University of South Carolina Libraries
BBnassi sssss | The Busy Be Kj Every department is to-date, clean, fresh single article in tiie en S brand-new. You can date goods trom ns at to pay for old stuff els t*?i Bargains in Shoe gjj Dress Goods, Linens, Kg Curtains, Emhroiderie Call and j^j Next door to Pe IH! SB SB888 888 888 SB 88 tr*+*m j?j.-'i? iwi?hb in ai i u-iwi?^JL-T-a NOW IS ' To Begin to Sp Nature is beginning attire==Why not take for the clingy spots tl With a new piece of F | ting or Rug?only a pi< S *? KI<r /I C4 171^ MUIVI VilWW III Hall or Lace Curtain Windows sometimes 1< new shades. Lei Us atnow We are prepared to demand i BAILEY FIJI * ffTr 11?nSiBin:\HFftS' Don't Defy i Spring with your heavy, < 1 Lincolnlortable suit, Z?f. \ Welcome the sunny I days with new, ! ^ i smart, cheery, light>j w e i g h t garments ~ Slfer.'-rrs--brwe show in all the new fabh^11,'|;^s, patterns and color-- NsJ j ings of the famous 1_ House of Kuppenheimer make. Every fashionable shade ] and weave is here ' I and many choice, exclusiv e th to show you. ....COMIC AX 1.^, t ? | Slier we are sure tn J. CO Dfiflih o! Mr. .John Y. Sartor. \ Mr. John V. Sartor ?1 i? <I at his /\ homo in Crockett, Texas, Saturday, S March 17. ilc was a native of this county and married Miss Elizabeth Cross and in InM) he moved with his family t?? Texas, !in which state lie resided from the time lie moved from I'nion uhtil his death. Mr. Sartor was a nieinher of one of the host families in the State and was one of I nion's hest and most highly respected citizens and left his native state to seek a hotter living in a newer and, as he and many others thought, more fertile lields, heing a farmer. He was a brother of the late James C. Sartor, and of Mr. Win. H. Sartor and Mrs. II. K. Smith, of this city, Mrs. F. E. JJaviS and Mrs. T. Ji. L'atcs of * : i ??HBB ro HUM!j Cash Store. 1 ?l chock-full of new, up- EH Merchandise. Not a ||j itire stock but what is MI buy ^ood, new, up-to- ?w prices 3 0u would expect ten e where. ff| s, Pants, Boys Suits, Lawns, Notions, Lace ^ See Them! gj lONES.i oples Supply Co. || THE TIME tute up a Little! to put on her Spring the hint and look about iat need brightening" urniture, Carpet, Mateture sometimes makes earances. Maybe your is need looking after. :>ok better replaced with Your Wants. meet every reasonable n this line. tNSTURE CO. 1 jf7 I ^ 1 ^ f B ^ ^ B ?1 11 ^T i r*~' r?'.v-tf.nT C'r V4^ S ,l.,il,, Cjtfcf I they i learn ings which we want | ami E shoul h them i) I ing;. I / v vmu ers , at you'll be pleased. | HEN. I this eounty. lie became a member of the Home Lodge Knights of Honor in IKTt) at the 1 age of :VS years and remained a member until ISfMi. At the time j of his death he was (?o years old. i lie volunteered at the beginning of f...l ? . ie... - - " ? iiik v i Mini hi an; n :u ill l lie lll'Sl j company that left I'liion, in Col. (iregg's regiment ami remained in this regiment for six months, and ! he joined the Macbeth light artillery, with which command he rei lained through the entire four years of the war. He leaves a widow and light children, and a ' number of relatives and friends in this Coiinry to mourn his death. Don't forget the Herald Square Comic Opera Co. at the Opera House | Monday night, April 2nd, [ I -ft ?? Schools and Education. i Mr. Editor?I am surprised mi disappointed at not seeing any ltei of contribution to the Education! Column which you offered theteael and pupils of the schools at the b ginning of this year. 1 IVrhaps the teachers and pupi I are too busy with their school woi i to write for your paper: Then wl may not the other friends of Educi tion improve the opportunity solil ; orally <?ITs red by writing soincthir needful and helpful to the school Not only one column, but one pa| I