fj*P Mandolins, Machine and Musical Supplies, etc. & ? Since selling out my "wonders" 1 am now prepared to serve my patrons in the above line better, having S S bought in larger quantities, can give better prices ? and terms. Call or write me at once. Parties C $ coming on the railroad within 25 miles will get their $ Si transportation given them, when buying $10.00 or m more for cash. I have gotten goods down so cheap yj 5 there is no need of ordering from catalogues now. 5 J Come and be convinced. I S. M. RICE, JR., E. I. * it thr nt n ct4\Tn...u'nvnRu ctadr ^ HI K II u VI4U J1 /till/ n J 1 vntf ^ ?.^8^? . '^Xp^ .^p'?^c*'*.^3'^P ^*.*lrm ??????1 1? ?????MM*????????1 111 SGHffiS^ S>$ S$ S?3? S? St 31 2121 ?? IS ? ?g I? THIS IS THE g PERFUME STORE 1 We carry such extensive assortments ?8 of Perfumes?both American and Im- ^ ported--from low priced GOOD Per- ^ fumes to the FINEST Perfumes produced--that many of our customers ^ call this "The Perfume Store." ** When Perfume--any kind--is desired BJ? we believe we can irive vou better ua 1 satisfaction than you will get else- 1S9 where, because of the study we have made of perfumes and the great care ^ with which we select our perfume purchases. jj| I? Come in rat?d examine our new line of Talcum Powder and Soap Bargains ^ I The Rice Drug Co. 8 The Peoples Drug Store. % i ? JUST RECEIVED g ^ V! f SOLID CAR LOAD I 1 i 2 x 2 Churns, Jugs, Flower Pots and y* fa Mixing Bowls. Come and see ^ 2 us. Our Prices are Right. ^ 1 ^ & UNION HARDWARE CO. I 11 X " ? V/> 2 HARDWARE LEADER, UNION, S. C. 9 g y .^C<:-CC- -Cg>g-g>Cg>g>g>C>CC:C>g:g:g>CCC-C^ #? s ATLANTA SCHOOL OP MEDICINE, Box 257, ATLANTA, OA. w Llir^'su iiifdH'Ui runr^r iii nils priivnni wi ouuiu. i'i^iiint-u ihbiiiij- w " lion of high grade. Clinical advantages most excellent. Unusual 5 ? facilities for practical laboratory work in pathology, bacteriology and dissecting. Equipment new and complete. Faculty of 36 edu 2 cated physicians experienced in professional teaching. Four courses 5 % required for graduation, Largest Medical College building between Baltimore ami New Orleans will be finished by Sept. 15. Write for catalogue M. J WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. filters riflht^ou will have no troubh i.with yeur kidneys. , ? , tI , ' .. c. _ W H. T.. James, formerly In th< Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us,. Strong grocefr business. Chester, s. c.. nov and Healthy ritirodvsavs: "I used Doan's Kidnei nedliny. , IMlirtfcfr iit$r kidneys And'Hack and Wa: All the blood in the body passes greatly benefitted thereby. I had suf through the kidneys once every three J *en*d fro in backache and wcakneR* minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. 1 J01-?88 . ?,n8 !r a 'onK .time and They work night and day. When had found little if any relief until ] healthy they leraove about 5G0 grains ??t a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. ] of impure matter daily, when unheal- , ba\e not had backache since I used thy some part of this impure matter is them, and they iiave given me a greal left in the blood. This brings on deal more strength. lam glad to re many diseases and symptoms?pain in | commend them." the back, headache, nervousness, hot, *'' ^ork, sole agents for the United dizziness, irregular heart,- debility, drowsiness, dropsy, deposits* in the Keniember the name-?Doan's?and urine-', etc. But if you will keep the Ukenofther. 1| POINTLESS THE rOLICEMAN. How few of us stop and think jalxuit the big roan in blue uniform! j We see him day in and day out,! making his rounds al?out our cily, 1 quietly, solemnly and with little to say. So often and regularly \)0 see him that his greatness, though unassuming he is, almost passes out; of mind. And Iweause he has to, deal with a low elass of people very often, those who drink, eursc, steal and kill, we sometimes forget and ( treat him with less than due courtesy. Hut a moment's thought shows him up as he really is, and \vi> tin our , lilt: hmiiicii, i i l> 1111' IS MVCt'U'lH'U [ by liis kind acts, and day by day he grows in greatness. In a life i of service lie finds a joy that few lean know. Hut we love this man most because he keeps watch over us while i we sleep. All night long, up and 1 i down the lonely streets he treads ' his solitary way; eyes open and j ears 1 ?eiit for the least sight on sound that should not be. Ever i wakeful is he, that we may sleep in j peace and with assurance of safety. 