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: > - ~i r; .f?. J M.V\ an M. M\ -** I ^ ARRIVALS AND DEPARTU Of the Double Dally Passenger Tr Union, S. C. Train going North 9:00 a. ni 14 44 South 11:36 a. in 44 44 Nortli 2:35 p. in 44 44 South 8:53 p. in These trains only make a few l utes stop at Union, so that the It of arrival are practically the hou: departure. Any change in this scl ule will be published in Tna Timki the benefit of the public generally. Local News Nob Points Personal and Otherw kicked up and Paragraphec by Our Pencil-Pusher. . Mr. Dick Mobley was in to Monday. Dr. I. M. Hair was in Hock I! last week. Mr. W. J. Steven was in the c Tuesday. Mr. J. E. Minter, of Sedalia, w here this week. ir ? air. Vi. H. (.'lark, of Columbi was hero this week. Mr. L. G. Fuller, of Lauren was here this week. W Mr. J. H. Rodger spent Sundu here with his family. Mr. Conway Posey was in tow last week on business. Mr. G. II. Edmunds, of Nc1 York, was here Sunday. Mr. J. II. Dudley, of Knoxvillc spent Sunday in the city. Mr. II. L. Goss has returned t tho city for a short visit. Mr. J. W. Chjnningham, of Jones villc, was in town Monday. Mr? J. P. Culp, of North Caro lina, was in town this week. Mr. Jas. G. Long spent Sundaj at Jonesville with relatives. Mr. A. C. Ligon, of Spar tan burg, camfl flow" ? - * iTiuuuuy on DUSinCSS. Dr. Hugh L. Fellers has returned from a hu8inesss trip to Charleston. Mr. It. F. Howard, of Tallahassee, Fla., was in the city this week. Mr. It. M. Martin, of Charleston, came up this week on business here. Mr. J. H. Abraham, of New Orleans, is a recent arrival at the Hotel Union. /. BOBO own Hit EMM /. bobo B r" ? - t-hfi! sre heajT* ^ 5* - _i ifflSSZgJg RES Miss Ruth Foster spent last day in Spartanburg with fricn< ln9' Mr. W. R. Jeters, of Atl was registered at the Hotel I last week. Mr. S. Means Bcaty wer j Greenville on professional bus j this week. tninours! Miss Amv a it.7jsi?n' ^ UI V rs of leston, passed through the tied- Thursday. ?for | Mr. C. H. Foster, of the Jt =? ville bar, was in the city Moi 25 on business. | Mr. Horace L. Bomar, of I Spartanburg bar, passed tint . the city Saturday. Mr. B. F. Alston spent Wed day with relatives in Charleston joying Gala week. ANn Mr. and Mrs. V. E. DcPass Saturday for a trip to points noi lill including New York. Mrs. B. F. Townscnd has ity turned from Greenwood where has been visiting relatives. as Mrs. W. E. Thomson lias turned from Columbia where : has been visiting relatives, Mr. H. K. Chittvis cnnvnW"' y alter a serious illness. His frier are glad to see him out again. Ly Mr. J. F. Richardson, forme; proprietor of The Greenville Nov which has just changed ham 11 passed through Tuesday. Mr. W. II. Pate is again in to\ lV on a short visit to friends, lie now with the Central of Georg ?, Railway Company and is succee ing well. o Mr. McGowan Holmes, quarte hack of the South Carolina foot ha teaiq, passed through Friday on h way to Charlotte to play there i the Carolina-Davidson game. Rev. Charles M. Niles, rector < Trinity church at Columbia and 01 J of the most eloquent preachers i South Carolina, came through Unio Tuesday. bishop Ellison Capers was th guest of Rev. Royal Shannonhous last week. The Bishop is in excel lent health and still works with hi old time vigor and strength. Mr. William Goss, who has beci visiting his mother, Mrs. Ida Baker left Saturday for his home in Co lumbia accompanied by Mrs. liakei who will visit her daughter, Mrs. D. S, Pope, in the capital city. ? 