The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, August 24, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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CROSS KEYS MEETING. (Continued From I'age 5. t?<-r, lie also was in tin* legislature | for two years, and I have never heard him say one word as to what he ever did or tried to do," concluded Frowning amid cheers that fairly shook the house. Browning reeeived some Itcailtifnl boUqUets. Chairman < Iregory then introduced T. 11. Core saying that this, candidate would now tell some an-* <<edotcs and make the people laugh. , st l'KKINTEMiKVr <>K KIMVATMN. T. II. (lore always tells the, other candidates to stop electioneering and let the people listen to him. In loud and ringing voice lie again preached the doctrine of rotation. Says he can't get Fant to tell how long la* has had that ofliew. and believes noltod.v remembers when he went in. "I'm going to run Kant out" said lie. (Voice) "Nothing like keeping in good heart." Says Fant is like "William-A-Trimble-Toe," for "when lie washes his too at the public well on the "2sth, lie will go hack and tind his otlice gone." (Mr. Kant i yielded 5 minutes of his time to tlore.) Resuming .Mr. (tore told that the frogs were croaking "the 2-Sth," "tin; 2*th," "he's had it l??ng enough," "lie's hatl it long enough." (Cheers for Kant.) M. L. LeMaster presented his | claims, paying tribute to Kant's! work, hut saying that the cireinnstances were I tetter for Kant's work ! than forjhis own work twelve years ago. D. Ib Kant arose and was cheered. Said he had been in ofliee 10 years. Told his record j and asked the people to pass judgment on it. y AtniroH. J. D. Epps told how he was tin- . like the Irishman who was once in trouble and went to the Lord and said: "Lord, I never have asked you f<>r anything before, but if you will help me out of this scrape, I'll * - l / .. promise never u> msk you ior anything again/' for he has been a candidate l>efore. (Cheers for Kpps.) L. \V. Smith received cheers after his speech. i; Messrs. T. C. Jolly, M. S. Fan- ' cett and S. S. Farrar presented their claims. J. B. Lancaster was cheered. Mr. Baltics yielded his time. SITKUVISOH. J. A. Betsill was at home and spoke brielly. T. J. Betenbaugh paid tribute to | Betsill, his opponent. He made Jiis usual speech, referring to his j circular and denying some of Lee's; charges. M. B. Lee read the circular lettor which he considers a rejection on himself. Denies that our main ' crossings are wellbridged. Lee says he will preach truth if the heavens all. (Voice.)"Wedon't know whether you'll do it or not." This was a rejoinder to Lee's statement that he i would improve the roads and bridges, lie replied that if there was any money in the treasury i ii? ii siiu?\ iwviii iviiciv nv; vi uu. CORONER. .T. \V. Meng and S. K. Humphries introduced themselves. MAOIST RATE. Candidates for township magistrate, J. W. Gore, J. It. I>avis, J. M. I ten net, wen* called for and (tore made a -liort speech. (IIItltS MKKTIXCi. About three hundred people, many ladies among them, heard the candidates at Gihl.s, Tuesday. There were no special features .if the day except the tilt between Mr. Fant and < lore. (l >re ha- said that Fant declared him (Gore) competent to till the oiliee of -upi rintendent of education. This Fant denied having said. Hamilton furnishes -ome variance for almost every meeting. At Gibhs he paid a glowing tribute to W'm. A. Nicholson, saying that never had 1'nion county known a better citizen, cleaner, more honest, and upright, and if Nicholson had lived. Hid' F.vans and all the other rascals on the board of control would never have been heard of. This was to show that when the dispensary was under honest men, it was the he-t solution of the whiskey question. He thinks there are still honest men, who can control it. .1. 