L? ? a?i?? 11 = -==^-,===* A Valuable Antidote ,i Thin ^ . _ _ . _ | Q{ (Original | ' There's an old saw, 'Ah ounce of ) prevention Is worth a pouml of cure.' j ii'rV'b I am a practical illustration of its | j,,VCpi truth. Indeed, an ounce of fluid once ( etmric saved my life. As a medicine? Well. \v m no. I wasn't sick, and I hadn't been ^ polaoued. Nevertheless that ounce <" M i . ... lame* saved my life. \ \ s "My father had b.ecn an o'iicer in tinT'nlteu States navy?not when our it dm ships had come to he big inucbine | || j. shops, but light wooden affairs that skintmed the waves ljJ>o a liird. lleju s iwent aloft Just before "the struggle he- j w '/j tween the states, nud I. being about itcii .> sixteen nt the time, preferred t?? go into active .service afloat rather than b> \v i i lite Naval academy. As It was. I saw j uothiug but blockading service, and ' k ?; i after the war was doomed to the titer- "'|j chant service. \v i " This is only preliminary to what l'ui {} |j 1 going to tell you. In the last year of m w the sixties I was mate of a I riganttae. j*> and we were picking up goods in ports ;\ n < on the China sea. One evening we ^ wore coming clown through the strait r K ? of Mala<< -i when, after passing one of ^V.1" the islands at the southern end. we j \( saw on our port qua nor and nearly ^v' nhre.ist of us as queer a looking little i \. t craft as ever sat 011 the water. Site ^ (*j wasn't a common trader, for she was \y a shaped for speed. She wasn't a yacht: I?011 * 1 * Sam she wasn't sleek enough for a yacht, i.em Besides. >ho didn't carry a yachting flag-or any flag whatever, for that \v t matter which set our teeth to chatter- '.\J{s lng in no time, for I never knew hut i> u one kind of craft that didn't show colors, and when that kind do show |mm them they invariably hoist the skull J; find cross hones. I t? . "It wasn't long before we could see "j ^ that she was shnping Iter course to nar- i. r row the distance between us, and we shaped ours to keep apart. This didn't i< | suit tlie suspicions vessel, and she put J J( 1 her nose closer still and before long carr was heading right for us. Then we J, ' could see the smoke bulging out of her j u stack, and she came through the water ^ like a present day motor boat. i. t> "Von couldn't get me to g> over what J ^ followed for the biggest farm or the | i?? ..1,:., 1.. *1,.. 1.1 \ ft.?. >1,., I I \ f?n?jF 1JI ?1?1- u ui III. .mvi Itjtj .. .. crow, captain and lirsi mute had stop- JVit ped oft the plank ami it came uiy turn 'j olio of ilio pirnto i row oaino up to the |\c captain ami said something to liim. u c The captain turned to nio. "'Where's the treasure boxho* Carr . asked. "There was 110 treasure box worthy A of file name aboard, but I caught at a j'i"/ straw and pretou<lod to try to rewem- c T j bcr- I o'ni Come, hurry ilp with voiii^hinVJ-FV1' ?T TncCTltunry nwj^i. The a^Tby if burning of the dwelling oiv Church1 ^ (* cupictl by Messrs. MoCiowan and Gregory, both members of t\te iYtU'e ; . v nolle?d\i want a com fort a hie death iu si cjol water. There are hot irons for J.