University of South Carolina Libraries
j The only fc from wheat I ment is the yet?the onl which this i Uneed ' The only soda ]The only soda The only soda | The only soda LJSC i NATIONAI r t5fce Wind's i he Morning Py LOUtS TRACY Copyright, 11)03, by Edward ,1. Clod* 6 Continued from |);iye ?ssn;.:im??? \ ii'?s . lie." :i vci\\ l< e.\:i:nin:ili.ui of ilu? deposit. Hal i?l \ I U 11 r.ill',V V.'fll'K V.lis lMNMhMl. Iwon ty-four liour* :i small ruiu-onl ij hint was erected and ;i <1 made to drain off the carbonic in drido in the vsi Hoy. A ft or Husk a i ty of coolies cleared the jii.ircy of former occupant*. Toward the ci of tlio following day. when the gi steamer otiee more slowly turned head to the northwest. Iris could 1 1 he steady thud of an engine at w on the tirst consignment of ore. Hubert had been busy uj? to the moment. There was so much to done in a short space of time, vessel carried a large number of j and all expressed their willingness suit his convenience in this respect. Now his share of the necessary pr orations was concluded. His wife, Arthur and his uncle were gathered a corner of the promenade deck wl he approached and told them that last instruction ashore was for a lb to he tixed on Summit rook as soon the dynamo was in working order. "When we all come hack in tlio e< weather," he explained gleefully, "t will not imitate the Sirdar by niniii on to (lie reef should wo arrive i night." ? Iris answered not. ller blue ey were fixed on the fast receding cliffs. "Sweetheart." said her hushim '"why areyoti so silent V" Sli?* turned to Iiini. Tin' light of tl petting sun illumined her fneo with i uoUtcn rndinnoe. "nocniise I 21 til so li;ip|>,v." she sai 4,Oli, Itnhert. so h.-tppy an thankful.'" THE END. Should Have Been a Corn SiiclJer. "1 wish 1 woiv it eountry newspaper, saiil tho weary boarder. "IIow ahsurd yo?i talk." said th wary landlady. "Well, a follow needs :i patent lusid To go against this grub for any longt of time." Sure to Happen. 'J'hat hour, is coldest of tho twenty-four When, sloop benumbed and shiverlni with droad. Vmi stop barefontod on th" polished floor Forced from tho snuggery of your ooz; tiod. "With tooth a-ehatter and with finger: numb. You grope about and blindly curse the dawn Iteoauso tho Rod of sloop refused to eotnf t'ntii tlio bastle of tlio day was on. Plant Wood's : Sou thern-Grow n | Watermelon and [Cantaloupe Seed if you wunt quality, sweetness and the best melons that it is possible to grow. Northern or Western-jrrown - seed doesn't beein to coin pare ; when you consider the quality \ of the fruit produced. i ? Wood's Descriptive Catalogue H lolls all about the best kinds to ! plant Mailed free. ; We art? Headquarters for Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Sorghums, Millet Seed, Ensilage Corn, Alfalfa vi ami all Southern Seeds. Write for g prices and Descriptive Catalogue. I T. W. WOOD & SONS, k SEEDSMEN, - RICHMOND. VA. >rm of food made that is all nutri- ) soda cracker, and 5 y soda cracker of is really true is I a Biscuit l cracker scientifically baked. ( i cracker effectually protected, i cracker ever fresh, crisp and clean. ~1 ?1l ; crauiici gwu O.L ax* times. ft a dust tight, \ toisture proof package, L BISCUIT COMPANY ? e T'lnsr. ? u'l'i; Ya'.ue of this | P , ' ; " -1 fiv.'.i? Fair Imm Yon hear.'. what 1 : nit'. Th.*-io are | fr. i < ; i ;* >-v. iu\ and f u "e:.i to my lawyer. -Clove 'a J'." '! I I f C II ,'V tile I)o:: It it iu!l. .ioimny- Papa, what doas pvccur viii? s? 11 nvrtiis?:i?it is :i applied to <*!ill-iron who know i than is nst'nI ::t their ago. John Oh, yes; It 100:1ns :i fivsli khl. Danger Prom the Plague I \\ i*;it There's grave danger from the ph of Coughs and colds that are so ] r iliv- unless you take Dr. King's * Discovery for Consumption, Coughs 1 . ' olds Sirs. Ceo. II. Wells, of Ft 1 ^ City, Me, writes. 'It's a Cod sen 'os*' people living in climates where coi 'eat and colds prevail. I find it qui her ends them." It prevents Pncumc mar cures LaCrippe, gives wonderful n oil.