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THE UNI cm TIMES. VOL LVII NO. IS UNION, SOUTH CAROLINA.'fwDAK APRIL 12. 1907. $1.00 A YEAR. SUDDEN DEATH OF ROBERT A. HANCOCK WAS FOUND DEAD AT AN EARLY HOUR THURSDAY MORNING AT HIS HOME IN SOUTH UNION. He Had Been in Bad Health for Several Months, and WhHe Sitting Before the Fire Fell Dead and was Burnt Almost to a Crisp -The Verdict at Inquest was That He Died From Natural Causes. Mr. Robt. A. Hancock, who for a long time was guard for the county chain gang hut for the past few months ha6 been in had health, was found in his house in South Union, near the knitting mill, at oKnnt * 'ol/ ?ol? rPVv 11 ?H'/1 ?\ ?.*/vuv ?/ \j i uuiouaj iiiwiiiiii? burned almost to a crisp. His face was burned lx?yond recognition, as his skull was visible, his left hand was burned to a crisp, his knee and foot of left leg were also badly burned. A negro boy was with him in the house, but he told the boy to lay down and take a nap, that he would sit by the fire awhile. 80 when the negro awoke, about 5 o'clock, he found him lying face down in the fireplace and his clothing was still burning. The boy call a negro man and they put the fire out. He had on an overcoat besides his suit of clothes. A hole was burned in the Hoor under him. The chair on which he was sitting was also burned. Magistrate Vinson held the inquest at 10 o'clock this morning and the verdict of the jury was that .1,I w m j from natural causesit! ~ tvpra inlltr6(l 1H tllC nis rcuioiiio itv,, city eemetcry. Negro Shot in Card Game. ^ Lake City, April 8.?Ben Hannah shot and very seriously wounded Peter Martin Saturday night over a game of cards. Tlu f*1 parties are both negroes and thej with several other negroes wer< gambling in the woods near th< outskirts of this town. Martin won $2 and started b walk away with his hands in hi pants pockets when, it is alleged Hannah, without the slightet provocation or excuse, shot hinr the ball entering his l?ody from tY front a few inches ltelow the rigl shoulder blade, passing throng and lodging in the muscles of tl back. The shock caused Martin to je his hands out of his pockets and the act brought out the 82 whi fell on the ground. Hannah seiz the money and tied into the woe and has not yet l?een caught. <> * of Hannah's alleged accomplie Brewster Dick, was captured and in the guard house. The physicii say Martin may recover. ? .>ew? ii Courier. Masons Have Meeting. % > On Monday evening, April 7, Union Lodge, A. F. M. No. 7"> 1 an extra communication for the i pose of conferring degrees on t Union men and four Lockhart i! Between degrees refreshm were served, and a very enjoj evening was spent. These ? .. candidates will return next Moi night for the other two degrees, refreshments will again be se: Negro Combat. Ij Two painters, Ed. Kelly Jjifr.. "Bud" got into an |( cation Monday while paintinf II in West End. Ed. Kelly t I - struck the other on the head i I | brick and knocked him (low I under the house, and was in t W* of striking again when he \vm fi pod by other parties. U Ed ran away to Buffalo, bu K back and went to work Tu K The other man was cursin II creating quite a disturbance a II thought that he got about v, Iff deserved. DISPENSARY FUNDS MAY BE DISTRIBUTED Winding up Commission Will Probably Deposit Funds in Banks Throughout the State. The dispensary commission did little yesterday save routine work. If all the accounts that are presented to the commission by whiskey houses and others were paid there would be absolutely no doubt as to the insolvency of the institution. Among the numerous claims that are coming in was one for a horse killed several years ago. The claim, along with many others that cjime in, was promptly consigned to a convenient receptacle very much used in newspaper offices. The