* people with poor memories.' <; " 'I don't really know, captain, lint 1 ^ suspect there's a lot of money in the | ship, and if uuy one can Mini it 1 can.' "'Well, hunt for it.' \\ "Since my life depended on finding ? money, 1 hunted for my life. It was <r dusk when I began, and 1 worked hard (l. till 0 o'clock, when tin- captain sent \ for lite to ? ime into the cabin. He had I a Hue dinner set lie fore him and was \ just falling to. lie asked me if 1 had * found the treasure, and I admitted that | 1 had not. " 'Sit down here and tell tue what j you know about it.' "1 concocted a yarn about a suspi- , clous looking box that the captain uuu wutehed while it was being brought aboard and made the story plausible. I let out that I had been in the Cuited States navy. The pirate pricked up his ears at this and passed tne the bottle. "An idea, a hope, a straw to eateli at! Could 1 drink tint man drunk? I remembered how my father when in the navy had told me of terrible drinking bouts between the American and British naval officers and how a dirty, yellow faced, pigtailcd man had pur him on to a secret whereby he could go through the worst bibular contest and conic out perfectly sober. There was a bottle of olive oil on the table?some we had taken in at Leghorn- that the pirate had used to make a potato salad with. 1 clumsily knocked it over, picked it up and with a spoon ladled the spilled oil into my wineglass. Then I looked for something to turn it Into from the glass and. not seeing anything, drank It off. My host remarked that to do such a tiling would make him sh k as a dog, hut took no further notice of my act. As I had supposed, he was a hard drinker, and we sat pouring down one bottle after another. Now and again I would pique him by suggesting that lie had had enough, whereupon he would call for a lint Me. and I could see lie was bent on laying 1110 out. Ills original intention was to tind out if I really knew anything about the ship's treasure, but as we proceeded lie became Interested In showing nie that he could put tue under the table. 1 drank every time be did, and as I did not show any effect of the liquor the captain was astonished. Hut he wouldn't give up. and we drank on. L could hear sounds frrun without. Indicating that his men had got into our liquor and were roaring drunk. At midnight I had the satisfaction to see the pirate captain slide under tlie table, while 1 was comparatively sober. "What was It? The olive oil I bad drunk a second glass In the middle of the bout, and the two sated me. I don't know whether the oil floats on top of the liquor and keeps the fumes from the brain or whether it forms a coating In the stomach that prevents the absorption of alcohol. All I know Is 11 worked like a charm. "I waited till there was not a sound or a whoop on the sblp, then stole out dropped Into a small boat and rowet to ahore," TUEODORE G1LSEN. k r - IIJHP?y?j. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT I 'l'lieotloi W A Tv I> V Hal J Quarterly Report, of the J ff?"i }unty Supervisor, July 1st." om*b2 S M Ive DSTINUKI) KKOM I.AST WEEK.J Tj"Het< I In man $ 1 00 J Jol ill.- Viuyhn.i 2?l l,'"',57 1 a well 2 UU J1*."01 ? t?rr 2 W ASci Stephens 2 00 CJ Ilio shields 2 00 ' lei si I 2 00 Norni.r riionuis. 2 00 C [ Inn iwtn 2o oo KJ J*?> Ivall 22 75 *>.? HI* F.irr 25 00 J ' ,SPr colt 112 24 H N H? (Itiwkin* o ho "l H k< owler 14 71 "V rd Ada ins... . H lo ... reer. 10 10 V"'0"1 ee US TO I LVV" Or itn licll "I'lmiie Co 0 Oo I *; J J?' .ml witness tickets 0 45 | J, /* ,[*' oster ? 75 ! ? [' uttr-U 23 j*i h H Cu oil 3 70 DBF. litehell I 30 >' M "s ? Austin 24 50 " m lie I ue lo 00 T J Me l-riday 3 00 Mrs Sui Heine 3 70 Sam Hi U Kclley ... 