Headquart ^jwniniuiHwriC3iiii'iiii,:''"11 ^NrbhbhmH^ I ^ivninHiVM l I ^ I DoJ!s! Dolls! I'tns of every will excli WON S. iYL RICE, JR., E. U., PF *nr .1 ~\'r't i ! i was uie week Before Christmas! i MY foil:* r.et f;.r.ny nowadays? I can't 1< U what is on. When tna ccrr.ca in si.e always fays, | "What hur.dliJ come when 1 was gone >" An' if ! touch a closet drsor Or hunt f.-.r playthings anywhere Somebody runs acroft llie (loer And saya I "mustn't go in there! " My s?Mor talks a h"?.;i with ma. Hut vvlii^orj when I com* aroun'. An they hide th-.rys away so pa V. cn t ?ec Vm when lie conit i (rem town. I told j a a'l about it too ; 1 'e only luiii'hej. cn said to me, "7 Iv.s time o' year it's 1% 't (or you tS :! to observe the th!::,v yo'.l ?fc." ir.wj; VOL" WiLS IjOOK/\0>" Th-ra's packages l>chind l!ic !?ul In ma'e room. Vv hen I (^uncJ them there I art her what th y was. She sniin not a dress. An' both r.f them hide that from pa! There's s-smepin poked liehind the books. But pa he's gone an' turned the lock; An' near o? I cao see. it looks likti sorr.cpio's hid behind tlm dock. Mv folk* ?cts ( umj ?i cjsn't m? :ers for Sai Pianos, j Organs, Guitars, Graphophones, Banjos, Violins, Accordeons, Furniture, Stoves, Guns, Clocks, Wares of al! kinds 7-IIS LOT 5c EACH r- /-.> & S * /Ii |n . k ^r" _ (J*% y - 1 o h)$,J P i : ; sKy.- fri* i;~*? J mm o I i .a* , vest, draws & , Socks of Cnpt. Lewis, pr MocUersons of \\ hit chouse, a small Indian basket i of Huterieh (Cioodrlrh) A: 2 Dust wca ! seD tales of the S?iunr of Sliahono & j some black roots of the Indians. Our j Dinner to day consisted of pore Elk hulled, split lii-.lt ik some roots, a had i t'iirisjn,as dinner, warm day.?From "Newly Discovered lVrsonul Records <>f Lewis and Clark." A Carton* Contain of Oxfordshire. In suite places in Oxfordshire, England. it was the right of every maidservant i i s> k iite hired man for a 1 >11 <-r ivy to trim llw house. If lie turned :i deaf ear i i her importunities or for g ?t her n?,nest she would steal a pair of his breeches and nail them to the gate in the yard or on tin* highway. 'J'his was supposed to debar him from all privileges of the mistletoe. for St. Motiolitn* While Horse. Ill Hclglinn ttie ehlldretl expect tin* good St. Nicholas to visit thcin. TJtey think lie rides on a white horse, so tlie.v polish their shoes with great; eare. till them witli liny, oats or carrots for the Faint's horse and put them In tho fire place or on a table, and In the morning. Instead of the forage, they find sticks for the had children and candies for the good ones. Vain Regretj. "Looking hack over your life, do you tind much to regretV" asked tho solemn one. "Yes, Indeed," said Short Change Hill tin,1l? l(T .ill -- ?- > " *" mull). 1 "lire Hill 11 IOIIOW up lor under the impression Hint it was nil lie had and found next day th.it ho was holdiupr out 0:1 me a roll of nbout i fSOO."' i i Tiresome. * 'T ilou't like ihe life," bald the actor In the one nlejht 6taud company. "Wllyr i HiQ constant Cb'dii&lDU tpbijes ft'sib' mh'ublO'ntAis'." _ nta Claus! | THIS LOT He SACK j mssBi ! S i l ano for your little gir , ly time. 3RE, UNION, S. C. G-RDL'NG THE GLG3E. How I'iipJo Sn in lVlnlii'N All (ht World lini>|'.< \vw VfHr, At midnight Dot', 31, from the whit?, lowering time factory on Georgetown lieights, Admiral Cheat of, superintendent of the National observatory, will have sounded completely around the earth hy the cables which now span our great spinning h?p ami to the continental and insular nations to tlse north and south hy vast networks of wire ramifying In all directions from tills great girdle a signal announcing the birth of the venr 1003 at the capital of our republ / At one push of the odleial hut ton the electrie greeting will permeate our continent and leap across the I'aeitie from San Francisco to Honolulu, to Midway, to Guam, to Manila and to Ilongk u-g. Flashing up and down the entire eastern coast, of Asia, from Ale::androvsk 1o the Malay peninsula, it will cross Sumatra and the home of the wild man of Iioruco; will speed over the ooffce plantations of Java in Amiraiio ninl New Zealand. Hurrying over the snowdrifts of Siheria and Bussia, it will 1k? felt in Moscow pud St. Petersburg and there be taken tip by the thick mesh of wires covering northern and central Europe, going to London and el the same time spanning the coast uf the black continent of Africa. Front Alexandria it will tic shot 730 tulles up the Nile into the very heart of Africa. Leaping out into the sea. it will register Itself in the isles ol' Madagascar and Mauritius. From Lisbon to the Madeiras and over the ('ape Verde islands it will jump to l'ernambueo, ltrax.il; thence down into the wilds of central Argentina and up into Bolivia, across tin; Windward isles, the Lesser Antilles and the West In dies and then home again to the en pi tal of lite nation. Tt is almost inconceivable that such a circuit of tlm earth can be made in scarcely more time tlian you would expend in wishing a neighbor "a happy new year!"