!fj ONLY T i||| In order to make Frida ||s Reduction Sale, ' ' Hf Below we quotevr || await you: 153 Hi . Men's Suit; * fxl ^ow*s ?pp?rtunity t< ?*? at prices that you have r figl of before and never will t ft&Jj have been through our ^elected 100 suits which ' JftsSji "during the remaining fo our sale at such low pric< R cannot afford to miss this Come and see for y be convinced that this is est bargain that you have #20 00 Suits r irl ^ 00 Suits ps 12 50 Suits |?J 10 00 Suits |?k ' Men's Hats men s and noys rine Ht gfev, black and pearl, 7Sc and $1 values, cv IgjC price, each l^aili J LOCAL LACONICS. I yj .. Happenings of Interest gi . ... About Town. h: . : r ~ i .. Mr. Clough Arthur was in Union n .'.'Sunday. V 'to Dr. Keller of Buffalo was in j Union Monday. j Mrl P. C. Whisenant went to I. White. Stone Tuts Jay. ! th . i ds Miss Ida Brown of Belton is visiting Mrs. B. B. James. , xT I CI Mr. E. D. Sallinger of the Newsj^ and Courier was in the city Mon-j fG day. ' j ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Perrin left] Saturday for a short visit to Ashe- > in ville. so Mr. Jno. A. Fant and daughter, ' ^liss Ora spent a few days this j j ' \veek iu Atlanta. Dr. Richard T. Dial of Columbia spent a few days this week with 'j. Dr. J. M. Wallace. J Misses Louise Long and Mary' si< Murrah left Monday for a month's n? visit to Anderson. Mr. Thos. Swygert returned w Thursday last from a few days visit fif to his home in Laurens. 'f Miss Louise Murphy went tojai Chester Mondav on a short visit to !l her aunt, Mrs. L. I). Childs. Tlie Misses Vance, who have! been visiting at Mrs. Sartor's, re- |1 I turned to Ablieville Saturday. ')1 e< Mrs. S. C. Pryor of Chester and it Miss Ixniise Epton of Spartanburg so are visiting Miss Ixiis Wilkins. (\ Mies Essie Sanders left Wed lies- j( 'Jriay |or Senaca where she will visit Mine ffiend, Miss I/cna Reader. ^vj^^fiss Neal and Misses Caldwell ^ Bpwho have been visiting at Mrs. || | Rodgers' left Monday, via Chester, ^ f for their homes in Charlotte. Mr. E. T. Glymph, a successful Jil' merchant and planter of Glymph-! ville, S. C., spent Sunday with his brother, I)r. W. N. Glymph.; I p I Mr. R. L. McGee of Greenville, (( I spent Thursday with his brother- [ ' in-law, Mr. C* E. Lipscomb. Mr.!*,! \ . and McGee have l>een visiting at'. V. the home of the latter's fatelir, Mr. r \V. S. Lipscomb of Asbury. |" WO DAY: ly and Saturday "he bannt a seco/ nd tren . ji the / thousar ' v y * / I nrlic i-uuiv iSS Ladies' Paten igain. We $2 values, stock and est styles, vve will sell ur days of 50 pairs of ss that you Dress Qx opportunoursslf and pearl, reg ; the great- special pric ever heard Ladies white ()0 your choic 9 00 s 25 Ladies' $1.50 s 00 fords>:l11 s 7 50 Ladies' $2.50 . ' 6 >5 . . patent leatl 5 00 i. Mei -It Hats Men's Fine N special s,zes and c< 39c values, spe EY - C0PE1 UNION, S. C. Little Miss Elizabeth Arthur is siting in Charlotte. She is the lest of Miss Rebecca Caldwell who is been in Union two weeks. Mr. B. P. Alston wf nt to Columa Monday night to lie present at a eeting of the South Carolina Cotn Seed ('rushers Association. Judge J. M. Greer, I)r. F. C. ukes, Messrs. B. F. Townsend, T. Swygert and D. B. Fant went to ie ball game at Buffalo last Saturiy. The military company will go to tiickamauga on August 11th. for ie encampment. The new unirms for the company are expectl this week. Miss Cornelia Greer who has been attendance upon the summer hool at Rock Hill went to Chick wrings yesterday where she will >end ten days before her return line. Mrs. Aurir Cannon and son ouglas arc visiting her sister, !rs. Robt. Sartor on South Church Mrs. Sartor has been very k for some tiire hut is improving >w. Messrs. Arthur and Whisenant ho have been on a camping and thing trip are at home again, lie rain interfered with their plans id cut short their stay, but they port much pleasure notwithstand|g Deputy C. C. Sanders went to ilumbia Thursday last and ought back J. W. Ramsey, want1 in Union for larceny. Ramsey, is alleged, stole some tools from ime of the overseers of the Union itton Mills; he was lodged in jail ? await trial before Magistrate ihnson. Rev. D. D. Richardson, pastor of le Second llaptist church, left Wednesday for a month's vacation, [c will spend the time