7 CO HHUi rhiiinas 17 fio Carrie it art 20 20 W It H .illiuu . 21 85 W j |o Metiovvaii 15 40 J 8 H'ct lumphrics ju ;*f n it iv ltohinson 13 15 \ym \ llnilcy. . 17 00 Jurv an tcvvnri H 131 ? " lahrcy 15 70 Union ' iossell 50 j |JC| Tweed 30 111 | S Met Jwcn K 80 |,L U -??!' Irt HO J A Ki all ?V 'Tueker 50 no | J Sp? Ilcadspcth H ini Confcd Ira\vlord. 10 05 \V It G -awiioii 23 45 I) C Hi W ood | U5 \V 11 H 'oho 35 -jr. H W CI Johns a5 ihi J S Bel Iomiiii;rs, state treasurer 30 00 II H 14 1. Keel, v 14 :|u \y j J, Mitelicll I I Oil A (t K? Moliley 23 ?o W M I Milelicll 21 I'l Mrs l> l< ritlny 23 10 Chas'l Scale* 5 57 S M. Daniel it SO (turner in .J milliter . 3H 50 J. Jj. I Knrr I 50 Jenkins 23 40 Siinuiicr m 25 :s Yuuirhuti.. in no VniiKlinn so Bio Cromer 11 SO |1|lor. Vdtinis in 05 il ,. T wiiinid... n ini nelle smith 000 dread f'J'O'io 15 85 g-.nH. I l urr . 2rt ?0 Hir*ii??p 0 k> len 8 "rc-nry 20 70 htale 22 75 l??Kt Myall. . 23 8d A i? llurnclt II <hi JOC al lleluc 0 |o Welthcr 1 ."31 Whitmirc. ? 115 *" (turner 3 70 A _i Hurtles 5 15 Ar I to tran n ini Soil t ] s.ou 1540 Belt '.i,h<in,'u ? ?' cheni -am . 11 INI ,ll Villard 27 20 ^ts al ;r,1 * M Moil I Belue 15 mi , 1 Mollis js 75 any 1 t" Bishop 22 30 boar i wced 21 so ! and 1 Johnson 28 20 Heine a no nielli n Nicholson 15 ]4 Mcill i: Harnett 15 30 I liaiilt 15 77 <-"finn 15 20 HrHU 2* 00 VlcDniiicl. 2 IN) ' He hintmi 8 2o Inmnn 1> .VI ?*J) ?upt. e d II c ?t?) n. ... 4S lialp i i li< i ji i " ?? ry _ tT*~ pushing themselves into f,he dozenoj Apartments of trade, arts, l&rtfw rs and professions at a lower (|\ovc } aj??aKnrv<... ?* ~rr: .* n w i ties V Stewart 1 Oil "af S Fnucett 1 "0 ,ljp Z Miller 1? W ' II Mcl.ean, agent .... 205 30 an< a itiack 3? 2ft raa jiifcdcrate Soldiers Ill 00 M Knox.. 1 no | 1"* Lrviaier 20 03 |?ai I Moore, 2 H? fill \V tiosscit 2 00 ! fpt * H Harrison 2 oo i \V Harvey 2 00 . CUI lin James 3 00 . at It Huruess 3 00 I hue Horn 2 00 'iileon Keisler. 2 00 JJ( V | I'nrks 3 00 C Kison 3 00 ohn T West 3 oo V r Ward 2 00 V 1) Kirhv 2 oo iVillThomas. 2 oo [erry Bobo 3 oil gj, X | It.Msil 2 00 /-?. I ISf OsliieliU 2 00 | I M I larri.sou 1 IHl Ol Xllicrt lirnntlon 2 00 I of S'"'h?"s ?' ! IT losepli Orr 2 00 j ~ tl rs Kli/a Parr 2 IK) I 81 l-l \' Johnson . f> 110 tl II T reaves 3 00 ... * G Howell 2 00 I " liuiley I.awsoii 2 00 . UI Mr? Jane Yauithuu 2 no , ct M rs'ltobert^ Ynutthau 2 00 j i, C C Kochcstcr 2 00 , I II Inman I no ?j Glover Morris 1 00 j ri II A Kitchens 8 00 J ... VV I) Ciubl 2 00 I f! Monroe I.aw?nn 1 imi ' ll Miss Lina Bailey 3 50 S Itobert Wilblirn IS 8'l : i Nam Moltley 1 20 I It Whitmire 80 10 " | II Hurtles, treasurer.., 27 H3 ' a j ?. I'sucett 4 00 A G I.vies 10 10 | J Thomas " 7 00 U K Hart 10 80 I) II Montgomery, .VI I) ti 00 N G Sarralt, M l? WOO Nlarks Austin. .. > 50 \V V Knglish HI 50 W S I.n \\ son 1 80 I C < iregorv 0 !i0 C K Hishoo 2 00 t' N Iitwtoil 18 in W l? Mollis 2 IMi I Crosby ?V Crawford 1 00 { | N C rawforil I 70 j . C T Iiiman 8 Hf? j J W VI Hentley 2k 27 | 1 c c Hetenbaugli 0 20 I Mil Beluc 15 oo . \\ | lolly .... ."i 50 * I! C. ftciitlet 2 HO 1 II II Kobiuson 10 on ] Norman Johns in no . I ! Beluc 11 ns 4S on ' I I' l'eakc, clerk court 33 ?h | W It Anderson 20 no , It S Wilson 10 35 I. B I .re II An W M Sparks 21 AO J II Hyatt I ."0 I,ce llowell 2 00 \V I. Inman 11 70 I T Sprousc 4 no "j M Osliiels : . I 10 Win Stephens II on Norman A' Murphy 2 ~>0 Norman Johns 13 HO Newt Hurris.. 