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i 8H l.Use P And yo p snugw I * ^ Thev k I H once co ] |j And an II 1 teed, bt I ? offered I * ^ we'll ta ^ Hi I THE" LOCAL LACONI Happenings of Int About Town. Mr. J. A. Brown went t leston Monday on business turned Wednesday. Mre. J. H. Howard after ing several weeks with her ] in Greenwood, returned to t Monday. The new passenger coaches Union and Glenn Springs Rj came in Saturday and are vei cars. They are dull red in and are thoroughly up-to-dat< Pursuant to an advertised si the County Supervisor and I gt of the city, all of the dispe fixtures, iron safe and ice box sold Monday. The aggr amount realized was $38.00. The Companion as a Chi mas (lift. Can you think of a gift more tain to be acceptable than a ye subscription to The Youth's C panion? Is there any ono, yo or old, who, having once had * paper in his hands and loo through it, did not wish to poa it for his very own? It is a i which, far from losing its freshn as Christmas recedes into the pti grows more delightful. mor? OA A ' v/ *tg\/ n*iy vo one's enjoyment week week. The boy likes it, for it reflects its pages every boyish taste ai every fine boyish aspiration. T1 father likes it, not only for its fi tion but for its fund of informatic of the practical sort. The girl liki it for the stories, anecdotes, sketohc and editorial articles printed in eac! number especially for her. Tli mother likes it for its stories of do mestic life and family affection, fo its children's page and for its medi cal article. On receipt of SI.75, the yearlj sultficription price, the publishers send to the new subscriber all the remaining issues of The Companion for 1905 and the "Minutemen" Calendar for 1906, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Full illno+??4-) * ...wvtatou Announcement of 1 the new volume for 1900 will be sent with Kamplo copies of the paper to any address free. The Youth's Companion, H4 Berkeley St.,. Boston, Mass. ii in1 FI' "Dorothy D u will have the perl ithout a pinch. Ea$ eepthe feet young nverted to their use' i absolute perfect fit i it more is given in q for the same money. * ke pleasure in showi (f, s amendiL AS BSn lateASg."':. if the |Cut Her Throat v/tik _ ? wiiii d K< erest Two colored women living Sedalia.on the Jack Ray place ' nesday night had a dispute or ( rel about something, a fight wa o Char-' gnged in and one woman cut and re-j other's throat with a razor! which she died. The woman d spend- the kiting WftS the wife of parents Browning and the woman ki he city WftS the wife of Will Broadus. < , oner Gregory and Deputy .Slit ] Vincent went to the scene of of the I killing to hold an inquest Thurs inroad morning. y nice ? . ? }.color "The Beggar Prince." davor ^1C ?e88ar l>rince? a three i ay musical comedy at the opera hoi; nsa ^ Wednesday night was a very crec ^ve. table performance. Miss Et 1 ^ Merris as Bettina was a charmii actress, quite versatile, patheti . . romantic, comic and cntcrtainint riST- Mr. Harry Leavclle as Pippo shepherd, knight and lover wa quite equal to the emergency ii each capacity. His voice wns o25. ? Mr C?B B Crawford. I>?Walter Dickson, Julia Dobkin. F?Mrs Mary Fowler. G?Starks Garner. K?E O Kendrick. wl L?Edder Lover, Daisy Lyles, Hen- ] ben J Lyles. ret M?Annie McBeth. tin N?J W Norwood, Johnnie Nesbitt. tlu I R?J'res Rice, Nancy Rice. Ini i W?Katie Willard. pai Persons calling for the above letters the will please say if advertised, and will be Ta> required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. 0. Hcntm, P. M. ^ 'odd" ShO' feet kind. Thej ;y without fricti looking. A won wears them alwa is not only guar luality than usuj Call and see th ing. PELAND C . . V A ? in song and story. Tin i*l O - /% * l om. chorus was fine and the acting o ung Parts in the comedy were well the Performed, all of which was highly ^e(j calculated to entertain the audience 3es8 in a most delightful manner. The gjjk house was full and the people were ess we^ entertained without being ^ bored. Doubtless the same people e8^ could have set for a repitition with- j by out being tired. The whole performance WAS ' ana with no jn objectionable feature. The puns and jokes were new and appropriate, h0 in fact it was an up-to-date comedy c_ and well worth the time and money ' )n spent in attendance. us - """ ? Advertised Letters * h ji e Remaining in the Post Office at Union, | 8. C., for the week ending Nov. 10, r 1906. r a A?Herndon Anthony, Mrs. Etta Anthony. B?Canley Breland, Jno Clcr^* " ' Brooks. ^- union cotton Mills."