?5$ Leonard Shaw and Do
Leonard Shaw and De
Annex Shoes in all stv
fcgj The celebrated Shanin
BS Children's and Misses
Some odds and ends i
|g2 1 Lot of Ladies' Autol
Men's Plow Shoes, w
HI Ladies' Read?
|H from 50c
li Biz lot of all i
s|| price to s
ii We aim to m
H for a few
!$15 for $5
Shirts worth
going at
Is 20c and i
Is eries nov
|fl goods no
||| bargains
I Union Cott
-viiiuii uoiron Exchangi
Prest. Sec. & Mgr.
Frost reported 11?i< morning from tli
f.. 11oinv; points: Vickshurg, Meridiai
and (iianada. Miss: Monroe, I.a., Bi
tn i mrliuiri A lii nrul Momritiia 'I'tmi
Light frost reported from Oklahonc
and Not them Texas, hut the temper
tore did not fall to freezing point e
cent in west Kansas?ahove the cottc
belt. Frost also reported at Greers an
~ Orangeburg, S. C.
The present cotton crop is estimate
all the way from ten ami a half 1
eleven million bales. Liverpool openc
this a m three to four points declin
New York market looks weak, and
further deline would not be a surpris
The reports of fro:?t seem to have r
elTect on the market. New York ma
ket opened 3 to I )mints down.
Opening I High i Low j Close
Get. 10.071 0.07 O.f.O |
Gee. O.SS'j K.SH O.l.h f) SD
Jan. fl.DS Hl.OS t? SO o.'.IO
Mch. 10.11 0.12 0.K3 10.(3
May I').2( lo.'.Q li(.<?*> 1 1<>. 12
Sully left Sunday for the South, II
will speak to the farmers at varioi
places. Says he will show them hoi
they can easily hold their cotton, in
only for 11, hut for 12 cents.
Mmi.ef li i ii fx I. tl.e lt.*n jti ml:>.
In i) I'hihidelplij.'i kindergarten seine
a teneher was telling the little ehildre
all she knew about a clock. "Now
this." she said, "is Hie pendulum- tlii
thing that swings hack and forth. Dii
suy of you ever hear the word pendii
funi before?"
A child i>ut up In-r hand. "Yes, teach
er," slie said. "Pendulum l'ranklin
I've heard it often."
Tea. her?Now. I have explained wlia
'providential'' moiins, and I want som<
of you to give me an illustration.
Height Hoy- Please, ma'am, I cau.
"Very well. What is it?"
"The holes in a porous plaster."
"11 tun! Why?"
'When yeh pull th' piaster off tb'
holes don t hurt."
The Tom,
The seennd toe should ho longer than
the others 10 denote tin artistic temperament.
Here sentimeiitalism dwells
Mid romance and imagination. If the
larger toe Is strong and hroad the Inelination
toward n/illsni will he checked
by a good amount of practical
seuso. In Uie purely artistic fr?ot tho
little member "f the live should curl
inward. Its arching upward denotes
n passionate nature. The women of
southern countries are noted for this
dlHtlDciiou. 1
en Shoes, in calf and vici, buttc
en $5.00 Shoes for
les and leathers, will be sold fo
>ck Shoe going for
shoes, price $1.50, being sold f
n Ladies' Slippers, all sizes, for
mv Shoes, price $4.00, selling a
orth $1.25 to $1.50, selling for
e at once! First in, first se
VTrimmed Hats at
to $4.00.
silk Ribbons, all colo
uit your purse,
ove our Clothing de
davs will sell suits
25c going at 10c, SI
30c. Sox 3c up. C
)DS: White Law
25c, going at l2J4c,
/ 12J4c, 25c goods
w 28c.
ve are offering s<
on Mills Depar
A Wow?l?-rf ill l'litti! l-'iuully.