1THE LIQUOR CASE. Interesting Matter Broi Up in Magistrate's Cour Two gallons of liquor in sii wicker jugs caused a very inte ing case to be heard in Magis< W. W. Johnson's court last T day. It was a claim for deli directed against Chief of P Austell by Mr. J. W. Mclxirsc Buffalo for the delivery of gallons of whiskey which Mr. Larson had purchased in Spar burg and transported to Unioi the night train. On arriving 1 he was arrested and brought Ix the mayor and the liquor was h into the possession of the po He brought action to recover liquor, claiming that he had a feet right to buy the liquor, ae testified without contradiction I hi: wugiii vnu liquor at tne pcusary in Spartanburg, aiu carry it to his homo for his personal use. Every inch of the case was 1 fought. The introduction of cei evidence was contested strongly | several exceptions were taken the ruling of the magistrate, chief of police was representei i the city attorneys, Seaife it Ha llin, and the plaintiff by Messrs ! F. Townsend and J. (loi ! Hughes. Mr. McLarson when on the si as the first witness for the plai simply told how he went to Spar burg and bought his liquor, ret p ing with it that night. Gcttini ? the train, he was detained surrounded by three policemen ; took him by the arm and tool jugs away. "1 don't see what want to hold me for," said McLarson to the policemen, ain't stole nothing, I ain't k I nobody, an' I'll just walk on you." The evidence showed that Larson was not a drunkard that he had not been to Spar burg but once before; it sh( that he was not a blind tiger. The question as to whethei whiskey had come from a I tiger or the state dispensary discussed minutely by the attori the defendants claiming that 1 dispensary liquor the jugs have a certificate and seal atta instead of a mere tin foil ove cork. Dispenser Howell tesl Vin lm/1 nfl An i*a?1 _ v..4?? "*KK *VW VfV Jji1' a reward of $2,$2fb w njmon (^fonJM'|]Is>^1ne sarai I 'to the county dispensary from S state dispensary, at Columbia j H scaled just like the one in evidcn He created a roar of laughter ~ the court room when he dcclai Bun- that ti e largest amount he had o1 I8- sold to one man at one time wh anta, was. dispenser was "30 qua Jnion an(l two gallons." The defendants failed to sin that McLarson's liquor was conti band and as the whole ease depen mess c(^ ^ that point, the plaintiff's j torneys asked the magistrate to c Jhar- rect a verdict for McLarson. whi< city was done, as the circumstances the case permitted. >ncs- Immediate possession of the whi ulav ^ey was no^ S*ven as a motion f new trial was made and therefo five days will elapse before it wi the |)c known whether the whiskey wi mgh i,0 given over to McI.4ir8on or no The patient jury after listenir nes- *? long arguments and sitting o cn_ the case for several hours, merel signed the verdict. The jury wc composed of J. C. Copeland, It. A lc'ft Jones, J. T. Hawkins, J. \V. John ' son (foreman K Jack Roberson. rc_ The Surprises of the Ballo she BOX. rc_ George 11. McClellan the prescn she incumbent of the mayor's oilicc ii the city of New York was reelectcc Tuesday over William R. Hears! 313 and Wm, M. Ivins. McClellan had 1 4,(KK) majority but his election will be hotly contested by Hearst. Morly Olellan ran on the straight Pernors, cratic ticket while Hearst ran on Is, the Municipal Ownership platform. William Travers Jerome, the noted tighter of criminals and corruption, j9 was reelected district attorney over Osborne. Jerome was an independa entThe Republican elephant laughed at the discomfiture of the Dcmocratic party when Missouri in the . last presidential election was caught ,lrt in Roosevelt's jungle, but now since in the Democrats carried Ohio?a veritable Republican fortress in byof gone days?it seems that the laugh ie is on the other sido. ' n And yet to succeed a Democrat? n Governor Douglass "the shoe man" the people of Massaehuscttcs elected e a Republican, Curtis Guild, e Weaver, tho Republican opponent 1- of bossism, who was fought by his s own party, won out in Philadelphia over all antagonists by at least 00,000 majority. 