5 His presence at this time is a safeguard, for thieves and robbers fear to come about, and when danger does approach and when harm is j altout to befall defenseless ones, he! is there to defend. If the ineindi-! ary applies a torch to our beautiful j dwellings this man sees it and ; warns us of the danger. Through the long hours of the night he keeps these lonely vigils? no companion, alone with his thoughts. And what are his thoughts? They must he of the many souls he is guarding. Out over the big city he casts his eye; he sees no one, hears no sound; all is a death-like stillness. Thousands of tired !>odies are resting from a day's labors; thousands of minds are wandering amidst the beautiful fields and govcs of dream. land. I'tterly helpless are all these tired souls, and the big man in a blue uniform thinks of the duv past with its toils and the coming day of labors, then almost aloud he bids them sleep peacefully and dream of beauties unseen except in the land of dreams. And for a moment his mind turns to the dear Jones at home, his wife and the little ones in their cots; for a mo; ment a selfish longing seizes him, but for a moment only. lie turns again to his great task and guards 5 the slumbers of a trusting, people', v until day breaks over the pastern. ^ hills and calls men fVorin their rest. God bless the big man in a blue * uniform! The guardian of our J safety! The protector of our lives! Date of Sale Changed. On account of the state campaign > meeting here on August 11th, the date of the Gulp Administrator's sale is changed to August 'T&th. f1 The other items in the notice aa I published remain unchanged. Jtk All honor to the guardian of our safety! Through all the day he watches us seeing that harm hefalls us not. His duty is not simply to seize law-hroakors and imprison them; he has higher work, lie guards the walk of honest men and prevents them falling into j harm; he, by his very presence intimidates wrong-doers and holds them in subjection. He makes it , possible for unprotected men to go about their daily duties without concern as to their personal safety. And his vigilance is ever over our mothers and sisters, to see thatdangerscome not their way. How anxious and troubled would wcltcnlmut i those so dear to us if the hig. police- j i men were not their protectors, j Hut we love this man most, because he guards the little children. Up j and down the streets these little, I innocents frolic, never susncctimr' i that danger lurks near, and that ; harm might hefall them. And how careful is the noble man in 'blue! His eye. is ever on these' helpless ones anxiously watching, ] their every move, seeing that no' ruthless hand checks their enjoy' ment, that none causes them grief, j If it approaches danger, lie takes the little hand in his and gently j j leads it aside. If the little one i stum hies and is hurt, up in his strong arms he takes it, soothing | I th<' spirit with soft words and; driving away the tears with his ten derness. A tender loving spirit shines through the eyes of the good policcj man. Many hring their griefs to him and many ore aided. The poor woman out of home and away from loved ones, looks to him for comfort and assistance, and rarely does she seek in vain, 'The . lost hov can, with full confidence, look up into the noble face and beg direction. The 1 ?ig policeman sees so much of grief and pain that his heart aches, and lie tries to assuage them. Everybody's troubles are his troubles and well does he carry Ilw. 1. 1-... 11: . i:?