- in \sthma and linv Fever, mid 111 weak limns strong enough to ware , . Consumption, Coughs and ('olds, and ?1 no Guaranteed by Dake 1 ? < "o. Trial 1 -otte fr> c. ras- .. i. Vq more than the one worn by the wo; next door. op* It is impossible to make the nsse? jn believe that the rich are growing rid ion his Work has it in for mortal man s ,llt gets him first or last. Blood Poisoning >ld ,vo results from chronie constipation, wli ,,jr is quiekly cured by Dr. King's S l,v Life I'ills. They remove all posison germs from the. system and infuse n . >ife and vigor ; cure sour stomach, nn 4" -a, headache, dizziness and colic, wi ut griping r.r disc mfort. 25c.' <^n anteed by Duke Drug Co. 10 ts Valuable Quality. "What do they mean by the si.> d. sense?" id "That must f?c iho ability to spot hill collector as far as you can s hi... mill. Elevated. > "IIo ro;signal his job in tlio dynanii factory." 0 "What is he doing now';" "Nothing, lie hasn't come down yet h A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been mai youg at 70. Twenty years of intern ^ suffering from dyspepsia had entire ? disabled her, until six months ag | when she lagan taking Electric Hitter which have completely cured her. an v restored the strength and activity sli had in the prime of life," writes Mr 1 W. L. tillpatrick, of Danforth, M< (ireatest restorative medicine on tli ?lobe Sets Stomach, Liver and Ki< . neys right, purifies the blood, and curt Malaria, biliousness and Weaknessei Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price -r.0t Guaranteed by Duke Drug Co. A man's eapacify for making mono} is often eommcnsurntc to his wife's dc sire to spend it. A mob is animate madness. To increase your own store prophesj good to others?for a crootl tlon. Defeat Is a tonic that many of us need. one way to avoid paying debts Is nol to have any. When a trust Is not a Irust It is be cause the organizers overlooked a bet. A foully Burned Girl or b v, man or woman, is <|uiekly out of vein if Hncklen's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mien., says: "I use it in my family for oils, sores and all skin injuries. and find it perfect." Quickest I'ile cure known, llest healing salve uneh; Jffc a\ Lrtflfe UTTT^C*T. ee*H6f-w?? n'urnm >L.? . ?m.i w ? ? ! I I II - I Mk* btMMMHMMPi IAN ORDINANCE Granting Special License by t Town of Union. S. C., for thi Fiscal Year. Beginning May I. 1906. lie it < rilaincd by the Mayor an?i Aldcrme the ! own of Union, S C.. m Council aucml uud l>y rtullio ity of some: I but every person, firm, company or corpi tii'ii coeageo in <>r intending to engage in t ndc, business or profession hcrciuaticr 11 tioned. w'ltiiin tl.c limits o! the Town of ' 11 shall hr?t obtain a license from the Clerk I tea .liter ami all licenses Iter-in nientionecl i be non-transferable except by special perniisi from the Mayor or Town Council, saitl 1 tot h. i::g per annum, if not otherwise especially ] \ incci; uii.l nil license* shall expire on Mn l:'?ij, but iiaty be revoked nt any time by Mil or tiie wit Council. Ns.crnvi I N<> person firm or corpora shall be c igug- *' " . prosecute or carry on business, occupation or profession hcreian tied vvitho it first receiving front T< Cb ik mid Treasurer, upon lite or-ler of M..yor, a soee a I license llicrcfor, to wit: Sac. a. Jiver r itinerant, trader or other pe (except lieelisetl auctioneers) ylTeiing for sal ui:tittpti"g to sell bv sample within the tow public outcry or otherwise, any goods. \v? inctcoaiitlisO. fancy articles, spectacles, jew* pictures, notions, or other artic les of liae cl.n lei or kind, shall pay in atlvuiico a licouse of less ,1.4111 it-ii I $lii.tH". dollars per dsv liftv ($a dollars per week; or three hundred tS-Wll lar.. per year Sn:. Kvory itinerant | liysiciunor vend' seller of medicine, patent or of his own inuki practicing as an itinerant his profession or i mg shall pay a license of not less than ten $!! dollars per il ay