The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, August 03, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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COW ROADS FOR (HON COUNTY. Mr. J. M. Whitehead Writes forcibly On The Subject. West Springs, July 2$, UMX>. Mr. Editor: If you will allow me space in Thk Timks I will attempt t> write on a sublet of great importance to tlie people of Union: It is the subject of permanent good road huihling. The last time I visit**d the City of Spartanburg, I was agreeably surprised to find that within a I >out four miles o& town, bautiful macadam road lSftd been constructed, leading into the city. It was a pleasure indeed to driv# over such a road, out in the counlj try, leading as it did through lteaufl tiful groves of wood-land, where the air was so pure and healthful, 1 was discussing this subject not loiur since with our efficient man ager of the chain-gang, Mr. H. H. Uol inson. And he invited nie to come l>y camp on Saturday the 21st and take dinner with him, and in the afternoon, drive with him. out to I'nion over the macadam road that lie had recently constructed. Pelng anxious to hear "Old 1 leeks ' feet pop on a macadam road in j I'nion County. 1 accepted the in-! citation. After partaking lxuintifully of his well prepared dinner, lie showed mo the rook quarry and the machinery, all of which seemed to he well arranged and located, with an abundant supply of rock near hy. i We then drove out over the maca-1 dam road that lie had huilt. It is | a good jol> and affords one pleasure | to drive over it. The bridges arc also vorv substantial, being built on rock and cement piers, built .by the I convicts under thy supervision of' Mr. lbihinson, and it looks as though a tirst-class mason had <lone it. Hut Mr. Editor, at the present rate of progress, when will the main highways of Union County he macadamized? 1 would say, not until you and I will have been dead many, many years. Then what are we to do if the present gem-ration gets to enjoy the benefit of permanent good roads? Are there those who would say we do not need them? Are there those who would say we are not able, and cannot build them? Are there those who would say that t he expense <if building them would greater than the benefits derived from them? And that our father's used dirt roads, and therefore we can too? Perhaps there are sueh persons, but in my judgment they mrd to think more. They need light and tlu-y are standing in the flight. Hut some will say, "the mapidam road is all right, but we hain't the money. That 1 will admit, ??ut get the money. How? Let tke taxpayers of Union County vote\lo issue bonds to the amount suflieVnt to macadamize all the main leading roads in the County. (Th\ Supervisor knows how many mik\ there are, and an approximate climate can lie made on the cost. Then tloat (or sell) the l>onds, and We would have the money. Then let the roads out on contracts, say in ."> or 10 mile contracts, requiring bonds for the faithful performance of the work. And in this way 111 2 or 3 years the main roads in the County would be macadamized, and fit lor the people to travel. Now if there are any disadvantages in such good roads 1# fail to see them. But the advantages that are to be derived from them are so humcrous that 1 will not attempt to j mention but a few of them, aivl that very briefly. First, it would cause the land along the road and in the county to double in value, or nearly so. And in some places perhaps more than double. It would stop the tendency of the j farmers leaving their farms and going to the towns, and in nianydnstances it would bring some of those that have already gone, back to their old homesteads. And where I are now seen dilapidated houses and barns with the fences all down, would t>e seen repaired, decent, and ; respectable places, occupied l>y good people. The washed away and run down farms that have been raising grass, weeds and rabbits, wotdd l>d reclaimed; and instead would joe raising fine cotton, corn and itfogg, As it is now, it takes about an feoilr to go ;i or i miles in the wi??t?r season. With macadam roaaw it would take only about half an hour to go as many. As i{ is, it takes two good mules to draw 1,(XK) lbs; with macadam roads they could draw as easy. Who would think of taking a pleasure drive in winter now, or venture out with a bicycle or automobile. You need