THE UNION TIMES. I VOL. LVII NO 5. UNION. SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I. 1907. $1.00 A YEAR. STATE DISPENSARY DOOMED. The Report of the Committee Damages Institution?-House Against it. The house of representatives b) almost a two-thirds majority, ant! after a debate of nearly three hours, tabled the amendment foi prohibition introduced .by Mr. D L. Smith. They then passed to a third reading of the Carey-Cothran bill and killed the Richards bill. This is a complete routing of the dispensary forces. It is plainly evident that the house means to kill the State dispensary It seems that local option will prevail. that is, that counties will be given the right to choose between prohibition or county dispensary This is Governor Ansel's platform He is in sentiment a nrohibitionist and believes in local' option. COWHTTffS INVESTIGATION Of DISPENSARY We find as matters of fact: ' T bat the State dispensary i< over-stocked, and that there Wa< on hand in the State dispensary on January 15,, toot, about $669,000 worth of su ^ - 2' J '?at $400,000 worth of stock is sufficient to run the State dispensary. We find that this overstocking has been going on both under the old board of directors and under the new board. 3- We further find that in the purchase of liquors for the dispensary, the law has not been observed in a number of instances and that liquors have been bough) contrary to the rule established b\ the board itself for the purchase of liquor. 1 ^ *'lat the present board of directors passed a rule 011 or about the 8th day of Marchl 1906, that all orders for the purchase of liquors must be signed by at least two members of the board of directors, but said order to "allow "W'Crtlw m'tne noaru to order the bulk goods. , 5. We find that Mr. John Black a member of the board of direct " ors, purchased a large amount c liquor, amounting to about 1,60 barrels, from Clark Bros. & of Peoria, 111-, said Black makin said purchase in person in Peon 111. We also find that at the san time and place he made a pu chase from Lehman & Co., t amount of which we have been u able to ascertain, but 300 barr were shipped to and received the State dispensary. We a find that Mr. Black made a p chase in person in^ ^ Cincinn Ohio, of 600 cases 01 nquui .. Moyse Bros. These three lots liquor thus purchased by Black amounted to about $1 000. 6. We find from the testirr that the liquor thus purchase< Mr. Black from Clark Bros Sons, at $1.50 to $1.75 per ga is a very inferior quality of li< being what is known as high 1 and is not worth more than to $1.35 per gallons, and ca bought in the market at that 7. We find from the testi ^ that Mr. Black is out of the V and we are informed that sick, and hence it was impc for the committee to get hi timony, but a letter of his ii tion to said Clark and L< purchase is in evidence, ant attention is called to the sta therein contained. 0 find from the tes O. % * X that the present hoard of di has constantly snhstitutd goods to be shipped out county dispensaries, in plac goods ordered by the con pensers, and that the good? stituted were not satisfar the county dispensers, or people, and that they were over the protest of the co pensers, and over the pi f the State commissioner. " further find 1 V board of directors failed ed to buy in sufficient < X corn, X pin and X rye, there was a hip demam class of poods, and that claims that certain firms ship out this class of pc ordered, but we find on tion that there are on bids from other reput; offering to furnish these 10. We further fin< board of directors have large quantities of of case goods, in which t SHOOTING IN HOTEL LOBBY. Excitement In Onion Hotel Tuesday Night?Mr. J. M. Clardy. Clerk. Had Narrow Escape. ' An exciting incident, and very I near a killing, occurred in the lobby of the Union hotel Tuesday " night at about 8:30 o'clock. It seems that the proprietor of the ' hotel deemed the conduct of some of the guests rude and disorderly ? and accordingly instructed Mr. J. r, M. Clardy, the hotel clerk, to re> quest the guests to observe better order. Messrs. P. D. and G. B. Bar ron were in the room of