11 imi Claude Mendor 2) 05 J It Wliitniire *> itn j C Cotield . . 5 70 It K Gregory 10 II J 11 Garner 371 S It llvatt 8 25 2 20 Union CarriaKC WOfkl i :>> A G Bentlcy, commissioner 2d mi l^icklinrt Mitchell 1 6n \V|H letcr 8 ;jn Oetze) Hardware Co ;tH ?tr? It V Gist, Jr 8 25 T K llniley 5 00 Bailey Lumber & Mfg. Co 8 70 lames Millwood 1 00 j W Sanders, sheriff 212 f>0 Good Itotdl Machinery Co 24 00 1> j Griffeth is on Walker, Kraus \ Cogswell Co 8 28 I. B Jeter. 8 7ft Win Nicholas s 00 ' Clinton Oil Co 24 50 J j l.iitlejohn t ;m People's Supply Co 8 ;to 1' P Hamilton 1180 I \V M Sims 18 .Vi f | I. McWhirter t 1 44 it S Foster. . 5 00 Walker. Kvans X Cogswell Co tl 80 I Union Grocery Co 8 On 1 I l<; Kirby (Sou. Bell 'Phone Co.) 8 00 Wallace Lumber Co 28 84 i K K Mills 60 1 I J W Wilson 17 10 Oshiel.lt 4*?0 ' fie Muddoa, M I) ">00 F reed . 4 ?> I __ ? ??<?? , ? ? is ?r> I Hur idili lotto I MU1 bam 7 40 I I Allan s 2 HO I Inc 1 a? I r as# A. Id a oo inbauRh 23 00 lly 17 ?s .umber A Mfg. Co 114 05 'lfc 8 W Whi >tt S <H mas 0 00 .. I 30 Eve i Johns ,... .. 4 at At la 73 Gra tvler . 30 Hi hop at oo pBI, otisc i at ,' rris 40 no tbinson It .33 d witness tickets (102 03 Mo* romcr It 87 W lardware Co 1;J 8tl Wit egory . . 10 80 Ft lly, superintendent qunrrv 83 2ft Okli iwsoii 4 00 .v onitta H VI lp, secretary to fil "RI lit, supt. education 40 88 ^ hieUU 17 00 itchell 73 Gra Xeucc 13 15 LI B Crawford 11 50 Or sm pli ill Ml ?)<i 5\ flue .. 1" <KI |Tn, Burnett . 8 t*> i.iowell ami | 1<" Smith 24 * . . \ lly. Mipt. Htmrry .... . .">188 ' enhMUKh, rlcrk of bonril.... 25 I* obinsou 8 85 ichuln* 5 ?*> Bill ill witness tickets 888 8"> W " urr so Th< Oil Mill 1<? 3<? A lcnUiitiKt? I 25 cnl>au>>h, quarry "2 1*) ivister 80 1*1 A lliiin 5 l"> Wh :ar? Hint W A 1. Kcllcj" 25 00 I( crate Solilicrs li*l 50 Ilium I 00 shop 91 I)') IiKiVi't ouhvurc "28 50 ILfrH' iossci t 2io enbaugli. quarry 15 "? j .obinson 10 to " / illy, supt. tnutrry 51 "2 >ster IS oo r* ^ illON 1 00 J V uic Vantihan 2 00 (A A, Y?y , ? *? YVN iciieil, / I T. J. HKTKNBAlTfill, / / Supervisor Union County. I?-t IKTKXBAl'GII, Clerk. >i V A Creeping Death. U otl poison creeps up towards the , causing death. J. E. Stearns, Plain, Minn., writes tha* a'friend whili I fully injured his hand, which . (i ed up like blootl poisoning. Buck- " Arnica Salve drew out the poison, d the wound, and saved his life. ?* Brm in the world for burns anil sores. n,,"l t F. C. Duke's drug store. Univor tmous Fruit Farms of Te :as. spoudii Icansas, Louisiana, and tlie groat rac0 ?* Ii-west reached by the Cotton He d Route. You can purchase very on "II [? round trip "Home Seeker" tick- Friend t Atlanta. Birmingham, Anniston, to run ;gomery and certain other points about irst or third Tuesday. Tickets a final return limit of 21 days, llink, lllow stop overs any point west of .' c ' phis. Ask for tickets to read by timp. phis and The Cotton Belt. Write H is L. P. Smith, Trav Pass. Agt. will in Atlanta, Oh. piece i _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? I coiufoi rerriffle Race With Death. bis as eathjdilig party Wfolng," writes I cure*. Lfivn .and-returpf7a?