THE UNION TIMES PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ... BY TMe ... UNION TIMES COMPANY BACHELOR STREET. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. BELL PHONE NO. 1. L. M. RICE. - - - Editor. S. E. BONEY, Local Editor. Registered at the Postofllce in Union S. C. as second class mail matter. 8CB8CRIPTIOX KATK8! One year .... $1.00 Six months .... .50 Three months ... .25 ADVKKTISKMKXTH : One square, first insertion - $1.00 Every subsequent insertion - .50 Contracts for three months or longer will be made at reduced rates. Locals inserted at k 1-3 cents a line. I> . . 1 . *11 1..V rcejecieu mami-cripi ?m mo >r?? turned, Obituaries and tributes of r?*spe?t will be charged for at half rates. ns'ioN, s. c., JULY 20, nm. 'l'lc ilu.--ian Poutna i- tic only I>ii*li:ttnei11 in t!ie wolrd unit. <1 in it- desire t. In another column we give some figures on the cost of keeping cows and als.> the receipts there- ^ from. This applies to milch cows ( only; hut there is money in raising i lieef cattle too. With the grass!: that grows in Union County, tho 11 peavines that may he raised, and ; J the corn silage, feed for this cat- i tie can Im* reduced to a minimum, i It will pay every farmer to look in- < to this matter. This is as good ' cattle countrv as you want, then , i why not raise them? (, === ?i So much importance seems to l?e : attached to the gubernatorial race; I1 and the jieople are desirous to ^ know the platforms of the candi- : , dates for this ollico. This is all!) very well, for a man of ability and j .. - i .. . . i ?/ii> Mini .1 milium 1'i.iiHMiii illlisi lie j Selected tn ?'llf> ll'ee the laWS. Hut <1 ( unit t?*r <>f ? ? j mm 1 importance is the , ejection of legislators. The people | -hnuM demand ;i clear statement 1 from every aspirant to tins olliee; ' let tin m give their views on compi11 sory eiiiie.ition, the child lahor j pirstion, the dispensary ami every issue of state interest. Too mueli 1 are cannot he taken in the selec- | lion of our legislators. The county campaign is soon to |, >pcn. There is quite a number of I andidates. The hot summer tim? '' s in full blast. It is to he hoped v [hat our people and our candidates v ivill keep cool. It is to he hoped t [hat the campaign will he conduct- , d upon a high plane. This may 1 l>e expected for the candidates are ' iniong our best citizens, men of y intelligence and refinement. It is liard to exercise self-control in a > lieatcd campaign, hut it is by doing ^ just that that a man may show unci. )f the bsst qualifications for hnldng a public ofliee. C L t us have our political eonvic- 1 [ions. This is our l-icrht in eitivciw md free men. But let us remem-'J lier that we are kinsman and neighbors, and that kindness is a virtue I that should till our hearts. After x ill it is the manhood in Irnth canlidnte and jM-ople that goes furthest ,o promote tin; country's welfare, den al>ove treasures, men alive the i lollar mean more than the plat-, orm of any een lidate. , ^ SAVE YOURSELF. i The man heginning his business N areer is face to face with sonic , iard problems. There is a kind ol , suect ss tiiat is the result of mere t noney-getting. There is also the 51 yay of the sluggard which leads to { poverty. IIow to hegin and con- j ^ inue in a business career that i> f lot to he wrecked ujmui either horn >f the dilemma is the problem. 1 It is had to be a cold, selfish v noney maker. It is bad to be a j poverty stricken failure. There < > a third path open t?? the man of business. There is such a thing as v succeeding in business and yet re-4 . niaiiiing master e congratulated for such a good issue. Come again this week with unother one as good. The testi-1 ninny of two at least that give their (bservations was that we are doing much 1 ?ettor without the dispensary than we did with it, and also; that prohibition does prohibit to a1 jivat extent and it always will when it has public sentiment to hack it. ; It will he just as effective as any >ther law on the statute hooks and ivhy is it that there are those people who will say well, I would he in avor of prohibition if it would pro- ; iil?it. It is only a way of dodging lie issue and I now put that sort < f i man down as being a pruhihitionst at heart. There is a good deal of work go ng <>n now in Joncsville. Mr. J. MeWhirter is pushing his large riek store to completion, whilcover t the Yarn mill things are quite ivelv where the new cotton mill is icing I mi It and then the Southern tailway has a force here putting [own their long fide track. The bountiful rains have made cgetahles and truck abundant and re can hardly give away cabhage, hey are so plentiful. The Town (buncil is doing some nueh needed work on the streets aid there are steps bring taken to >aint and otherwise improve the ilethodist parsonage. Mr. .1. \V. Bates went to Atlanta 'esterday. Mrs. I>. 1.. McLaughlin and chilIren are visiting her parents at 'ross Keys. Mr. and Mrs. .