Mr. L. L. Mott. Mr. Clardy, however, did 1 not speak to the Barron brothers, only to Mr. Mott. And thinking all was well and having carried nnf liic inctrn^tir\nc \'f r ro_ turned to the office. In a few minutes Mr. Mott and the Barron brothers came down into the lobi by, where the latter accosted Mr. ; Clardy and requested an explana' tion of the clerk's visit to their room. Mr. Clardy replied that his explanations were made to Mr. : Mott, the holder of the room, and he considered them satisfactory. . Hereupon the elder Mr. Barron i cursed Mr. Clardy and the latter ; threw the glass tumbler at his head, cutting a gash in the fore: head. This act of Mr. Clardy's caused Mr. G. B. Barron, who had walked . around to the other side of the t counter, to draw his pistol and fire r two shots at the assailant of his ! elder brother. Neither shot was effective, but Mr. Clardy's face : was burned considerably by the : powder from the explosion. Bar\ ron was deterred from furthef shooting by spectators in the \ lobby. All the participants in the fracas I the mayor \&?dIcase was continued, J. J case w . view of th 'Ifact that hc was obeying instruct,~f lions the fine was not tmposed. arsv;a'.'S*;MT'V'S.W" find that a lar, by dispensary ^ nQ < lti| tne ? om pensers. > o? 12. We fur'her find that th Mr. has been paid on the Clark p 25,- chase the sum of $30,000, and I the checks for same were coun lony signed by Commissioner Tat 1 by although he had been infortne< i. & the facts concerning said purch lion, 13. We find that since the rr juor, ing of the general assembly, wine, hoard of directors has adopt $* 33 resolution that all orders for li in be must be countersigned by ( price, missioner Tatum. mony 14. In addition to the sto< State, hand, we find that all of the he is ceniber purchases have bee< >ssible dered held up by the board,is tes- is, orders issued not to shi 1 rela- goods?except the Clark and ehman man purchases, which were 1 your up by Mr. M. H. Mobley, tement which action was confirme Mr. Black, timony 15. We have not been 5 rectors ascertain the number of c other 'liquor on the sidetracks in 1 to the i or en route to the dispen e of the any particular time. Mr. nty dis- stated in his evidence that ; so sub* informed by the railroad ; :tory to ties that on a certain daj to the first week in January the shipped 36 carloads on the track 1 "'I 1 untv (lis- Mr. Moblev icsuucu i..?rotcst of an examination three or f< later and found 12 cars that the tracks, some of which was or refus- Under the authority v quantities! your committee, we have although ed the dispensary official 1 for this pay any more money t the board Tiros, or to Lehman, am refused to mit the matter to .your 1 )ods when body for such action. a.< examina- opinion may be necessar; file many N. C. Christenser able firms, W. N. Graydon, ; goods. On the Part of the 1 that the E. M. Rucker, purchased J. P. Carey, >jectionable J. G. Richards, here was a I On the Part of th< MASONS ELECT OfflCERS. Garflsto Masons In Prospering Con Alton?Death of Mrs. Ophelia Jeter. Carlisle, Jan. 31.?At the Janu ary communication of Carlish Lodge No. 227, A. F. M., the an nual election of officers was gom into and the following officer were elected: W. T. Jeter, W M. ; W. H. Jeter, S. W.; A. W Gilmore, J. W.; R. E. Moss, S. D. Robt. Beaty, J. D.; Dr. J. T. Je tcr, Secy.; W. L. Earle, Treas. J. W. McGowan, Tiler.. This lodge is only in its second year It was organized in 1906, but sinc< its organization there has beer shown a remarkable amount oi 1 a _ :.1 1 r ? uidMJllit ?Cdl. AS CV1UCI1CCU ITOII the number of petitions that hav< been presented and the amount o work done and the regular attend ance of each member. Mrs. Ophelia Jeter, widow o John R. Jeter, deceased, died a< the home of her daughter, Mrs. C A. Jeter, on Monday morning. Mrs. Jeter's health had not beer good for some time but her deatf was somewhat sudden and quite i surprise to her relatives ant friends. She was a devoted Chris tian woman and sowed seeds o kindness and good Christian ad vice wherever she was, and to al that she came in contact with. Sh< is survived by Mrs. C. A. and Mr Gary Jeter, of this