*"lne azor. Dots Prom Due VI near Nov. 3, 1905.?Synod b? Wed- on the ninth instant and iuar- through the thirteenth, ! s en- residences and other builc the being newly painted the pi from on an entirely new air. Tli oing prayer meeting at the A Will church was not held last ev illed the church floor had not dr Cor- a recent painting. irifF A railroad has been s the from Donalds to Due West day railroad will certainly be ( convenience. Five young men of Krski lege recently contested who represent the college at Gre in the spring. The decisii lc* not yet been given. l^? We have had two lyceum *1' tainments this season. Th k* j by the Pallas Brown Concerl , ??a? composed of a wl e' I a reader, a singer, violinist ? pianoists. Tlie second eonsie a violinists, pianists, singers 8 readers. 11 The young ladies of the Due Female College very pleasantl ? tertained the young men and 1 | of Erskine on tho evening ol ' twenty-third of October. Son the college girls were very jaun 1 French and Spanish costu others in German dress and others in colonial costumes, college was beautifully decor for the occasion in autumn lea vines and other foliage. Mi mock picture talking and oi games were pleasant features of evening's entertainment. Varie oi dainty refreshments were serv The Amelian and Castalians cieties are still persevering in tli interesting work. Our Y. M. C. A. continues to nuch good and is more and m< nteresting. We have had n OI SIC iess in the female college, but i re now convalescent. With best wishes for our dei aper and all the correspondent m m m Pi'ELLA. Dog Tax Notice! All dogs arc liable ton tax of 60 licit is applied to the achool fund, [f those who have dogs have not al uly returned them to the Auditoi had bettor do so when payini ur other taxes, as executions wil issued against all dogs found noi d on and the personal property oi owner is responsible for said Dog c, Penalties, Cost, etc. J. H. Bartikh, l-2t Tfeas. Union County. MARRIAGE Or MR. H Rig Reception Giv< Groom's ParentsHost of Invited Gi Present. One by .one they pas from life unto death? told, from half a inai ^one, from the rickety, t in the realm of old b; to the sweet flower str< cled walks in the havei married life, as is often this mundane sphere, ( fools.word.) Such wi with my young bachclo: Kelly Johns, who tool thinking department t I not exactly satistied wit himself, or that he got 1 J? ?i ' 1 i couiun i sianti, liad a TO I anatomy captured, ar inn S&? I sang, TO "Maid of Whitmire, MS Give, oh give me hacl Or, since that has lef gS Keep it now, and tak ffiK I218 was not *ort m 1 launched out to try a ti s?s8 1 the great sea of mat rim' re? kIm I This great social eve iyS* fflgj8 I at Whitmire on Wedn 125? 1905, when Mr. K @8 I formerly of Santuc, and K? Jones, of Whitmire, we an- g E$ 1 the holy bonds of wcdlo K? A reception was giv Era I the home of the grooi I Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Jt 3.11 V IciM Iphwe, Thursday, Oct rS which quite a number 1 and friends were invi I the latter being the wi pfTl 5? I hereby express my than Eftf so kindly remembered. jfflg The home was tasteful Era I with evergreens, and a dinner was arranged fc jsion. When a lady c? K? parlor door and asked 1 and go with her, I start *eS| I seizing me. I was """" 3# through a eurtain door, 55* 11 felt honored. Such a B? 1 cd with indescribable 53 I which beggars descri] KB I merous large fancy cake SgJ orated with autumn ti Srs and l)crrics, all made 1 course, but I felt it was BSSi 1 essary to bite them to g? Then there were evert PfiS 1 all trimming about, ar ^ I themums, to add to IThe windows tt> the d sa.arv | urVrfo cuullv. y i?l uic >* ui ioi Ljiaid I independence as a private sol ?rr^"n5rma?