1 BIG SLAUGH |?8 Leonard Shaw and Deen Shoes, in calf a 53 Leonard Shaw and Deen #5.00 Shoes for ?gs /aimila onut?:> in aii siyies anu learners, w |P The celebrated Shamrock Shoe going f?r rcX Children's and Misses shoes, price $1.50 Some odds and ends in Ladies' Slippers, |P 1 Lot of Ladies' Autohav Shoes, price $4 Men's Plow Shoes, worth $1.25 to $1.50 Come at once! First H| Ladies' Ready Trimmed ?1 from 50c to $4.00. Ill Biz lot of all Silk Ribbons |s| price to suit your pu. HI We aim to move our Clot O for a few days will s< ||| $15 for $5. Hi Shirts worth 25c going a II going at 39c. Sox 3< !..IN DRY WHITE GOODS: Whii 20c and 25c, going a H EMBROIDERIES AND L t~>\/? ljtji vi its iiuvv 1^/2^' ?11 goods now 28c. j|| IN LACES we are offei COTTON IS STILL KING. ?> North. opinio" ! fcrial South must undt The North Slowly Awakes ?hanK? cotton is sti to thp DrrwnorO.# South continue v - ? - wkjiy v-i IIV UlIM | # - . . Wealth of the Garden ap t w^|d_^ Spot of Earth. Deal Estate Tr Men of the North who estimate of \\\ ^ rtnd J p j o' the South is bused on knowledge McLure Mercantile Co ohtaiued through u car window, will the storehouse occupie be surprised to learn that of the total II. Ootzel hardware Cc exports cf the country last yeur forty- [ Belk. one per cent was contributed by the 1 r" 5 * Murphy land of sunshine and flowers. For a (>^!ct tH*upied hy . .. ... ; l-.ssti., front Mrs. Ann long time after the war, which pros- i *?,. ,> , , b , , . , . . ? , 1 Mr. Kichard Morga t.-ated its industries, the South was jot fr()m ftfrs Clftlicl I regarded as paralyzed and poverty- a 0f t|,c p \y srricken. Comparisons between the 1 purchased hy Mrs. Sari fertile towns of the North, its smok - ; ago. These sales wt ing chimneys, humming factories ' II. M. Holmes, real of and heavy railway traffic, with the | ~ long stretches in the South, where i COUI*t PrOCCCd the soil looks thin and barren, and j the towns desolate, have created in September term of c< the Northern mind a decidedly wrong nioli pleas and general i impression which only official figures veiled Monday, Judge of production can set right. presiding. Among last year's exports excln- ' 'u '"st case tiied \vi . i . .. c .. .. vs. James Rogers, assni sively from the South were, cotton, ... . f ' , - ^.- ,. . . .. j..- i .r tery with intent to k *..%d.01 I; cotton seed oil. *15,12..,- guU,y A motion for , 802; cotton seed cuke and meal $18,- was ina(|(, 891,178; naval stores, $I(>,lno,l08; State vs. Walter Ha phosphates, $(5,880,221. This makes Samuel Gilliam, clia a total of $151,980,911 exclusively throwing rocks into tin S>uthern products, and this alone SantUC. Gilliam plead was nearly one-third of all of our do- sentenced to pay a line c mestic exports. | on. , the county c But, in addition to the articles P 1- Hampton, named, the South exports other ar-1 ' rn"e' iai" tides, which it raises or tnanufuc-j State vs. Will Davis tures in common with nthor - ? ? ?? fo1 10 W1 livestock, stealing a co the country, timber, petroleum, to*, \tm Eller; lie plead guiltj bacco, cotton goods, provisions, the cow, said he sold tl grains, coal, cattle, fruits, iron and ! Jno. (liles (iallnian. Ht steel, wood manufactures, leather, guilty of the larceny antl and its share in such exports is rough-, J'' months in the penii ly estimated at $18?,iH>0,000. Hence,1. Stat(' v*' 'hitler FaMter a total of $614,900,000, or forty-one jlng an unlawful weapo . ' ' . ' ? ' and sentenced to pay a per cent of the value of all the e*-j do?nra w ^ f, ? Fin, p irts of the country. | state vs. John Mosele Tne value of exports of raw cotton J ,lIui battery with intent alone exceeded the value of the com-! verdict, not guilty. Defe bioed exports of breadstufTs, cattl^, j represented hy attorneys hogs and sheep, provisions and min*i I'ass and 15. F. Townsend eral oils. It was almost three times! wo Ku to press the c as great as the value of all iron and "date \s. hen I risock char and steel exports, and two-thirds as "'V.!,' < r !'