visiting relives in Laurens Co. Mrs. Richrdson aeeompanied him. In his asenee Rev. J. I). Mahon will till le pulpit. It is thought by some that I>r. . \V. Foster is not going to run >r the House. This rej>ort arose on) his fiesitanoy ujm?p entering le race, hut now that he is in, Dr. oster wants it understood that he right there and will be to the nish. 1 \ S MOttEl :r days of our Great || lendous cut in prices. is* ids of bargains that j|| is' Oxfords. gg t Leather Oxfords all sizes and lat- g| special price $1 48 jL-avaico i_vtriilll^ ford, tans and ;ular $3 values ^ Oxfords, all sizes v*| and $2 Tan Ox- j*|| izes 9 He ' Corona Oxfords her, special price 1 S5 n's Shirts. S| legligee Shirts, all j|s Dlors, 50c and 75c an >cial price 39c ?3 ii iiirv rn H _b\\\U ? p Resolutions of Respect. Resolutions of sympathy and , regret passed by the Foreign Missionary Society of (iraee M. E. I church on the death of Martha E. I Hix of Union. Resolved, As it hath pleased our heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom to remove from our num!>er by death, Mrs. Martha E. Hix, endeared to us by long years of Christian fellowship and tenderest I ties of friendship, that we deplore j this sad dispensation of His providence. That we submit with resignation ! to His divine will knowing that he | doth not afflict His children in anger, but in love. Resolved, That we shall miss her gentle but impressive presence in jour meetings. We mourn but with a glorious hoj>c of meeting her u\.*i ? TT 111 mii vnuicr s* n?.ine. nor pure j Christian character, her charity, her | benevolent deeds, her zealous work , for the cause of Christ, her composure and firm faith in the hour of death, give us a sweet assurance that she has gone to her reward of . jK'rfcct rest and joy unspeakable, ; in God's paradise prepared for His t stints. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with her children and her grandchildren in their great bereavement. Resolved, That a page in the minutes of our Society be dedicated to her memory, and inscribed with her name, date of birth and death, Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to her im! mediate family. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in The I'nion Times. Mas. Tom Murj'iiy, Mrs. Warren Arthur, Mrs. Ann E Hill, Committee. first Bale Sold. The first hale of cotton raised in Falfarris, Texas, and consigned to Latham, Alexander & Company of New York city, was sold at auction i Monday, July 9th., in the New York cotton exchange to (i. \V. Culmings for Ellison & Company of Liverpool for 24 cents a pound. Removal NotiGe. 1 V The Law Office of DePass and noPass has been moved to rooms Nos. 1 and 2 over.*tne People's hank. SANTUC NEWS. g Temperature?The Editor \, Trials? i Crops?Personals. f Ahoin! well, what is the news? 1| nothing inueh, it is very small, or 1| we are too dull, or lazy, to hunt it i| up. Well this, at least, is the kind | of weather, with hard work to m make a living, to make one so dull, l| ; and so eager on every rest moment, jjmj to try to put little things together flj 'to call it news. I am in that very B We have had some very hot pf weather here. The maximum ffflj i reached to date was I'M) degrees. IS That was on the oOth of June. I Ih Mrs. L. I,. Shealy went to Tronton last week on a visit to her f parents, and Miss Stella llohson. Iff accompanied her for a pleasant trip. : t Miss Annabel Pitman, of (JreiMi-! ? wood, is visiting her mint, Mrs J. T. |?lj Jeter. gjj Mrs. E. V. Cannon, of Spartanlairg, will visit, relatives here this 0 week, ehielly her brother, Mr. J. pi M<-. Pa,it. g| Miss Estello Thomas, now of i2 ('harleston, is at "home'' lit* re pj {again, visiting relatives. j Miss May Lily Cornwell, of (In s- j |ter, is visiting her sister, Mrs.1 \V. 1"'.. Cornwell. Mis- Kathleen Jeter, after spend- [j* ! ing a month in Chester viiting rel-' Kf jativis, ejnue home last Friday. (u "Clieie" Lim Thomas, th" old J; true Democrat negro, is now N soon. * ?E "Judge"' It. G. Gregory, who {( ?s heen with Mr. L. It. Jetev, j ^ Viierehant, for ahout six years, has j |/j resigned, and \\*. E. Cornwell, who i> has served in the capacity of hook- I h keeper for Geo. O. Tcnney, and i5j lately in the same capacity for the. r|J Southern l'owcr company at Cataw1 