15. Lancaster presided in a jolly manner. AT BUFFALO. Mr. Quinn introduced the speakers, who held forth in front of the (Htstofliee at BuiTalo. Speaking ln-fore the crowd of a I m >u t two hundred all of which were in a jolly good humor, continually whooping, jeering and questioning, was a dillicult task. Jlowever most of tincandidates secured a hearing. , While the crowd was boisterous at times, it was generally caused by j small boys, who were out for the ' t I fun. Johnson and Townsend i seemed to receive the greatest applause. Pi JOXKSVILLK MKKTINC. Township Chairman J. (\ Spears presided at the Jonesville meeting. A Unit four hundred people heard < ? the speaking, and all were orderly ,( 1 and quiet. The candidates followed | "" their usual lines with only slight jr, and uninq>ortant variations. At ui night the speaking was in front of I1? J. W. Bates' store at the mill.!)' This meeting also was similar to the preeeding ones. lii Advertised Letters Remaining in the l'ost Olliee at Union, S. C., for the week endingfAug. 24. 1'! A?G R Alverson. B?Miss Danzie Brooks (,r ('?T M Cramer, Mrs Florence Cole- m man. Willie Coleman, Prof () M Chapman. s(l K?Henry Karig. F?Jno Fowler, Touline Fester, W Floalker. s(( G?Mrs Rosana Gilliam. ' II?.1 S Howard. Bill Hodge, La in he I js Hieker. E T Hughes, Esq. ' ( 'k L?Miss Carrie Long, C M Lovin, or Lizz'e l.awson. John Loving. tl, M?Miss Annie Bell Mills. i S?Charley Smith, B 11 Sasnett, J I {j,, Ik. .. __ wi \V?Clydie Wilkie, Miss May Pad-' (j,, , i,,i Persons calling fortln? above letters an will please say if advertised, and will pu be required to pay one cent for their nn delivery. .T. C. Hitntkk. 1'. M. ?;ii FOR SALE. !!'' i <>n Saturday, Sept. 1. l!KX5, 1 will sell 11,1 all my household furniture, etc. to the! I'1 highest bidder at my house on South j s|> Virgin St. Terms cash. b< it. J. T. 11 aw kins. w? Jury. ' "h The jury for September term of J'1 court was drawn Friday morning; ,tj, the Wst w\U be given in next week's! issue. ^ |<n Another Lynching. n A negro boy was lynched injei Dorrhester eounty. Details are as 1 :l> yet meagre, but it is certain as to the result. ;l. The negro hoy's name was Willie la Spain, and he attempted to enter! the home of Mr. S. L. Comar, a' whose little daughter was alone. /.*' Sheriff I.iniehouse was powerless he- se fore the mob, which entered the *'r jail and took the hoy out, riddling j". his hody with laillets. j a; 'Coffee wlriGh makes the Politicians !; wise, ti \nd see throuah all thinas with half-I !" shut eves."-Pope. "? in COFFEE I * You could tell with l*?th eyes l'1 >hut that our Coffee is pun?the p. aroma gives positive assurance of that. ? Coffee is either good or had?it s' can't be hoth, and if it isn't one, it is the other?there is no middle ground. I> Ours is g<?od?the best in fact. s< You can take our word for it. p Or we'll give your money back if fr it isn't the Ijest Coffee you have I at ever tasted. The Lnion Grocery Co.'! lit ion's Coffee Slore. tl Best Values. Best Assortment. f? ti r Jell-0 Ice Cream\ !; # Powder. | 2 Packages I . make nearly I a Gallon. | I \ $ 25 Cents Slir the contentb of vT/ one pin kayo into a I f__ Muart milk and F~JttL-0?cl fr<"'/e. No cooking or If>F ^OFflM '< atin?, no ew, ?? V. ij * tJ!,r or flavoring t<> . Q^7??rip?' a<Id. Everything liut ' the ice in package, ;i ? RECIPE BOOK FREE. I ft Flavor?. 2 pnckafc*. cnoiipli for n ir.illon, r | 26 etc. at nl! .?roc,?T?, or l?y mail if lie't it. 1 I Approved ay I'urc l'ood Ooniniiesioners \\ ^ The Genesee Pure Food Co., I* Roy, N.V. ^ ^ a Now is the Time to Subscribe for P The Times. e: AN ORDINANCE. rohibiting TJie Sale of Future Options Upon Margins He it ordained hy the Mayor and Altiiicii of till' Town of I'iiioii, South irolina, in Council assembled -and l>y ithority of tin* same. Suction I. That from and after the tli day of September, llKKi, it shall Ih1 ilawfnl for any jiersnii, association ot rsons, <?r corporations, either as prim pal or airent, to estahlish, maintain or K'rate an otKee or other plaee of busi ss in this town, within the eorjiorati nits of tlu- Town of I'iiioii, S. for ie purpose of carrying on orenjtayiiiK in le business forbidden in this ordinance, Hiiinonly called dealing in fntureoptions i margin; and any jicrson violating the rovisions of this section, shall Ik- ?ruilty violating ibis ordinance. Si c. 