place, Dr. Rus sel Jeter, of Whitmire, Mr. Ed ward Jeter, of Jonesville, and Mr J. P. Jeter, of Santuc. The re mains were interred at the famil} burying ground at Santuc. Mr. C. T. Coleman is building him a modern dwelling here, neai the residence of Mr. J. G. Rice which he expects to have complet ed in a short while. Mr. Colemai Will then go to housekeeping. Ai the present he and Mrs. Colemar PMrs. I- B. Pl?. went to^Spat \SSSS ST. Julian Welch, who =1 a student at Wofford college. n Mr Charles Dudley and htt 1 daughter, Marguerite, rett ? last night from a visit to relatrv j 'HnT'^proceeds horn the lectr of Dr Florians Brobst, of the N fe Orkan. lyceum bureau, AMIS wmgontowards the b le" St ofthe""5>1 library. Men. ? of Dr. Brobst's appearance Carlisle Has OCCI1 1 laaviv *? j cre ious issue of this paper. >ur hat Subscriptions Lagging. ter The subscriptions to the lase being ra>sed by the cemetery ; lce^ ciation for the purpose of c: tjie for the Presbyterian cemete 1 a lapping. Mr. Emslie Niche who is secretary and treasur -s this association, is making ea effort to close the matter, k on 's lackin?r but two or three dred dollars of reaching the ~ thousand dollar endowment, ?that 'v tkose wbo have buried i . t cemetery their dead friend ,le loved ones will not \et the h \ ~\ l)r'se bul for the lack of thre clerk dred dollars. This is the ^ burying groud in Union, an lie the earthly remains of ir i I . Union's noble sons and dan a'rs of comniu"ity as a whol he citv should be, interested in th sarv at causc? ^or scarcely one mei Tatum 1'1C comniunity could be fov he was was not directly or indire authori- terested in this cemetery. r in the "" re were Third Week Jurors, s here, he made t? . our days ,h * '"ror.s for ,h* on the ,C?.urt of COrnn^on plea elass w follows. Their servic rested * in "onday. F^ruary 4,h : instruct- tTuST' T. m" Is not to J. W. Mens, S o p 0 Clark w. V. Bentley, E. L. C 1 we sub- j- J- J}* **' Ben Mi honorable t Mobley, H. A. I none raoie Eugene Bohck, J. H. C s in your A. Inman, W. j! B y. Wm. Gall man, W. R *? Jr'? fcSm Prrks* A- B- ' Win. Garner, J S F c i Fincher, J. Q j Senate, B. M. Becknell, W H T. j. Wood, J G J. B Holcomb, ). C. C Fb w I"m*n' I- L- J Kb. West, j. w ' House. Jim Mobley, fc. N. SHOOTING AT KNITTING MILL. V . - rib*. E. S. Trammell Has Hand-to-1 Ji Hand Conflict With Man and His Son. - On Wednesday afternoon at e about six o'clock there came near th - Being a serious shooting scrape at K e, the -txcelsior' knitting mills. Mr. tw s Toe Fore and his son Witt lay in E . "Smlt for Mr. E. S. Trammell, over- it; V scer in' the knitting and carding hi ; department, prepared to kill him. sc The trotd)le arose from the fact ly ; tha]Lthe elder Fore; in a drunken a s condition, went into the mill in the cl . afternoon and insulted some la- ba ; dies, who appealed to Mr. Tram- m t mell to put Fore out. The former H f remonstrated with the drunken w; i man, who seemed disinclined to wi i get out. In fact, he made open he f attack upon Trammell. The latter co - struck him over the head with a di spool and left the room. Fore or f went home, got his gun and strap- H I ped a belt of cartridges around his m . waist, enlisted his son Witt, and started toward the mill. On the 1 way he stopped at Mr. Whitener's i stPre and declared his intention to i kill Trammell. Mr. Whitener <je I erased his store, went and warned p, - the intended victim. Mr. Tram- ^ f mell left the mill as usual and was ^ - ion his way home when accosted I Ify rore and his son. Fearing that bj, e they intended to kill him, and see- py . ing their ample preparation. Tram- *,j - nwll pitched Jnto it for dear life, - and as he said in the mayor's ^C] . court, "for about two minutes I sa - was the busiest I've ever been in / rr.v life." He caught Fore's gun j and held the barrel downward; I bore fired but the load went into r the ground. Wrenching the gun sj , he shoved the barrel upward and - the other load was fired into the I, air. Meantime, Trammell was t holding the barrel of the younger l IJore's gun in his left hand, keep- r r l^Mr^TYammeTbr&e lw Witt Fore, and used the ba[re* c 18 as a weapon with