of y< ur paper might be filled, toll very best advantago it possibly coul he, with instructive information f< tlu-course of education. Theschou j are not in such a state of perfectic j that they do not need improvemet especially the District. School. Apparently the chief hindrance 1 proper advancement in-^iese schoo is the need of a props* ^-sSMfc^teJ} | The majority of pupils in ! schoolsare beginners in learinPfe an I cannot learn anything correttJv on] las their attention an'j mindfJspro] erly directed to the lessons by tt teacher, unless these small childre are classed so that the teacher ea have a large number of them givii their attention to the same, lesson 5 the same time, they cannot get tl attenion they need in school. It not necessary that all pupils classi together should he of the same grac of advancement; that is seldom 001 venient in school. In teaching children to spell ha\ as many as possible in the san class and let each one spell a woi at a time, in this way all will 1 giving their attention to the san lesson under the proper attention < the teacher; those that know tl lesson best will be learning it moi perfectly while the rest will he lean ing. In teaching children to read hav them classed and let each one rea a line or sentence, paying strict a tcntion to the stops and marks. In teaching children the alpluihi or letters it is best not to teach thei by rote or to repeat them from a I /, except a few times or occasionally Show them O and ask them to fin another O, and so of S, \V &c unt they have learned the majority. ] is best to let the children learn t distinguish the b and d, q and p ( the small letters as they learn t spell and read. 1 have taught man small children to read in a fe weeks and never had the least b of trouble in teaching them tlje let tors in a few days. ?^ \ Another hindrance to the propc advancement in the district school is the teachers generally prefer t give their time and attention to few advanced pupils while tli smaller children are almost entirel neglected. The most pitable sight I ever i>< held was a crowd of bright, intelli gent little innocent and imprcssibl children forced to sit all day Ion in a school room and look at th teacher giving her attention toafci larger pupils that properly had 11 just claim 011 the attention of th I teacher, while so many little chil dren were entirely neglected. It seems astonishing how little rc gard many teachers have for thei ! great responsibility in the care c the small children committed t them in schools. | It is astonishing how little rcgar school officers have in seeing tha the schools are properly taught whei it is their duty to aid teachers ii managing and teaching the school properly. It is astonishing how paivnts.wil Send their little r*l)i1r1 rt>n cviUr?r> v-.>.?v?i V>< t\/ 0L/UWU 4 Defected and havohVir mind d and tht.j4>s*otir hcal'th injured whil are majL,,.(j n^ing no progress ii ing. '1 he me < trustees of the school the pnrenUJJiP'-^ 0f the ehildrei (1 visit the p-hoolsand acquain selves with Vu| i,0the system of teach help and eiy? ? courage the teach n their re?|t,l>JS_pOUSiUa work an< \M4~tTmr'Alrhrt>i..a'tI children are no neglected. Children if properly taught (though they have never seen a bool before or known a letter of the al phahct,) will learn to spell and rca( well in three months time, I knov this to he true by teaching man} small children. E. A. Garner, Kelton, S. C. Meeting 01 Prospective Candidates fo Legislative and County Office. All prospective candidates for leg islativo and county oflices, are earn estly requested to meet together ii the Court House next Monday,Apri 2nd, immediately after the adjourn inont of the Cotton Association .nailers of vital importance to th candidates, will Ikj