'J. He it further ordained that evy contract or n^nvnient, whether or ?t in writing, whcri'hy any jierson or irporation, either as principal or asa^cnt lall ajrriv to hny or sell and deliver, or II with an agreement to deliver any heat, cotton, corn or other commodity, nek. hond or other security, toanyothperson or corporation, w hen in fact it not in jrood faith intended hy the par's that an actual delivery of the article tliinjr shall Ik- made, is herebydeclared Ik- unlawful, whether made or to lie rformed wholly within tin' corpora to nits of tho Town of Union, or partly thin ami partly without tho eorjiorato nits of tho Town of Union, it lieinjr tho tout of this onlinanco to prohibit any (I all contracts or agreements for tho irohaso or salo ami delivery of anycomxlity or othor thing of valuo, on inarl, coinnionly called dealing in futures, ion tho intention or understanding of o jiartios is to rocoivo or pay tho difleroo between tho agreed prioo ami tho arkot priii' at tho time of settlement, oviiloil that nothing; heroin contained all lie construed to apply to transae>ns hy mail or wire lietwocn persons thin the corporate limits of tho Town Union, and jiersonsoutside tho corpori' limits of tin' Town of Union, whore 0 person outside of tho corporate limits not represented within the corporate nits of tho Town of Union hy any oker, agent or attorney in said transanal. Skc. lie it further ordained that ,ery jM-rson who shall U-come a party to ly such contract or agreement us is hy lis ordinance made unlawful, and every L-rsoii who shall as agent, directly or idireetly, participate in making or fnrth ing or effectuating the same, and every rent or ollicer of any corporation w in i:i 11 in any way knowingly aid in inakig or furthering any stu'h contract oi ;rccmcnt shall Ik- deemed guilty of vioting this ordinance. Si:c. 4. lie it further ordained that ill 1 prosecutions under this ordinance, roof that a defendent was a party to a uitract, as agent or principal, to huyor II and deliver any article, thinjr or propty, sjM'cified or named in this ordinance that he was agent, directly orindircctor any party in making, furthering or I'cctuating the same* or that he was the rent or otlieer of any eor|>oration or asiciation of iiersons in making, further g or effectuating the same, and that a* article, tliinjr <>r projierty agreed to sold ami delivered was not actually d<>rered, and that settlement Has made, agreed to lie made, iiih>11 a difference value of the said article, thing or ptopty, shall constitute against such defendlt prima facie ovidemv of guilt of.the lenses prohihite<l in sections 2 and of is ordinance. Skc. n. He it further ordained that oof that anything of value agrees 1 to Ik1 ild and delivered and that one of the irties to such agreement deposited or cured or agreed to deposit <>r securt hat are commonly called "margins," tall constitute priiria facie evidence of a infract declared unlawful hy the term? ' this ordinance. Ski-, ti. He it further ordained that roof of any |ktsoii, association of iht>ns or corporation, either as principal r agent, has established an office oi lace where are posted or published om information received the fluctu ing price of cotton, grain, provisions, ocks. bonds or other commodity ot dng of value or either of them shall institute prima facie evidence ol lilt of the offense or otTenses prohilied in Section 1 of this ordinance, Skc. 7. He it further ordained that Ids ordinance shall not he so const rued < to prevent or render unlawful the osting or publishing of market quolaons.or prices of commodities, stocks, ruids and securities hy any regular ornnized commercial exchange or any her bona fide trade organization, here no purchase or sale of future de u ij ipii in.ii^.u is permitted. Sec. *. Tluit no person or corporaon committing any of the acts or lines prohibited, shall in defense u-reof he permitted to plead the payicnt of any license or tax t . the innieipaiity, nor shall the payment of ny license or other tax in any wi>e oprate to relieve such olTender from the i-nalties imposed by this act. Sw. '.i I>e it further ordained that 11 parts of any ordinance or ordinances onllictin^ \\ itli 11?i-~ ordinance he. and ie same arc hereby repealed. Sue. lo. Any person or persons, asiciation of persons or corporation vilating any section of this ordinance, tall lie punished hv a line of not morf uin One Hundred ( !