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FrnTTi ^ Leonard Shaw and De< flSR Leonard Shaw and Dei IgS Annex Shoes in all sty The celebrated Shamn Children's and Misses Sqg Some odds and ends ii 1 Lot of Ladies' Autoh 0J? Men's Plow Shoes, \vi Conn || Ladies' Read3 HI from 50c 111 Biz lot of all ? tag price to si |H We aim to m< j|| for a few |g $15 for $5 III Shirts worth : 11 going at i | ..IN ? WHITE GOO g*s 20c and 2 M EMBROIDER Is eries now Is goods nov g| IN LACES w |s bargains. I Union Cotto 1 he f( Mowing is from the News litxi T\n Inriiienl of fhe llacf Mr. F.ditor: hi your lust issue th" notice you gave of the old liddle and its accompaniments reminded 1110 of an occurrence which took place in I'nion over fifty years ago in which perhaps these same musicd instruments took part. A Thespian Society was formed ii the town composed of the young men < f the place and I think used toe old female academy as a theatre. In one of their plays Mr. Dudly Culp personated a eorpe, and when th ! curtain rose he was lying upon his back ?lressed in his shroud; Ixifore lying down he had tilled his mouth with tobacco which soon grew to Mich proportions that he was compelled to turn his head and ex pell it, which of course brought down the house with loud applause. <)i TOOKNAIMAS. Halloween Party. There will he a hallowcen party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Townsend on South street on the night of < ictoher hOth. This party ? DELICIOUS is OP PAR AWAi S\ ... . All ot us cannot take a ti !? beautiful country, but ev ^ enjoy at will the deliciou ? this,* the garden spot of th ? JUST RE ^ 1905 Pack of Genuine California White w California Royal J* California Evaf California A? ^ California Bi k Of these fruits we have a ? quality Is as good as grow flowers, and the prices rei r ,1 ? * r i1 1 ^ i no tiuaiuy or me gooas o 7* We solicit your order: else desirable in the eatinj. | Union Or y -AUGHTER en Shoes, io calf and vici, butt en #5.00 Shoes for les and leathers, will be sold f( >d< Shoe going for nrirp* ci,M v . >v Wf f IW t/'X. %JVS ) UV II JUIU "i Ladies' Slippers, all sizes, for iav Shoes, price $4.00, selling i arth $1.25 to $1.50, selling for e at once! First in, first sc ' Trimmed Hats at to $4.00. >ilk Ribbons, all cok jit your purse. >ve our Clothing de days will sell suits 25c going at 19c, SF *9c. Sox 3c up. C DRY G0< DS: White Lawi 5c, going at 12}?c, IES AND LACES: 12^c, 25c goods v 28c. e are offering so n Mills Deparl g^fQfT^iciagNifiarT^ifCli F l xrM forward lo the economic development will, ? was projected l>y Misses Louise Murphy and Misses Hunter and Myra Young. The usual uncanny Wt\ t intw in/ndnui t?% tl?ic l/w*nn<1_ siry occasion will he observed. All of the spooks, the witches, the burn ing of the candles, the looking glass, shadows on the wall, face in the well, and all such amusing and grotesque features will he gone through with and wind up with a luncheon of ginger bread and cider, pumpkin custard pies and possibly a witehe's dance in the wierd glimmering shadows of the magic lantern tlickerings like a pantomine to induce a sleepless night for the participants. An bntertainment i Will be given at the Second Baptist church Friday night and Saturday night. Over out; hundred I stereopticon views. Over three I thousand feet of moving pictures, i Best machines. Best pictures and best light?electricity. An admission charge at the door, drown folks Joe; children 10c. Begins N o'clock p. m. ar&rarararar&fi ^ REMINDERSJ / CALIFORNIA! ^ ip to this far famed and erv customer of ours can ^ s fruits and' products of ie world. 2 : r c i 1/ c i\ ^ , V L< I * Li L/ Lemon Cling Peaches ? i Heath Peaches 5J White Cherries Ml >orated Peaches 0 5 iparagus Tips v[ irtlett Pears ^ tremendous stock. The & s in this land of fruit and J narkably low, considering * ffered. s for these and anything 5 ; line. * ocery CoJ I ^saleT| on and lace $2 50 Ww 3 00 P? )r 2 25 gS 2 50 gjg 150 iff it.'.'. 