? 11 icrtl. great as the value of all manufactur- ? " !.nmr< ' ^ for the week ending Septt fi| d{ >o tho garden 1905. be ttsburg Press. B?Jim Barnett, Rachel Bomar, Nellie Bennett, Mrs Janie Brown. , ; C?Janie Crosby, M W Check, Na- b,e ansfers. 1 than Clark, B E Cain, B I) Cain. 8", I)?Jack DuPree, S A Dickson. 8ai r , F?Chas Farr, James Floyd, Monroe 8r! IcLurc of the F]oyd) Maggie Flyson. ?. have bought G?Lizzie Gregory, Willie Gist. <1 by the Geo. H?Will Higgins, Hattie Hawkins. > from W II Mr8' Humsler. J?R H Jones, Bob Jeter, John Jeter, . Harry Jeter. * bought the L?W M Lawson. Geo Little,. bei V V n-.n..o? \t_. t i *?.? ??.-*> " ??? d mcwaiUB, w I' McCaw. d ,V 'u'' ' ' P?Jce Pierce, Sara Place, Steve Si , Place, King Prince, Annie Prince. "I n bought the ]{?Ellen Reynolds, Lizzie Rice, Sartor, being Mary Ray. ^ Hamilton lot S?Francis Smith, Furman Simpson, fOUi i, Arthur Sims. . twe tor some inn T?Anderson Thomas, Spencer Thomre made by son. FRi state broker. W?Charlie Williams, Matt Woods, ai J O Woods, Moorman Worthy. al .. Persons calling for the above letters IlligS. will please say if advertised, and will l>e c0 required to pay one cent for their de- flr ourt of com- liverr* J.O.Hpnt?e, P. M. 8e sessions eon- _ "* * ^ J. c. Klugb Executor s Notice. foi X> A 1 * *** i n<> aii persons having claims against the M i. i i * estate of I). A. T. Farr, deceased, will lit illHl l>flt- present their claims toll. 11. Free, Jr., ill; verdict, at Jonesville. S. C., properly attested. u i new trial Parties owing the estate must make pay- tak ment at once. lig, , Ei.i.iott Farr, ?,fr mpton and Executrix. tw< rged with D. 11. Frkb, a cars near Marvin Scott, w LMiiltv and Executors. ,fbS15 or ?? f>- '"? ?*_ ?? ilisnc<.nf?u Citation to Kindred and Creditors. i not been State of South Carolina, ) FOR County of Union. : ac-r larceny ot By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate ? I1' w from It. judge. r to sailing whereas, J. II. Wilhurn lias j io cow for made suit to me to grant him Letters of ...r,u ?/im?i Administration on the estate of and ' ua" )l,n(j effects of J. Richard Wilburn, de- QOOl I sentenced ceased. mic tentiary. These are, therefore, to cite and ad- ajt for enrrv- monlsh all and singular the kindred i?0oi mi 11 Or a?d creditors of the said J. Richard r ! Wilburn, deceased, that they bo and FOR fine Of live appear, before me, in the Court of Pro- Beat 3 paid. bate, to be held at it..:? " uuivii ?./. n.. Mouth 2, 3 y assault Carolina, on the 21st day of September, entii to kill* next? after publication hereof, at 11 this ' r? ' o'efoek in the forenoon, to show cause, tract imunt was jf any they have, why the said Admin- ]y|. C V. E. Do- istration should not l>e granted. 3f>.2t Given under my hand and seal this a. f 4l,? 5th day of September Anno Domini, VEHU asc oi tut J{K)6 - our, geu With Jason M. Grbkr, ons a Probate Judge, Peop arc State Published on the Hth day of Septeni- ^vT> ? Jot,,- and '? *? Vmm *? last is a ' house ^careless Bring your job work to The prove Times. We can please you. I jJUf'J resentment of Grand Jury, i o his Honor J. C. Klugh, judge presiding at the fall term of court for Union county 1905. We, the grand jurors of Union >unty, beg to submit our report, /e have carefully examined all inictmentfr handed us by the solicitor rid have passed upon them as the yidence seemed to justify. We ^ ave by committee visited County arisli, chain