^Vme? burning, and the effects wer r SF. tiful. An artist can paint a to look very natural, but the igins here er was a painting artist whe continues niake a thing look more l io many than that master hand at d lings are hig, did with the dressing of ace takes cakes. This was done und< io weekly supervision of Mrs. J. Meador t. II. P. and all those who ever saw i cning as her work, knows what was he icd from feasted mine eyes, and we all ed ourselves, and I enjoyed m surveyed it was indeed a pleasant occi t. This i will stop. I may spoil it. I >f great to add here my congratulatio my friend and his bride, and no col- them a long and happy life, should as few shadows as possible, and enwood cloudy day should come, thai en has bright star that is ever shining yond may shin<? ' - _ inu orightci enter- cvery clearing, and that you e first cver Ea*n friends. Hey Denvf.i t Com- ? ? listler, Monday's Land Sale. s and tted of j^gj. Monday was salesday, anc' despite the rather dismal weath a large crowd from the city a West COnnty collected around the cou y J'.n" house when Sheriff Sanders s< ladies ^jic jan(j advertised for sale by t f th? Master. 1? P? The Cole L,a\vson property w ty in bought Mr. V. K. Lawson f ni?M 1 $^'^0 and 'amounted to 275 acre being the home tract. ' j A second part of the estate, cor ated 8jsting of 2H0 acres, was liought b VVS' Norman and Murphy for $650. isie, ^ bi Union belonging also t< l'!Pr the Lawson property, brought $!<>( . and was purchased by Mr. B. F Foster. ecl- The Creamery property, containSP" ing 258 acres, was sold to Mr. Jack ,cir P. McKissick for $2,435. The Wallace Lumlier Company ? sold under mortgage the B. F. )rc Peigler property near Aetna mill. It was liought in for $2,460 by Mr. " B. F. Piegler. It conPd*^'1 ill n, .....mi Oi 2 civlUS* The Kendrick property in Jones111 ville township, 82 acres, was sold 8? to Mr. O. S. Kendrick for $1,100. In Bogansvillc township, 180 acres were sold to Mr. J. II. Law son for $960. The old Boh Greer place, 822 acres, was sold to Mr. H. C. Bishop : for $550. r A lot in Union was sold to Chas. ? i Vaughan for $410. j t The Plexico property near Lock, hart brought $1,280 for 77& acres. I Quite a large amount of personal I effect^ belonging to different parties was sold. t P. JOHNS. BMSHlSMffBa :n by the i We Have * ?A Large ?? jests Were I! for 10 isram 1 Mammoth I i to a whole 5? Ihomy path8 88 mm/ a /^v rv "-W tachelorhood, 5% \v V 91\ I )\vn, carom- gg 1 of blissful S the case on ^ taking other as the case HS r friend, Mr. BR J c it into his H * Jxm hat he was 88 / la his half of Sg2 t v ; entrapped, m ; wi-is] V part of his on t id probably ffl | (\ ere we part, g| j. It nay heart, BH t t laay breast, ^ c the rest." ||| ? \ hcoming, he tip i ! *ip a trip on W8 ' ony- M tilt occurred BK ! MiS9'te^ g ^^ ^ ^ ted, among jj|| \. ^ ks forVing J gg \ ^ ly decorated I jg t table, load* I delicacies, I 6fi ption! Nu-1 H ;s were dec-1 gS ? ntcd leaves! gg ?Uci"8Acc! 1 We propose make sure. |p? 5reen vines, ?? id chrysaiv @g 3 departmemY> the setoff. HI - -?u an uncoverin- 1^ ining room 1 now concealed, befori I ' fol-f will pale inPfn^!Jv-fu^lsc^osure l^n 1 {biff hot for an iW* do J ^ dier promise. J ' p>i vice for! a - nhtr11 w ym nr* j e beau- P J1 I tt picture S? J m I re nev> could H ceor-a' Si with every Tet ! those !5^ of Furniture we 1 Fant! fl them in at $2 on my of t ? vr\J rc i |S are disposed of. ysdt ? made for the put \sion. || ing you to our ns'lo m you cart see our with 1 Carpets, Rugs, Coi H e*s' Lace Curtains at Window Shades, 36 x 7 < ?1 Chairs for 45c. Rockers |g| $2.00. Bureaus for $3.1 !| $4.48. Sideboards for $12.0 ?$ Golden Oak finish, with Fr I 1 ? ? on Dresser and wash roll ft II BAILEY FlIRN awjjgjgjwsigsBggsisf y | VEHICLES AN!)' . I IMPLEMEN || We have just recei KB shipment of Wagot 1 D'sc Harrows, Smot fe rows, two=horse T ? Middle Bursters, car $j Wire and Staples. | in large quantities ai ffe low price which plat }}? position to save v W>. Wo i? ^ w mvite every one | terested in the above jfe items to call to see us |Peoples Sups a??B f * lust Contracted | 0 of These 3 Reed Rockers | H $4.50. ? to sell FIFTY of? egular customers % HX%d&-9*S3: ^n^lJSS n of affidavit proof of claim i *? statement as to how the ** A H hft nronerlv filled )i.46 ti Dollars worth f will put one of 11 until the fifty if This offer is lj pose of bring= | store, where I * large line of 11 mforts, Blank= Ij Portiers. Sf 2, all colors, 25c. |8 for 75c. Beds for ||S >8. Chiffoniers for ga 0. Bedroom Suites, j|g euch Plate Mirror Els >ot to bed for $15.00. SURE GO J wggggBjjjjjgl FARMING I TS. I ved a large 'i is, Buggies, | >thing Har= || urn Plows, ? load Barbed ?1 We bought m nri ?* a very Ml zes us in a |v ou money, i ; who is in- i| mentioned | P )!Liy