discussed. Respectfully, J. I). Epps. The Herald Square Comic Open Co. will appear at the Opera Hons on Monday night, April 2nd. R sure and get your seat early, as thi; is one of the best performances tha 1ms visited our city, 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS. <| Candidates for Municipal Offices v. _ be required to pay $2.60 in advanoe . their announcement as Caiuiidt M from their ward. l- ? B. FOlt MAYOR. The many friends and ardent hi )g porters, in appreciation of his past \ .u uab!e services, hereby announce M beth Young a candidate for Mayoi y the city of Union, subject to the de< i- ion of the Democratic primary elect '* Having been solicited by good e '8 y.ens to be candidate for Mayor at i it. ensiling election. 1 hereby annum je myself as such, subject to the Den era tic primary election. My j latfo . , is retrenchment and reform. ld M. W. Cct r rr Is 10K AEDEREAN WARD 1. it I hereby announce myself a can it date for Alderman of Ward 1, subj to the Democratic primary election J. li. fcknoiMwrr to Is 1 hereby announce myself a can j date ror Warden from Ward l, subj to the decision of the Democratic i , niary election. J as. G. Lono, Ju d |? I%ereby announce my.-elf a can lid for reelection for Alderman fr P" Ward 1, subject to the decision of I 10 Democratic primary election. t* J. W. Crawfouji n FOR ALDERMAN WARD 2. )g . I hereby announce myself a can date for reelection as Alder t an fr 10 Ward 2, subject to the decision of I is Democratic primary election. ,(\ F. G. Avstei.I, I hereby announce my.-elf a can l- date for Alderman from Ward 2, si ject to the decision of the Deinocra urimary election. E. L. Ci.ark ,c J_ Ft) R A DDE KM A N WARD 3. I hereby announce myself a enn )C date for Alderman from Ward 3, si ject to the decision of the Democra ^ primary election ii. G. Baii.b.v to FOR ALDERMAN WARD 4. rc I announce myself a candidate t- Alderman from Ward 4, subject to t Democratic primary election. 0 F. 0. Wii.i.At n t- Special Advertisemen Notices will bo Inserted in this columi the rate Of 25 words or loss for 25c one is? ' four issues for 75c. Additional lines o '.O twonty-Uvc words 5c a line. RURPEES garden and flower so i grow and they are the best tl grow. For sale by E. li. Scaife, It.. ;o , ONE OF THE largest lines and best )f lection of Cigars to be found Union, and if you enjoy a good smol 1 call on us and we can meet your y quireuaents. The Union Grocery C i FOR SALE?A lot of nice Jersey a mixed breed cows cheap for ca? J. J. Littlejohn, Jonesville, S, C. 13-31 .l IT is Fresh if you got it at The Uni i Grocery Co. O ' a THE Union dress making cstablh meat is now open for business, j |C in need of work of this kind shot: y call and investigate. 6-tl FRESH Roasted Coffee; big stock the best Tea. If you want Coffee a i- Tea satisfaction, we can give it to yc e Prices the lowest for the quality; a ? ' grade you desire. The Union Gi b eery Co. v INSURANCE?It costs very little insure your residence or store agaii ^ | burglary, burglary Insurance, Fi c j Insurance, Fidelity Bonds. See - j B. O'Shields, at People's Bank. 7 ! WE ARE giving the best value for cents ever sold, in a California Peat r good enough for dessert on any tab >f l.arge cans, extra heavy syrup, cl u licious flavor. Special prices by t I dozen. The Union Grocery Com pan d BIGGEST J INK of Extracts and t ^ bcit that is made in Extracts can liad at The Union Grocerv Com pan n We handle the famous Blue Ribb h and Leggett's Gilt Edge. If you \va S the best in quality for the mom j give us your orders. The Union Gi j I eery Co. 1 YOU will find it at the Union Gr s eery Company. c HAVE you tried Russian Caviar? J 1 | imported delicacy. Doesn't cost y< s much to find out what it is. In in< vidual cans 20 cents each, at T1 | Union Grocery