which he felled f f m!; Fore The son then ran. t !d IMr Trammel returned to his home s eS I and the matter was reported t < the oolice. There was some wild . ireltalk about the mill last night u ewlno harm was done anyone. before The case was brought betore ^Wh* mavor Thursday morning and iboth Fore and his son fined $100 ?n~ ?r -?0 davs They were committed {Z to fail on lailureyto pay the fine. ev" Dividend Declared. The officers and stockholders ol the Union Grocery gmpany me in the company s office luesaa. fund a{temoon in their regular semi tsso- Annual meeting. ^ jhv.dend o mng 10 per cent., or $2,000, d* ry islciared on the half year s ?P"atl?' >lson.|Thc report of Manager Wagno er of Las most gratifying. H is remen irnest bered tbat on October first rhere trict|y cash basis was adoptt h?n- ani it was feared that the busine three I wOUld be greatly decreased, bu Sure- was shown not to be the ca. II tlllS T f | s and ,act the sales tor tne iiol .. enter- Januar>' are consideral e htin- more than those of January, 19 oldest an(' l^e ot'lcr months compare id here vora^ylanv of stockholders express th< ighters se,ves as highly pleased with e is or new methods and the mans is good mcnt' nher of md who Installation of Mr. Jordan. ;ctly in Last Sunday morning at church of the Nativity, Rev. C . Jordan, the new rector of charge, was formally installed week of veste(t with authority as r< is will be ^'S'10P Ellison Capers, who e beirins ^llcts such exercises in the E] oal church, was unable to be j ent, so Rev. A. 1. VV ami, alone, missionary, was authorized aimer', as institutor. :iark With due solemnity an< Dunbar adopted ritual the new rect< iraham) placed in charge of the chur< lumett,' the sermon was preached b Kelly, Mr. Walsh. ^Adams' ^r' Jort^an bas been in ffowell ' f?r some months, having Page,' from Pinopolis in the late fj Adams, ready he is well known an ^opeland, an enviable position in the Rochester, an<* confidence of the Uni Johns. ' pie. TAKES HIS OWN UfE. idson Klrby, a Yonth of 17. Found Tl In a Ravine Tuesday With Bullet Through His Heart Tuesday, about two o'clock in e afternoon, the body of Judson b< irby was found in a ravine about ti ro hundred yards south of the C xcelsior knitting mills commun- th y. Mr. Duff Noland was out sr anting and came upon the grew- ai >me find. The young man was tli ing face downwards; nearby was dt 38 calibre revolver with one C lamber recently emptied. The ill passed through the heart, and th ust have caused instant death, vt e was about 17 years old and m as full grown for his size. One fir tness at the inquest testified that bt ! had heard Kirby talking of G immitting suicide just before his w sappearance, which was a day Iv two before his body was found, er e had evidently been dead for a any hours when found. to at Mr. Dtckerson Dead. al sr\omcU?rC^Vin^",adk"<*w" P' ?3?-?i5^r Concerning his death the Ches ? r Lantern has the following ,o P Jho/e, near^byvillfFaiV ? 'OLj-.\T9o^r,?e'a,,r:cth year of his age Mr n*T TI TioZ 3 Confederate veteran " ,dr loS?"' of his limb, hj the fc r a nHuCmbWearS?fy?eaarsWaaSOn> V" 'he Baptist church and aTn"Ist1 onducteS M &Sreh work. His n" ). Wells. He leaves a wire, *u?X s >rothers and two sisters, four sons md two daughters, besides a host , if relatives and friends in Fairfield j and Chester counties to mourn their loss in his death. A Marriage. Mr. John A. Lynch, of Macon, Ga., and Miss Alice Sellers, of Jonesville, S. C., were united in marriage on Wednesday morning, Jan. 30. They were married by Rev. L. M. Rice, at his residence i in Union, they having driver t through the country from Jones f ville that morning. Immediate!