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i ^ "V. V S | (S>*2T> in ?? m MMESiai WATCH THI NEXT W M. W. B @^sS * % * ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES v Of the Double Daily Passenger Trains, gj^ Union, S. C. vers Train going North 9:00 a. m. ft 44 " South 11:35 a. m. v:oi 44 44 North 2:35 p. m. ^ 44 44 South 8:53 p. m. jfThcse trains only make a few minutes stop at Union, so that the hours . of arrival are practically the hours of departure. Any change in this sched- Mis ule will be published in Tub Times for will the benefit of the public generally. ^V( ================================= ty. Local News Notes , Qrc Points Personal and Otherwise sui x Picked up and Paragraphed par cW&r by Our Pencil-Pusher. Sr. Reidsvillo Review, ol Kewsvine, ? N. C. I Mr. L. G. Young has rented out t his home to Mr. Wm. P. Heineken, t general manager of the Power Com- i pany. i Miss Jennie Sowkins, of Balti- I ^more, arrived in the city Thursday ? and has entered upon her work as ( milliner at the store of Mr. M. W. 1 Bobo. A full line of up-to-date ; juillinery has been opened up. S r d p ti ti v w C( fl al w it \ tl / tl fc S SPACE ? k u EEK. s cl n< o b o. ; h; ? ti ) V< r as si I C( ai ti d <)] is ei tl CJ t( ii is ri ; IZPf - Dr. H. B. Hair spent Sunday with his parents ot Blackville. j Miss Ida Clement spent Sunday Col ?? Wnorfnnlinrcr visitincr her Darcnts. me AAA K/pUl - ? ^ Mrs. Swygert, of Peake, is visit- < ing her daughter, Mrs. Hope, at en| Buffalo. wa N thi Mrs. Thetis Caudle has been quite ^ sick for a week, but is now im K proving. ge! Mi83 Cathaleno Griggs is visiting ? her sister Mrs. J. W. Crawford, on ^.South Street. OW. G. Tolleson, a leading whole-' M sale druggist of Spartanburg, was ca in the city this week. ,tr The Wholesale Grocers Associa- ^ tion meets in Jacksonville, Fla., g( Monday of next week. Capt. W. M. Gibbes, who has rbeen qtlite sick in Columbia, is reported to be much better. Mayor and Mrs. R. L. McNally [j T^Wmve returned to the city after a rj rwo weeks bridal tour in Florida. j( R. J. Oliver has accepted the po- f sition as associate editor of the 1 I Wednesday, Thursday and Fri, April 25, 20, and 27 the Mu" Festival will come off at Con- i >e college, Spartanburg. c Ir. Reuben Oliver, who has been ] ting his mother, returned 1 j Columbia this week to resume , studies at S. C. College. Irs. G. B. Sligh and daughter, ' is Nina, and Mr. W. J. Ringer ( I spend Easter Sunday with relays and friends in Newberry coundr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilburn, of >ss Keys, spent Saturday and iday at the home of the bride's ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Long, VIrs. J. K. Hamblin returned ' s week much improved in health m Dr. Knowlton's hospital in iumbia, where she went for treating 3ol. R. W. Hunt, division passger agent for the Southern rail- ' y called at the office of the editor is week. Col. Hunt has a statede reputation as a thorough goaf business man, and is withal a nial, warm-hearted gentleman. Littlo Johnsie Richards, the 8 ar old daughter of Mr. J. B. chards was taken desperately ill onday and is still in a very prerious condition. She was poison1 by eating canned tomatoes. A ained nurse is in charge of the itient and it is hoped that with >od care she may recover. m ? ? ? Dr. E. 0. Taylor to Lecture. The pastors of the city have armged to have Dr. Taylor lecture i Union, May 17th to 20th. Dr. 'aylor has lectured in most of the wading towns of the State, and fine eports of his work have been given n the newspapers. He lectures on cicntific temperance and questions >ertaining to good citizenship. Tlu ectures will be delivered in one o! he churches of the city, probablj be First liaptist, one lecture enci light and on Sunday in the morn ng also. No charges will be mad< for admission, but the pastors joint ly will seek to raise tho money nec jssary to pay tho expenses of tin course of lectures. Arrangement will be made to entertain friend from out of town, so that they mn have tho opportunity of attoudLng % WHISKEY AND THE NEWSPAPERS, [the A< same c< orne Remarks Concerning Senator of whia Tillman's Reference to tlie Mat- uJnl)Ur| ter In Als Addrees to the advert!! People. aid has can dis The following correspondence ox- ndvcrtii ilains itself: Oconee Senator B. K. Tillman, Saluda Washington D. C. of the i April 4. 1900. voted o Dear Sir:?In your letter or ad- it is noi ress published in the daily news, that i apcra^orc>unday,*,in speaking of ooffers i he newspapers printed in the conn- b* threi ies where the dispensary has been tpore C( oted out, you say: *4 But upon the tisemen hole a man would be very much What [lifted to know how much money Tillmai owe into the coffers of these journ- 1S H,c Is from whiskey advertisements, statcme hile the same papers arc exploit- journals 1 i ? 