or fifty CfMI) dollars pry wee I j Sue. -I. livery person or persons peddling I selling within the corporate limits, truits, p trv, vegetables, butter, eggs, or other like urt ! of nro.liice. sliu II trav a licenSe of thirtr I.S.! Hi dollars per minimi. IVuvideil, t Ii ill litis see shall nol lie lie Id to apply So sellers of pro, j uml like characters raised on farms in Ui I County. Is- C. SKC.ii. Kach nntl everr dealer or compaiij ! |siiijyr fresh moat*, -m il as licef, mutton, p j tirli or ovsi'-rs and ilie like s' all pay o lioenj seventy I'.ve l$75.ui>| dollars per year and ? \ have a fixed p.ace ot business, and said dc i i shall not he permitted to sell troin any o I place. Stc. tl. Kach and every denier or coinpaii) tailing; fresh meats, such asntullon, heel", | and the like, without the privilege of selling or oysters, shall pay a license of fifty <$>l .YA.W.I. t'-' r ?shall have a fixed pine business, which said place sh?n be niemioiic the license, and said dealer shall not he I ivo milted to sell trom any .,t|,cr place. I'rovi. j. that section live of this Oral,,??c.0 sh.n , " persons selling any of the aforesaid Klr.Ui '1:111(1 meat in ipniutities of not less than one niiaric the animal. Such person or persons desirm sell by the quarter shall first apply to ifi? Mj tor n permit, which shall be granted upon filing of all affidavit setting f rth the follow facts: 1. The name nnd address o. t)>? iot!S proposing to sell. *2 That the uitimnr or mals to be butchered was born and raised oi ' * *' upon .he farm of tiic proposed vendor. 8. 1 !)01\! the meat to be offered is ill sound nnd wholes! uy condition. Upon making said affidavit, the Mayors issue an order to the Clerk and Treasurer ol Town of Union, S. C., to grant said vendi permit to sell said meat without license > Kach agent or dealer in maps, bonks. ' periodicals and other like articles, five dollars per day, or per year. .. $ .'I Hgiie Kor each agent or solicitor for suhscrip^ seriptiou for shares or - lock or any uonresident building and AssociaNew lion, per day 1<H illlil Auctioneering in house or on street, per ,. day, not less than. 1 )lt*M Kor each chair in liarhet Shop (1 to bill posters, posting, tacking or distributlip])8 .'"B . , ->l 1.1 bill posters, itinerant, not less than per ,'y day ;. 3 Kor each billiard and pool room on Main L'lif-f street 2-1 Kor each billiard and pool room on nil i ? other streets except Main street 73 I Oil Kor each person, persons or company 50c keeping bicycies tor rent Ill x Kor each two-horse carriage, buggy or ra hack kept for bite, outside of a ivory stable 13 I Kor each one-horse carriage, baggy or hack kept for hire outside of.-. 1 ' ? f i- " " ol buying and selling cuttle, lings, sheep ami such 111111 like for profit or gain, per annum .... 25 Kncli person, persons or company scl-'ing coal tor profit or gain 10 Kach cotton seed oil mill ],I0 SSOV ^or eac'' circus, per day... 5o Kor each lhrv6-horse or more d nv 15 101*. I'or each two-horse dray........ 10 Kor each one-horse dray* , Kncli drav and hack license shall have a mil inil i,er (hereon and the driver of anv -nch vehi? ahull keep that nnnihcr exposed on his hack dray; and every such driver shnll wear a badge a conspicuous place, having upon it the numh of the license. Kxpress company and oil company transact!: and doing biisines- in this town uiuf oilier poiu ,i within this hiate, for corporations other than tl , government of the Uni'cd States, its otlicers ai fW agents: OUS Kxpress Company $ 100 Oil Company. . .* 50 i Kxhihitioiis outside of opera house or upon tl US- streets in the discretion ot the Mayor. til- For each Hying jenny I 200 I _ For each Hying jenny, per day 10 ( For each flying icnny, per week 40 ( For each Hying jenny, per month 100 t Fairs, concerts, festivals or parties for gain o Main street, per night or day, not less than on dollar and at the discretion of the Mayor, l'or each dealer selling fresh fish outside ai. of house ou Main street f 450 C For each dealer selling fish ill house on Main street 50 0 .. F'or each dealer selling fresh fish m re ' than 100 feet from Main street - 50 0 00 For each solicitor soliciting labor from the ./Town of Union for points beyond inctrporate limits, per day 100 0 Kach and every person running an ice wagon or dealing in ice 25 0> Kach soda fountain . 