\ : . i J0NESV1LLE HAPPENINGS. Rain?Mr. T. D. Southard Succeeds Mr. McWhlrter in Jonesville Bank?Personals Jonesville, July 81st.?After two days fair weather, Friday and Saturday, we had rain again Sunday and Monday. Today is fair and some of the old weather prophets say that it will not rain for a day or two; well, we shall know whether they are correct a few days hence. Cotton is certainly hurt by so much rain and, the Iwttom land corn has had much more rain than it needs; hut it is alright, our country is in good condition and we all live. Mr. Ernest F. McWhirtor will retire from his clerkship in the hank and Lawrence (?. Southard will succeed him. A few venrs :iiro when :ill cnm modifies wore so cheap, I expressed myself as Winy in favor of higher prices for everything, but L am i>erfectly satisfied now on prices. I am willing to cry enough. The trusts have taken everything ami they seem to have conscience. We have a water trust just over at (ilenn Springs. 1 am told that they sell the water that bubbles up out of the ground and runs down the stream at thirty cents a gallon. A party bought six gallons of the water delivered at Jonesville the other day and it cost over four dollars. Prof. E. H. Ay cock of Clinton, is visiting friends and relatives in our town. Mrs. C. H. Foster is spending some days with her mother. Misses Nannie and Bessie Kindrick of (inffney have been visiting their cousins, Misses Ola and Emma Osment. Miss Etha I lames is visiting Mrs. Week ham Ellerbe of Florence. Telephone. GOOD BYE? ~ WHEN! nevvTpromelzil Barbecue?Opening of Bethlehem School?Protracted Meeting. El/.ie, July oO.?Mr. Editor: A few lines for your valuable paper from this locality which we trust will be welcome. The rain still comes and for the . i *1 .. ___ 1. . 1. 1. 1 l pasi uirec wecas we nave na these figures that there is a difference of opinion and the farmer hat determined to leave no stone unturned for the education of hit children. Mr. Will Kelly and his friends have been busy the past week getting up a barlieeue at Klzie, which came off on Saturday in the beautiful grove to the south of the railroad. A large crowd assembled and the barlieeue was just what it should be a success. The meatt were well prepared and everyone felt that he got his money's worth A good many candidates wen present and introduced to those present as speakers by the Rev John Farr. Those introduced made short talks, the prideipal idet being "the outs" want the office: and "the ins" want to hold on t< them. This was not a catnpaigr affair? more of a social one. Thej all have a month's hard work he fore them and after all some will b< left V)ehind. This being the usual time foi "big meetings," preaching com menced at Bethlehem on Sunday The sermon in the morning was somewhat broken into by the hcavj rain*which came up and several o the large audience had to leave tlu ! church to look after their children carriages and saddles. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bishop wen visiting Mr. John Gallman on Sat | urday. Miss Orric Farr and Mr. Pau Harris were guests of E. V.' Going: on. Sunday.... i'> ' ^lari<)t), GaUp)on <>f -Utntoi visited his parents on Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Britton is in chargi c everywhere, which we sell for 10c per ^ Uk Fresh lot of Corn Starch, Tapioca and other desirable and Uk J ^ seasonable goods in this line. Why not use more when it cost ^ ^ so little and we have got the goods and the disposition to serve ^ yk you promptly as you have need of the same. Uk ' J We want your business. Do not fail to see us. ^ i | THE UNION GROCERY CO., | gt reasonable Goods at Lowest Cost. & :j ^vwmsm. DEPENDABLE TALK ? j \ 121st Year Begins September 28. fi Letters. Science, Knglneering. One C'ome to our cUtrc during the next scholarship, giving free tuition, to each 1*' ?.' "* BARGAINS. 1 WOFFORD COLLEGE SCHOdjfl. M buying. Everything that is to 1k> b Three new brick buildings. Ste?$ ; t*tnc \? ry DCSt goods ^ Matron live in the buildings. obtainable, no seconds. i Individual attention to each student. We earnestly solicit each and evs Situated on the Wofford Cain pus. ery one to come to our store of .. Students take a regulai course la Bargains Com., nt on.... the College Gymnasium.] and have rgA,58: U,me al ^ access to the College Tabrai y. igured I^awns and Mulls at Cost. !t ' RHt WE NEWEST (MODS 4# TO v.. ber 19th. For Catalogue c., address A MRS. D. N.WILBURN. J