S8 Leonard Shaw and De
ISjj Leonard Shaw and De
Annex Shoes in all sty
The celebrated Shamr<
?j?5 Children's and Misses
Some odds and ends i'
1 Lot of Ladies' Autol"
Men's Plow Shoes, w
m ? r-v ?
13 Ladies' Read}
2 from 50c
( Biz lot of all f
| price to si
| We aim to mi
| for a few
H $15 for $5
||| Shirts worth
|H going at.
?*? 20c and ^
Is eries now
Wis goods noi
^ bargains.
I Union Cott(
Character Is Power.
Many think to make money i
making the most of one's self, sai<
a man of wide experience, hut Join
l>. Rockefeller, Jr., the riches
young man in tne world, spoakini
of what la* considered the four bes
things in life, placed character first
friendship second, health third an<
success last. Reside the charaete
of (ieorgc Washington the million
of some Americans look ama/ingl
small. William M. lCvarts said
"As there is nothing in thejworl
great hut man, there is nothin
truly great in man hut character,
fharaeter is power. Character i
the stone that will grind every otlu
stone to powder.
(ieorge Horace Lorimer, in
Self-Made Merchant's Letters t
HisKoi," sums up the value <
character in this way: "It's tli
quality of the goods inside the wraj
per that tells, when once they g?
into the kitchen and up to tli
cook." The merchant, you remcn
her, was the head of a great pack
ing house, and to impress upon hi
son the value of character, he said
"You can cure a ham in dry sa
and you can cure it in sweet piekh
si'ul when you're through you'v
got pretty good eating either wn\
provided you .started with a goo
iiam. If you didn't, it doesn
make ,!ny dilTcrence how you cure
it? the ham trycr's going to stic
his sliarp iron into the hone an
strike the sour spot and throw i
aside. It doesn't make any dilTei
enee how mueh money and suga
and fancy pickle you soak into
fellow, he's no good unless he i
sound and sweet ot the core."
Notice of Stockholder's Meeting ti
Consider the Following Resolutions.
Resolved, That a meeting of th<
stockholders of The Union Grocer
Company is hereby called to be licit
on the "Joth day of November in tin
otlicc of the company, in the town o
Union, S. C., for the purpose of con
sidcring the matter of surrendcrinj
tlie present charter of the said com
pany and obtaining a new charter, in
creasing the capital stock of the sait
company to twenty-live thousand <1<>|.
lars. and enlarging the scope add powers
of said company by giving it the
right and privilege to buy, improve
rent and sell real estate, and deal in
live stock and to do a general commisKii.n
ntul brokerage business, in addi
tion to (lie powers heretofore granted
it by its eliarter; and tlial dim notice
of such meeting is hereby given.
I.. L. Wacnon,
Sey'y. and Treasurer.
en Shoes, in calf and vici, butto
en $5.00 Shoes for
les and leathers, will be sold foi
>ck Shoe going for....
shoes, price $1.50, being sold f<
n Ladies' Slippers, all sizes, for.
lav Shoes, price $4.00, selling at
orlh $1.25 to $1.50, selling for .
e at once! First in, first sei
v Trimmed Hats at i
to $4.00.
>ilk Ribbons, all colo
I . i r/\< < ^ * v
LI 1 L ^UU! [;U15C.
ove our Clothing de|
days will sell suits
25c going at 19c, Sh
39c. Sox 3c up. C
>DS: White Lawi
J5c, going at i2l/^c,
' 12J4c, 25c goods
>v 28c.
/e are offering so
>n Mills Depart
Union Cotton Exchange
i Prest. Sec. & Mgr.
* Opening j High Low Close
il Oct. 9.73! 9.70 9.70 9.70
... Dec. 9.99' 10.09 9.39 9.95
Jan. 10.011 10.15 9 91 10. IB
l!S Mch. 10.19 10.32 10.15 10.23
y May 10.27! 10.10* 10.21 10.35
I, 1
(1 Liverpool opened 10 points up this
g a. ra., and New York, although having
m advanced thirty odd points, advanced
, I 10 points on opening and has added ten
l}i more points to this. ICnglish spinners
r are buying and the market is strong.