} - after the ceremony the bride an< f groom returned to Jonesville, am - will, in a few days, start for Ma 1. con, Ga., where they will mak n their future home. The young 1; i- dy is well known in Jonesville, ar a while the groom is something 1 d, a stranger in Union, he made mai ss friends during his flying trip ch our city. He said he was tried >e. living an old bachelor's life a alf felt that he needed a good wife dy look after him. We extend cc 06, gratulations and best wishes, fa Charged With Heinous Crime. mi- 3 Aleck Brcwton, a 19-year l^e negro, was brought to Ut Tuesday night and lodged in He is charged with having c mitted rape upon the persoi ' .Martha Sturry, also colored, 5 """ ront was SI the'days ago. me ... H. out by Thos. Sturry, husbar this the victim, and issued by M I and trate Bogan. Brewton is nr ector. ja*l awaiting trial at the next con- ?f the circuit court. Aleck 1 pisco- ton an<l the Sturrys all live o ores- J Norris Rodger's place. State .. to act Gone to Hospital. i the Mr. R. E. Bruce left ear Dr was week for Memphis, Tenn., :h, and he goes to be operated on y Rev. pendicitis. The latest new him was that he had stood 1 Union very well, but had not y< \ come operated upon, ill. Al- Mr. Bruce is a young d holds fine character and good 1 esteem qualities, and his many on peo- will deeply sympathize wi in his affliction. CLARKE CLOTHING COMPANY. ills Firm Has Purchased Bailey- , JI Copeland Go's. Stock?Capt. wM Clarke Experienced Man. ! Mr. J. C. Copeland, who has 1 ;en a resident of Union for sonic V me and a partner in the Bailey- ' opeland Clothing Co., has sold ic Union establishment to Mess. E. L. Clarke, David C. Clarke id J. A. Sawyer. After March ie first the business will be conicted under the name of the larke Clothing Co. Capt. E. L. Clarke has been in < e clothing business for many iars, and bis experience will lend uch to the success of the new m. Mr. David C. Clarke has \ ren in the mercantile business in affney for a few years past. He ill move to Union and be direct- i connected with the business opation. Mr. J. A. Sawyer, while partner, will not devote any time the business, since his practice law requires all his time. The establishment will handle 1 kinds of gents' furnishing goods id will be right up to now in all e styles.' Capt. Clarke leaves a >on for the northern markets to irehase a full line of spring and immer goods. Amusements Being Secured. i The Neal Shoals Amusement 3. is actively engaged these days securing amusements for the l-coming season. Correspondice of all kinds and with various mcerns is being carried on and >me contracts have been closed, lie management seems dead in rnest about furnishing every r. nceivable form of amusement ' r the people of Union. / They have arranged for the in-/ allation of a bowling alley, boy 11 alley, tennis courts, golf, et' ne unique feature they hope/ H Shows ofVsff*~ horse-r~- ... , dUe etc., have been engaged V f 'pkasure ol Union people \ A Charter Member. A On last Saturday Mr. H. P.'Mci Kissick of Joncsvdle, was in the 1 city and sp{n? an fice. Mr. McKissick is 79 y oW and Times in its firs McKnight I I nau Vx*'* -[interestingly of those times Dctore p the war, relating many incidents j and items of interest that escape cj general notice. Besides Mr . McKissick, we know of only one other "charter member" of The Times subscriber ers and that is Mr. Joe Gault, of Jonesville. iv * to Auction Sale. of ^ nd The auction sale of lots in Jonesto ville last Saturday by Mr. E. F. in- Kelley. real estate agent, for Mr. . \ J. F. Alman. was quite a success. f Twelve lots were sold at very sat- t isfactorv prices. Ex-Sheriff J. G. Long, of Union, was the auction( -OKI lioK I jail Dr. George Douglass. < :om 11 Dr. George Douglas, who died ?ome jn Baltimore last Monday, Januvx ivorn ary 21st, was buried at Ebenczer ^ .. ' I(1 church, near Mabington, this aK'p" county, last Thursday afternoon. >\v in ]")r Douglass was a prominent term physician and was held in high Brew- esteem throughout the county and n Mr. everywhere he was known. He { has two brothers still living, Dr. '' W. J. Douglass, of Jonesville, and / Capt. J. T. Douglass, of Union. Dr. Douglass was a member of /..v ly this the Union County Mutual Benefit ( where association. / > for ap- I ! s from The next meeting of the Union I) " cntton Growers' aslocia- J * the trip tou 11 tj it been tion will be held in the court < house, Saturday, Feb. 2, at 12/ man of o'clock m. The president, CnotJ,. business F. M. Farr urges that not only friends farmers, but the business 11121? th him merchants, bankers and other/ * attend this meeting. j ? ?