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Is to place within y< reach well-made, sty I correctly fitting cum vr AU>!)I:R \'H: PR!C You need not he oxtr; agant in your expen lures, in order to he w dresseu. i. you'll co here ,nd let us til von a SPERO. MICH A oi MM Mj! I . Those garments designed to moot tho quirements ol' the n who desires stylish : appropriate apparel a reasonable outlay. Come .here To fil mm iiiiiK ?* <=> fl is sold und guarantee ?| IAnd other I business, i Sprinkler t LARGL B( g|| KlG6 1A33 vi':i; :?-j I WHY a That you can't find ar j?3 it is so hard to find i ?? this time of the year? j5j| store two or three tint always find something could be had: someth J?| relishable and desirable [Pg fare: and something th little money: and often sjg little trouble to prepare We are always get gSj able goods, and as oftei fjeiffi are reasonable, we get Epl and Northern vegetable: |Ss| produces, about which Egg unless you pay us a v Ejp stay at home and compl g|p hard to find something t p*? who do visit us frequen isfactory variety and reli 83 Sonio of the things .WW, inai you don't Cine -'Wi" CODFISH, in ev. J&g MACKEREL, all sixes, I Sgl PICKLED PIG FEET, LI g|| CALIFORNIA LIMA g# BAKED BEANS, FRESH Eg NEW MACARONI. All est CEREALS. Visit lis sJS make it pleasant for you. i THE UNION (lit S3 API. SEASONABLE HmoHBHanRBBsn ish jf 'JK^ iLj^ iks m'? Im^' ri- ', V '^i: ..... Aw .L t^v {"a STfao-MiWE^ ^ ii your Clothing Wants. DHEN. *, I'ornailar People. RBCnBBESIISnnBnBHBI H t2 gEH?H?g31IgS Death er our positive to do the work. kinds of pests j * * ? par out""of Easy to apply, op on bottle. OTTLE 25c. | D ~ g 1 UMKMB| ytiling to cat, and that ^ ^uiiicuung to cook at ?fc If you will \ isit our 8jp os a week, you will that you didn't know Pj| ing that will make a 4 change in the bill of &4i at will cost you very ||j| i times something verv jp? ting new and season1 as the market prices jp| shipments of Florida eg various fruits and gSS you cannot know jgl isit: and while you pg ain about it being so ?S 0 eat, your neighbors IK? liy are having a sat- 2g si table changes every ?2 that we have to offer jE|S 1 elsewhere is? ,'iv shape desired, fifi MCKLED SALMON, Sgfi LORIDA CABBAGE, KM 1 BEANS, BOSTON gfS CREAM CHEESE, US the latest and fresh- y| ; often and we will PS !GCERY CO., g (iKOCHRIHS. 1 STATE CONFEDERATE REUNI | Programme For The Gathering | InmBia May 16 to 18, Indu; H Columbia, April V>.?S E Gen. Thomas W. Carwile, manding the South Carolina | ion of Confederate Veteran ' the special eommitteo of thc< I bin Chamber of Commerce a] , eel to arrange; for the com ^ union here on the lfith. 171 ISih of next month, had a | ei e?- this afternoon, with the J that the outline <f a genci 1 gramme was agreed upon, 9 tails to he. worked out later, 'i On Wednesday night, aft* u ecption to tin* sponsors from ? will be devoted to weleome a . g .. ukajul responses which > 11 I lowed on Thursday mornii E hu.-iness session, at which tl f oration will he delivered."' 1 Thursday night there wil i address to the sponsors ai sponses, following the street] p beginning at "? o'clock tha noon. J A business session, folio telling anecdotes and stories, the attraction for Friday m On Thursday night a spec war drama will be enacted theatre by local talent, and day night there will beadem tion at the theatre in the na Ia reproscnunion oi camp sot A. K. News and Courier. MANY JAMESTOWNS. SpcGial Invitation Extended The zens to be Present on Jamesi Day Norfolk, \'a., April jell l:?th day of May, 1907, \ lis waters of Hampton Itoads J gM its shores in Norfolk couni three hundredth anniversary first permanent settlement <>: gfnl lish-spenking people in Ai will he memorialized by the <j town Exposition. 