1 Up in Maryland?always a south ' cm state ? the disagreement of ~ Democrats kept the negroes from being disfranchised. There would have been no falling out about it in Strong Meeting of Cotton sociation. ight ; f, (Continued from page 1.) * 1 nplo county Hoa*a to select officers fo rest 1 year aH we^ a8 <^el?Katcs to t trate *bc State Convention to select u^>s members of the executive coir very *00 b>r *bc ^outl1. two of whon olico c^ted from South Carolina. ,n ,,f | election will take place on Do two I bcr *ih| The treasurer of tho county i tan- 1 ciation, Mr. J. \V. Gregory, * i made his report which stated icrc, ' $llt).f>3 'M'en Pa^ >n and .fere ' a check for sixty oi' this amount ikon ! a^n'ady been sent in to Prcsi jjce ! liar vie Jordan of the general i the ! ciation. Of this amount 5? 10 por_ I had been collected as the tr i ju. three cents on each hale, thus si that blg *ba* by actual count 3,337 1 I of cotton are being held by I ^() ! members of this association ii own ' county alone. Is this not com | ing proof that the eood r>eonl mr(j Union county arc sticking and 1 tain ; outand ' ^r- Gulp then deliv t to an address which had been e rpj10 characterized as "splendid." ] l,v advocated the purpose for w the organization was founded . urged co-operation in the ui rdon ?ft?rt to get the right price for . ton. At the conclusion of tand 8P<;ct'b be was thanked on the ntiiY of the association by President 1 tan- Judge Jason M. Greer and urn- tk Farr then following in aj g oil' Pr'ate and strong speeches r and the same line, who After an excellent session, c Ijjg, meeting adjourned. There you Quite Ti good attendance ami meeting was very encouraging. in"1! SPARTANBtJROCOUNTY with VOTES OUT DISPENSE Me- The Anti-Dispensary Won and ! Overwhelming Majorit ;^,i 1,639 Against 274. r the The election ill Spartan )lind ! county Tuesday was a very Wrt8 one, yet there was good work leys ! by both sides of the dispei to be quoytion. The anti-dispensary must ^y b t? 1? the vote being no di: ched i sa,,y dispensary 271. > r the onc tbc precincts gave a ma; lifted *or dispensary, The figl sale ! Spartanbup?mdows t6 tftet br r_" I lowTnih;^^ P'ace. -Piind as | tomhstniLS'0,, ascriptions on t ? I'ux^^rrerxfcKnPt*??V vnt. v*?t ivi i I indeittmdehce as a private soldi the I - iu .?<srvi U{rs 1 thought the rottenness diseovc cc | hy the investigation and the rcc jjj indictment hy the grand jury of rct| members of the board of conl m. and dispensers made the poo (jje ; more determined to vote out 1 r^g I dispensary than they would oth wise have been. A few more su elections will leave the legislati ... but little to do in the matter of d pensary legislation. ? Col. Thomas Stobo Farrow eh Dead. of Col. Thomas Stobo Farrow di< is- at his home in Columbia Novcmb or 1st at 9 o'clock p. m. after an i: re ncss of about 24 hours. Col. Fa ill row was born in Laurens Octob II 12, 1832. He was a son of Patil t. and Jane Stobo Farrow. He was ig good citizen and soldier, and wf n closely identified with the histor y of his state as one of her moi is prominent and worthy sons. II i. graduated at the South Carolin i- College and afterwards studied lai and