A reaction may come from profit taking.
. Bears are getting frightened and are
covering. We do not look for any nato
ional decline at present. New York
>f spots ]0c yesterday, due to com' 10.10
1(. to 10.15 today. Liverpool spots 13 up
_ at 5.40. Sales today 10,000; receipts
15,000 against (i2,tjS4 iast year. Cotton
't on local market 9.50.
Don't Read This.
>S W, I..?../! (..^..11 1 I. Itn.ilr
: | Merchants and Planter's stock, Cotton,
It | Mills Stock in blocks to suit purclius.
icrs. Also WW acres splendid farm
' I lands, containing one of the linest
waterpowers in upper South Carolina.
'? A great bargain for quick cash sale.
(1 Apply to The Real Kstate Man,
t J. A. Brown.
k Stockholders Meeting.
it A meeting of the stockholders of
- The Cnion Times Company is hercr
hy called on Monday, October 2d,
a at 12 o'clock M., in the Directors
s room of Merchants A* Planters National
Rank. F. M. Fa nit,
0 Prest. Co.
I Low Rates Again to H
\ t'l.*nvtunu o iwl tltii lnouf S
I I,ens than one-way fare for the
round trip l>y Memphis and
the Cotton Belt Route. Dates
I are October 17, November 7
and 21, December "> and It).
Pick your date and say when and
where you want to ^o and we will
I give you full information by return
saleti "
H c
c0R a
Kg] ^
n and lace $2 50 5^3 f,
3 00 gS
r 2 25 ?*& i
2 50 jgg v
jr 1 00 ^ J
50 g| ['
: 2 50 Eg i
90 p| r
rved' h! V
reduced prices, ||jj i
rs and shades, Jg| i
partment, and || ,
worth $10 to ||
lirts worth 50c 1| ,
ollars 9c. i| ,
)DS.. 11
ns worth 15c, |?| j
15c and 20c. |f| !
15c Embroid- |j|
now 20c, 40c |?f
pBS ?
me very rare |a \
rs <
fcv3} j
men! Store. 1I
il (
Letter to A. H. Foster, ,
Union, S. C. \
Dear Sir: Some think we take a good .
deal of risk in inviting complaints of
Devoe lead-and-zinc?we authorize our t
agent to sell it under this guarantee:
'If you have any fault to llnd with 1
this paint, either now or in putting it .
on. or hereafter in the wear, tell your
dealer about it.
"We authorize him to do what is
I riget at our expense."
"The following story tells how little
' the risk is:
J H Asher ?fc Co, hardware dealers,
Rhincbeck, N Y, have sold Devoe 5rom
'70 to now: have sold thousands of gallons
and have had jast one complaint
in all this time.
Three aides of a house .were perfect; ;
the fourth was as bad as the three were '
Explanation?it rained the nivnt he
fore ihe fourth side was painted; and
the painters didn't wait for the wood to
dry. ]
What is done in such a case? Whatever
the dealer, who sold the paint,
considers it fair to do. We-leave it to
him. He may not do exactly what wo
seould do if we were there: but we are
not there. The best we can do is to
leave it to him. Yovrs truly,
F W Drvok A Co 1
P S Bailey Lumber & Mfg Co sells
our paint 51
Notice to Creditors.
All parties having claims against J.
Woods Jeter, deceased, are notified to
present them properly attested to the ,
undersigned at Santuc, S. (.!., and all '
parties owing the said deceased must ^
make payment at once.