Q There is ;i family of microscopic
plants called diatoms which swarm in
nil oceans in every clime. They are
coated with pure silica, or flint, and
are found in the most delicate and loveliest
forms. So tiny are they that it
takes 41 .OOO.OUO.OOO of them to till a
| single cnbie inch, and lSd.nuO.uOO to
^ the naked eye would just look like a
'! speck of dust and weigh only a grain.
n They multiply so fast that wltliiu forta
ty-eight hours one may become 8,000a
00n and its offspring ti 11 two cubic feet
x- in four days As they tile they sink to
'J the bottom, falling in a constant showor.
In the course of ages they till up
>(j harbors, the deposits formed of them
jG being many miles In extent and Inin,(1
dreds of feet in thickness. The deepe.
est deposit known is that on which the
a elty of llerlin stands, which is eightye
four feet thick At St I'-.t .wai...
40 there is a deposit of thirty feet, and at
r Uichtnond, Ya., is one of eighteen feet.
1 ,
Letter to John A. Fant,
Union, S. C.
hear Sir: A gallon saved is St or So
earned. Devoe saves 2 or :l gallons in
10. How much is it worth a gallon?
?, A gallon saved saves the painting
le too: and both t< get her cost $-1 or $4
i where labor is cheap; $"> where labor is
Our agents in Bridgeport. Conn.,
' Hubbell ?v Wade Co., tell us: '"There
I are a great many workingmen's houses
j here. They used to paint lead-and-oil
| and take ten gallons We have been
! soiling them ten gallons Devoe lead'
j ami-zinc' and have had, in every in"
stance, two gallons returned." The
proportion is often higher than that; we
s ; iiavo known it five in ten; but that is
1 eTceptional.
i. This is the explanation; Devoe is
ground by machinery, and is ground
fine; lead-ami oil is mixed by hand and
isn't ground at all.
' Yours truly,
nh F. W. Dkvok & Co.
P. S. Bailey Lumber and Mfg. Co.
sells our paint.
s PitQtinn tn IfindrnH ?nd PmilhA.-,
\jiiuhuh iu miiuiGU anu UIGUIIUIS
State of South Carolina, )
County of Union. f
By Jason M (ireer, 10s(| Probate Judge
Whereas M W. Ifobo lias made
suit to me to grant him Letters of Ad'
ministration on the Kstate ot and effects
of John It. Linson, DeceasedThese
are. therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred
! and creditors of the said John R. Linson,
deceased, that they be and appear,
before me, in the Court of Probate, to
' be held at Union C. If., South Carolina,
on the JSth day of October, next, after
publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the
forenoon, to show cause, if any they
have, why the said Administration
should not ho granted.
Given under iny hand and seal this
1'Jth day <>f October, Anno Domini
1U05. Jajjon M. Gbkkk,
Probate Judge.
Published on the l.".th day of October,
1805, in Tub Union Timku. 41-}Jt
- ?
>n and lace $2 50 Eg
3 00 E?|
>r 2 25 8^
2 50 g0
or l oo Sf3
:. 50 ?2|
t 2 50 Pg
00 ^
rved. fjl
reduced prices, 1|
irs and shades, If
partment, and If
? worth $10 to 1
lirts worth 50c ?|
dollars 9c. If
3D S.. I
ns worth 15c,
15c and 20c. ||
15c Embroid= ||
now 20c, 40c ||
>me very rare ||
tment Store. |
ln the Mayor's Court.
1 M
The booze and blind tiger eases
arc gradully dimishing. "Bum"
1 homas was the only booze artist
up this week and he was charged
with having too much firewater on
the inside last Bunday night. lie
wanted a jury of six and as that
1 i t ? ...
manner count noi he empanelled,
the ease was continued.
Mr. Jim Smith, the Buffalo coni
stable, was charged with carrying
concealed weapons, hut trial was
deferred until later on account of
an insufficient number of jurymen
to sit on the case.