5 0 Iq Kach ice cream saloon 5 0* Kach person selling ice cream on streets 5 ts l.unch dealers, per day 1 01 l.ivery, feed ami sales stables, not incllld? ing street carriages or drays 50 (X Ileal estate agent ... 25 0< Kach agent or dc;:!er (who has no annual license) selling mules or horses, $5 per day, or $20 per week or mules and horses at auction, per day 10 IX For lecture, musical entertainment, play or show, for reward outside of opera . house in discretion of the Mayor 5 00 Kach-oculist or opticiap) itinerant, per !y dnv 5 <X) q F'or each opera house 50 (xj ' Kach ovslcr saloon wnl? -e Ol Mil8? ing bulk oysters, per year 10 00 id For each pawn broker r??? no ie For each photograph gallery .... 10 ihj For each itinerant photographer, per day 1 tat 3 For each itinerant plumber, per day. 111 00 !>. For each side show, per day 25 00 1(> For each itinerant sewing machine agent , or dealer 10 nil " Itinerant stove dealers, per day 5 00 ?8 For each hoot or shoe black with priviu lege of chair on street 5 00 For each snooting gallery 25 no * For each skating rink ?."> per month, or per year 10 00 For each railroad lor business done within the State and not including that done without the State 150 IK) , For each restaurant 25 00 For ten pin alley, each track , 50 00 Each telegraph company operating an office within the incorporate limits of the town of Union shall pay a license per annum of. 25 00 Each telephone company transacting and doing business between any points in this town or any other point or points 7 in this Stale for individuals or corporations other than the government of the United Stntcs, its officers and agents 1(M) 00 Each wood yard 10 00 For each blacksmith shop. .. 26 IK) 4 For each street vender selling ice cream. 6 00 Each l-ife Insurance Company 25 00 Each Fire Insurance Company.... 15 00 Each broker or agent receiving orders or transacting business in future options of every kind whatsoever... 2*Ki 00 For each and every business not specified above shall he charged at the discretion of the Mayor or Town Council. Skc. H. Any person, persons, company, firm or corporation embraced or mentioned in any of the foregoing sections or section of this ordinance and required therein to obtain license or to pay for the performing or currying on of their respective business or for the transaction of the same, who shall fail, refuse or neglect to pay the license or amoui.t therein sDScihed in ...i it ml etch nntl every person, "firm or corporation I giv K, ihowinK, of attempting to give or show i itiiy of the performances, show* or exhibitions i without having received and paid for their license to do no, and any person or persons, firm or corporation violating any part or parts of this ordinance, shall be required to pay a fine of not le s than one dollar or more titan one hundred do.Ur* per day for cash and every day so offend. , ing, or to be imprisoned and made to tvork on # 1 '' """ ^ 1 * (lie ?troet? ntui public places of ihe town for n 4 more than thi'ty days for en li <lajr so oITciulii i :nl hi the discretion of the Mayor or 'l'ot Council. , Src. It. That all license herein mentioned s If? due and collectable hcKitining May 1, IfHWV Done ami ratified in Council assembled uni the hand of the Mayor and of the Conn this the fifth day of March, ItMMt. It. I. McNallv, Mayor A lest: \V. 1>. Aktiivk, Clerk and Treasurer, it of 1. AN ORDINANCE an j ______ 1C1I* ion. To ReUso Supplies For the Flsct "i!!'i Year Beginning May I. 190b. For the Town of Union.S.C. I'.St* pro- ii ordained by the Muyr ami Aldermen iv 1, b'uitm, S. C., in Council assembled ut:<l Uy i *)*or authority of same: but a tux to cover the expense of said I " lion (,f t'nion, from the lirgt d\jr of May. !!