered. lie says: "l was worn out and discouraged hv coughing night and day, and could lind no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. It tool,- less than one bottle to completely cure me." I lie safest and most reliable cough and cold remedy and lung and throat healer ever discovered, fluaranteed by all druggists, joe ami $1.00. Trial bottle free. (iovernor-elcot lloke Smith, ol (ieorgia, aeconipanh <1 hy his wife, sailed from New York Tuesday for Europe where he goes to study immigration problems. Gentle and Effective. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker I lind Chamberlain's Stomach and l.ivcr lablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effective clearing the digestive tract and tlu head." Trice. cents. Samples fret at I'uioii Drug Co. (?ov. Ansel, on reconmiendatioi j of the pardon board, granted a ful and unconditional pardon to l)r Maxev (i. Lee. a member of one ol tlu' leading families <>f the state who has been serving a lite senteiiei i since 1S99 for the murder of hi: father, Dr. II. J. Dee, who was hi: life partner at Darlington. Dr. Lei ! said he killed his father withou j motive but \vu? drunk and did no know what he was doing. S "wiS^ggB*.... I have been a ^fery great sufferer iron the dreadiul disease, rheumatism, to ja ititmher of years. 1 have tried man .medicine* hut never got much relic ! from any of them until two ycar> ag< ; when 1 bought a bottle of Chamber I Iain's Lain halm. I found relief befor I had used all of one bottle, but kep on applying it and soon felt like : different woman. Through my advie many oi my iricuds have tried it am can tell you how wonderfully it ha : worked.? M r>. Sarah A. Cole, i 40 S ' New St.. Dover, Del. Chamberlain' Pain halm i> a liniment. The re' e irotn pain which it affords is atom worth manv time.. .t~ .'...i l? rest and sleep possible. For sale l>; Union Drug Co. Ivi-v. Dr. F. Y. I'rosslcy, presi dent of Krskine College, ?nd lib bride have arrived at Due West tine were tendered a reception by tin student body. Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Win. Henry, of Chattanooga Teiin., li.ul rheiunatisni in his leit arm "The strength >eeined to have ^oik out of the muscles ><> (hat it was useless fur work," lie says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Palm and wrapped the arm in tlaimcl at night, and t<> my relief I found that the pain gradually left nu- and the strength returned. In three weeks the rheumatism had dis appeared and has ni>t since returned." If troubled with rheumatism try a few applications of Pain P.alni. You are certain to he pleased with the relief which it affords. For safe by Union Drug 'To. 10. W. Ilobcrtson, of Columbia, btts been made president of ilie Anderson street railwov. Whooping Cough. I have used Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whoooilll? coiu/h anil vi-mo i/. t. 11 mm :liat it is thi' best medicine I have ever ised.?\Y I". Gaston, I'osco, (ia. I'hircmedy is safe and sure. For sale !?y Union Drug Co. 10. I). Smith, national orgafiizor for Southern Cotton Association will l?c a delegate to the International Cotton Congress ;it Vienna next month. ????- - ?( A Criminal Attack. m an inoffensive citizen is frequently nadc in that apparently useless little nbe called the "appendix." It's genrally the result of protracted constii.'ition, following liver torpor. Dr. (ing's New I.tie Pills regulate the iver, prevent appendicitis. and 'cstabsh regular habits of the bowels. 25c! t all druggists. | I Summons for Relief. State of South Carolina, County of Union. Court of Common Picas. Elizabeth K. Robinson, Plaintiff, against ' YV. A. Robinson. Mary J. Day, Ellci Subcr. Hattie Coleman. Wallace W, , Robinson and 1\ S. Robinson, Defendants. SUMMONS FO.R RELIEF. Complaint Not Served, j To the Defendants. W. A. Robinson I Mary J. Day. Eller Subcr. Hattie Cole man. Wallace W. Robinson and F. S I Robinson: Von are hereby summoned and rc iiptired to answer the Complaint in thi> action. which is tiled in the office ol the Clerk of Court of Common Plea; for said county and State, and to scrvt a copy of your answer to -.aid Com < plaint on the subscribers at their lav offices at Union. S. C.. within twcntj . days after the service liercoi. cxelits live of the day of such service, and i you fail to answer the Complaint with in the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff ii this action will apply to the Court toi the relief demanded in the Complaint I'eatv ifv Walker. Attorney^ tor Plaintiff. (Seal) I. Prank Pcakc. i (of Court.) Clerk of Court. By J. W. G?D. C. | Union, S. C.. Dec. 7. 