The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, June 29, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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[fLess Tli I Closing Out < J Suit of Furniture...wortl S I Suit of Furniture...w? >rt Fine Dresser w<Tt g 1 Hall Hack w -r; g j Fine Folding 1 ounae w >rt 3 b Cook St? >\e won jj Cook Steve wort E y Organs wort ] I l Fine I *i:i:i?> wort if I). Head Sewip.u 1 .c1v:k hi [ | Breech L-nalina Sh--t Cur si S Small \\ "V< n we; i Seec j half for cash. i si \\ r( -s.T i -? s i M \\ V/i\l MVS (L?.?__ tuEKM nnKWDMBBiaMBMBHM $b mm mm m g? Luxurious an 1 Hot W I Bath Room r.*} Eft The Rice Dru;j; Co.'s bi;j; ^ Bath Room Comforts con big should be in your bath ro< greatest amount of comfor ?|j your bathing?Spoxots, gsj Hio shh's, mltts and S made?Bath Soaps, the rating and refreshing?B. such convenient shower and w Povvhi-KS. c jjgj all other B vm and T( >n.L'i rpS low as anv in I'nion. fell) gg ~ Wl ' | ...NO ONE U? ' | The Rice is SI HH fKH 3?!sDHHH WW WWt \ - ifl ?^7 .w .^r /? .itf.v? }& * ^ Tin: RKO 1 ^ ,'' > ' j,\: 'j -' ' a H V >:r~'-" ! > ~>-C, ^--y _ I r.MO.N 11 Alii i i7- <^' <& &'.(?>. ST. <Z- CT./ST. ' J. Zj <5v W *>V ?S' ^ %* *5^? ,' a .^4 ;V\ /?> ,.^i ,?^5V /Vi ^ ;\V A> 4 'ja 'AS 'AT vS> 'j0 'AS '0 VP /?> 'A> 'AJ 0X\ fa Acute Indigestio *| Almost "l.iilv our new-papel "y carried olV l.v Atl TK INDICIA o <on<, prior to th? ~11<I<I -ii atta /eVj h iiltli. Tlier? i> ;i cause, and \ first -Vlil|>t ?)H- ' t' Aeutf llldiges ^ SIMIINtiS M1NKKAL \\ ATKI5 ' atcly. I'i*Uilent one-; k -ep a lm coiiv 11i 1111 at 11:111< 1 for iustal ^ their example. ^ OLIrNN SPRINGS (OMI'AMY, ?x>, cr. sr. sr. sr- tr- sr. sr. ez- sr. sr. sr. sr. ... ?se x^? *Sv ?k> Ql- <?se ^s.- -?v Xs- *S.. J AI LAN IA M 11001. Of flCIHC IN.';. *' *st if (lical eollejp in litis soot * lion of lii^li K>';nl' (* I i i?i<-;i I advai ra facilities for praetienl lalioralory r% and dissect in*;. Iv|iiipimnt mw a 5 ealcd physicians \peri net d in pr? m required for irnidnation. Largest I'.a11inioro and N<\\ >rle ins will In JJ catalogue M. an tost!] it Half Price. jj h >55.oo gninji at $27.50 IJ ii 50.00 44 15.00 I h is. .50 o. 50 I 0 lo.00 44 5.00 I \ 15.oo 4 4 7.50 8 1 1 1.00 4 4 7.50 ? i 10.00 44 20.00 J S5.00 12.50 18 i 550.00 175.00 88 22.Si) " 11.J5 jjj :) : i sumo rat*.*?just one- | v> STORK. ii i i 1 c! Refreshing j| eafher | s Comforts jjj stocks oi Hot Weather tain many things which mi ii' you wish to set the S? t, luxury and benefit from || bis and thirsty?Bath i&tt traps, strong and well BB best?Ska Salt, invito- ii |m \ rn Sprays, detachable, ip baths?TO!!.l:t waters || online and southing?and jj|i : Requsites at prices as g& fDERSELLS... | IK RIGHT. | ^ o 0 ' -ru* o ">. \V> ^V* .7**" A-va? * < _.V'- '""rJS^MW J? ?- w : ^ v,... '> M 1 DWARK CO. q ^ . Ci'\f7. (p. f?r. er. 67- C7-% C7\ C*. !7. 2 \ fir* <av* ^ *& . ?v <a^- *ix? TU?' ^.* '/...' Si .Si -Si .<?> -Si -Si -Si ? . 'Jst "JSS -us- -jet s2~-j& '-/H -/en /& /? vs/ n==A Preventive ^ iwJ is rt'i'ou :i milliner ill persons X -TION .Hill 111.11IV nf t liese |)crrk, ui-rr apparently in good lliere is a remedy. Witli tinlinn, drink heartily of (i IdCN N ^ and relief will follow itnniedi- ^ >t11?' of tliis vvnndi rful wati r nt u-i . You might pro lit l>v 9 (ilenn Springs, S. C. 9 \0 ;sr? er-ff" fgr. esr. gy. / ry, Viv> VSk- ^ W tb.? tJV- VSv- icy aeaia a # ? Box 257, ATLANTA, OA. inn of Soalli. I>igni!i' <! insiilu Unties ii>n-t i-M*id It-it J. I'liiisuai work in pathology. bacteriology nil ci>111 p !c11". I 'acull v of ciI ii ifi ssional teaching. I'oiir courses 5 .Medical ('ollege building bet ween finished !?y Sept. 1">. Write for a THAT BOY Of YOURS. Lcc'ure Delivered by Rev. E. 0. Taylor.' D. D. Make :i chain: for tin-laud is lull of Moody crimes and the city is full of violence.?K/,. 