<*>) Hollars or suf ir imprisonment for not more than lirty days for each offense or violation f the same. Hone and ratified in Council assemh d under the hand of the Mayor and in- Corporate Seal of the Town ot 'nion, this Fourteenth dav of August . I). 1006. J. G. I.oxu. Jr., Mayor l'rotem. ttest: W. I>. A HTII V It, cuerK iV Treasurer. 31-31 Union Baptist Association. The Union County Baptist Assoiation is is in session at Santue toay. It commenced on Thursdaj nd will continue until Saturday t has ln-en iinjKiPsible to get a remit from this meeting, hut thisill he done later. Rev. V. I, fasters, of the Baptist Press is ii ttendance, and Dr. E. M. Poteat, resident of Furman University, it xpected. AN ORDINANCE | To Prohibit the Speed of Automobiles Motor-Cycles, Bicycles and Ve hides of a Like Character Within the Limits of the Town of Union. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alderman of the Town of Union, South | Carolina, ami by authority of the same: Suction 1. That from and after the date of the ratification of tit in ordinance j , it shall be unlawful for any person or | persons operating, propelling, driving [ or in charge of any automobile, motor; cycle, bicycle, or any vehicle or ma- i ; | chine of a like character, to cause or .) permit the same to run at a speed ex- ! ceeding ten (10) miles per hour within the corporate limits of the Town of Union, South Carolina. Skc.2, That any person or persons violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Five j Dollars and not more than Twenty ! Dollars, or be required to labor upon ] the streets of the Town of Union for a term of not less than ten days or not1 more than t.liirtv itivn nt till. rliuiTntinn of the Mayor or Town Council. Done and ratilied in couneil assembled this 14th day of August. A. I> 19O0. J. (i. LoXGf Jr. Mayor Protein. i Attest: W. I). Arthur ^ Clerk & Treasurer. SpeciaF Advertisements I Notices will bo inserted In this column at tho rate ol 25 words or less for 25o one issue, four issues for 75c. ddltional lines over twenty five words 6c a lino. FltESH Tprnip Seed. All the leading varieties of Turnip and Rutabaga! sold at K. 11. Suaikk. WHY should you join the Burial league of the United States. Because . IT takes charge of, and eonduets all funerals, by a eoni|N>tent and trained i Undertaker, and pays all exjiensesi to j the amount of $100.(M). IT is hacked bj- $100,000 Capital Stock paid in and $25,000 surplus. YOU do not have to pay hut once a year, and your payments do not increase, with age. YOU(do not have to wait, or dc|tcnd on I whether or not somebody ?-ls<- pays | their dues. The money is always | ready and waiting. ! IT is the only Company that insures a i I $1<KUK) burial ont-lit from the day your policy is issued. IT is not for any one elass. It furnishes funeral, good enough for the rich, and anybody ean afford it. Only $2.00 H^oar' I IFfjyou live, you ean afford to pay it, if you don't you cannot afford to lose it. IT will prVitoetand identify you anywhere in the I'nited States, and it is only a 1 matter of time when it will cover every State, City, Town and County in the I'nion. I JOIN the Burial League today. If is the beat insurance for funeral exjienses offered by any Company in the Cnited Stales. That is why other insurance oftmpanies an' ti?rhtin^r it so hard, tvhieh is the liest evidence that the ' Burial Ix'ajtue is offering something ^better than any other company, and every argument brought against the Burial Ix-anue is a silver star in the coffin of the I.canue and a nail in the i coffin of the company that brings it. | ix-1- u> ? rm* jun uj? HKia) . i an nil iij* j or drop a card and our Agent will rail i to hv, with full information. Bailey I Furniture Co., Union, s. C. 32-4t ' WANTED?To buy all kinds of lumber [ standing. Room 23, Palace Hotel, Knoxville, Tenn. 32-4tp ; DON'T buy Mackerel till you see the I ' Fish we are offering