Citation to Kindred and Creditors
State of South Carolina, )
County of Union. |By
Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate
Whereas. P. E. Kant, has made
suit to me to grant him Letters of
Administration on the estate of and ef1
feetsof Mrs. Martha W. Pant, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular tho kindred
: and creditors of the said Mrs. Martha
W. Fant, deceased, that they he and
appear, before me, in the Court of Proliiito
fn V?o IT ? :? "* * "
vv ?> Ut I IIIIUI V/. II., liOUttl
Carolina, on the 27th day of Octohe--,
next, after publication hereof, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause,
if any they have, why the said Administration
should not he granted.
Given under my hand and seal this
lltli day of October Anno Domini.
Jason M. Grkkr,
Probate Judge.
Published on the 13th day of October,
1906 in Tiik Union Timks. 41-2t
After the Heat of
Now is tlio time to fortify your
system against the rigors of fall and
J winter weather which is fast approaching.
Nyal'sCod Liver Compound,
a pleasant, palatable preparation
of pure Cod Liver Oil in a
tasteless form, scientifically combined
with the hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda, will prepare your
system to withstand the ravages of
colds, hi ffFIMM oinl Hill""
? , ? o- 'if- i?*.niin7iiiiiy infections.
it is a trim tonic, reconstructive
and tissue-builder. Excellent
in general debility and wasting
diseases. A veritable llesb,
strength and health builder. Price
81.(H) per bottle. Six l>ottles for
85.(X). For side by
Opera Hoase Oct. 20
Temperance Lecture.
Mi'x K S HfvlM'vt th?" i"?(?t(!(l
temperance lecturer and worker,
gave a strong address before the
ladies and children of the city at
the Methodist church on Wendesday ,
afternoon. Her lecture was impressive
in every way and it is undoubted
that Mrs. Herbert is doing
work in the cause of temperance.
Buy Your Goods
At the New Store!
1. Because everything is new.
2. Because you buy satisfaction
when you buy your
goods here.
d. Because we keep everything
that's in demand.
4. Because goods here are
as good bargains as cash
can buy. You cannot better
5. Because they are picked
styles and selected quality
from every good make in
the trade.
6. Because nothing stale,
everything fresh.
7. Because we put quality
price for price and invite
comparison with any line
The Union Mercantile Co.
J. L. Hawkins and R. N. Sprousc,
Special Advertisements
Notices will be Inserted in this column at
the rate of in words or less for tJ5o one issue,
four issues for 75c. Additional lines over
twont.y- tivo words fic a line.
FRESH turnip seed?just received
another lot of reliable turnip seed in
all the best varieties at Scaife's.
ALMONDS, pecans, brazils, walnuts
and cocoanats, just received at the
Union Grocery Company; any quantity,
and prices reasonable.
FOR KENT?House on Main street, 7
large rooms, bath room, servant
house; nice garnen, water works,
sewer connection and modern improvements;
possession given at once.
Apply to J. A. Brown, ''the real estate
TRY our maple cane syrup, the most
delicious table syrup in existence.
We also carry pure, old fashioned
Muscuvado molasses, a treat in itself.
The Union (Jrocery Company.
acr es of land, 10 miles from Union,
3 horse farm, good dwelling house,
barn, and 2 tenant houses. Possession
criven .lanimrv let KVm I
c - J ? M "W
to J. A. Brown, tin- real estate man.
NKW catch of mackerel just received.'
Wo are now showing some of the
finest fish ever brought to this market
; cheap, too. ('all and see them
or phone us your orders. The Union
(iriHjery Company.
WANTE6?To sell 55 acres of land
about three quarters of a mile from
the Knitting mill. Suitable for
truck farming or residence. Apply
to the real estate man, J. A. Brown.
38-tf I
RECEIVED every week, fresh choco- '
lates, bonbons, J'eter's milk choco- ,
late, Baker's chocolate and cocoas.
For anything in the eating or drinking
line, always remember The
Union Grocery Company.