practiced law at Spartanburg . lie entered the Confederate arm; early in 1861 as captain of th< Forest Rifles and rose to the posi tion of lieutenant colonel of tin I loth South Carolina regiment ant , was in all of the hard fought battle! j in which the 13th regiment was t engaged both in Virginia and i w est, and was wounded twice. I During the administrations ol President Grover Cleveland lie was assistant auditor in the war department. He was clerk of the senate of South Carolina during the stirring times of Gov. Wade Hampton's administration. He was married three times and is survived by his widow, three daughters and a son. Three of his cousins live here, Mrs. B. Jones, Mrs. M. W. Bobo and Mrs. C. T. Boyd. Col. Farrow was a Christian gentleman and a true patriot, a fearless and gallant soldier and ever rendered noble service to his country. His remains were taken to Spartanburg for burial. Dog Tax. Tift) county treasurer has a notice running in this _ _ jn.^1 Oil MIC (log j tax. We tako the liberty of Haying that wc think it the duty of every school trustee to see that every dog in his district be returned and tax paid on every dog, Ijecausc every dollar raised in this way goes to the support of the schools, and the more dog tax you got the more money you will have for your schools. So be wide awake and see that every one who owns a dog pays the tax, whether the dog is worth it or not. As- glHHBSraE?2i33 _ I ...WE 114 PER 8EN1 This oft ^ On money de| ?; I savings d: dint ? compounded s< asso- as ?of I November 1st 5 | THE PEOP1 ,'pi'i'v Capital and Surp! titcd Ms tf YES, r part Vv.i TURNER & >pro-| ^ that you will tind a Phdty iiong 1 5 and sizes, also Roll root th l % money on the market. ? "TRUNliS! < % ALL SIZES AND I m.le prices. | f* i l by ft Have you bought one! V- ^ of our 36 pound feather* ? beds for $10? They can t( ^ be beat, burg quiet 1 ? done 1 ti GIVE US A CALL BE (i THING IN < spen-1 f* iorityl tturner & it in I r NEXT TO it dc-1 ff-* it M ajL tejn^&7d.r^o'?X5ol4 er promise. / * ee """ to red ^ *?- ? - m wnrm ent " th? -ie-arar&rarar&r&rd trol H ? Special For 1 lch & ire 1S" fj| Just received fresh fr js ^ Cream of Wheat, For ^ Yeast, Macaroni, Sp , ^ Chocolate, Baker's Ct CCl p *r $? ing Powder, and o r- ^ necessities and luxuri lo line. We get daily ar able groceries; alvvay ;Nt ^ thing new. A visit t 'c ^ the purpose of inspe< iV ^ worth your while wl :: & y ^ or not. ! ? j ? The Union Groce " ^ For Fresh and Scasoi , ^ L. L. WAGKON, M IIP YOU WANT 7 FINEST TROLiSI ASK PGR Celebrated 1 They are the re... i i uu |j properly. Once yoi | of Crown Trousei jj always wear them ....Sold Only | Mutual Dry G n r. p. harry, mai Kmnwwimrr&zxtoTnvfZBt z^uotaxL^: zszsz ?? nwmamt?rmemi?m?mrnxm kif... "^1 r INTERESTS posited in our jgj EPARTMENT | iinhannually, and May 1st. ?? LES BANK,! !us over $80,000. I rsps ?^?98 &?><? - ;V S??fc. ? Si" M0S SoBflSMi rs at 5 MAYF1 ELD'S ? 4 line ot Rockers, all kinds 4 Beds the best for the 4 j 2 t-UKh BUYING ANY- <# OUR LINE. ? MAYFIELD 5 FLYNN'S. fa^c,s K. 6irev n ^ikirtig0^ i/?s' rm of affidavit proof of claim j a statement as to how the i n ggta.-hi* -nrnnerlv filled ^ . v&&r3r&r~j8rarii^ fliis Week: % om the factory, ce, Vigor, Magic %j[ aghetti, Baker's ^j[ )coa, Royal Bak = ^S[ ther seasonable 5j[ ies in the eating rivals of season- ^ s getting some o our store for ^S[ :tion is always ^J[ let her you buy ^S[ rv Company, ^ lable Eatables. lanager. ? gasaaflKP aBMBBH?BM? ? 0 BUY THE 1 ms MADE I THE I Crown J isers that fit I n wear a not- I ? pull I rs you will I ' by.... I oocSs Co., I NAGER. |