~nT ;F'r f more "buggies. T1 ff IpS rm as all from Union and 'jiaa Sg/Q ip to Duck., PawJ. pi?, LjiCr crlbib i sap\B H*" ? with 8eKtb, i a resamnb uooq j^dble and heart ease, which had robbed me of sleep a 1 of all interest in life. I had tried To ,ny different doctors and several o dicines, hut got no benefit until I be- No ,i to use Electric Bitters. So wonder- Bl1 was their effect, that in three days I p0 t like a new man, and today I am j red of all my troubles." Guaranteed An F. C. Duke's drug store: price GOc. / Bo )tlee of Stockholder's Meeting to 111 Consider the Following Resolutions. Resolved, That a meeting of the "1 ockholdcrs of The Union Grocery "J oinpany is hereby called to be held a t i the 25th day of November in the ace lice of the company, in the town of nion, S. C., for the purpose of condering the matter of surrendering le present charter of the said coininy and obtaining a new charter, inreasing the capital stock of the said mipnny to twenty-five thousand dolirs, and enlarging the scone add powrs of said company by giving it the ight and privilege to buy, improve, tint and sell real estate, and deal in * ve stoek and to do a general cominis- wo ion and brokerage business, in addi- Hit ion to the powers heretofore granted t by its charter; and that due notice j f such meeting is hereby given. Machktii Yotno, ..?du rri'Diueiiu I.. h. Waonok, Sec'y. and Treasurer. 1 H\tH thi co Saved by Dynamite. ja. Sometimes a (laming city is saved by lynamiting a space that lire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, ni< fou feel as if nothing hut dynamite would cure it. '/. T. Cray, of Calhoun, [Ja., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help as her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis- la covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for Bronchitis and La tirippe. At F. C. Duke's drug store. {>rice 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial >ottle free. " ei New Goods. New House and New Salesmen. Goods bought as low as money and experience combined can buy and are selling them accordingly. If Low Prices, Good Quality and 1 Fair Treatment is what you ( are looking for?your trade is mine. ( Call and see if the above are not true in every partic- i ul at". GEO. W. GOING. i1 Di nor aft Philosophy y DUNCAN N. SMITH Ki 4 BABY'S SNAP. lit a snap the baby has, 1 it only knew! js j rybody waits on it BUp id says "Peekaboo!" ndma when she is around f eeds its lightest whim; he* a Is an easy mark; is boss o'er. him. dia i a carriage of Its own {[jfi hen It needs tho air. h a shade to keep Its eyes 'J?1 rom the noonday glare; "*? or ones must go outside hei hen It wants to sleep; } i about a dozen guards far hen It learns to creep. fjn ndpu wants to dwindle it J1V' Ightly on his knee ha" to carry it about has here his friends can see; me des bring It Jumping Jacks Ri, very time they come; tin t has an ache or pain 1 , very one Is glum. ma . another baby comes tvh 'hen it's three or four; sill >n Its nose is out of Joint, | c nd Its sway Is o'er. no L when it Is small and cute nd can only coo lat a snap the baby has, ' It only knew! RO l'C . a a ^ f?