7; 2d. "The grandest thing in nature is a man, the most glorious a woman, the iiio-t heautiful a little girl, and the higgest conundrum a lw?y.? lie -aidjhe whould deal with tin conundrum tonight. IIis <|iiestion was this; 1- tii it h i\JoTy.air th pri of your city or i-| he a |>' rii to it. I'ride or |m ril, u hj'-J/f?' Tlie young |.cojll. of any < ntitry are at the top of its national IP < a In hud, Mossoin and pr.imi-o o< itfruitage, and his ?[Uestioii for di- ii?<ion \va- substantially "W h ti r our national tree ha hi gun to die at tin top." < irdinal ManiTnrg said : "(I've me the child for tin first - v l) years of his life, and you m..\ have him f<>r the halanee.r 11A I? MKN AUK At'l'ia; Till: I IMl.P. (hi the hasis of this prineiph ,l?ad I in "i as well as g ?d men. are uiid< -flaking to eaptl^., tjie child. Au? arehists have theii1 fsunday-sehools in which they indoctrinate tin ir e'oildreii ace irding to anarchist notions. I'rofessioiTtd ganil'lers h;;\ tin ir training schools I'm* Im?vs. i lie I average saloon man understand-t lavalue of tin- same pri11?-ii?l?-. I M\ Taylor spoke oi' a tvity in the North w here he lectured ill whieli a ? ei'taili ahlerman n ccived s|in per week from the liquor men to i \peml as lie might elioose ill the purchase of free liquor treats for the I toy-of that city, thus inflating th.-in into the ilrink hahit and so to perpetuate the ilrink tratlie. And what was true of that city is in< r- or 1-s< true of many other eit'u >. The hrothels of the larger cities work upon the same principle, lie -n it I that according to an item o-cured hy the Florence t'ritteiulen missions of the larger cities of the l intel States, .'?()().()()() girls are entice! to ruin in this country every year, one-half of whom eonie from country homes, indicating that systematic work must he done l?y devilish agencies to secure such results. ilU.MKS MOV I NO DOWN Till: s A I.I: OK AUK. lie illustrated how certain customs, hahits and crimes were moving down the s<*** " of. age, for instance, pi nitci Ileuses are lnovel prcvalcr?*jjSC2iKvthe merest tots <>? Imys n<^w'Vymff**they were* twenty-five years ago./ hi view of this fact he asked the question: "Ha s not the time conic when the citizenship of this country should i tquire into the particular causes ? whii h are at work di veloj iug thus rapidly criminal hoys on our hands?" According to well authenticated statistics of reform schools, ninety-six out of every 1 <x) child criminals issue from homes of drinkllur rvn*i'iit< Tl,i< Iwiinr li'iui llw, n f *' ..... ,,v n,b *?% * v??\ liquor trafHe, fostering as it docs, tin- drinking habits of the homes of tin- country is the most potential and the most direct agency in the production of criminal hoys, and as such should be blotted out of existence instanter. One boy is worth more to the. higher citizenship of this country .than all the moiie\ revenue tieriv? d from the liquor traffic. It i- not the purpose of a worthygovernment to make money with which to cover it- running expenses out of the unfortunate, abnormal and unscientific drinking habits of its eiti/< ns. Man 1 ; must ever count for more tSinn money und< r a governiu? i.t <>1 the people, by tile ])( ople, for till people, and it has always bei n true, and will ever he, that manhood iin direct inverse ratio to liquor r< v? niie. The more revenue the more l;<jiior drank, the more drank the I*-ss maniiood. No -iniii< r do we begin to ag;t.:te the abolition of the saloon, than a certain elas- of nun hegin t?> figure out the amount of revenue that will he lost to town, as though money is * t \t rythuig and manliootl nothing. It wtiuhl appear that et rtain men lire 1 11 I'll el I V tt'illilitr (.. ?l. i y " "" selves, their wiws and <-1 iil?Ir?