commission would give out no information as to the cause of the animal's death, but it may Ikj presumed that it was due to an overdose of some one of the "popular" brands of dispensary l>oozc kept for sale at that time. The Richland county board handed the commissi*>n a cheek yesterday for 820,289.97, representing the invoice price of the liquors sold by the (blumbia dispensaries during the month of March. This was toe first money to Ite received by the commission from any of the county loards. Other checks will proliably come in today or tomorrow, row. It is very probable that no additional funds will ho deposited with the Columbia banks. It is known that a proposition will l>e made to the commission by one of the members to divide the money among the Imnks of the Stat*?, placing deposits in Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg, Charleston and other cities. "The Columbia banks are not any more entitled to this money than those of other cities and towns in this State," said a member oi .are resntm' anil 1 In-iuTy woulu piav v/u, - ^ I better to distribute il among the banks of the State."?The State. i Citadel Affair Discussed. Columbia, April S.?There wa another conference here toda ' between the parents of the cadel s recently dismissed from the Sout r Carolina Military Aeademy an i their attorneys, Messrs. J. J a M(!Cullough, of Greenville, and V H. Lyles, Andrew Crawford ar a John T. Sloan, of this city. T1 s complainants present were May , G. H. Mahon an<l his son, Cad it Mahon, of Greenville; Mr. Ale i, and his brother, Cadet Alexand< le of Charlotte; Or. Able and his sc ?t Cadet Able, of St. Matthev ;h Plans were agreed upon 1<Hiking ?e I retaliation against the members the faculty involved. These pit rk will be more definitely published in a few days and their puhlicat eh will create a stir- The con fere ed J feels that it will be able to fi ids: vindicate the honor of the ea< 1 v ..... ?.,,i ('lllir;,.r_ n<> dismissed. ? ^ .mv. es, 1 ,s Wouldn't Take a "Dare." ms iinl Chester, April <1.?There is * j other dead negro at Fort 1.4 J This came alxmt not from a j bullet Hired by another negro I has been the case frequently of Vh('' in that vicinity. This latest tieltl is that of a negro man, .'10 yes pur-! age, Harrison Anderson by 11 hree j who wouldn't take a "dare,'1 nen. j(ii,| take a live wire operated 01 ents l0f the towers of the Southern 1 'aVile : company. Almost instantly Miine negro fell electrocuted from mlay tower. Coroner's verdict and "Death from his own carelessr rved. ?The State. I _____ Dispensary Board Meets ?? and Columbia, April 9.?The alter- dispensary commission met g over but transacted no business of inally tAnce. The commission disi ivith a that the auditing company 1 n and chin king up the lx>oks will ho act weeks more at the job and t i stop- eral hundred thousand dollar of claims cannot be possee tcame until this report is in. The lesday. of accepting the Clarke Rr< g and chase is still undecided. Th nditis approved a number of mino rhat he for current account such stables pay, salaries and th< DO NOT We do not intend that you taking a party of twenty-five pe sition. Thk Timks will give a f school girls and five holy teache Our voting contest is now ? i Alx>ut June loth we expect to Remember? Twenty-five makes up 1. Each renewal for one y votes. Each new subscrilxr at votes. 4. N ot.