**), to i liny first *!; y of May. IfMff, he levied and collected Iter manner ami form as follows: iiwii Section I. That a tax of twenty (20) mi the upon every dollar of the viltfof all red esta |)crson:il property and stock in tsado is here eviol for general purposes including one tho cor niu| ($*.noit) dollars for tlie maintenaiiec of I n at CurncKic l*ree Library. ' lies, SFC. 2. That the autn of two doil dry* fixed as a commutation for the street or r? rao- duty, and the stid sum to he paid hy all ah not bodied mule persons, able to pirf??rm or cause mni) be performed the labor her ?n rcipnircd, hctwt do I- |?.(. of eighteen t IH) luidtifiv i* ) years \\ us ilo within the corporate limits of s :id tov >r or except ordained ministers situl those exempt - or law, and any person liable t? ih:s tax, who >?i .all- full to pj|y within the time spc* itiiil. shall he 1W) (inired to work oil the streets of Unhvi tin uays under the direction of the street overs*; ? or ar.d any person tailing either to pav said co otil- mutation or perform said labor, shall he bron> elos before the Mayor's Court and tt;?**-i convict i? l-W) shall he fined in n sum not exceeding ten ot lion ! dollars or imprisoucil not i xoeeetlinjj ?2>? da Itiee ; cjthcr or lioth. itosi I Sec. it. That one-hu'f of tin* luxe** hcci.i l? I ied and assessed shall he due ami co llected in i ?* " inoiithoi Mnv. 11H*K nn?l i'u? n maiMiii'.! liall' ; ork, b?: duo mul coPcclcii il'.irin:; 11?*j mmth ??t ()o ot bcr, 11**1. hnl| Ski . 4. That the Town Clerk nml TrcnMi alcr ; shall proceed to collect one-half of the la: ther heroin levied, mul thai he shall keep his bo< I open from the flrr.t day of May next toJ ' rc" l*:rst day of June, 1WH1. "for this 'purpose; nl >ork which time he shall proceed hy distress o oth fish wise as prescribed hy law, to collect such as M 01 mains unpaid with a penalty of twenty (& ) ] e of cent and cost <?f collecting n<hled. d hi Skc. 5. That the Town ClcrU and Tren?u l*cr" shall reopen Ins books mul Keep them open fr tied, first day of October next to the first day of > y I" vcmher, 100ft, for the purpose of collecting 1 ? of rencting half of the taxes herein levied af r of ' vvhich lima lia thall proceed liy dialroaa or oth Hi" I wise as prcscribctl by law tit collect such as tyor mains unpaid with a penalty of twenty fib) | the cent anil cost of collecting added. 'ing | Sc;c. <1. That the basis of value for taxation rk".a I real estate, personal property ami stock in tn "in. l. i'?? ,i.- .. ?>mrnt!i as lev [' or hy the County Aiulitor in lMnntl HMJtJ ":ll | Skc. 7. That all orilinanrcs or part of or Jlnc | nances conflicting with thisordinnncc are licri declared repealed, hall I Dote and ratified in Council assembled utp the the hand of Mayor nod seal of tee Council t or a | fifth (!>th) day of March, I1MH1. It. I,. McN'ai.i.y, Mayoi W. I). Artiscr, Clerk and Treasurer. oo | 00 I con^nce you that yon I!!! IB can "Increaco your yields per aero'* n fcnd you won't havo to keep it a so- B n either, Kcad what Messrs. E lc S & 8(?n< of tho Magnolia i or rc jfrult Hrm, Durant, Misa., write: ? in a From two acres of strawberries, E cr H On which J,000 pounds of gj i? a Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers I is Q 5?I?^c_r?a.?".0,rP used, wo cleared a I rrj uiuiii.01 per acromoro than fi , EM tho other 14X acrcsof strawberries K ft] which had only BOO pounds of this B Bj fertilizer." Thus double tho quan- | Xj tity of these fortillzorson each acre I B Of any crop, and more than doubly B ,c H "lncreaso your yields per aero." Ilo K ,, euro you Duy only Vlrglnla-Caro- I ? g Una Fertilizers. f xi g Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. I h> Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Qa. |J " 83 Norfolk, Va. Pavannah. (la. fif c DurhAm.N.C. Montgomery, Ala. B Hd Charleston. P.O. Memphis. Tenn. jw H Bultimoro, Md. Phrovoport, La. 0 MORE CHEAP RATES TO ; TEXAS ;; Arkansas and the Southwest. 