1906. ?- v Chester lias prepaml an elnborat program for the entertainment o the Independent Order of lied Met who will assemble there Monday and remain in session until Wed . nesday. An interesting list o speakers lias been secured for til , i banquet Tuesday evening, anion; them Hon. S. K. McFadden, Col I,. Bleasc and .James H. Tillman. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, who is no1 eighty three years old. thrives on Ele< 11 trie Bitters." writes W. P>. lfrunson, c Dublin. Ga. "She lias taken tlictn fo about two years and .enjoys an excoi . lent appetite, feels strong and sleer well." That's the way Kleltric Bht?$j I a tire t tlii' aged. and tlu- same happy C, ' suits follow in all cases oi female wen Hess and general debility. W eak. pi^r children too. are greatly strengthen, , In them. Guaranteed also for ston acli. liver and kidney troubles, by a druggist^. 50c. . 1 A score of persons were killY ' April A by a tornsulo which swc.f over dOO nules across portions Louisiana, Mississippi, ami Alain nia. l'arts of four towns were d t vastaled with damages exreedit: t $.">(),< )()<). ' >ut si^m^m^Td^Tnimk" i Jfl old saying which applies with -i?ij |force to a sore, burn or wound tljfl 11 been treated with Hucklen's Arl r Salve. It s out of sight, out of til y and out of existence. Piles too 1 t chilblains disappear under it*- In-all >, intlucncc. Guaranteed by all dril - gists. j*e. 1 e . :i t A SdO Kaster hat on the head i e Miss Celeste Manton caught fi] ! while \\ hitehall street was crowdt f with shoppers. The hat was de J tvoynl, the young woman lost nun f hair, was scorched ahout the ne< e and face and there was a panic i s the shopping district. A young ma checked the conflagration hy throv ing his overcoat over the young w< man's head. In the wreck of tl ' hat was found the stuh of a cigai ; ettc that had heon dropped from a ' upper-story window and had cause the fire. ? Atlanta CJeorginn. How's This? We offer Oik- Hundred Dollars R< . ward lor any ease of Catarrh that cat not lie cured l>y Hall's Catarrh Cure. I*. J. C'll I \ ICY & C< >.. Toledo, (). We, the undersigned, have know I I'. J. Cheney for the hi t 15 years, an believe hint perfectly honorable in a business transactions and linaneiall able to carry out any obligations mad by his linn. W'alding. Kinnan & Marvin. W holesale Druggists, Toledo, C Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter I nally, acting directly ttpon the blooi ] and mucous surfaces of the system i Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cent 'per bottle. Sold he all druggists. Take Hall's Kamilv fills for path >n. Honor Roll of Santuck School. Sixth (Juauk?Ryan Jeter, I,illi< Stevens. Sbvknth (>|{.\dk?James Jeter Mattie (Jregory, Urace Fant, llarrj Jones, Pauline and Beatrice Me 1 )aniel, Omega 15rock. ICifiiiTii t*nai?k?Katldeen Jeter, Annie Ruth Fant, Bessie Page, Davis Page. Nintii (iaADK Clarihel Fant. Every Hour of the Day. Palmetto Drug Co., the reliable drug gists of Union, S. C., are having calls for "IIINDIPO," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitali/er. Cures Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Restores Lost Vitality, that they are selling under a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming the talk ol .he town and everybody wants to try it, and why not? It costs nothing if it dont' do you good?not one cent. They don't want your money if it 'Iocs not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it today. I t Santuc News Letter. Santuo, April 7.?Hail fell here | this afternoon (Monday) thick and 1 with force for several minutes?the wind blowing alnmt as hard as is generally seen. For a while it seemed it was going to Ik? a storm ' of good extent, but 0.10 of an inch [of rain fell. I With all this cool weather to fondle the garden truck ami tender fruit, how it will struggle through I do not know. Fruit that d<k;s not fail and fall off, is very likely to be knotty and inferior. On last Saturday, 0th inst, we had a regular cold wave. The tenrj' perature fell 86 degrees in not over f i six and a half hours. At norm it was 75 degrees ami at sunset, the -'I time the official "readings" are '{ | taken, it was 81) degrees. The wind j suddenly shifted from the west to -! north, audit was exceedingly un1 pleasant to one caught away from | the house, minus of the regular r winter