not hesitate on a nuicadam road. Macadam roads would invite the use of metal wheels on which a much | heavier load could be carried, besides' U-iiig much easier to load and un- [ load. It would also do away with j wheel-filling and tire-setting, which i is quite an expense. Now nothipg i has beep said of the time saved in getting our produce to market, and ' such things as we have tohav^froni i market btick home. And this Is MPUGATEDtN MURDER Of MOSE HUGHES. So the Warrant Read?John Renwick and John Sartor. Jr.. Colored. Arrested. Deputy Vinson went down into the Goshen Hill country last Monday night, and brought back j with him Tuesday two negroes, | John Renwick and John Sartor, Jr. The officer wanted to make sure of these men this time, since he has been for them before, and they evaded him. Messrs. Frank and Emmett Sanders were with Mr. Vinson Monday night. For about three weeks, or even [more, Mr. W. G. Hilliard, a bPinkerton detective, has been Wjown in that neighborhood working up evidence. And it is a result of his work that these two negroes were arrested. They are charged with being accessories after the fact. It is remembered that Mr. W. R. Gi'liam and Mr. Douglass English are charged with the murder of Mose Hughes, the case in which the two negroes are implicated. A preliminary will likely be heard before Magistrate Johnson, within a few days. The negroes are in jail at present. MR. E. D^MTTHTO SPEAK. President of the South Carolina Division to Speak Saturday, August 4th. Upon invitation of the Union County Cotton Association, Mr. E. D. Smith, of Columbia, pieddent of the South Carolina Division of the Southern Cotton Association, will address the farmers of Union County on Saturday, August 4th. He will speak on all matters pertaining to a close organization of farmers and other subjects of interest to those who will hear. All are invited to attend. Following is his letter to Capt. F. M. Farr, president of the County Association: Columbia, S. C.t July 28, 1906. Capt. F. M. Farr, Union, S. C. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter asking: me to be with you on the 4th of August. I wish to say that it will give me great pleasure to do so if I can arrange my other engagements. Thanking you for the invitation and hoping to be with you on the 1th, I am very sincerely, E. D. Smith. Enroll! Enroll! Again we publish the offices of the various club secretaries in order that the people may be reminded where to register. The book for Ward One is at The Times ofliee in charge of L. M. Rice, Secretary; Ward Two voters enroll at Mr. J. A. Sawyer's ofliee; Ward Three's hook is in charge of Mr. T. C. Jolly at Auditor's office; and Ward Four at the Sheriff's office. roiled by Switch Engine. Atlanta, July 31.?As the result of r.n accident on the Central road near I vusinutrrry street, w. M. Gilmer, a 1 switch tender who lives at 13S West Pine street, met his death. He was switching an engine when the accident ocurred. It is statecd that as he turned the switch he stepped to another track and was struck by an incoming switch engine. Both his legs were cut off near his trunk, one of his wrists, was broken and there were ft-veryi wounds on his forehead. Her Injuries Proved Fatal. Louisville, Ky., July 31.? Miss Henrietta Johnston, daughter of General Aibert Sidney Johnston, the famous confederate commander is dead at St. Joseph's Infirmary. Several months ago Miss Johnston received a fall, sustaining a fracture of the collarbone and other Injuries from which she. never recovered. During the past 30 years she has made her home at Srt. Joseph's infirmary. She was CO years old. Box Factory Destroyed by Fire. Buffalo. N. Y., July 31.?The plant of the Montgomery Brothers & Co.'s box factory on Court street, was partialis destroyed by fire early Tuesday ' causing ;? loss estimated at $170,000. The Pierce Automobile company occupied the top floor, where they manufactured the wooden frame for their cars. They estimate their loss at $100,000. I tfne of the biggest things to consul- j er. 1 lielieve that the time saved, the wear and tear of the wagons' and harness, to say nothing of the saving of horse-flesh and feed, would more than pay for the road in a few years. This letter may he criticised by some. Well! That is your privilege. I can only say that I have j written what I honestly and conK-ientiously believe to be the truth. J. M: Whitehead. Notice t* Overseers. Delinquent* vfthlng* pversetn for theifr time, in lieu of 2 day* work will be required to pay 75c a day. W< also pay 75c a day for mule and plow. Respectfully. T. J. Bktkvbacoh. Supr. U. C. August 1, 19)6. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. We will sell before the Court Hons* door at Union. 8. C.. on Salesdaj in August, ll'Otf, at public outcry, th< gnllowingdescribed real estate to wit All that lot or parcel of land with dwelling house and other improvement! thereon, situated and being in thr Town of Union. County of Union, and State of South Carolina, on North aid* of Main Street, hounded by lands ol John A Fant and James T. Douglass, containing three acres; and being the same property conveyed by P. E. Fant to Martha W. Fant. A good and sufficient, deed to the property will be executed by P. E. Fant and Edward I. Gage, and delivered to ! the purchaser, who shall have posses' sion of the property by October 1st, 19J6. Terms of Sale: cash. P. E. Fant. KimVakd I. Game. Union. 8. C.. July 17th, 19 6. 29-31 Summons for RelleL (Complaint not served.) State of South Carolina, Court of Com county ol i mon. nion I leas. Sallio Hughes, Plaintiff, against Blanche Hughes Hill and George W. Hughes, defendants. To the Defendants, George W. Hughes and Hlanehe Hughes Hill: You are hereby summoned and re<]Uired to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of the Court of Common lMeas. for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint, on the subscribers at their office at Union. S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in thif action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Bkaty it Walker, v Attorneys for Plaintiff Union. S. C.. July 10th, HK)6. I. Frank Peake. (Seal) Clerk of Court. TAKE N( >TICE: That the Summons and Complaint in the above stated cause of action, was. on the 16th day ol July. A. D. lbiki. tiled in the office ol the Clerk of Court of Court of Comuioi Pleas for Union County and State aforesaid. Bkaty it Walker. Attorneys for Plaintiff Union. S. C., July 10th, 19J0. To the Defendant, George W. Hughes TAKE NOTICE: That unless yo< procure the appointment of a guardiar ad litem to appear and defend thii action in your la-half, we will, aftei twenty days from the date of tlie S--rV' ire of tin' Summons and this Notice it this action against you, apply to C. 11 Peeke. .Master for Union County ant State aforesaid, at his office at tlit t'nion Court House, for an order ap point'ng some suitable ami cotnpeten person as guardian ad litem for you authorizing him to anpenr and dcfetu this action in your behalf Beaty Walkfk. Attorneys for Plaintiff Union. S. C\, July 10th, 19 J6. *J9-(> Citation to Kindred and Creditors State of South Carolina, ) County of Union. f [ By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probati Judge. Whereas. I, F. Peake. Clerk of Couit Union County, has made suit to me tt I grant him Letters of Administration ot the estate of and effects of J. II. Bran lion, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindreo and creditors of the said J. II Brannon deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate to be held at Union C. H., South Carolina, on the 12th day of September, next, after publication hereof, at 11 i o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said Admin* , istration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal thit 2nd day of August, Anno Domini 191 Ki. Jason M. Greek, Probate Judge T?..UI : .i? i ? ii? o_ i -i? - * * ? i huiimit*<i uii tne oni uny 01 au^usi, in Thk TTkion Timkk 3l-6l I STIEFF ~~] AND SHAW are the only artistic pianos sold direct to the home by their maker. The STIEFF is the lin<ot piano produced in the world. The SHAW piano is superior to any piano sold l?y most retail dealers as their best. You know a retail dealer has no interest in your musical education. The oidy tone he knows about a piano is the ring of the almighty dollar that comes to him in the selling. The cheaper the piano the bigger his profit. Skip all risk of getting a cheap piano by writing STIEFF. SOUTHERN WAREROOM, 5 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. Now is the Time to Subscribe" for Tut Times. ? Advertised Letters r Retnflnttlg in the Poet Office at Union, , 8. C., for the week ending Aug. 3rd. ' B?Mrs Bertha B^iker. D?Mrs Ida Dickerson. F?Mrs Ora Farr. G?J E Graham. I?E D Irby 2. J?Henry James. K?Lizzie Kenson. L?Richard Ix>ng. r M?Jim Martin, John Miller, i George MeGec. | N?John Mosley Nelson,, Mrs. , Mrs. Mary Nailc. P?Mrs Lizzie Powell. L?Aincs lenders, G P Lettmer. ' T?Marie Thomas, Blair Thomas. W?