[. F, Betsill, of | 'ross Keys, visited Mrs. L. J. Fow-1 er last Saturday. Mrs. (;il Birnett, of Pacolet, vis-, ted friends here Saturday and Sunlay. Mr. and Mrs. \ ernon Askew, of, dt. Tabor, visited friends'in .Jonesillc last Sgturday. Capt. A. n. Foster, of Union, vas in Jonesville a few hours last reek on business. Capt. U. \V. Scott lias moved the >i>st ollice into his store on l'acolct tlcet. The Clcmson College car stopped iere last week from morniiu? till wiling during which time :i good iinny people visited the car and vere shown through it. The speakers went out to West Springs where hey met a small crowd who they ntertained with their speeches and hen the crowd was entertained hy i good harhccuc dinner. Mr. Joseph Sanders candidate for ounty commissioner is in our town oday shaking hands with his many riends. Since 1 began my letter this mornng the clouds have rolled up and ve have had several showers. Mr. (ieo. IVrrin, Jr. is on a en days outing to several northern ities and to Canada. Mr. (Ieo. II. Octzel, of Union, vas in our town on business today. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Johnson, of Jnion, spent Sunday in our town. The county papers last week gave m account of the death of Mr. John II. Holeonib, whom 1 knew all my life and I can say of him that lavas truthful, honest, industrious ind I know of no man that had a ..c .. I %.v.i .? ? WM, no 4 1 \ unirMi iair NUlier than John II. Holcomh. Tki.kciionk. Col. Lumpkin in Union. Col. W. W. f.in11pkii) until re-' iclitly u candidate for the C. S. Senate, stopped over for an hour in I'nion last Thursday. I lis daughter, Miss Grace, whom the old solliers heard at Columbia this year, ivas on her way to the mountains ind Col. Lumpkin came this far aitli her, and returned to Columbia ;>n the morning train. Of course, under the present circumstances he eoul 1 not talk freely I iibout politics and cs|>ccially about the senatorial race. However, he iw>n?l> x t?r ; think I should he elected, hut I do believe my vote would have lieen arger than pAiplc generally bought," said Mr Lumpkin. "1 van well received ? i ry where I went, md met with liuch encouragement." Col. Lumpkin went on to talk d>out State j>oliti? in general, giv IsTIL I We Are S I Low I Cheaper 1 Com 1 Mutual ing much information about tin? candidates nml their platforms; but it would In- unfair to pul?lisli this since he was talking only for the reporter's edification. All in all Col. Lumpkin is a genial,kindly-disfrosed gentleman, and an excellent conversationalist. Wanted? Position by reliable young man. Can give bust references ? Want Ad. Put what can you do, young man! You ask the world for a jiosition, and you do not claim to In- qualified for any special line of work. Then; are thousands of jiositiom open today and a search is I icing made for people qualified to till them. Look at your daily papers see the number of firms advertising for bookkeepers and stenographers; employment bureaus are writing the better class of commercial schools to furnish them with all the graduates they can turn out. It is true, there are thousands of idle l>eople searching for positions that they cannot get, because they are not qualified and the business man who has to take as much time to show a new hand what to do and how to do it as it would require him to do the work soon seeks some one else. Young man, learn to do something, to do it well, and you will not remain out of employment. Take a course of Pookkccping and Shorthand in the Atlanta Commercial College, 24 1-2 Whitehall street, Atlanta, (la. This popular institution, with its modern systems and methods, is receiving far more ealh from business men and employment bureaus for its graduates than it ear supply. If you finish their coursi 11 * l ? ? aim snow yoursen a gentleman, yoi will lie placed in a good positioi within two days after finishing yoni course. Practically the. same inducement** arc ojH-n to young ladies who are energetic and desire t( make for themselves an honest liv ing. Bewley Hardware Co. This new concern is moving righl along, having effected many changes and improvements 111 its thus fai short existence. The stock is bcinj re-arranged and new goods are com ing in every clay. The show window filled with cutlery has attracted much attention.. Mr. Bewlej and his son arc business men. I GOI % * -k % . * ' . 1 Y? elling Our Entire Cut SI than ever seen town of Union. e and be Convince Dry Goods R. P. HARRY, Manager, MEET ME AT HAILE'S 1999 PEOPLE I IN EVERY !| THOUSAND | j Know practically jj s Shoes or the ma : j That many people, i a pend upon the rt IP of the dealer, isn' % that the dealer kr j ness thoroughly, tl a established reput* I? rvine- e-ood footw, jj / C9 C5 " J he be known as o H not demand an J profit because he ? reputation? :j |J Certainly! 1 ? Then why sh ' I' judgment lead yoi ? whenever you wai ! g Here is Experier ' ? Here is Shoe Kn Here is good Foe ? Here are fair Pr Si T" Needless to argue in defens T1 you'll admit thei IHAILE SHOE < ' I The Leading SI ! |[ <9 Cast Main St. MWW 919 WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW W^W WWW w^w W^W WWW WWW WWW WW w NGijl Line of *| noes I? i in the |W ; Co!, I I inothing about g king thereof. J| , therefore, de= & ;presentations S ' t it essential ??\ low his busi-j|\, lat he have an ?l ition for car= j| ear and that g ne who does j| extravagant <| has a good I In . ouldn't your g i to this store J| nt Shoes? ? ice it i ? n\i mo/9 o?n v/ *Y " ? >twear, J| ices. ?| j le of these claims 1 f J r truth. 1 r COMPANY, III toe House. ? 1 Union, S. C. fi I iriftriiflfcAAAAAAAA 1 v W V W v W W ?Vv MK a i H