cloth. We are eertainlji having sudden changes, and witli wide ranges. There were a good many "earl.v birds" around Santuc, which got of the roosts soon, as it were, alio weni - out to catch the worm, but whet the frost came April 1 ami 2 with s (, temperature of d() ami 2X degrees * I they prohahly thought there had ac ( cidentally been a snap, and tin .. worm had got the "early bird.' The "early bird" looked a little I' puny, ami when one enquired o tin; ailment perhaps they wouh answer, "It is that tough old (pizen, worm, in me little inside." The Sunday School at the ltaptis 1 and Methodist churches were re-or ! gani/.cd or rather re-opened Sunday The Baptist Sunday School in tli iv morning and the Methodist in th afternoon; hut the day was cold M and occasional rains, and this wa l_ only an imitation, for future work hs There are some of both denomina rsitions, who attend both schools, am sometimes makes much large '"I schools, and no one is hurt. Ther ' : some talk of trying to start up Sraycr meeting in the place, i hich all of the denominations, ar ont to join in, and to make i iMielicial to all. No doubt there were intentions of itlier elaborate show off of hats an istlimes on Easter, but the eurrei f wind shifted from the West, an almy weather to the Northca unday; the blow cold,,and insten f Easter, it was a Nor'-easter. lb 'ijw women who could not get ;i corUii.Vfarm journal says, tin MP can get the same kind of hat at B jgreatly reduced price, and no one B> '1 '1 ig< < 1 to know it. If so, it is lift Kail an ill winfl that blows no goo< I i Today Prof. Dant/.ler expelh |B two hoys from school. I do in ^ cshh <o 'Misctiss'' it, and 1 will n< Knv whether <?r not the Profess* ^B behaved." The hoys ar*' eertaii BPy large enough to know how to hi nwhfive, anywhere. Some ex pre: all themselves as being sorry that Pro s-l Dantxler was driven (if driven) t lAtake this step. Hut I do not eat klwhat other people think or wi nlthink, or say, when they see this n but I ean say 1 am very glad that r- always tried to behave, and be oh* >- dient during my little school-duyi ic j and I know some who try thi r- now and in every-day life, n ' I was sorry indeed that 1 e??ul d not get to the late convention a Hculah, but the fact is, 1 was 11? ]j ing at a saw-mill; were alrcad; short-handed?by on*???n Saturda; and I had to just stay there, and at ' t* 11?1 to the motive power, <>r handi 1 cap the business. Sunday rail '"seared"' me, as I had no Kaste n outfit to show, and I stayed at homo I I would like to have been there 1 Hoiilah is at second "home" and \ know how they entertain. I havi pleasant recollections of times there Hey HeliVer. ij VERY LOW RATES 'J TO NORFOLK, VA? AND RETURF ACCOUNT JAMESTOWN TERCENTENNIAL EXPOSITION VIA SOUTHERN RAIIWAY. , Si'iwnn sivt*f-<l<i? .....1 i'tt ' , - HUM ' tickets on sale daily commencing April 19th, to and including Novi etniicr 80th, 1007. p I Very low rates will also he made p1 for Military and Brass Bands in uniform attending the Exposition. STOP-OVERS will he allowed on season, sixty-day and fifteen-day tickets, same as on summer tourist tickets. For full and complete informa. tion call on Ticket Agents Southern Railway, or write It. W. HUNT, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, 8. C. (tf) There arc many tonics in the land, As by the papers yon can sec; l.nt none of them can c<|iial IIollistcrT Rocky Mountain Tea. i The Rice Drug Co. MMMMHaawaaHi IfYourChewi Is Too Swei ; ^ ^J 11 l|| 11 REYNOLDS' SUN C 1 CONTAINS LESS S\ ANY OTHER, BECAl OF THE SUN CURE ITS MANUFACTURE I REYNOLDS' SUN | HIGH-CLASS CHEW J MERLY GOT, COSTI $1.00 PER POUND. }! PER POUND IN 5c. II 10c. AND 15c. PLU BEST VALUE IN J t BACCO THAT CAM FOR CHEWERS. # I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO V s ================================ Notice 01 bale. ill In tlie district court of the United 11 T'States for the district of South Caro- 1 i; I lina. ! a In the matter of \V. T. Heaty & Co.. 1 ,, \W T. Heaty and Frank G, Austell, ( Bankrupts. [t, The trustees having represented to line that it would be for the benefit of the above named bankrupt estates to III sell the property hcrcinbclow de<1 I scribed: it 1 Notice is hereby given that 011 the (j 15th day of April, i'K>7. at n o'clock in , the forenoon, before the court house: 'door, iu the city of Union, S. C., John I |<I 1 M. Little, trustee of said estate, will lit i sell at public auction, ofr ca li. the lilLU lowing described property of \V. 1. j -1 "'HIV... W'WV.r parcel ..I Ian,I. cn? tammg about 5-8 of an acre, situate it j and being in the City of Union. Counts j ty of Union, and State of South Caro-1 l,r; lnia, hi Minded 011 the North and Fast . | by land of Brown; on the South by South street and on the West bv land 1(1 oi McNally. r.l I 'I'l... I...If . . , ... ,, . hi Hii--ii.ui interest oi \\ . I.! j Meaty in and t<> all that tract of land, j I containing about X35 acres, situate and I 41 being in the County of Union. State of l" ; South Carolina, and bounded by lands j - of Peake, estate of Bailey, the Murphy ss .Mill tract 'and the Pair Forest Creek, f . 