2 50 ||| irved. |j| reduced prices, || >rs and shades, <g?| partment, and If worth $10 to 1| lirts worth 50c jl ollars 9c. jl DDS.. J ns worth 15c, |p 15c and 20c. p 15c Embroid- jsp now 20c, 40c p me very rare ;jj| ment Store. 1 I nunlitv orrtlH*} J Loco -?c..T? -ig ST-jUT" Please Remember Always that our first consideration is for our prescription department. We dispense only the PUREST Drugs and Chemicals. Our prices are reasonable for the service we render in the quality of our goods and the skill with which they are compounded. We deliver goods to any part of the city at any time. Palmetto Drug Co., Iluiet & Remvick, Owners. THE Cash Bargain Store has received a new line of Ladies Neckwear, Belts, Ribbons and Plain and Changeable Silks. The collars are simply beautiful, made of Chiffon, P. K.'s and Felt. COMB AND SBB OUR NEW RIBBONS. We have a piece of Taffeta Silk, black, 36 inches wide, guaranteed, at #1 per vard. We have the largest and most up-to-date line of Shawls and Fascinators we have ever handled. Buy your Shoes, Dress Goods, Jackets and Underwear from ?. MRS. D. N. W1LBURN. TOO I to write an "ad," bi the goods, and are ness with our Great Values ai No matter what v iou, you will find li _ ? Union Cotton Exchange J. B RAMSEY, J. R. MATHIS, Prest. Sec. & Mgr. New York Futures?October 26. Opening High | Low 10:66 am Dec. 10.64 fiXM 10/20 10.47 Jan. 10.62 10.06 10.50 10.00 Mcb. 10.73 10.83 10.73 10.78 May 10.86 10.02 10.86 10.88 The last column is the latest before going to press. Liverpool was due to come up 16 or 17 points on parity to New York yesterday. Liverpool met this expectation and the 2 p.m. report was 2 to 3 points higher. New York should have opened 8 points above yesterdays close, hut instead came at 8 points down. Information just received says the market is expected to break on account of a threatened revolution in Russia. The Government ginners report shows 4,940,000 bales?about a million short of last years report. Jonesville Jottings. October 23, 1D0.Y.?Today is the* tirst sign of killing frost seen upon the crops and it is slight , everything being so dry. Last Wednesday Mr. R. W. Lemaster had a stroke of paralysis and he is still in a critical condition. Mr. Lemaster has passed his four score mile stone and has been a stout, active man. Dr. M. W. Chambers has a case of malarial fever. There is, however, very little sickness in our . town. Tht wedding of Miss Mildred Lindsay and Mr. Hugh F. Little at the Presbyterian church last week was one of the largest attended and most brilliant of weddings ever in our town. The presents amounted to several hundred dollars and were all of the line .and costly kind. Presents ami household furniture for new housekeepers in the days when one like myself was young were nuite tliffomnf in 1, vj ? * vw X.???VIVIIV lllUOU HK'OU latter days. In those days they consisted of a feather l>ed and bedding spinning wheel and cotton cards, pots, ovens and skillets with some common earthen ware, a side saddle and sometimes a cow and calf. Cut glass, painted China ware and silver ware was not in it those days. A young man that was going to marry was counting over the things he would need to begin housekeeping on to his friend and after nanjjng potware, earthen-1 YPt7T? fother such things mrtnc ~ Trmuuw^wii?w- | trying to think of something else, started up by exclaiming, "Yes, John, be golly, I've got to have a mattock." The Eastern Shirr degrees were given last Monday in the lodge room of Prudence lodge by Thomas II. Gore, past deputy grand master. Several masons with their wives, daughters and sisters were present. Tlinri1 WOC O Col<? tn/lnw 0>n I ? va V f! uw cv UU1V> bUUUJ U1 IMVy personal property of David llcnry McDowell, deceased, near Jonesville. 1 understand that the property brought high pricci?. Mr. J. L. Lemaster, of Hid goway, visited his sick father Mr. H. W. Leniaster last week and attended the Little-Lindsey wedding. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chambers of I'nion have lieen attending the bedside of Dr. Chambers during his sickness. Telephone. Letter to McLure Mercantile Co. Union, S. C. Dear Sirs: It's an old saying: the best advertisement is a pleasant customer. It happens to us continually in this way. A man buys Devoe for his house? he has painted it once in three years for a dog's-age. and thinks be knows what he wants?buys 30 gallons, and has 10 left. rie sees right off that 20 Devoe is aa much as 30 of anything else. He likes that; it comes quick; it is a surprise, an<l ho tells of it. The best advertisement is a pleased customer. Three years roll around. There isn't a sign that his house needs paint; he don't paint it. Next year he don't paint it. This comes slow; it is a surprise; but he has got used to it. Still the best advertisement is a pleased customer. Yours truly, F. W. Dbvob Co. P. S. Bailey Lumber & Mfg Co. sells our paint. 52 Advertised Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Union, 8. C., for the week ending Oct. 27, 905. A?Haron Adams. B?Laurens Aurgvss, E M Brown. C?J L Collins. Annie Carrison (2) D?Mary Dawkins. F?J Hunter Flanev. (i?W M Gregory, Bailie Gossett, Agnes Giles. J?Mrs Minnie Jenninsrs. Mrs Heni? Jeter, W B Jovner. L?Mm W J Lemaster. M?Bar ah Moore, Tom Martin, Mr and Mrs Spencer Murph. N?Pernetta Neal. P? David Prysock, A N Page. 8?liev Jas W Sligh. T?Andrew Talifore, J Lafayette Thomas. W?W (r Wallaee, Mary Williams. Louis Williams. Y?S D Young. Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required to pay ono cent for their delivery. J. C. Huttxaa, P. M. I k l Jurxl,nuersei,mg st< teiture Mer The Undei I "just re SOLID au BURN Guaranteed Fo I COME AN! I OUR PRICES I UNION HARDWI H * Union, TO Bin I OR NOT TO Bl)Y flHHHBi That is the question tli is, perhaps, now perpk ing you. We can ass you in^deciding. If yot give our clothes a Io< I you'll conclude that t thing to do is to buy no You'll find clothes tt are up to the standard your requirements. Tf bear the "S. M. & i label, which attests 1 fact that they are "m* right at the right pric< Have you ever w< SUI THEIR,WEARING QUALITIES AL j. C O I OUTFITTERS TO PA Ik- ===== Special Advertisements 1 Notices will be inserted in this column at tho rate of 26 words or less for 26c one issue, four issues for 75o. Additional lines over J twenty Ave words So a line. FRESH turnip seed?just received ^ another lot of reliable turnip seed in I all the beat varieties at Hcaife's. ' FOR RENT?House on Main street, 7 large rooms, bath room, servant.) house; nice garnen, water works, sewer connection and modern lm. I provements; possession given at once. Apply to J. A. Brown, "the real estate man." * FOR RKNT OR LEASE?About 3N) acr cs of land, 10 miles from Union, 3 horse farm, good dwelling house, bait), and 2 tenant houses. Possession given January 1st, 1006. Apply to J. A. B?own, tiro real estate man. 36-tf ' BUSY F ut we "sure" have doing the bush nd Low Prices alues are offered them for less at >re. o cantile Co., psellers. iCEIVEDi \RLOAD 2j WAGONS 1 St. $55.001 * r 18 Months. fl 3 SEE US. 1 A DP? DIHHT H m COMPANY,! l'"?*-? S rv nn ^v % /% /v-tf <11% **+ urn one uf iiicsc rs? WAYS AFFORD SATISFACTION H K N, ? RTICULAR PEOPLE. >VANTKD?To sell 55 acres of land abont three quarto rs of a mile from the Knitting mill. SifTtahle for truck farming or residence. Apply IA> uic rem esvau! mail, J. A. HrOWD, 18-tf SVANTKD?To exchange 327 acres of laud in Coshed Hill township, also 104 acres in Cross Keys township for cotton mill stock. Bee J. A. Brown, "The Real Estate Man." 88-tf VANTED?To sell 9 lots near Monarch mills, 50x150. The 9 lota for $95.00. Quick. Bee J. A. Brown, the real p estate man. 42-tf >V ANTED?To sell 100acres level land, ft miles west of Union, 60 acres in pines and 50 acres in original forest,can be bought at quick sale at $7,00 per acre. Half cash, balance 12 months time at ft per cent interest. Bee J. A. Brown, thu real estate man, 42-tf "/ . X ^