189 This date will bo Jatm gg Day. There were Spanish s gfS in America before Jamestown ?? the French had established Hp| villages along the Canadian SRi but the palissades on Powh fj|| River which were named aft KM reigning monarch of England Hi ed the first village in the w |S world where English was spot gg* The descendants of the oi cBfl settlers are scattered through*) 11 uitod btates. o"fcV 1 ..moiican Revolution vi Jamestown Island, it was f f||j that not less than lifteel vis Bw mum hers of the society triced 8 ancestry directly to somcinhab of Jamestown. The Exposition management ore discovered many Ja^nestowners t|a have invited them to pnrticipat i&g the celebration on the loth da ffl May. t Recently it has been suggc that inhabitants of other Jai IP towns and descendants of past habitants should be included in *3 igeneral invitation, and, .ramify H j this thought, take in the people ftS all the cities named after James iL ! First. ? The Postal tiuide of the I'ni 3 States gives Jainestowns in the i s lowing States: Alabama, Ark; 1 sas, California, Colorado, CJeorg ] Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kans j Kentucky, Louisiana, M icing; ) Missouri, New York, North Cai ! lina, North Dakota, Ohio, Penns j vania. liluuln ^ - , ..n.iiui, lunnossee ai ] Wisconsin, besides Virginia's sett | inent. i Three of these Jamestowns a county scats; one the capital Russell county, Kentucky; anoth of Stutsman county, North Dakota and the third of Fentress count; Tennessee. Jamestown, New York, js tli largest of the coterie with a popuhi tion of about lid,000; Virginia i the smallest, having only ten in habitants. There are seven postolliecs calle< James, three Jamesburgs, one Jamc City, one James Creek, one Jainci Island, two Jamesports, one Jamci River, one James' Store, five.lames villas. Roth of the Jamesports are fairlj si/eable places and three of the Jamcsvilles hare money order stations and are places of ei?n??i i > __ tllJIC coneeqvonco. Twanty-fivo States have within their borders one or more towns named after James the First, who, if 1 ie could return to earth, would probably perpetrate sonic wonderful 'epigram on the subject, since while living lie was known as "the wisest fool in Christendom." NotiGe. All persons indebted to James 8. Welch deceased, must make immediate payment to Capt. F. M. Farr, who is 11 uly authorized to make all settlements All claims against the estate must he presented to him properly probated. Sarah 8. Welch, [ Administratrix Estate of J. 8. Welch. | ON. On the Death of Godfrey B. F( ill CO- Mr. Editor?Godfrey ]>. F< ifve. 's n<> more. On the 2nd of / "death who knocks with equal pceial: the door of the cottage an com- Pafacc gJite, was busy at bis apf Divis- ^work." s and i'r- rowler was rather adv: Jolum- 3't'ars, but lie bore bis year ppoint- OUc much younger than be ling re- ^ucf' could be said of bis vii Lb and ',ut withal none can gainsay his! confer- and integrity. From my > result 1 knew him intiniatelj *al pro- f,ilV0 m:vcr heard aught sj the do- against bis rugged honesty an tegrity. lie lived and move r a re- fciitly an(f without ostentatioi - *{0 - was respected by a commun ddress- ^r'CIUf?. What he professed lie be fol- ftnf* to employ an old ex pre eg bv a Praetieed what be preacl 10 chief Some years ago lie entered p and was elected to the lower bi 1 be an ?' legislature, and in all s id re- three terms in that body. It parade, 'ties he was fearless and spol> t after- honest convictions. His servii the legislature were charaeti wed by with an apparent desire to will be t>he greatest good to the gn orning. mimber. IIis political creed v course criticised bv bis onnon "ttl* no ono questioned the sine on Fri- of his ,notivt'si.... He, after a long and hone in-, nf career in puhlie, and private lif poses in the eternal sleep. Peace be to his ashes. C. 11. Fosri Letter From West Springs. lir Citi- West Springs, April 13.?Mr tOWn jt-." ipi ! caption of "Irony of Fate," 1 agree with you. My mind goes the to the time prior to 1891, the ... I. iU. 41? * J iricl on started, when 1 was in Union ty, the cold winter rainy day, and sa of the old grey headed man who had T Eng- all over town to sell a good loj inerica wood for 81.00 and had failed lames- finally persuaded the editor of Timks to take it on his subscript sstown And prior to 1891 (the same da ettlers above) eggs were 8 1-8 to 15 c i, and per dozen, frying si/.e chickens 1 some 10 to 10 2-0 cents, Hens were coast, -2 1-2 cents,vegetables could ha atan's be Hold at all, neither fruit, ex cr the cherries, and 5 bushels would "gl form- the market at loc. per gal estorn A wood yard was unknown to Uni :<>n. Two milk dairies could not find ginal for milk and butter. An up-to-c i.t the delivery jrawnvi-y pm^t^TookeVr .s of ward all the year to Decern bci isitcd January for some merchant ound 'bust" so they could buy up tifinirr stnpl' "1 4K^v "' ' .v...fe uiu sneriit s s;ilo cheap their was a common thing then for so itant one to "bust." But since