for 10 cents, 3 r for 25 cents. Just opened, an exi ceptional good value. The Union j Grocery Co. BARBECUE NOTICE.?We will furnish a first-class Barbecue at Union on the day of the County Campaign | meeting. D. G., 25-1 dtp R. B. Smith. j DON'T fail to get your next Candy ' from our unmatched assortment of j fresh Chocolates. Bonbons, etc. 1 Specialty of Chocolate Roast Almonds and other favorites. The Union Grocery Co, WANTED?By Chicago wholesale and mailorder house, assistant manager, (man or woman.) for this connlv and 'j adjoining'territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly ; expense money advanced. Work pleasant ; position permanent. No investment re'j quired. Spare tipie valuable. Write) at once for full particulars and enclose self addressed envelope. Ad tin s>. General Manager, 134 E. Lake ; St., Chicago. A FEW Show ('usee ami Tallies fur store for sale. S. M. Kit i:, .lit., E. I'. 1 DON'T fail to try some of the first new Cheese brought to this market: finest j full cream Cheese made: fresh at I | The Union Grocery Co. this week. ti FRESH twice a week, shipments of Ferris and Kingan's Hams and Breakfast Bacon: nothing better. The Union Grocery Co. IF YOU are looking for a good smoke at popular prices, our assortment is [ j complete; all the best 5 and 10 cent smokes. The Union Grocery Co. BIGGEST line and best assortment of everything in Chewing Tobaccos, I special price by the box. The Union ? | Grocery Co. FRESH Sardines, all sizes; the genuine r | imported article at the least cost. The Union Grrcary Company. FRESH lot of Egg-O-Sec, 10 cents i>er <| package; big package. The Union ! Grocery Company. i WANTED?To sell 103 acres of the levelest and piettiest farming land 'l in Union county, near Santue, with fi-room dwelling. See J. A. Brown, The Real Estate Man. i [ST FOR0 X AND WE'LL Al ::septembe ; IS TO BE THE RE [National S The best Stee market. Don'1 Wa BEWLEY Wl < X TO WHOM IT ^ This is to certify that T. ^ Burial League of the United with the contract, embalming ^ plete first class burial outfit, 1 ^ charges to Clyde, N. ('., and February Sth, during one of 1 the winter, without any troul ^ as the funeral was taken char ^ by the Undertaker as soon a* ^ Buffalo. ^ My daughter had only be months and eighteen days, ar ^ My advice to all who can is? ^ Buffalo, S. Feb. 8, 1' Summons for Relief. (Complaint not served.) State of South Carolina, Court of Com County of Union. mon Fleas. Gallic iluetics, I'iaintilf, against Blanche Hughes Hill and George "\V Hughes, defendants. To the Defendants, George W. Hughe and Blanche Hughes Hill: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in thi action which is iiled in the office of th Clerk of the Court of the Court of Com mon Pleas, for the said County, and t serve a copy of your answer to the san complaint on tlie subscribers at thei office at Union, S. C., within twent; days after the service hereof, exclusiv of the day of such service; and if yo' fail to. answer the complaint withii the time .aforesaid, the plaintiff in thi actioh will apply to the Court for th relief demanded in the complaint. Bkaty <ft Walker, Attorneys for Plaintiff Union, S. C.. July 16th, 1(.K)6. I. Frank Pkakk, (Seal) Clerk of Court. TAKE N< >T1CE: That the Summon and Complaint in the above statei cause of action, was, on the 16th day o July. A. I). llMMi, filed in the office o i the Clerk of Court of Court of Commoi i Pleas for Union County and Stat j aforesaid. t Bkaty & Walker. Attorneys for Plaintiff uiiiuu, o. Juiy loin, H'lH). To the I?