- for any lady scho over twelve years of age. ">. If you do not nnderstai or come to see us. Let every fl tin' i>i>ntnGi Thurn iu rn/mi <?. The votes will be publi Keep your eyes on Tub Timks. ????? I Child Burned to Death. The 4-year old child of Mary 1 Gage, a colored woman, living about one and a half miles from Sedalia ! on the Ray place, was burned to L death last Wednesday morning. The mother was off in another house shelling corn, and left three' children, a l>oy of 0, a girl of 4, and an infant in the house. The children got to playing in the fire. The girl caught on tire. 1 brother put her on the hed an&t tried to smother the tire with beJI clothes. When the 1 tedding caughv tire he poured a bucket of water om her and the lied clothes, thus tryinjfi to put out the tlames. Failing ijs this, he finally took the child aim put her in a gully, and put saJflB over her. When tne mother catjMj back she found the child mijg^jj i child's dead body. Meeting of Civic League. A mooting of the Civic la-ague was held Wednesday afternoon in the opera house. The meeting was called to order by the preside , y Mrs. F. M. Farr. The leaguj 5? adopted a constitution and by-laii" h, and a vice-president for each ware in the city was ewxwu. .... r* ladies elected to the positions o j vice-president were as follows Ward 1, Mrs. W. E. Thomson or ward 2, Mrs. Emslie Nicholson f wrrd 3, Mrs. Geo H. Oetzel; war 4, Mrs. J. H. Bartles. ir, ?n, Consolidates Undertaking Establisl vs. ments. to The Bolm Undertaking Com pan U.1S capitalized at #r?,(XX) is the on .111 undertaking establishment in l'ni< 1(>n now. The concern bought out t undertaking goods of Turner a J \ May field and also that of t Bailey Furniture Company. 'I new concern has a thoroughly litt iip undertaking shop. They ; embalming and als<? sell moi | ments. M. W. Bobo is president of an* new concern, b. J. Names is v iwn. president and W. II. Edgar fatal secretary. ? as Liquor Poured Out. irs of ame, Qn Monday morning Sh "u^ Sanners emptied out 8 gallon i one j txH)Ze# This liquor was capture ower j different points by the sheriff ^}1(' police force, i the was: less." Sain lyann was brought to I VVixlnesday and will lx* put or chaingnng for ninety days. State waH convicted at Carlisle for today, orderly conduct and carryinj impor- ^wful weapon, in Mayor jovered court. The man was arrest that is Cedartown, (ia., and brough I be six ' nion. he sev * worth Half Rates to Teachers I upon i matter oa* pur- From the present, any edi ie l>oard The State will he Rent to r claims teachers at half the regular as con- tiaed rates; 81 for Daily an< ? like. day; S3 for Daily only. -U- ~ FORGET l shall forg^^ that we purpose ople to the Jamestown Kxporee trip to ten school l>oys, ten rs in Union county, in. It will run to May 5i0th. take, the trip to Jamestown. tho^numlier. ear at one dollar gives you 1(K) , $J.<X) for one year gets 100 ol teacher or school girl or nd the whole question write us lectioh of Union eopnty enter all. Twenty-five will win. shed in The Times each issue. Acquitted of Bribery Charge. ? v * ?p*rtan but*? *PTV - ?i . i) Smith, formerly-^nairman of tlx caifitS bo^d of control, indicted bj* the grand jury on charge oi offering a bribe to a meml)er of tht boArd edntrol, was tried in tlx mtt of Sessions today and found l&i guilty. The jury was giver Jt'.case at 10 o'clock and returnee 7\Srdict at odil). FT jHie case against the def.-ndani LJ afcthe result of a dispensary in Mitigation by a special legislativi 'jlptojniittee in August, lt)0o, it Ik; jmf stated by witnesses that Mr Iflptiith had offered a bribe to l'errj WtlLa member of the hoard o; Bfentrol, to vote for eertain appli paints for the position <?f beer dis jtoenser. Only one witness wai T&jcainiri<ttl at the trial today, Perrj Ijfall, who testified thai Smith nd/ [fyHywu^r beer Thpenaer ther 1 f The trie of Mr. Smith is r-lf th?" precautions that grew out c jffhc Vi vesication. ' Ll'ti\ World's Cotton Congress. Jttbu ?lfcove/Yotk, April ib-An inte wl1"1 <?r?r?ferenee of COttC ' ^tie i /era, manufacturers and deale f be held at Atlanta, (la., < :iwOtober 7, S and 9 next. T1 ; fcjas decided upon today at a ine< j tflig in this city of the presidents