?Washington Star. I'eter Siu> vewinf* Mew Year'*. The custom of celebrating New Year's day in onr own country Is largely due to the Dutch. Ohl Deter Stuyvesant made imieli of the day, and cheery assemblages were behl at the i5'?friiur(i n unc in r>ew Amsterdam. The I 'lltch method of kissing the women for "n harpy new year" was observed ntul toll taken of all who were young and handsome. In fact, during the reign of Peter Btuyveaniit Now Amsterdam was the most thoroughly bekisscd country In all Christendom and formed a market I contrast to the staid Puritans, who thought the observance of this day savored strongly (?f revereueo for the god Janus and who mado no note of their first New Vfcar'a day in the now world savo to "Wo wont td Work New "Stork Evfcnhcg Pdtft GET WISH. C Book knowledge, It's the only prlxe That'-i really worth the chaso. For to be learned, great and wise 1b hardly a dlsgraco, y For wisdom truly is hot stuff With honor In its train. II You ought to know at least enough _ To come In out the rain. 1 i By reading books you'll soon get next .j To largo and useful facts. 5 If closely you peruse the text h Of almanacs and tracts t You'll shlno forth as u brilliant orb . And form a knowledge trust. * But havo a care and don't absorb t So much that you will "bust." y It's well sometimes to study men; J Then you may gather much l That may come handy to you when You want to mako a touch. And, further. It may serve you wo!!, ^ Aa facts on facts unfold, * I When somo one comes around to sell 1 A virgin brlclt of gold. f Get knowledge; chase it with both fee! I Wherever It appojtrs. t You'll find It crylr.;. on the street, And you may wipe its tears. Then all the people yon may das- ^ Zlo and to murmur force. "That follow knows as i.iurh?well, us An educated horse." 11 Where She Got Even. "Wasn't It dreadful the ivny (lie vll- J lain pursued her?" j "Yes, until they got behind the scenes, and then she turned on him and gave t him a piece of her mind because he ,< stopped on her train." j n aurrl For flirlm iiiiin Decora lion. ( The laurel being an evergreen makes i\ a striking feature lu a winter laud- 1 scape. Enormous quantities are used 1 in the Chrlstmus dressing of churches " for wreaths and other decorations. , Mountain laurel can bo grown for dec- t oratlve purposes, and It is cosily eulli- ? vated. What comes to market is gat!.*- i ered from the wild laurel growth. . e The Spirit of (ilvliiw. j Don't give only where you expect a return or bonder whether you will he supposed to buy something for A., B. 1 or C. The spirit of Christmas lies in Z the loving and the giving -never in the ^ receiving. the t Cash Barnain Store has received a large line of Ladies Neckwear and Hand- r kerchiefs. These collars and I Handkerchiefs will be sold at s wholesale prices, so it will 1 pay those who wish to buy j Collars and Handkerchiefs to call at once and get first' choice. All ladies appreciate collars and handkerchiefs for Christmas Presents. Isn't it so? Try it and see. 1 We have an elaborate line t of useful Xmas Presents, such is Shawls, Bibles, Wrist Bags, f Coves, Combs, Ribbons, J Buby Caps, Suspenders, Hos- \ iery, etc, Buy now! |J IS. I). N. WILIIIN.] i Huge Task. It was a huge task, to undertake the uro of such a bad cast* of kidnoy diease. as that of F. Collier, of Cherokee, Ia., hut Electric hitt. rsdil it. He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and sutTered from dreadful Mfkache, headache, and depression. In Electric Hitter-", however, I found a are. and hy them was restored to perect health 1 recommend this great ' nic nv dicine tints at rate of one and one-th irst class 0110 way fares, plus tw? y-five cents for the round ti minimum rate 50 cents.) Tick i) he sold December 22nd, 23 ! 1th, 25th, 30th, 31st, 1905, a 'unitary 1st, 190(1, with final lit anuarv 4th. 1900. Tickets for teachers and stude >f schools and colleges will Ih> si December 17th to 24th, 1905, w inal limit January 8th, 1900, uj jresentntion and surrender of c ificates signed by suporintendeii ninci pills and presidents of ' annus institutions of learning. For further information apply tny Southern Hailwhy ticketagenl \V. Hint, Buooks Mono. I). I'. A., A. G. P. A. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, ( FHE PERFECT W Scores of Union Peof Have Learned It.? I' you suffur from backache, tlier nly one way to care. 