'I One-way tickets at haff fare plus , plus $2. 1 Round trip tickets at less than one-way fare. From Memphis via , Cotton Belt Route. MARCH 6 TO 20. Stop-overs both ways and 21 days return limit on round trip tickets. Write for map, folder and pick your date and say when and where you want to go and we will give I ...... f..<i ?" .jv.ii inn iiiKirni.iuon by return mail. L. P. SMITH, T.P.A. Cotton Belt Route, 203 Equitable Bldg. BOILERS AND ENGINES. Tanks, Stacks, Stand Pipes, and Sheet Iron Work; Shafting, Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, Mangers, etc. Mill Castings. I Cast every clay; work 200 hands. Lombard Foundry Machine and 1 Boiler Work and Supply Store. Augusta, Georgia. i Notice. I Notice is hereby given that the Books < of Hetfintratinn of ?!<? - *?-? ivkiiui union are now open and qualified electors desiring registration certificates for mu- j nicipul election to he held on June 5tli. 1900, can obtain same by applying to ( me at the store of Jacob Cohen on Main f street in the town of Union. The books of registration will be closed on May 10th, 1900, at9p ni o'clock. F>. \V. Mpi.i.inax, 1 Si per visor of Registration of the Town Union, iot oe?B#? : ; HAIR '? DE cii a J . Crown, Bridgeworl " Office over Mutual ' g DR. J. IMOh ? 1 ' -" -? D E Lvn 1(7/ Crown and Bridge Work ';r, P A Specialty. Ih ars A r:i: 'o::? Dwr.rf. ' ,;1 GcoiV'vy Hud. >i>. the funous d to of ('li '.riv > I.. Wii i introduced at < j" during the fo tivl'io; intending vJJ' coronation. Jly nn odd conceit he 1>V l.i tl I i.i.i !?#? *.t.m which being removed disclosed r,? dwnrf fully dressed nnd lmtkinfi nV. bow to till? king nnd queen. At :,lt ngo of twenty ho was eighteen it high, but before attaining the nf >'* thirty bo grow several inches l v. tlonal. GeofTrcy, like most dwarfs, |'Yj of limited intelligence, but of in! to- vanity and large self conceit. It i sorted by many scientific authoi u-s that this is a characteristic of dwa ?ks ? tor ' trlfe. Theater of Dlonysas. cr* What was probably one of the * per est theaters built was the theater c onysus, which was begun five cent ,r,m before t'lyist. 'J he-seating capaei this remarkable building is said to ',er been 30,000. The theater of Dior ?r* was erected when Greek art and li per ture were in their prime. Here presented to appreciative specf ,0a the wonderful works of Aeseb ,od Sophocles and Euripides. .li- ^ Some llednctlon. i. r? "Then the doctor didn't succcc 1,18 reducing your weight?" "Why. not very tnueh, but lie __ me with quite an attenuated po book." ^ No Other Explanation. <i "Do you think he loves the widov "Well, he asked her to marry and slie has seven children and g money." ProbaFe Judge's Sale. I State of South Carolina, ) Court County of Union, j- Probat In aid of Assets . , ? *?. -weans Heaty as Aannmstrato the estate of Isaac Dogan decea t Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Dogan. Charley Dogan, C Dogan, Oscar Dogan and Jonesville L. association of Jonesville, S. C., fendants. Py d'-eree of Probate Court for county of Union and State nforesai will sell to the high st bidder he tlie < ourt House door duringb-gal h< of sale on tlie first Monday in May, I (it being salesday) tlie following scribed real estate situate and beini the town of Jonesville. Jonesvilleto ship, couniy and State aforesaid. All that certain lot of land situ in said town. Containing one hall one acre more or less, beginning on corner of lot No. 7 in the division of Lemaster & Lindsay property and ri ning thence N 31. :'4, Iochains to stt thence S. 59. E, 99 12 links, thei S.'51. W. 5, 01 to stakes, thence N W. 1 chain to the beginning corner, being the lot purchased by Isaac Dog from Lemaster & Lindsay and knoi as lot No 8 in said division of latu Purchaser to pay for papers. Terms sale cash. Jasov M.Grekr, 14*3t. Probate -ludgfe post oppicedirectoryT Hours of Opening:, Closing and D livery of