2 s 9 ..f i \ ig piuiuuiiion aim souneiy.' ??uvi u As editor and publisher of one of with tli le papers to which you allude I tisemen link I have the right to ask what thi nindation you have for this charge. P^y of < am pretty well acquainted with i he Ne ic counties named, and I do not now of any that are advertising liiskcy. There may be; but it as not come to my notice in read" Rev. lg or glancing over them. I ex- preache liangc with them all, but do not, I April 11 iknowlege, pay much attention to church, leir advertising columns. Your can Sali liarge is certainly unfounded and an orga nfair against The Observer, which existent as never accepted a whiskey adver- whose s semcnt, cither before or since the bath as jting out of the dispensary, so far for the * my memory ?crve? me. TVio 1 am sorry you are on the wrong united < de of this great question; or what tians of conceivo to bo thu wrunsr side?of lurse you think otherwise?and I the inrt m sorry you do not seem disposed Sabbatli i give others credit for what you in resist emand for yourself?honesty of Christia pinion and purity of m~f;"e. There social p i . o man in the state I would rathr see against liquor than yourself -because of your high position in ic state and the nation, and be- The 1 ruse what you believe in you con- have en ;nd for. the thir Craving your pardon for trespass- and 1*1: ig upon your time?which I know quarter t much occupied with your senato- able. ' ial duties ?and yet believing that on the o man ought ever to lie too busy to Supply o what is right and just?I beg to by the j ubscribe myself, ago. Yonr^vt ,v,|Y.UAv... senatou tillman's reply. i? a * Editor UllltUtl OillLUS otiiatu Washington, I). C., fcllowii April (>, U)0(>. cur rod; Mr. W. H. Wallace, Newberry, tunity S. C. Union My Dear Sir: 1 have your letter county )f April 4th. I do not take many so wel >f the weekly papers published in v'c ipper South Carolina, because I do could s lot find time to read even the dail" "uence les. An examination of the Green- from li rille News and the Anderson Daily stood f Mail showed many whiskey adver- ^ tisements while the Columbia State rccollei was chock full, as was the Edgefield Union Chronicle. 1 do not read The Ob- S? on 1 server and have therefore not in- , eluded it in the category. Perhaps **' if you would go back and look over your exchange list you would find The out more about this matter. You Uucas will find whiskey advertisements in an,i 1 the Spartanburg Journal and the ended. Spartanburg Herald. Millik< I am very busy as you say, but ^ in am always willing to do what iti prices right and: jqst. There is ikiithef a U wrong nor a rjjjht sid6 to the whis" Uarlir key question. It is a matter of do-* ing the best we can with a very per- R RPf) plexing and devilish subject. I think one way and ^rou think another; wo need not quarrel because we diller. Very truly yours, B. It. Tillman. 0 Since receiving the senator's At 1 courteous reply we have examined hna a the advertising columns of the news- Oth, 1! papers in the prohibition counties, as far as possible. The Greenville ovvrdi News and the Anderson Mail, both dailies and circulating in dispensary iiantir as well as prohibition counties, have iVuc"rr what some might call "a pretty good run" of whiskey advertisgaepts ohepk! ? the News 1G inches*' out of 1,12(1 Fraoti inches; the Mail 20 inches out of s 9G0. The Mail seems particularly i.eirai favored by whiskey houses?possibly rrcaa' because the Mail opposed the voting out of the dispensary in Anderson county. It is worthy of note that capiu the Anderson Intelligencer, a large i eight-page paper with the largest and n i circulation of any weekly in the i state, has not a whiskey advertiseJ ment; neither has the Greenville 5 Mountaineer, a semi-weekly of large Noto' f circulation. As for The State, that r paper is published in a dispensary stAt? i county. And it may be added that I. . n,! ? J?!l? iinmt - the Florence limes, a ?iuuu um^, 3 also published in a dispensary 8^ato - county, has whiskey adversisefnents L< K< - also. We have looked through *oMf ^u] Q files but cannot find a copy dfrhe to^i ? Edgefield Chronicle; but of course s take tho senator's word that it is c y "chock fnll" of whiskey advertiseincuts. Wo have ocvcral oopioa of > dvertiser, published in the |r? aunty?and it has not a line key advertising. The Spar; Journal with 1,120 inches o, has six inches of whiskey sing; the Spartanburg Ilernonc at all. So far as we cover, there are no whiskey sements in the newspapers of or Pickens or Cherokee or or Union or York?or any emaining counties that have ut the dispensary. So that ithor just nor fair to charge noncy is flowing into the of these journals," when on; or four out of twenty or mtain any whiskey adverits at all. V urn 1 u nv wigutt lu 111 nciuuor Ps "Address to the People" sweeping and all-inclusive nt that "the coffers of these i" that have helped to get le dispensary are being filled e proceeds of whiskey adverts, and the seeming inferat they are therefore in the outside liquor houses.?From wherry Observer. Sabbath Observance. \V. II. MeAlister, I). 