ha falls, is now with Mr. Jeter. ijj There were several here who I wanted to goto Ilchron Sumlay, I hut the weather was so threatening, It j that they became "chicken-hearted" ami "bucked," only to rfegrct it, | >U perhaps, after it was too late. But ! Itj they gave themselves the benefit of yjS the doubt. jK An editor, poor fellow, next down [jj to a humble correspondent, is easy prey to some bragging fellow who 1 Im wishes some free advertising about m his prowess in his particular busi-! tsj ness. Why a man, who has really ' ? done nothing of note, can blow off; before an editor, and have his progressiveness, his great abilities, told-j ! of; of his lands and crops for in-1 stance, (and the Editor ought to j say, "as he tells me,") and thej people who know smile. Watch, some of those fellows who unbosom themselves to an editor for the pur-' pose of l>eing lifted before the pub-1 I lie, and see if they are not about on a level with the average, or are not improving the country to any extent. A mere brag, blow, and bluster. ! There has been a siege of bad I damp weather in this section, and ! the consequence is much foul crops. t No one hut those who had good | forces of hands and animals, have i been able to keep right up with, their crops. On Sunday the .Sth we had a very damaging rain, when the precipitation was 2.07 inches in a little over an hour. Ncverthc- j less, soiih; cotton is being "laid l>y," 0i | and you ought t?? see what line cot- 4 ton it is?well, the majority of it is I gj I as high as my hand is long, and J not a bloom on it. Well, some people will got mighty tired. fi hky dknvkh. MRS. CATHERINE MINTER DEAD. ^ I _____ j Wife of Lauren's Citizen?Well Known __ in Union. 9 The following is from the News & and Courier : Laurens, July 12.?Special: Mrs. Catherine Minter, wife of ('apt. John T* R. Minter, a prominent citi/en of 7.' this city, died at the family resi- ^0 o'clock. ^ Mrs. Minter had been seriously ill for several weeks, but it was not unI til yesterday that all hope of her J* j recovery was abandoned. She was 1 y I (>."> vears of mrc mid uc 1 a ruan.il ? ..0 ~...VV. ,.v??, ^ Glenn Springs, in Spartanburg ^ county. 1 ^ The deceased is survived by her husband, two brothers and two sisters, Dr. \V. Fg^Smith and Minor 7^ \V. Smith, ofydenn Springs, and \V. F. Fraser, y>f Ninety-Six, and & Miss Minni" Sfe'dth, of Glenn Springs. iStj ^ The funeral r i take place tomorrow at iO ' ch ,('k in the First Presbyterian (Jje ?h in this city, and will be c<> j ted by the Rev. \t i Dr. Rol>crt Ad , pastor of that K* church. C'apt. MinterHrt\ former resident 3j! of Sedalia in tlfcn jcounty. Mr. J. I E. Minter, who| J now living there IS ^ is a step-son of tjj deceased. ^ ii uu i.iiiiuB- 3uiMiE ^ f..i.i^p il.?l.>u] j F U R N I T U Trunks! Tri "0?r PcrfectiM Tray 7 rank WE CAN SAV i W. H. E If -57;''"^^'""^ j'IT'1'"^ Ji mr iihmh t ?yill W~ -JtUtiti ?? -rmii > * t We have an *? / % stock of well i $ 3 up=to=date, eas y % rubber and ste i | We Irvite You \ \ The People | D. FANT OILLI/ f Don't These L( 1 We also have a nice ass I Mosquito Canopies, Sha I mocks and a lot of othei \ make home more comf \ call. l.TURNER * sOURBl \ Of Pianos, Organs y has been a success and 1 % weeks longer. Come w ^ or write us your wants ^ grade Pianos on hand ye ^ about half their real vale 'H t Come Loom 4 \t and be convinced that tl U mako a nnrrhncp r r v" ,vwv YOURS UNION SUPP J. H. SPEA COO^CCCC-CCC" RE STORE. | jnks! Trunks! I See our line. | \ We have them i L from $2 to $20.1 B) Get our Mid-1 ft] Summer Prices ff ^ion furniture, | E YOU MONEY. | 3 U R R I S. I ti^.g Ij.u Eh" ii ET ^xioi.' G Iilti.'tiuii'i ' Vphi?l^5 i v ^HSIpS^S. m ? 1 ft J J unusually large issorted, stylish, ral y=riding vehicles, 1 el tire || 1 to Inspect Them. | II s Supply Co., I tM T CPn c n ti t\ J\J\ trv >tjI\ ..... m >ok Comfortable? ? _ ^ 4 ortment of Rugs, Matting, ?? des, Lace Curtains, Ham- f# ' nice things to brighten and # ,vui^U1 - % 1 7?l? uuauie. win appreciate a 4 i. MAYFIELD 5 iq'saleI and Sewing Machines ^ O we will continue it for two ^ rhile these bargains are going 5J . we have several high ?t that we are offering at 2S i A ?iI : Tliem Over Q lis is your best chance to Q Q Q ro PLEASE W 0 y 'LY COMPANY, | RS, Manager. ? - - - CCC - ^