( I be lA Ji t,r v r Because She Has To. Ill "Bernard Shaw In< i \ I sj says that you uev /f\ rfA er onn tw \I(JJJ Ja "Oh, yes; but he to <11 u I didn't say it to a k IV \v I woman." ce ^ S ta Opposite Stars. ? ? the Htnr of empire, nooordiug uie honored custom, continues along westward for the purpose vlng up with the country, there lit I her Starr, a professor in the b< slt.v of Chicago, who is taking w y eastward for the purpose of ti lg a year among ins friends, a ti ' cannibals In Africa. ft oesu't expect to deliver a lecture tc ow It Keels to lie Eaten by a " on his return, but he does hope ei i down some interesting facts oi these primitive people for tlio ti of those who feel they wouldn't a jood pot pie even if they had the g ti to be lioped that the professor r< p able to come back ail in one li and that he will receive much a t as well as spiritual uplift from p soolatlon with this race of epl- t f t - - -J ? . An Enemy. len the mosquito sins* his song nd meanwhile makes a siy attempt have you think ho means no wrong, h, do not treat htm with contempt! ; humor not his slightest whim, t make a grease ppot out of him. r the mosquito, so they say, s nothing but a gay deceiver, d ho will coma around some "day knd load you down with yellow fever; with this InBect do not trifle, it meet him with your trusty rifle. Would Forgive Anything, think they must be engaged." flas he told you anything?" S'o, but he smiled as though it were ;ood Joke when she trumped his ?? .When It Costs. Advice you'll find In plenty; You get It far and near. It's cheap, unless you take It, And then It may be dear. PERT PARAGRAPHS. ,'ou can generally find wood lit tlu od shed, hut water is uot kept li ! water shed. t is hopeless to expeet New Yorl L>r to learu that the farmers have i 11.. fiswl .1 InlikltltAItU IIJ (I11VI u ivivjmvHv, It would bo impossible to couvinc a mau who steuls a kiss that he ha lmulttcd anything loss thun gran rccuy. Wo speak of It as the good old nun er time when it Isn't loaling nrouu about 118 In the shade. Nothing is so good for a swelled liea > a thorough application of mother-ii w. Married people may believe in doub lesseduess and yet not pruy for twin While we may Judge the future 1 ie past few men are pessimist uough to do so. /#Ni(i no* In trnlnlncr niitmn.ln ttair keel <1 vex them loaf Rugmr, but not wl they loaf on the job. An actor liken to Lave everyth routing bin way except stale vegetab A inan who only has friends for w he can get out of them doesn't h Lbem long. Tho gift of gab must be born li man. He never gets It on the Chr mas tree. -4 ANGER IN DELAY. Uni0' dney Diseases Are too TimeTa Dangerous for Union People to Neglect. Leave Ui X H.1C 'lie great danger of kidney troubles bat they get a firm hold before the , * ,J fercrer recognizes them. Health is ' . ^ dually undermined. Backache, ArrivGU idaehe. nervousness, lameness, sore- + o 4,9, lumbago urinary troubles, dropsy, , ' Vr betes and Bright's disease follow in ' i>ass rciless success. Don't neglect your n 10 neys- Cure the kidneys with the ' . j tain and safo remedy, Doan's Kidney , ? ? Is, which has cured people right ,, rein Union. - ^ 5. L. Kingsmore, the well-knoTM ' " mer, living two miles outside^of lion, 6ays: "I have suffered for thirty All tr e years with my kidneys. I first noted. l1 it when a boy, hut of late years it $Satui 3 been worse. My kidneys trained p. 1 so that I thought it would kill mo. , V\P iht across the small of my back and 5 rough the bips I had sucli pains that . ras obliged to get down on the fioor jnlg?. iny a time and as for doing my work o'w Tl icn these attacks came on, that was ", ? TV . aply out of the question. It was all onld do to draw ray breath. I could t tell all the remedies J have used, t nothing did me much good until I acurcd Doan's Kidney Pills. Before mn Iting them I have even had my back Q mod with a hot iron, just as hot an I g iQHIll nil ill, I m\ I, I, I , * I - PDS1 The 0 f 0<y?v 'for years been perplt**,.. f oj ^ondcrful frozen well at Yuk?TCi fy/fcf/rln. As long ago !) I as 1828 It was announced that the ground was frozen to an abnormal depth at the place referred to. In tho summer of 1820 a Russian merchant set a gang of men to the task of ascer- J tnining the depth of the frozen stratum. They gave up the job after digging 11-15 some thirty feet In solidly frozen ground. The Russian Academy of Sciences took the matter in hand and between 1828 and 1814 dug to a depth of Rep 282 feet and then abandoned the shaft Libt because the earth was still frozen ns jnsi hard as a rock. Natural cold could never penetrate to such a depth, uml the phenomenon is still unexplained. The Horae aa a Juniper. A horse can certainly Jump higher than a man. There Is at least one authentic ease of a hunter clearing a Tip seven foot paling, and a century or so ago n Mr. Bingham leaped his horse j over the wall of Hyde park, which was HO1 j six and one-half feet high on the inside and eight feet on the outside. The horse cleared this obstacle twice In 01 rapid succession, and we are quite cer- ? ^ tain that no man who has ever lived could do it.?London Answers. Coffee In (lunteninln. The laborers In the coffee plantations * in Guatemala get only 3 to 20 cents (gold) a day. The capitalists get as profit 50 to GO per cent of the market value. During harvesting time the l* coffee business gives employment to ^ more than one-half of the population. In A single coffee tree, under the most ^ favorable conditions, lias been known [ d to yield twenty-five pounds of beaus. i Work nn?l Talk. Generally speaking. It Is true of wo- ^ le men as of men that those who think ] s. most say least. Woman's talkativeness is the result of her sedentary occupa >y tlon. Tailors, shoemakers and weavers . ic ?all men who sit close at their work? *" have, in common with women, not only hypochondriacal fancies, but also a ti tendency to great talkativeness.? \\ ) Rlcbter. ti - ? \ \ i ' THE "BOSS" COTTONPRESS! ' "ut SIMPLEST, STRONGEST, BEST ftve The Murray Ginning System Olnt, Feeders. Condensers, Elc. tl a GIBBET MACHINERY CO. 1st- Columbia, S. C. smnu it, uiiu more piasters; 111 ;i tried every thin? in hopes of get- E ig relief. Poan's Kidney rills are ft e only remedy that has ever given I . , "* o ntr I ocl i nr? \f if Itonlr Vina IB t ached as it formerly did, and is Loss onger today than it has been for rouil enty-five years. I give all the credit < the use of Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 nrc * nts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, and ?w York, sole agents for the United pj j. a,e8- , wher Remember the name?Doan's?and ke no other. ft Si?)ct*ittn < 0:0 Join. Uy^J Some interesting pi: R AMI fo are described In Samuel Turner's H >ok on that country. Of the exiles he 3 rites: "When I told a Siberian friend fl tat I carried a revolver as a protee- Lm 011 against wolves I was promptly in >rmed that I had much more reason WAl > fear the human wolves I might eumntor. and this, I found, was a genrnl view of the case. About one-third f the criminal exiles escape all eon- J* CLOU' ol.. Armed with a stick, to which is ttaehed a strong piece of coPd or cat- Office? ut, they will approach the unwary nosite 1 raveler from behind, throw thc^.pevJ J? * ound his neck and ?iui"**^^ Im by twisting the stj/ B aff I I h 7* t their leisure /"* M II V Mfl'MnW osse^-o,.s+ ^ ~trangle SC " ? hi v i & Glenn Spring^ I Railroad Co. II ble EfTeetive Aug. 1, 1905. 