1)., d a sermon Tuesday evening, 3th, at the First Presbyterian He represents the Ameribath Union, of New York, nization that has been in e since the year 1888, and ole aim is to save the Saba day of rest and worship people of this nation . sermon was a plea foi a effort on the part of Chrisall denominations to help lug legislation that will stop ads of business upon tlu) observance, and to unite ling the tendency of many ns to make the day one of lcasurc. The Masons. Masonic fraternity of Union tcrcd their new quarters on d story of the Merchant's inter's building. The new 3 are handsome and comfortrhc order's elegant quarters third tloor of the People's Co's. building was destroyed great fire of January a year , Kind Words. || personal letter written to the II of Tire Times this week the II ug reference to the paper oc- ?? ; "1 cannot resist the oppor of saying that I hope The Times may live long in the ^ and among the people I love p 1. It has endured through p issitudes that a newspaper p iufTer; but the destroying in- ^ s of time have not kept it fe. It is a paper that has P or Union County since a per- p ieh has now passed from the p ction of the oldest man in m> County, and I hope it will in its good work." f~ icas-Milliken Contest Ended. p contest between Milliken and gj for control of the Laurens ^ )arlington Cotton Mills has W Lucas has'agreed to sell to w en. This will leave the lat- p control. It is stated that the p uaid was satisfactory to Lu- I; aurcns selling for SI70, and 5 ,gton for $C>5 per share W RT OF THE CONDITION \ . ?OF THE? 2 WANT'S AND PLANTER'S ? NATIONAL BANK (j F UNION, 80 ITII CAROLINA, Jnion, ia the State of South Caroit the close of business, April t K)t>. IL RESOURCES find discounts 9213,187 .W F afts, securod and unsecured tt> W loads tosocurc circulation.. 15.000 00 Hf Securities, etc 20,000 00 W or house, . (uriiiture and 1 is 10,000 00 g rom National Hanks (no.t rve intents) 12.500 45 |UJ ?m approved reserve aircuts r>0? 00 E i and other cash items...... 1,580 8ft E Of Other National Hanks . 010 00 If' onal paper curroncy, nickels "* * Itt cents 200 r.r. E 21.220 .? P tender notes 3,000 00 If iption fund with U. S. ^ ^ | r (.'> per corn. 01 uiiuuiuiiuiw i>>u uu k Total $303,88} 85 S LIABILITIES. il stock puld in $ HO.nOO 00 us fund 31,218 81 ,'idcd profits, less expenses ixea puld... 3,530 TO mil flunk Notes outstanding 15.?4)0 00 o approved reserved agents... 323 33 Idunl deposits subject to r 181,310 98 cr's checks outstanding 5 O 00 jand bills redlsoountod 11,000 00 Total $303,882 85 of south Carolina, I [>uty of Union. 1 J. D. Arthur, Cashlor of the above id bunk, do solemnly swear that the above ment Is true to tho Joest of my knowlnud boliof. j. d. Arthur, Cashlor. Ascribed and sworn to boforo mo this day of April lUOfl. \V. 5V. IIcqhbs, Notary Public. ORRBCT?ATTB8T ; F. M. Farh. 1 A. H. Fostbr, v Directors. John a- If At/is, I JUST AVI LAME We are sure you v lookinn ft y v EASTER FOO STYLISH TIE^ If the best that buy will interest yo your service. There is no stoi for Women's Shoes t WE ARE EXPERT SHOE Union Shi r 11 v/ a i ? L# BAD POLICY! ^ i I If you hire your sewing i?|hgg done you pay for a machine several times over |a and don't own a machine W at last. Why not buy a ^ machine? Even if you use it only for common ^8J work it will be a profitable inve: Pitman" Drop Head Machine market at the price. It has the you raise the top it raises the he bearing throughout, fine cabin< and very light running. Full set guarantee every one of them an THE PRICE IS ONL CALL IN AND 1NSP TURNER &M ^ NEXT TO FLYN JUST REC 1 SOLID CAR I AUBURN V M Guaranteed For 1 COME AND S I OUR PRICES Al | UNION HARDWAR 1 Union, S. /ORD !S! /ill soon be >r TWEAR money can u, we're at re like this tnd Hosiery. FITTERS. )e Co. ; *| stment. Our uNew m is the best on the ^ automatic lift, when ^ 'ad. 5 drawers, ball ^ ?t work, high arm ^ of attachments. We a % V ?25.00. i 'ECT THEM. * AYFIELD i nwE 3'TMnrfe stmie wrmmm jeived! LOAD D 7AG0NSI mW ^rc AA U p 18 Months, y SEE US. 1 R^RfGHT. I E COMPANY, I i^A.mllllJiV *?4Ui% 4wUIUb