J. T. Jktkk,
42-3t Administrator.
j While our business is far above our
I expectations we keep up a con- j
tinuous effort to get new business
with new up-to-date good substantial
merchandise. \Vc draw the ]
line of serviceability. Jf an item
does not meet that test we do not
sell it. So hear in mind these facts ^
and do not fail to sec us when in
need of anything. We always have
something to interest you. We are ^
adding new lines every day. See
us for your Shoes, Underwear, Canton
Flannels, Outings and other
such -like Merchandise. We have g
bargains in these lines. When we
say bargains or best that's just the
kind you will get. We do not rely ^
on printer's ink and never mind
what our competitors say; customers
opinions are the ones that counts. _
Ask your friends about us. \
The Union Mercantile Co.
J. L. Hawkins and R. N. Sprouse, I
Managers. |
clightful Dance Tuesday,
The autumn gcrmanof the Union
Icrnian Club was given Tuesday
ight in the hall of the opera house
nd was a most delightful occasion,
m unusually large number was
resent and the dancers crowded \
he Hoor.
The music was furnished by
'hornas' orchestra of Columbia and
,*as of the highest class. During
he evening fruit punch was served
roin a large cut glass IhjwI in the
all room. The gcrman was led by
liss Sarah Welch and Mr. S. C.
>01*888. The dancers were:
Miss Sarah Welch, of Carlisle,
k'ith Mr. S. C. DcPass.
Miss liouise Bailey, of Columbia,
vith Mr. J. H. Rodger, Jr.
Miss Annie Rodger with Dr. 1.
J. Hair.
Miss Sallie Hix with Mr. 11. F.
Arthur, Jr.
Miss Fan Thomas with Mr. T. H.
Miss Jessie Hix with Mr. Paul
Miss Louise Murphy with Mr. J.
{ion McKissick.
Miss Reese with Mr. Philip Flynn.
Miss Thorn with Mr. H. B.
Miss Ivy Iiilzim with Mr. B. F.
Mston, Jr.
Miss Jessie Cravens with Mr.
Lindsay McNally.
Miss Nina Colton with Mr. Hugh
Stags: I)r. K. \N'. Foster, S. H.
McLean, R. G. Brownlec, It. A.
Tones, Dr. H. L. Fellers, Dr. J. M.
Wallace, Heintish, of Columbia,
Jlough Arthur, Thos. McNally.
Chaperons: Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Arthur,
Mrs. Crown Torrcnce, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. V. E.
Notice of Sale.
The following fixtures used in the
iisnensary, being property of the Town
ind County of Union, S. C., will be
sold ut public auction to the highest
Didder in frent of the court house on
the first Monday in November, 1905,
it 11 a. m.:
One medium size iron safe, in good
londition; five split bottom chairs ; one
cebox: one heating stove and pipe:
two swinging lamps; one high stool;
lix thousand 10 pound paper bags ; one
oil wrapping paper. Terms of sale
R L. McNat.i.y, Mayor.
T. J. Bktknhavoii,
County Supervisor.
October 17, 1905. 42-3t
Special Advertisements
Notices will beinsorted in this column at
he rate of 25 words or less for 25c one issue,
our issues for 75c. Additional lines over
;wenty-tlve words 6c a linn.
FRESH turnip seed?just received
another lot of reliable turnip seed in
all the best varieties at Scaife's.
FOR RENT?House on Main street, 7
large rooms, bath room, servant
bouse; nice garnen, water works,
sewer connection and modern improvements;
possession given at once.
Apply to J. A. Brown, "the real estate
SEEDED raisins, crystalized citron
cioves, maee, cinnamon tpulverized
and stick) almonds, pecans, brazil
walnuts, any quantity, bulk or pack.
At the Union Grocery Company.
acr es of land, 10 miles from Union
3 horse farm, good dwelling house,
barn, and 2 tenant houses. Possession
given January 1st, 1900. Apply
to J. A. Brown, the real estate man.
LAP ROBES?The smoothest line ever
shown in Union. The Peoples Supply
WANTED?To sell 65 acres of land
about three quarters of a mile from
the Knitting mill. Suitable for
truck farming or residence. Apply
to the real estate man, J. A. Brown.