d i^he National Association of Cott ^Manufacturers, the Southern Cott Association, the American Cotl l. Manufacturers' Association and 1 * | Farmers' Union. It was annouix that arrangements have l>een mi for on extended tour by spe< y, train through the cotton rais ly districts by the European i an American delegates to the con he ence. Invitations will be ex ten ltd to domestic and foreign sisso he tions. lie '71 Millionaire Smith's Body Sails do :,u- ; Yokohama, Japan, April 1 the The widow and the rest of iee- I nnvtv nf Jsimes Henry Smith, 7 F*" "J " - 1S were accompanying him aroma world, will sail today for York, via San Francisco and take hii? dead Uwly witlr them has ls-en made known that the reposing in the safe of a Ixi erifT, firm of Lawyers a will rec k of [made by the deceased that :d at j poses of the fcTn,000,000 estfl and Mr. Smith. It was drawn Mr. Smith's wedding in Set last September to Mrs. \V Rhinelander Stewart. It is st leave the widow the bulk ( estate. jnion 1 Vje The Famine in Russia. lie disi? ?n- liondon, April 10.?Dr. K ~~ Ka* 11 i8i s i a commissioner w.v <>(1 'n | friends who was sent to inv< t hack | t|i?? Russian famine, in from Samaria in tin* famii : teict says then- are twenty I people in tiie southeastern | Russia who, without aid, : live to see another harv< tion of , Samaria, lie says, thousar school j dying and 7">0,0()0 are s adver-i Of the latter only :172,700 J Sun-; ting relief. A dole of one J twenty-four hours. K. OF P. CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN UNIC At This Meetihg the D. 0. K. K's. W Hold a Ceremonial?A Banquet Will be Held at Hotel Union Cm the night of April Ulth, ai <lviring the K. of I'. Convention Ik- hehl the 16th and 17th, tl 1). (). K. K's. will hold a eerein nuil, and a number of "tyros" w lie fed to the tigers. At this convention a number prominent Pythians are expected attend, both from the Grand ai Supreme Lodge. On the night of" the Irttii th will give a banquet whicn will held the Hotel Union. A irr elalmrate supper will be served. The 1). t). K. K's. will have parade through the streets of Unl on the afternoon of the Kith alio (1 o'clock. The candidates will i n.?i i Uir."V)ri| 111 Vill KHI3 ill HI ^UMM styles. Funeral of Dr. John Johnson. The funeral services of the It< John Johnson, D. 1)., LL 1)., n tor emeritus of St. Philip's Protej ' ant Episcopal ehurch, who di ' Sunday night, was held Tuesd ^ afternoon at St. Philip's church ' 5.80 o'clock, and was conducted * the Right Rev. Ellison Capers, ' I)., Bishop of the Protestant Ep 1 copal church in the diocese of Sou ' Carolina, assisted hy the rectors i all the Episcopal churches in t t city. The interment was in St. Phili] ? eastern cemetery, to the rear of t church building, in the family 1< The funeral services were vc 7 largely attended, for Dr. Johns f was loved and admired f??r his ma excellent qualities by scores of p< * pie.?News and Courier. s 7 * t Distributing Plant far; Spartanhw J "" Spartanburg, * nounced We today itliat th'e Sow ?* will erect here a v?.J?iDuung pu i at the cost of $100,000. to lie in eration within 12 months. Kej 1 sentatives of the company h I closed a deal with Mr. J. 1. Ha for land on Dawson's fork, wl r"! the plant is to l?e erected . Mr B., of Charlotte, >. v^., rcj. )n ented the company in the trim lis tion* it- ? of Small Fire at Lockhart. on | ,un On Wednesday afternoon -on starting time a fire broke out ir opening room of the Loci Mills. The fire was quickly V tinguishcd and with slight dan j About six tales of cotton inK destroyed. md f; r; j Death of Lord Allan. (led cia- ; ' Samuel Lord Allan, riding n governable hoi>e Monday in nierville, was unseated by th< # 7 * mill and thrown to the grounc skull was fractured by com O.? contact with a tree causing