tl time things have changed, Union havo on a boom, nobody thinking of bu and i'>g, wood is $3.00 per cord, eggsj ;c in 15 to 35 cents per dozen, fryi vv of chickens from 20 to 30 cents eac hens 25 to 35 cents each, vegetal! stcd of any kind in demand at fair pric lies- and also fruit, especially nice frui , in- A big wood yard is thriving the Union, a dozen milk dairies cann ring supply the demand-at fair prices, > of dozen or more delivery wagons a the kept busy, delivering goods, nohoci in the country expects a inerchai ted in Union to "bust." fol- T could write an hour longer an in- then not toll all, but this is suflic ;ia, iont to cause some one to think as, littlp. . Shall I say- what, trough in, this change about, or unto who thi ro- change was due? No! any reason yl- able thinking man knows already nd There are some pcopUt for wlion le- you may do 9b things (or* favors] and miss one, even?$niough you 11U13 re wish to do it ever so much, you get of no credit or praise for any. CI* J. M. WlllTKllKAD. :! EASTER 1 9 ; ! ...HATS... I i ...SEE... S I Hflil5hinso'n' & Wicker 5 ? 5 * BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR 5 S SPRING MILLINERY, j I S i i s S STYLES RIGHT s : PRICES RIGHT \ s,......................,: a iwler. jwiiT ? WE WA kpril' ^ . ? ? hand #i S 1 (1 tin* g? 8*^6 K)int- ? a 0 1 ???.,, fi TO YOU PO rf\vas. ? Wc have all kinds o( rtuosj 5 Shoes lor brother an< ilion- 5 auntie, Shoes for gr 5 and at all prices?fo ' L.n ? rea' cheap and fancv a in- % thing good, durable >a $d- ? three (3) brands of i and ? ours. First, because x[y ()f ? every pair to give sa !' ? bark or a new pair, mid" L and the wearer will > >1 itics J ones that I bought 1 nurii ' , w nat more can you iivnJ v* high cut and Oxford 1 Pj(>- o> Southern Girl, $2.00 a: his b "(S in tZ % McLURE T bring v. , the cnt"! f [now is To Begin to Nature is hp?inn : w attire--Why not t fill lv back for the dingy spot y?w!S witn a new piece < ?ne ting or Rug--onIy tried a big difference in 11JHall or Lace Cur Tub Windows sonietini to as new shades. Let Us Kn< !() to rdly We are prepared coy,\ demai ut Ion. BAILEY f sale late J ^ jj^ I ^ ^ | E 1 g| For Spring no> ss gg inspe | Mutual Dry Clothiers, Hatters | IBS flllllll llClill IffiXifl All Example for You. Why will our people on the best residence streets allow their delapidatcd fences to remain staggering , about like a drunken man? Maj. i J no, A. Font and his brother, Mr. 1 1'. E. Fant have just added .r>0 per | ient to their magnificent homes on [Cast Main, by putting up Iron Fenc- t ng. I? Fant Itros. do things to stay done I ?which by the way is an example' n irorth following, (i. E. Claxon the li lonument man of Spartanburg,fur- h ished this work. Mr. Sharp, his ilegfnftnV'hps always done his share f the business in his line, j pa ???M?WMCkt?? ?*? vNT TO TALK 'j O E S... | R A PEW MOMENTS. jft * Shoes?Shoes for the baby, 2 d sister, Shoes for uncle and ^ and-mother and grand-father, J r those who want something 2 and for those who want some- 2 and comfortable. There are ? t Ladies Shoes that are pets of 2 ? we can guarantee each and 2 tisfactory wear or your money 2 Second, because they fit well 2 vant another pair "just like the 2 ast." Third, they look well. ? ask? We have them in both 2 Ties. Southland Belle, $1.50. 2 . Autograph, $2.50. That's all. J 1ERCANTILE CO. } J UNDERSELLERS. <4 ' THE TIME Spruce up a Little! ing to put on tier Spring ake the hint and look about s that need brightening-sf Furniture, Carpet, Mata picture sometimes makes % appearances. Maybe your tains need looking after, es look better replaced with ow Your Wants. to meet every reasonable id in this line. URNITURE CO. Clothing' | | v open for your m ction. 8 0 ' Goods Co., i ; and Furnishers. Letter to J. S. Thomas. fj '' i Dear Sir: Would ,:i"v * _ 10 near of a .'it-year paint? Mr. James A. O'Neils house, Henderloii. N O, waa painted L'O vears ago with Devoe lead-and-zinc, and never painted igain till last year; it then looked beter than common paint in half that ime. The reason is; Devoe is all paint and rue paint; while the common paints re part true and part false. Don't pay > monkey with paint. And Devoe costs leas than any of'em; ot by the gallon, of course; by the ouso and year. That's how to reckon Go by the name. Yours truly * 'jB F. W Dkvou & Co. jS bailey Lumber M'f'g, Co. sell cur % lint,