Co. , . THE tonality is the best if yon got _ | from the Union Grocery Co. 1 IMPORTED French Peas, 25 cents n t, | can. If you want to know w hat a tit icacy is, try this. Also have them good grade for less money. T1 i Union Grocery Company. _ THE Price is right if yAu got it fro j The Union Grocery Co. k Advertised Letters y Remaining in the Post Office atUnie B. C., for the week ending March '< B?Banister, J T. C?Cunningham, P C; Clousc, Add r Carneat Mary. D?Davis. J B. F?Foster. Wallace; Fish, Ida; Ft goson, Creas. Floyd, J W., II ? Harris, Larraine; flunley, Mar Hodge, Lillie. J?Johnson, Dr D II; Junes, Mar 11 Jenkins, Pansy; Jeter, Lonnie; Jont J Mard; Johnson, Maggie. 11?Lorin, C M; Lawson, Monroe; L" better, Annie. M?Mastburn, II W; McGill, Flc e ence. N?Neal, Mrs Alice; Newton, Aithv ft P?I^iflpronn \Ior4l?o . 1 : r . iiinibiia , 1 irmuiil, lil gi; Palmer, John. It?Roberts, John. S?Smith Ressie, Smith. Charlie. T?Turner. Terl. V?Vaughn, Florence, e W?Waddell, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wi c liama, J II ; Worthy, Ollio. s Persons calling for the above lotte . will please say if advertised, and wi he required to pay one cent for the ttijlitUrj. J. U. tiunTMii) P. M. V WHY Y( - I BUY F mf ' ? lip_ r hi KB I : Because ai- ^ stocks of Dress Gooi ^ Goods, Hats, Clothing ;i<- f SECOND: Becai lou & season, where we & the latest and newest l,cc ^ position to see just showing in their attrac & lower price than our drummers. We buy'; $ from houses who^ell di- any drummers. (' & THIRD: Esecaus & are thus in a better po ldi. our goods at a lower p cot $ buys on long time and !ri~ & All we ask is an o #> have said. ate m> Z % McLURE Ml ^ THE U idi- ?___o.??__ urn t jjUSTF r I SOLID g KI 1RIIBN tie ? ^ ' * ^ "?f I Guaranteed ? B COME A _ I OUR PRICE I 1 UNION HARD ml H Un on _ JL *jjj I ?i I m I SB " =- II ^or Spring n< I ins| Z 1 Mutual Dr gg Clothiers, Matt ,y. MX.f flllhlflluUh'i IXtfllllll 59> Letter to R. M. Estes, a- Union, S. C. ,r" Dear Sir: You sell a good ma things hy the gallon. Being a decc lr* man, you give full measure. n* You know what we mean ; you km that short weight and short measi are common among?well, we ho there are no short measures a weights in your town. There are, though. Ribbons a d- laces and trimmings, sold by the "'It en," measure nine or ten yards. he rs is no complaint, because "they all ill I it." You have the same plague ir I your goods?nearly every thing, cann ' ?r bottled, ehente in the ^uautit 3U SHOULD J ) ROM US! j Jl we carry one of the largest..,w" ds, Millinery, Shoes, Fancy 3J , Trunks and small Ward's. J use we go to market each J are able . not only to get ? things, because we are in a 0 what the large retailers are 9 :i\v/ show windows, but at a ^ jr .competitor who buys from J e' \ large quantity of our goods J for cash and do not send out * e we discount our bills and J* sition to both buy and sell f# rice than the competitor who H never goes on to market. J# pportunity to prove what we J# \w ' %W ERCANTILE CO. % NDERSELLERS. j# EceTvedI CARLOAD 1 WAGONS 1 l||||^ $55.00 i** For 18 Months. jl iND SEE US. 1 :S ARE RIGHT. I WARE COMPANY, I ion, S. C. M IP* ^ JClothing i | ' M. Wl )w open for your Sj section. ^ y Goods Co., I ers and Furnishers. $$ ?? /A Almost nobody gives full weight in a factory-package. We are one of the almost nobodies. We sell paint, by the gallon, to paint ny your house ; and our gallon is just tho 'lit same size as yours that you measure vinegar with?231 cubic inches. dw Good paint too?Pevoe lead-andire zinc?takes fewer gallons than mixed ipe paint and wears twice as long as leadnd and-oil. You own a house. That's why we nd are writing to you. vy r* Yours truly, 3 do F. W. Dbvos A Co. 'j; P. S: Bailey Lumber A Mfg. G?. ^ ^ tells our paint* W ^