i the injury and five hours later at who; o'clock he died without ref 1 the 1 consciousness.?Charleston K New Post. will Mr. Allan visited relatives ' " nwl inililc It ion last, sunnm. ??, . re is friends who regret his ui ndon death. ;ently ,l,s; Flower Festival Bazaai ite of >tland thdon, S. C., April .'1, iii- The Win. Wallace ChapP .1.1 t C. will hold a flower festi >f the "'>a/aar on ^'a^ an<^ ' interest of the Monument Contributions of material French, linen, fancy wo I novelty departments will acceptable. If you are willing to Ien< .enard, i ing hand to thiseflfort. kin< iety of1 any one of the loiiowiii] ;8tigate I Mrs. B. <}. Clifl writing Mrs. II. Pea ne dig- Miys Minnie C. million MM General Jlaker Oea In | xIh are Norfolk, Va., April 10. tarving. Lawn nee B. Baker, aged are get- <ommanded a North meal in brigade in the Confeder died in Suffolk, Va. IN MAN OF MYSTERY HAS BEEN RELEASED m S. A. WARD, ALIAS L. BRIGGS, WHO WAS ARRESTED TUESDAY AT , CROSS KEYS HAS BEEN to RELEASED. lie: He was Lodged in Jail Here to Await 1)1 Investigation, but was Released of Wednesday?He is a Man of Mysto! tery, as He Has Acted Strangely ^ .While in Union -Lef^ Pacts.. < TKatsiiay at 3:30 a.m. be / >8t A man, giving his name as K. A. Y Ward, was arrested at Cross Keys, a <?n Monday. lie was arrested on Oil snsnieion f>f }wMlnr n niitmnnnu ..loir voyant ami diamond thief wanted ry in fireenboro, N. C. Ho wan brought to Union, and when questioned closely, provo<l that he was , in [..aureus and Newberry counties | at the time the (J reenslioro robber?v. ies occurred. Ward was identified nir by I)r. S. S. Under, who knew iiim s*" ten or fifteen years ago, and while oV|h6 lived at Ridge way, S. ('. The ^ man was released and left Union by before day Thursday morning. D.' His room was No. (? at the ManI gum house, at tlie foot of the stairs ^ loading to the garret. A lamp was },e found burning on the stairs Thursday morning which was something f)'s unusal, so looking into his room, a 'u' note and some money was found on >ry ^le Here is the contents of 011 the note: ny "Mrs. Mangum: so- Dear Madam: I want to get back to my work early this morning, so 1 w i 1 Ilea\v Governor Ansel. ave! rris Notice! \oro 1 I V T. . ,reK. A social communication of lSac- Union Lodge No. 75, A. F. M. is called for Friday night next, the 12th, for the purpose of conferring the M. M. Degree. All Masons are invited to attend. J. H. Hamilton, ('. C. Sanders, I a-t| W. M. Secretary. i the chart1 ?x-1 Notice. nage. were ^ ^]] veterans desiring crosses of honor will please send in their apj plication. Mrs. 11. (1. Clifford or Capt. F. M. Farr, Cnion, S. C. m unSuni ? ani. Pardoned. 1. His I mg in (tovernor Ansel on Thursday i fatal pardoned Charlie Harper, a white II :o<). man, convicted of larceny of live fining gtovk at the January term of court veiling j,, pioc^ and sentenced to two years 'on the gang he served almiit 14 in I n-| months. many i ntimcly Small Fire in Union Mill No. 2. | Fire broke out in the picker room of the l:nion Mills in mill No. 2 on 1907. i Monday morning. Little damage* 3r U. D. was done. About 1(H) lops were val and damaged. The fire was quickly ex?in the tinguished. , Fund.| rk ' and' China's Famine Sufferers. I>e very j ; Mr. M. C. Feaster, and his son, 1 a help- \V. L. Feaster, of Monarch Mills, Uy notify i went out in that community and 1 nthis week for the g ladies: raiseu ? wurjvv.w.. ? ford. Chinese famine sufferers, arnonntike. ing to #83.10. This money was at (iist. !once forwarded to tlie proper headquarters, and will go to help a most lj worthy cause. | ^ ?General Now is the time to send in your I 77 who subscription to the Times. We are Carolina going to send 25 people to the ate army, Jamestown Exposition. Suliscribe now and vote for yourrfavorite.