*ii, nei^hl??r> aixl e very hod y else, t < >; 111 eternity, it only tiny ran increase tin- iwciivc from whiskey. Toll Arm 11 ,\ HIT. ('oiitiiiuinjr, I)r. Taylor said tliat tlx* 11 rink I tal lit is formed lower lown in tlx' scale of ajfr than formerly, likewise till' toharrn liahit. Fifty years ago tin majority of t ln?se who formed the liahit of tisinj; tohaeeo \vi |'e hetW'eeli tlie ajjes of twenty and twenty-live years. Today 11 ley are between the nj^es of live and ten. It i- the coiici'iistl- of o;>iiiion anions educators that tin r< ason four nirls are graduated from tin- public Schools to one hoy ilarift ly due to the cigarette liahit on tin part of the bnVS. thus irivimr t,. the women of t!ii> country a higher average of eommon school seholar hi J? t han that to men. I'll i - hcing true, the ha Mot in t h i > country, hcing limited to the men, , 1 is nut in tin- ha mis of its most intelligent citizens. TItK so. ; A I. VI( K. lie made the -tanling statement that in soiiii' of tin* largo oitios as high as sixty per ?*ont. of tho young moil aro guilty of tin* >uoial viooaml in some oitios as liigli as ninety per oont. I lore I >r. Taylor hrought applause from tho hig au*lionoo l?y pl- ailing for social ami moral equality between the sexes. If the fallen woman must ho socially ostracised then the falh n man mist he treated in exactly the same way. i.\\vi.i:--niw :\ run iiomk. Dr. Taylor eonolu h*d his lecture i?y saying that tho most po!"iitiul agoiiey !<n !< .ig low.i;d tlie ill gonerji. y of 1 >i?y I:?i 1 and young maulm; <1 char; 't'-r -is \ ant f obedience in the home. "You do n< t malm that ho\ of yours mind, le* deelared. "Ynii eaiinot lntiid a nation a whit higher in eharaeter than istheehara *ler of th?* avi rage home under the govornineiil of tin* nation. If lawlessness reigns in the home, lawl*s-n*ss will reign in tie* state. If your hoy doos not mind homo laws ho will not mind tho state laws. If li * evades tho home law lie will evade the laws of the eity, tile state and the nation. You need not e>peet a better onforeemeiit of law ill this eoimtry until a hotter it foremen! of law is secimd in tin avi,r ft-je home. i i.i.i sTUATloNS. The hoy who i- nlwavs making disturbance in tli<- school was never made to miix 1 in the home. The church mcinhi r who is given to raising a rumpus in the church, who will have his own. little, pernickity way ahout everything or smash everything to pieces, was novel* suit-, ahly "spankerT' when lie was a I u?/ The father who talks loudly to \J hoy, threatening to tlog him tin]K# he "toes the mark" and thenyi#?? to the hoy s crocodile tears, is :* tematically destroying that hoy * spect for law, and fear of its penalty, and is preparing him for a low grade of citizenship, if not fur the penitentiary. The mother who will chase after her hoy from morning till night putting the gilt-edged hooks and hrie-a-hrae out of his reach, instead of training him to ohi y her command and let them alone, is inevitably preparing to send her hoy from her lap to the reform school. The hoy who is best trained in yielding his will to higher authority in! the home, is the hoy .win he first to yield his will to l^?fA^9nrg)Jt)d j to repent , and believe on Jesus Christ. 7 If you do not want your hoy to learn to use the cup, develop in him a conscientious obedience to your c unniand on general principles, so that when you say to him, "Never t >uch the cup.'" that ends the whole matter; his habit of resjiecting your law protects him from the drink habit. Tin-: chain or puotkction. There are two links in the chain which will protect your l>oy?one is obedience t<? home law, and the other is protection by the law of the state. It is as much your duty to protect your I my against had things by suitable legislative enactment as it is to make him mind your home law. The two links go together and form the home protective