'I he perfect ^ s to cure the kidneys. A bad b neaus si< k kidneys Neglect it, in in roubles follow. Dean's Kidney lJ ire made for kidneys only. Thomas Poden, stock buyer i rader, living on IKpo' stieet Ches ? C , says: "'The lettiarkable amo >f benefit I received fr?>m the u < loan's Kidney Pills has convince I hat they are a great kidney and iche remedy. For a long time nick pained arrows the loins and hough I have used ninny lininn ind all kinds of plasters it was alw he same old ache until 1 u-ed !>oi Cidnev Pills The result of a li reatinent astonished me. 1 have tad a hac-aelie since I u ed tliein i have felt the stiengtlu-ning effect ivery way." For sate by all dealers. Price ents Foster-Mi I bur n Co., Buff b-w York, sole agents forthe Uni iia'ea. Remember tlie name?Doan's?; ake no other. SOUTHERN RAILWi HE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYST1 Inexcelled Dining Car Servl Through Pullman Sleeping Cat on all Through Trains?Convenient Schedule on all Local Trains. Winter Tourist Rates ; low in effect to all Flor joints. For full informati is to rates, routes, etc., cc ;ult nearest Southern Railw ricket Agent or {ROOKS MORGAN, R. W. HON1 A. U. P. A., I). P. A., Atlanta, (ia. Charleston, S Dying of Famine. s. in its to nients, like 'lying of c umption. The progre-B of co< sill ion, from the beginning to tlie v nd, is a lonjr torture, both to vie nd friends. "When I ha?i consti' ion in its fir-t st?ire," writes V Ivers, of Cearfoss. Mil., after try litfeient medicines and a v nd doc 11 vain, I at la*t took Dr King's ^ fiacovery. which quickly and perfe< nred me." I'mnipt relief and b nre for ughs. aihls, sore throat, hr hitis, etc. Positively prevents pn nonia. Onaraiiteed at P. C. On I I rnjr store, price 50c and $ 1.00 a hot 'rial bottle fiee. WE SAVE Y0 MONEY BY BUYING YOUR XMAS GOODS AT THE \ >almetto Drug Cc IT ni<*t Ron \v irk, Owners. No Secret About It. It is no secret, tliat for rn<8, Bur fleers, Fever Sores. H<>re Fyes, Po tc., nothing ia so ? ffeetivo a* Bnekl* rnioa Salve. ' It t?ke l?>nfr nre a Pad sore I had. and It ia alI.O. Dr g?ro evea," writes I) L. Oresrory, lone, Tex. 28c *t F. 0. Daktf a dj Bonk \ . V . ' . " v/ti y 9H WEEKLY PRICES! y?, Oil, per gallon 15c I." American Oat Meal 10c 1 ip- Fxmmm! Parched Coffee 10c nn Fig Newton 20c or- Salmon, 10c, 15c and 20c. its, Oranges, 510c, 10c and 50c." the Fresh Cream Cheese, 20c, or 51 lhs. for 50c. Fire Works! Fire Works 1 \Z W. Newell Smith. ? ?-? 1 Ja. We find that we are a lit? ^ tie over-loaded on FINE BOX PAPER MC - - - -- - ~ and for the next thirty days p is we will offer some real baracu gains in this line. We have *yy a beautiful selection of 50c 1 ls goods, surpassed by none in m.i town at this price, which we SS will offer for thirty days, or [ until sold out, for 35c per bo^' 4!!I? Remember that it is new an\^ strictly up-to-date. We wiivSkhave it displayed in our window for a few days. Be sure rVf to call and look it over even ? " if you do not need any just Tin now. 50 S3 DUKE DRUG CO. and Sole Agents for Huyler's Candy 1 in Union. W Under Hotel Union. Union, S. C. SM Christmas Will Not =?- be all it should hp o ~ ~ ** *m ? ^ to your best friend, your sweetheart or your wife jg UNLESS 0p you supply her with one of in_ the beautiful and artistic ,av boxes of Candy, of which we y have such an abundant and full assortment. We have r' the largest and completest line, and we believe that c* after you inspect the1 same, ? you will accede that there is 'nothing to equal the same on I the Union market. All shapes ?n* and sizes, and each one a Iy work of beauty and of art. tjm \Ye have cheaper Candies, >rm!. which we are prepared to make you close prices on in tew any quantity you wish, from !nv one t0 ^ve thousand pounds, on- Special prices on quantity ^ orders. tie" Inspect our stock and remember us in your purchases," ? and you will ftnd that it will Upay you in more ways than one.INlftN GROCERY CO.- I n. n_ - uur Business Appeals to Reason. The man with normal mind^-^ ?the all round level-headeAJ man will weigh some things for himself. - He does not expect to buy something for ' nothing. He does expect j dependable goods for a legitimate price. This "someThing for nothing" idea, this j "preposterous special sale" craze is a popular scheme to palm off hard stock. New, clean, up-to-date, reliable merchandise bought for spot i cash has a fixed commercial ' value. Such goods are in ^ great demand with intelligent V buyers, as is demonstrated ^ every day by GEO. W. GOING. OR, t . Notice to Trespassers. to All persons ?re forbidden to bunt or J? K. otherwise trespan- on our land. Of J. W. OrNHIKOnAM, r.M rag B. F. Ksfpimr. a iMi J