-- . 1 | Union* iStocI ?' f\ r' | I ( I 0* W7 - t. - K o* No limited or day I , I K: II, 1907. I QOrohatinn r p. v vavril* V TORE, f 1 J* V. > . V *;i aiiKciSf womiorts, fit grcfltly ^ reduced prices. J \ NOW IS YOUR TIME I buy Trunks, Stoves, and |jj rniture, etc. Everything in sg Crockery at first cost. jjjjj v =========== ** also carry a first-class - line of f tyand Fancy Groceries and can | meet any competition. | ime and see for your= I _ on A| > S J-ceccc-c . / Bl To Fm We Heat 'J e. C? you, to ' goods. iary 999wv?P3 tor* ioi Ith, consis in our o (his, (hat wi i mill: n,' S. C. firvvi/l^v Hp' 1? Vvvvwvi I things we hav ou, and please ly for choice oi tc, Febri Sent Out * \ 1III w/ iE TARGET s before you. ur Dollars Counl gain Seekers, 1 DIRECT reat Reduction Sale riiiis s duct >ruary 1 if Merchandise, ict, everything In order to d oods at prices i k oncirgea or mmu Unio ft #ft #ft #ft 0\ &>,&',&, /ft r-, /ft #ft /ft /ft i ) al Prices Bar AIIN For this Qi t. ? ) name all the good sfied we can sell y yours. Come ear >er the dal ^ ICMIdll tllib (IIIIUUIH. nd County, these g rvative buyer. : H f??? Tl oss Bros., l, clothing to get a Make Yo t cheap. Buffalo k Ret inday, Fet id $25,000 Worth and NotionsHn fa | v IMo Goods I UNior 1 HATS J* At and below cos | We haven't time t( I self. We are sati I sale. Our time is A I Rememt I we nave on nai I Shoes, Pry Goods 8 must reduce to or 1 people of Union a | of the most conse i $7,000 WORT Of Kuppenheimer, Schl and other first-class Now is your chance Suit or an overcoal SHOES For Everybody. Speci; per Pair. Vr A# * fX-fVKvgr * : ? *% . tS ' " f'fc e's Great j ii Sale). 1907. I 8 Q ting of Clothing, Hats, | * large stock,?that we | we are offering to the |. ill open wide the eyes f Q Q Uf II - ? w QUILTS, 1 U t A - # - --