**f?'ii<lnnt. George W. Hughe* TAKE "NOTICE: That unions yo procure the appointment of a guardiai ad litem to appear and defend thi action in your behalf, we will, afte twenty days from the date of the Serv ice of the Summons and this Notice ii | this action against you, apply to C. H | Peake, Master for Union County am : State aforesaid, at his otlice at th I Union Court House, for an order up pointing some suitable and coinpeten person as guardian ad litem for you authorizing him to appear and defem this action in your behalf 1 Ikaty & Wai.kvr. Attorneys for Plaintiff Union. S. (',, July 10th, 1900. l'9-0 .The Clemson Agricultural. ' The Agricultural A' Mcl tunica College of South Carolina. , This Institution is now equippet with courses in Agriculture, Anitna husbandry and chemical industry mechanical, electrical, civil, tcxtih , and metallurgical engineering. Tin young men who have graduate* fl'om the Colleen fti'i' lilliiuf nrtei?i/.n - O ,,,nb of trust and the demand for com petent engineers and agriculturalist: is greater than the college can sup ply. The next session opens on Sep tember 12, 190(>. Now applicant: and students who have work t< make up must report promptly 01 that date. All students of last ses i sion who exjx'ot to return must als< report on the 12th. i It is important for boys who ar interested in this institution tomnki their applications at once, if the^ desire to enter next session. Eacl year more applications are mad than the College can accommodate On August 18th, the roll for tie session of will bo made b; assigning to each county the num l>er of students in proportion to tlx | members in the House of Kepre j sentatives. I For information and catalogue apply to P. H. Mkll, Pres't Clemson College, S. C. THE WAGON^ I JL TAKE A RIDE. T ^ 1 R THE 1st); I ID LETTER DAY POR O I teel Ranges, j I I Range on the j> t fail to be in the X J igon. O J WARE CO.f^ ? MAY CONCERN! J E. Bailey, Undertaker for the States, furnished in accordance A white plush casket and a com- ^ uesidcs furnishing transportation ^ this I will add was furnished ? ,he severest spells of weather of le or exjHmse to myself or family, Be of and nil arrangements made ^ i notified over the 'phone from sen in the Burial League four jL* id had paid only one installment. ' Get in the Bi hial Lkaoi k. ^ \Y. M. JONES. + !)0C?. X ? I Sheriff's Delinquent Tax Sale. 1 By virtue of the power contained in an , 4 i- execution to me directed, I will sell Ik*- j | fun- the conrt house door in the town of j Union, on Monday Salesday in Sopteiiilier '.next; during the legal lion rs of Sheriff's i sale, the following descrilied projierty to s wit: One house ami lot situate, lying ' j and 1 icing in the town of I'nion, belong j ingto Blake Rico, ami lioundcd as fol8 ; lows: On the north l>y Hardy Street, on e ! the east and south by J.L Harris and on * -! the West by Rosa XVilliains.. Said lot lie- y ? 0 ' ing ttt by 14U feet, and known as lot No. , f 1 7, in the sub-division of the J. I. Harris " 1 r land. y i A,so e ' One lot of land liclonging to Bon Pros- ; n ley. situate, lying and lteiitg in the town n of I'nion, and Imundcd by lot of Jackson s Lindsay, public roads and others. Said e ; lots levied on and to l?c sold for taxes at ; the suit of the State. J. W. Sanukhs, Sheriff. '. Published in "The I'nion Times" Aug. j lo, 1?hm?. 33-ttt. ? Citation to Kindred and Creditors. i | State of South Carolina, } f | County of Union. f f I By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate n Judge. _ ^ ?i *> uereus, i, r. renae. uierk of Uouit, Union Cennty, has made suit to me to grant him Leiters of Administration on F. the estate of and effeets of J. H. Brannon, deceased, i: 1 These are, therefore, to cite and adn monish all and singular the kindred n and creditors of the said J. H Brannon, 8 deceased, that they he and appear, r before me, in the Court of Probate,, -1 to be held at Union C. II., South n i Carolina, on the 12th day of September, . next, after publication hereof, at 11 f ii o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, e if any they have, why the said Admini istration should not he granted, t Given under my hand and seal this i, 2nd day of August, Anno Domini, [1 1906. Jason M. Grkeh, Probate Judge. Published on the 3rd day of August, t llmiu, in Thk Union Tim km. 3l-6t 1 _ _=_===== 1 ? A ii yuu wain j j ! o Piano i ' for 4 J; $ -.0 (K) 8 .?>")0 (X) W * 7"? <X) 37"> (X) So no -HK) (X) 100 00 42'} (K) 12.") (X) 4"?0 (X) * 150 <X? * 47") 00 * 175 (X) rxx) (X) 1 2(X> (X) 000 (X) -! 22") (X) 700 (X) 3 j 2")0 (X) H(X) (X) 27") (X) S.')0 (X) c 4<M> (X) iKX) (X) r! :',2") (XJ 10(X) (X) 1r 0 WRITE j : STIEFF. 5 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. ^ ?j