3. All that tract of land, containing. ' about joo acres, situate and being in I j Cross Keys Township, in the County i oi Union and State of South Carolina. II and bounded by lands of the estate oil . K. J. lletsill, W. T. Meaty and by the j .' Knoree River. 1 4. All that tract of land, containing I 137 acres, more or less, situate and be-j s, ing in Cross Keys Township, in the I jg! County of Union, and State of South) ! Carolina, and bounded by lands of | . I Meaty, land* of the estate of R. J. Bet- i ' sill and by the waters of the Knoree it River. , The above described real estate to ; be sold free and discharged of all liens J and encumbrances. v Also all of the right, title and inter est and claims and demands oi the said - lolm M. Little, trustee, m and to the j I, following described properties, choscs in action and equity, that i> to say: I. In and to ten shares of the Mon-j 'arch Cotton Mill Stock, claimed by the . Merhcants and Planters National | | Mank. Union. S. C , as collateral secttr- 1 I j,, ity for a debt of said \Y. T. Meaty, j amounting to about St.jfio. j. In and to live shares of the capital I ! stock of the Union IV & L. \ssi?eia- ' ! i. iiiiimru ny me Hank. of I nil m, S. ('.. as collateral security lor ? a debt of abouc $SJ5In and to t? n shares of the capital i i stoel> fit the Union I'.. and I.. Associa-j ; i lion, claimed by said Association, as' ' i collateral security tor a debt of about $?oo. ' ; 4. In and to the cash surrender value ' | of a policy of Life Insurance in the I N'cw York Mutual Life Insurance; Company for $5,000 now claimed by the 1 I Hank of Jonesville, and the Nicholson ! Hank and Trust Company, as collateral! security for/ debts aggregating about ' $1,500. ; 5. In and to 50 shares of the capital . i stock of the Georgia-Alabama Invest! inent Company. And also, all the right, title and interest of the said John M. Little, trus1 tee, of VV.T. Reaty, bankrupt, in and to all other property, real, personal or mixed.including all equities, claims, debts and clioses in action, whether . tici i ell m, mentn mod. or included) I in the schedules in bankruptcy herein n on not, wherever uid property may be I I situated. <>r from whomsoever said ! debts. claims, or chose* in action may ho clue. bcinK all such property, choses | in action, debts, which belonged to said W. T Beaty, or in which he had i an interest upon the day of the tiling nf the petition in bankruptcy herein. Any objection to said sale must be made before me on the toth day of April, eleven o'clock in the forenoon. at my office in Columbia, S. C. Jn o. J. Hiirl*'. I Referee it) Bankruptcy. I '4J ^ ngTobacco v Call For rURED TOBACCO VEETENING THAN ? r- /> a a iipi# 191. I nc. yUHl.l t * tj :d leaf used in : NEEDS LESS. CURED IS THE ' THAT YOU FORNG FROM 60c. TO SOLD AT 50c. V CUTS-, STRICTLY GS, AND IS THE SUN CURED TOI BE PRODUCED CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Teachers' Examinations. The regular examination for Tcacht's Certificate of Qualification will be icld at Union, S. C., Friday, April 19, 1907. County Superintendent's office or white, and court house for colored. By regulation of State Board of Ednsatiou the dates for teachers' examinations will hereafter he on the third Fridays in April and October. L>,U. Fant, County Supt. Educat:*.": 'Jiron County. FOR ALL ACHESiRAINS^ TRY A BOTTLE OF HUIET'S ALL-HEALING LINIMENT 4 ?AT? 25 AND 50 CENTS ...THE... PALMETTO DRllfi CO. I ? ItobaccoI g |S a delicious chew. H ? ? made from the best H H North Carolina leaf; H a leaf that has a spec-1 I ial texture, a special H flavor and whichH makes RED EYE al specially fine and satis- H fying chewing tobacco. I I Most people prefer it g to tobacco costing one H I dollar per pound. H Ask your dealer for it and K p insist on him keeping it. SB I MERCHANTS Q j?4 Write for Special Prices. |H