\V M White, Pauline West, > Mrs Philis Woodbury. - ] Persons calling for the above letters i will please say if advertised, and will ' j be required to pay one cent for their ? delivery. .T. C. Hpxtkr. P. M. 1 m ^ m _ GOOD BYEWHERE! Notice of Administration. Wo will sell to the highest bidder for cash, Saturday, Aug. 11, 11NH>, at the late residence of \V. L. Culp, | deceased, all the personal property I consisting of household furniture, silverware, shot gun, 1 Smith and Wesson pistol belongings to said dei ceased. July 2">, HK)(i. 30-2t. M. W. CYLP, F. B. Ct'Li', Administrators. i GOOD BYESALE! Chief Long's Work. | Chief of Police .T. G. Ixmg has , had his eye on the workings of the s express oflice here. As a result of his work inspector Graham has been hero and investigated the matter. The colored porter, Walter Farr, has been aiding and abetting the transportation of contraband whis' key by delivering it to parties at the ! [ depot, and before and after six j r | o'clock. i; Mr. Graham states that Farr will 1 5 j be discharged at an early date, and ! ! that no gooods will be delivered af_ | ter sunset and before sunrise, or be- | fore (> a. m., and after (5 p. m., j : neither will packages be delivered at j the depot. GOOD BYE^ WHO! A Healing Gospel. s The Hev. J. C: Warren, pastor of I Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, (ia , j . " says of Electric Bitters: "It's a Godsend | 1 to mankind. 11 cured me of lame hack, I stiir joints and complete physical col- \ < ' lapse. I was so weak it took me half j. an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of J Electric Bitters have made me so t strong I have just walked three miles ! f t in 60 minutes and feel like walking 1 three more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness ^ and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney | complaints. Sold under guarantee at I all drug stores. 1'rice f>0<\ Use Tetley's Teas For Iced Tea. >! 1 ! Republican Convention. A call is hereby made for a county convention of the Union Republican ' Party of Union county to be held at Union on Monday the 6th day of ? August 1006, at 12 o'clock m., to elect delegates to attend the State Conven1 tion to be held in Columbia, S. C., on ' the Sth day of August 19(6, and the ^ District convention and such other ? business as mav come before it.. I " Then* are to lie elected two delegates and alternates for the State and three ' for the District Conventions. J. W. DAWK IS, J. P. SAUTOK, Secretary. Chairman. 2t. He Was In Trouble. - i ''I was in trouble, but found a way i* out of it, and I'm a hnnny man again, since Dr. King's New Lite Pills cured me of chronic constipation," says E. W. (ioodloe, 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex Guaranteed satisfactory, Price 25 * at all drug stores. Final Discharge. j Notice is hereby given that I. Frank Penke.Clerk of court, Administrator of the estate of M. M. Sumner deceased, has applied to Jason M.Greer, Judge ; of Probate, in and for the County of Union, for a final discharge as such j Administrator. It is ordered. That the 30th day of j ' August, A. D. llKKi, he fixed fur hear- | ' ing of petition, and a final settlement of said estate. ' . Jason M. Greer, Probate Judge Union County; S. C. I , Published in Tjir Union Timks , July 27th, 19(6. J 3?"4t . Notice of Barbecue. I! I will give a first class barbeeueat Jonesville on the day of the campaign j 1 meeting there. Mr. 1). G. Gallman t will do the cooking for this barbecue. t 28-6t Oliver Eaves. i For Sale. * I A nice 6 room cottage on East Main ' street at Union. H. C. Kitchen, bath, and Lavatory, fitted with cold and hot " water, sewer system completed. Apply to H. T. Yates. Lost. t i By Rev. If . K. Eiell. between Jones- i ville and Union, or between Union and a Beulah Baptist churcty, one pair gold- t ( rimmed spectacles in black case. Reward if left fit Union Tikis office. It i ji \mssssssss. w =a I 1 '- ?% " ** *?v? -f ? ?? ? Vj|KI i BEWLEY HARDWARE CO. I j ? Stove Customers i I i a 1 i ! 1 I Had better look to their interest by looking at our superb line of RANGES I And Stoves before making n i - I ' men ruituabCb. BEWLEY HARDWARE CO. !