chain. J Take legalized temptation ou%>f the road of your boy. Then if he will persist in getting had things, compel him to hunt for his opportunity to tind them in some out of the way plaee, but make him feel it keenly, that if he at last succeeds in linding them, he does so under the ban of right'-ou- laws and not under the -miction of any law. lint do not hiing those things out from their hiding-, and plant them upon the corners of your streets, and there legalize them to hait and tempt your hoys down to ruin. rm iwenty-nvc smalms into a i>*?x and let tlirm 11 1 f??r tin- legalized liquor tr:?111< . l> in* t?-ii holes in the ho\, that would be a small numhcr of holes for a larj.ce liuniht r of snakes, eonsi-quently much restriction in their going in and out. We will call that high license, with much money for the city treasury. I tore twenty holes in the hox, that would l?e a larg? r nunihi r of ho|e? for the same numher of snakes, consequently less restriction. We will call that low license, with less money. I tore twenty-live holes ill the hox, that would he a hole for every snake, and no restriction in their going in and out. We will call that free wi-kiy. Itut instead of all this, let us kill-the snakes, hury t hem out of sight, cover them with the political prohibition soil, write on the sod indelibly?No resurrection to the snake-; from henceforth and forever, and that law will protect that I"?y iif yi>urs. A Hard Lot of troubles to contend with, spring fioai a torpid liver and blockaded bowels. unless yon awaken tliem to their proper action with Dr. King's New l.ife I'ills; the pleasantest and most effective cure for Constipation. They prevent Appendicitis and tone up the system 20c all drug stores. f ...MILLI ? Just received a (i latest effects in J Hats, Chiffon (t Sailors, Feathers 5 Duck Hats. h fthese goods late ? we are able to ol fj customers at a < from their real ? ask is that you 0 We have any s a call for. T-~ " " % McLURE MER< ijf THE UNDEE | ..OUR IMPORT I IUS'1 a 5j '~" || China's Durable Japan's Beautifi I' here shown in a IE ij, of patterns and < j better yet: This 120 Per Cent # < i > Pric Ji. We furnish best # Paper and I ..QO=C/ # Any pattern or |E fancy, we ca | Quality, Style, Hlej | That's the B S BAILEY FUR n'MiFji 3 rA vni'fc 3 "ini't JT"""'Ir 3J"lnl'a liiiilu 3 .iiiiiiL- a.,iiiiiife 3.iiulF 'AiiiuiiF a.n.iiiie' 3.ii:i.,i |j For Town or P Country Wear $| during warm weather g? choose one of our Single 11 or Double breasted SumEg| mer Suits and you will B have a cool, comfortable Suit that's as smartly ' Bg tailored and fits as corHp rectly as one a custom fi tailor would make for 8 you at double our price. B There are many men of H sound "dress sense" in 88 tliis town of ours who say wS Clothing to made to measi H as much, because there's r raj can see its right in every c Hi To duplicate any suit as sn H quality and workmanship : H to pay from $2.50 to $s.oo ma i Mutual Dry I Head to Pool mmwmmsBmnmmsa \ER if@9o\ J big line of the \ % 1 Shapes, Street ^ Hats, Braids, &\ H ;, 5 :lovvers, and a i I laving bought <* > in the season, \ ifer them to our & \ jreat reduction ^ \ value. All we ^ give us a look. \ hape that you ^ * i CANTILE CO. J t 1SELLERS. & V I ED LINE OF.. | I IN j| | Stand=by and j| 1 J&+ B i\ Novelties are $ *z 9 /V....W. 4- ^ Mi Celt |JI Ul U?>1UII ^ colorings. And !iH O l^f" ; week we give ft Off Regular! & r' ' Km grade of Carpet fx lay it too. ^ \RTS.. | style you may IS in give you. ?ance, Then Price, j ailey Motto. } * r"7 N1TURE GO. | ; - 4 , ^ ^ , 1 p ami 1 u mi iiwm i a P ( vi they prefer our Stylish ^ ire garments costing twice i?B 10 chance about it. They 88 | ietail before they buy it. ^ 1 lart in style, as good in*k$$ / ^ is ours you would have jjljjjj / more. Try it. B / Goods Co.,^ Outfitters. J|j|| . / [ i /