BARBED wire?car just unloaded,
get our prices. The Peoples Supply
WE have a treat for all oi our customers
in genuine 1905 packed mackerel.
Finest value offered for 10 cents and
the Irest Hah ever offered on the market
for 20 cents. See them. The
Union Grocery Company.
*4 A IKS?We are in position to save you
money on nails. The Peoples Supply
IUST opened a barrel of ehoice pickle
pig feet. Try a change for breakfast.
The Union Grocery Company.
TURN plows?See us for two-horse
turn plow* and middle blusters.
The People's Supply Co.
IMOKE the El Werth cigar if you
want to get your money's worth.
The Union Grocery Company, distributors.
IEKI) oats and wheat?The best quality
of seed oats and wheat at The
Peoples Supply Co.
i GREAT bargain in chewing tobacco
?Sweetheart; 3 pings to the |>ound,
10 cents per plug. The Union
(ir<?cery Company.
V ANTKI)?To sell lOOacres level land,
8 miles west of Union, 50 acres in
pines and 50 acres in original forest,
ean be bought at <|ifick sale at $7.00
per acre. Half cash, balance 12
months time at 8 per cent interest.
See J. A. Brown, the real estate man. j
' I
Our buyer while in the
picked up an assortmc
$10, $12.50 and $15 val
sell you for $7.50, $8.51
coats are selling rapid!:
your buying too late,
big lot Children and M
bought in the same \
sell you at wholesale
a full line of Broad CI
Dress Flannels, Shoes
nery, Men's and Boy's
ana small Notions or
save you money by
McLure Men
The Unders
?ri T* ????
|| Guaranteed For
Union, ,
I Modest
IB In I-?attern
11 Modern
I In Cut
|| Modish
II In Style
|| Moderat
II In I3rice
11 Our jclothes embody this
?1 bination--you can't bea
II try as you may. Clc
|| "made right at the
|| price" tells the story.
11 "S. M. & S." label bacl
11 our claims.
|| We will welcome t
if you will giv<
II show you
J. C o ]
FOR RENT?The one story cottage, |
corner of Booth and Mountain streets.
Very desirable location. Apply to
F. C. Duke.
WANTED?To sell 9 lots near Monarch ?
mills, 50x150. The 9 lots for $95.00. LI
Guick. Bee J. A. Brown, the real
estate man. 42-tf
F RESH shredded cocoanut, hitter or
sweet chocolate, cocoa, tapioca, sago
and farina, just received at Tlie |
Union Grocery Company.
FKK8H Pearl hominy, new Carolina VI
Head rice, new graham Hour, buck- *
wheat Hour, at the Union Grocery i
Company. Send us your orders; i
they will be appreciated and have <
our beat attention. ?
HARNESS?We. are headquarters for !
wagon and buggy harness. Comef to I
ace us. The Peoples Supply Co. (
11?? ''
Eastern Markets
int of long coats
ues that we can
[) and $10. These
y% so don't put off
We also have a
isses Long Coats
vay that we can
prices. We have
ioths, Henriettas,
, Clothing, MilliHats,
i which we can
our underselling
cantile Co.,
lli $55.?0| ^ |
18 Months.
_ n
w *
? Mhe
z us time to
ANTED?To exchange 327 acres of
land in Goshen Hill township, also
104 acres in Cross Keys township for
cotton mill Htock. See J. A. Brown,
"The Real Estate Man." 38-tf
OT your nextorder include ahundred
weight of pansy Hour, if you want
light, wholesome and delicious A
hreiwl The TT..;~.. n- ? "
x.n^urjr company
)R BALE?660 bushels of Appier oata
at 76c per bushel. J. E. Mintkk ?fe
Bko., Sedalia. 30-3t /x
VNCAMP'S big hominy in 3 pound .
sans at 10 cents the can is an economical
and palatable breakfast
tlish. Try it. The Union Grocery 1
great bargain in a 10 pound box of
Sweetheart tobacco for $8.00; worth
M-60. Try ft. The Union Grocery