| I I I . . . . m| It 1MB " i_ ? special Advertisements LUtR,e51mdn ,n ArKansas "I'm the luckiest, man in Arkansas,>* Notices will be inserted in this column at I writes H. h. Stanley, of Bruno, "sinco he rate of ?> words or less for 25c one issue, the restoration of my wife's health afour issues for 75c. Additional lines over tftr ?vp V(.flrs nf enntinnmu wenty Ave words 5c a lino. ter nve years oi continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs : and 1 iPAULDING'S Base Balls. Base Ball at^tVe cine'*D V&g's N^Dbgoods and the olhcial Rule Books for ^ iWUO- ' from experience will cure consumption FRESH Bupnly fanciest cream cheese, time. My wife improved new make', just received at the Union WItb hrst bottle and twelve bottles cornGrocery Co. pleted the cure. Cures the worst ! . coughs and colds or money refunded. BARBECUE NOTICE.?We will fur-1 At all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial nish a tirst-class Barbecue at Union bottle free. on the day of the County Campaign ? 85ft* K: S:&??"' I HOME INSURANCE. NEW crisp and delicious Macaroni The success of The Peoples InsurrrLrvrl for y?U at the Union ance Company has been marvelous. ?-??L ! They have issued over five hundred WANTED?By Chicago wholesale and i>olieies since they Itegnn business mail order house, assistant manager, three months ago. The officers of expenses paid weekly ; expense noon- "cu m, uh? < onnnenee expressed by ey advanced. Work pleasant; posi- such liberal patronage. They are* tion permanent. No investment re- now paving disability claims from frquired. Spare time valuable. Write sjckm.g!; an<i accident daily. They / at once for full particulars and en-' ,. , .... , > close self addressed envelope. Ad- I wet'^y disability I Mine fit of dress. General Manager, 134 E. Lake $<>.00 for sickness and accident and St., Chicago. also $50.(X) at death for the small ?? payment of 50 cents per months NEW Mackerel and White Fish, good Tj ],aV(. on file at their oflk.e ?ac''4nKe' "V" U"'?" <,r,K!,'rs' hunilwr of letters liko the following: : To the PEOIM.ES INSURANCE [Jt'EEN MAB, the latest hit in a5 gent i COMPANY.?I cheerfully reeomsmoke, for sale only by the Union mend your Company, I have Wen Grocery Co. sick one week and have received my PRATT'S Food for Horse, Cow and claim all 0. K. for $10.00 on poiiPoultry will give further results, (.j,.s No. 883 and 384 carried in your Old, tried and proved. N eare ready to till your orders. The Union Gro- ^ .. . eery Company. J* Ghaham, I nion Mill. : ~ tt~.? r? .June 27, 1000. THE biggest and best Plain Sour Cu- M r \i T,,r,l.m pr,.? and Trend cumber pickle on the market. 10c " " rcn.s^. |icr uv?cu in uie union urocery w?. | 1 l,p 1 wjiiw insuriiinf u). I am this day in receipt of eheek \UTO Brand Smoked Herring, packed for $5.00 weekly disability benefit W> in sardine style; 10 cents per can. . . , Tlie Union Grocery Co. for McknesB. Ibis is the second j check I have received in the past We ask our patrons to read carefu- i two weeks and I am pleased with y each Mek tji" advertisements of the Way your Commny does busiJlias, M. atM-fT, the great piano mann- I 1 J "aoturer. flfesc adverisements will oess. lot only prove interesting, but a great Mrs. FaNNIB Hart, ielp to tho^ contemplating the pur- Monarch Mill, diase of a piano. nwTepwu The firm of Chas. M. Stieff began OrMbKKri. usiness in 1(142. Their business re- L. M. JORDAN, PresT & Treas. :ord is clean, pure and healthy, and , p MiHnM uanan.r ivery person who has patronised them IMnnuw, I'lallaljcr. s a friend. Their instruments'are F. M. JORDAN, Secretary, irtistic in every sense of tfco word, , ind are recognized as one #f. the For further information call at vorld's standard pianos. Itistheonly their office over the Mutual IJry irtistic piano sold direct. Goods Co. Room 10. Notice. Frightfully, Earned. We are arranging to clear up Pad- Chas. AV. Moore, a machiniat. of rett'a Creek grave yard, and we need Ford City. Pa., had his hand frightfulnoney to do it. Please hand or send ly bnrned in an electrical fumade. Ho rour contributions to one of the under- applied Bncklen's Arnica Halve with igned committee. All those interested the usual result: "a quick and perfaa^ ^ ihould help. dure." Greatest healer on earth feif- A -<T. Jr Alt Bason, Burns, Wounds. 8ores, Ecsema sal wi J. W. Hompheibs. Piles. 26c at all druggists.