1 lion 7. a. in. 1.00, 4.00 and > p. m. Buffalo 7.15 a. m. 1.15, 4.15 18.25 p. ill. iffalo 8.15 a. m. 1.45, 5.00 and > p.in. nion 8.80 a. m. 2.00, 5.15 and >ji. in. nion 9.00 a. in. and 5.25 p. in. 1 Ncal Shoals 9.50 a in. and 1 p. in. Arrive Pride 10.15 a. m. 3.35 p. ni. ride 10.35 a. in. and 6.50 p. in. Neal Shoals 11.00 a. m. and p. in. Arrivo Union 11.50 a. nd 8.00 p. m. ains daily unless otherwise Week days only. rdays and Sundays only. v ction made at Pride with Sea- . ir Line through trains South i the morning and ISorth hound | irening. I hangeable mileage sold by the ^ I d Air Line will be honored by lj c G. 8. R. R. M. B. SUMMER, - I Gen. Pass. Agent. Low Rates Again to R 1 TEXAS j msas and the South-west, than one-way fare for the d trip hy Menipliis and Cotton Belt Route. Dates October 17, November 7 21, December 5 and 19. your date and say when and e you want to go and we will you full information by remail. Effigy L* P. SMITH, COTTON HKl.T HOI' TK. I _03 Equitable Bldg., I WBr Jg -LACE & BARRON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW "" j Ull WALLACE. y ^ -Rooiu?-^y^Sa^l . V. D. BARBON. t\ ^ < l'2 and 13, up stairs, opl Union. Practice in the and United States Courts. 24-ly AIFE ? HAMBLIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . 'ER BUILDING, UNIOtf, S. C. * H. MONTGOMERY, M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. lee in Opera House Building. >ay calls left at Duke Drug Co. Residence Phone 147. tp __ F. C. DUKE, resenting the Best and Most >ral Life, Health and Accident trance Companies in the world. OFFICE: Room 4, Nicholson Building. J. A. BROW DEALER IN AL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. USE RENTING AND COLLECTING || A SPECIALTY. FFICE ON BACHELOR STREET. 3ILERS AND ENGINES. Tanks, Stacks, Stand Pipes, and Sheet Iron Work; Shafting, Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, Mangers, etc. Mill Castings. Cast every day; work 200 hands. mhard Foundry Machine and toiler Work and Supply Store. Augusta, GeireiaiHE SECRET _ OF SUCCESS. Q /hile our business is far above our cpcctations we keep up a eon- % nuous effort to get new business nntif (ft vA/1 CtlKofon. 11/11 111/ *V VI W/'ViaW/ g?/VVl DUMUWtillal merchandise. Wo dra\y the no of serviceability. If an item ocs not meet that test we do not nil it. So hear in mind these facts nd do not fail to see us when in iced of anything. We alwftys have omcthing to interest you. We are dding new lines every day. See is for your Shoes, Underwear, Canon Flannels, Outings and other uch like Merchandise. We have largains in these lines. When we (ay Bargains or Best that's just the J rind you will get. Wo do not rely %_ in printer's ink and never mind ivhat our competitors say; customirs opinions arc the ones that counts. Ask your friends about us. The Union Mercantile Co. TELEPHONE NO. 127. J. L. Hawkins and R. N. Sprouse, Managers.