FOB RENT?The one story cottage,
corner of South and Mountain streets.
Very desirable location. Apply to
F. C. Duke. SOI.E
agents for Marvelli macaroni.
n.wt ... ..w.l.-.n: ! - ?*' ?
umu n|mKMi'iu. I ri'Him paCKUgCS
and ds Rood goods us is made. The
Union Grocery Company.
FOK 8ALU??>50 bushels of Appier oata 1
at 75c per bushel. J. E. M inter &
Bro., Sedalia. 3'.)-3t
WE receive every week hi# assort- ^
nients of the famous In-erSeal cakes
and crackers; delicious, crisp and V
dainty. A treat for regular meals,
luncheeu, tea parties or for tho
schoolchildren. Call as often as you !
are hungry. The Union Grocery 0<M
i s
Our buyer while In tl
nirked un an assorti
$10, $12.50 and $15 S
sell you for $7.50, $8
coats are selling rapi
your buying too late
big lot Children and
bought in the same
sell you at wholesal
a full line of Broad
Dress Flannels, She
nery, Men's and Boy
and Small Notions
save you money b
McLure Mei
The Und
mmmmwm n mmmw?????????????
tj JUST R'
1 Guaranteed F
Ej Unioi
For You!
That new Fall
Suit you've been
thinking about is
waiting for you
here. Better get
it today and have
the use of it these
brisk Autumn
$15 is the price, al
ones up to $25 and ot
course the sooner yo
selection you will hav<
go fast and we will n<
them later. Come in
I i rAiirn a
M j. morn, "
HAVE you tried one of those dainty
boxes of Maillard's delicious chocolates
and Bon-bons, 00 cents the
pound at The Rice Drug Co.
S'KW stuffed dates ; fine fruit with new
nuts, perfectly prepared. 20 cents
ner pound package : a delicious tieat.
The Union Grocery Company.
MAILLARD'S delightful, pure wholesome
Chocolates and Hon-bons,
Caramels, Mints and Chocolate
Cakes (for eating) at The Rice l>rug
E you want a delicious pound or half j
pound of fresh chocolate or chocolate |
and bonbons, you will tind something
unsurpassed at The. Uuion Grocery
Company ; just received.
/ANTED?To exchange 327 acres of
land in Goshen Hill township, also
1(M acres in Cross Keys township for
cotton mill stock. See J. A. Brown,
"The Real Estate Mau." 8U*tf
:s WRAPS *
ie Eastern Markets
ment of long coats
Values that we can
.50 and $10. These
dly, so don't put off
We also have a
Misses Long Coats
way that we can
e prices. We have
Cloths, Henriettas,
?es, Clothing, Midi's
Hats, Underwear
on which we can
>y our underselling
rcantile Co., 0
:arload i
or 18 Months.
idseeus. i
n, S. C.
t:-wr?munitu i^DY
Fine Clothes Makers
though we have better
hers as low as $10. Of
>u come in, the better
e--for these swell suits
)t be able to duplicate
today, and see them.
utfitters to particular
SEEDED raisins and candied citron,
and all the ingredients of spices, extracts,
etc., for fruit cakes and plum
puddings. The Union Grocery Co.
THE wonder in pianos is the Ilaby
Upright. A real piano which gives
good results, full volume, can be
played by grown as well as young
folks. It is worth your while to
j come and see it. Come at once, yotl
I will be pleased. Cash price only
$100. Wonder Store and Music
] II ouse. It
A fresh supply of chewing gum, all
flavors ; Wrigley's, Walla Walla and
Coca Cola, in any flavor that you desire.
The Union Grocery Company.
A large assortment of fresh olives,
Queen, plain, stuffed with celery,
stuffed with Hungarian sweet pepper
or packed assorted to suit the taste
of the most fastidious. As cheap or
cheaper than you ever bought them.
The Uuiou Groct?i^ Couiji&ity.