the Dally Malls at the Union Post Office. ~ . W1..V.U u|icii? at, ? o'clock eve day (except Sunday) and closes al o'clock p. in. Post otlice open for delivery of nit on Sunday from 12:30 to 1:30 p 111. Mail for train No. 9, due here at 9 in., closes at 8:45 a. m. Mail for train No. 14, due here i 11:35 a. m., closes at 11:10 a. in. Mail for train No. 13, due here i 2:35 p. in ,"closes at 2:10 p. in. Mail for train No. 10. due here i 8:53 p. in., closes at 8:15 p. m. eac day. Persons should remember and ol serve these hours in order to be ac commodate! at the post olllce in rt ceiving or sending mail matter throug this office. Feb. 1903. J. C. Huntbr, Post Master. WALL PAPER New Stock of the Lates Styles and Patterns. Glass, Picture Framing, Our stock is larcp onH - Oplete; the goods are here and it will surprise you how ^uick, how nice and how :heap we do the work. The repair part of our busness has been behind but is :atching up and will in the uture be run on time. MILLINGS, THE P4.PER A. AN. I t I MMMMMLjwm: ??ip? r" I & HAIR, i NTISTS. j k and Regulating a Specialty. " Dry Goods Co., Union, S. C. ? 1ROE WALLACE, | ! N T I S T. .-??=- I J Offices: Rooms 1 and 2 VA\ onol l7. Nicholson Building. :?*? ~ 7.^ SOUTHERN RAILWAY Wiirf ourt THE SOOTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM. ? tl,? Unexcelled Dining* Car Service. ^ was , Through Pullman Sleeping Cars ?t of on all Through Trains?Con- A the venient Schedule on all ^ j his Local Trains. ic-hes Winter Tourist Rates are ce of now in effect to all Florida uddi- points. For full information tJIjae as to rates, routes, etc., cons'ns suit nearest Southern Railway rities Ticket Agent or irfs- BROOKS MORGAN, R. W. HUNT, A. G. P. A., D. P. A., parU~ Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, S. C. ?fl)i""of Union & Glenn Springs Railroad Co. itcra wero rimo Table EfTectlve Aug. 1, 1906. ators ylus, Leave Union 7 a, m., 1.00, 4.00 and $8.10 p. m. * Arrive Buffalo 7.15 a. in., 1.15, 4.15 and $8.25 p. m. a d In Leave BnfTalo 8.15 a. m., 1.45, 5.00 and $8.3) p. m. left Arrive Union 8.30 a. in., 2.00, 5.15 and eket- t8 45 P- mLeave Union 9 00 a. m. and 5.25 p. m. Pass Neal Shoals 9.50 a. ni. and 0.10 p. m. Arrive Pride lO.loa. ni. and 0.35 p. in. . Leave Pride 10.35 a. m. and 0.50 p. m. mm, i>rtsg Neal Shoals 11.00 a. m. and 1 110 7.10 p. m. Arrive Union 11.50 a, in. and 8.00 p. in. All trains daily unless otherwise noted. Week days only. ^Saturdays and Sundays only. 0f connection made at Pride with Seae board Air Line through trains South bound in the morning and North bound in the evening. ' ?:?.ne.tttte mileage sold by the r o* Seaboard Air Line will be honored by ?? 8'-<b the U. & G. S. It. It. ti?? M. B. SUMMER, }ood Gen. Pass. Agent. ? K F. C. DUKE, Representing the Best and Most f.'re Liberal Life, Health and Accident urs Insurance Companies In the world, OFFICE: Room 4, Nicholson J in Building. wnate SCAIFE & HAMBL1N, f of ti'io ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 11 nike ice FOSTER BUILDING, UNION, S. C. 07 an J. A. BROWN, iv n ' ils. DEALER IN of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. . HOUSE RENTING AND COLLECTING A SPECIALTY. ?" OFFICE ON BACHELOR STREET. V. E. DePASS. S. C. DePASS. ry TlfiPAOO p. t-, _ r* . ?*w* nUJ CO UfcJf ASS* til ' a. Law Offices Over Peoples Bank. at 1-1 yr \t ???????? I SAW MILLS. ^ LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY Jt ~ WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK* ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. Jm ASK POR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PI Af.INO VAIID ' . ^,aVSMv iuun UK1/CK HAIRRBAL8AM iMVCaiBnWW^-- jM Clrnr*. and hrautificj tha hair. HMwUT^' flH I'roiiiotra a luxuriant growth. RSnw . W Nnvor Fail. to Rostore Gray 4 EQjfV ind Hair to its Youthful Color. J5SV/1I .JsflH Curci tcalp duriici & hair falling. Change of Law Offices. Dfl'iips <fc DiPnss have moved tln-ir Law oflices imme<liata]y over j^thu Pco^lon Jiuuk,