gang and jail, and J ave found each in good condition, he patients in the parish are well i rovided for and seem perfectly . mtentcd. The chain gang had no ' nnplaints to make, and say they 1 re very humanely treated. The iil is very clean and in good con- j ition. The books of the county flicers have been found well kept j nd in good order. Each ofliccr as made his annual settlement 1 ith the comptroller general and ave been found all right. i' Wc note that some cots have been rovided for the prisoners in jail, j hough the steel cages recommended ' U.n mwvwl ? -A ? t * i1 j ?< r>>"iiu juij hi. u luruier term f court have not been provided, I nd we insist that some cages be' I irnished in order that the prison rs may be lxttcr cared for and with lore safety. We extend to his Honor, also to " lie Solicitor and other officers of lie court our thanks for their coun.'1 and courtesies shown us during lie term. Respectfully subniitted, A. P. H. Walker, Foreman. The following are the grand jury ir next year: It. W. McDow, W. '. Dunlap, C. Whitlock, W. A. 'urner, J. C. Bevis and L. F: Maine. These are of the present rand jury who are drawn to hold vcr. _ Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of Health strikes lie hidden rocks of Consumption, neumonia, etc., you are lost if you on't get help from Dr. King's New iscovery for Consumption. J. W. IcKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., rites: "I had been very ill with neumonia, under the care of two octors. but was getting no better 'hen I began to take Pr. King's New iscovery. The first dose gave relief, ud one bottle cured me." Sure cure >r sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and aids. Guaranteed at I)r. F. C. Duke's rug store, price 50c and $1.00. Trial ottle free. _ i:*?MALndre(l and Creditors. lyJ^on Greer. Esq., Probate Judge Hhereaa, John D. Smith has Thade nt to me to grant him Letters of Administration on the Estate c f and effects . i John Wix, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and adonish all and singular the kindred id creditors of the said John Wix. sceased, that they be and appear (fore me, in the Court of PrrLo**. t?e held at Union C. H., South irolina, on the 22nd day of Septem- ; r, next, after publication hereof, to i ow cause, if any they have, why the 1 id Administration should not be J inted. , 3iven under my hand and seal this 1 day of September, Anno Domini, >5. ~ Jason M. Grkkr, Probate Judge. Published on the 8th day of Septemr, 1905, in The Unio* Times, 26-2t. j; tecial Advertisements j Dticofl will be Inserted in this column at j rate of 'A words or less for 25c one issue, ' r issues for 75c. Additional lines over IS nty- live words 6c a line. | KSH turnip seed?just received E lotlier lot of reliable turnip seed in 1 the best varieties at Scaife's. THE public! When you have tton for sale call and see us. We e now in the market. Re sure to 4 e us before you sell. Fant Bros. I j. 3G-3t A t SALE?Two 70-saaw gins and jhb cress. Cheap. Apply to J. E. I inter Bro., Sedalia, S. C. 32-tf I UK?Before you buy figure with I The Peoples Supply Co. I EN UP. on the 17th of August, one I ht sorrel mare mule with deeper H rel stripes down the shoulders and H > white spots on forehead. Owner H t have same by paying charges. B A. Moorehead. 3fl-4t H EY SAVED?If you want to save I ncy get our .prices on collars, H dies, narhess and saddles. The H >ples Supply Co. H RENT OR LEASE?About 350 I es of laqd, 10 miles from Union, H >rse farm, good dwelling house, H n, and 2 tenant houses. Possess- H given January 1st, 1906. Apply S . A. Brown, the real estate man. h 36-11 | ) INVESTMENT?The McCor- I k Mower is the best investment Hy inner can make. Sold by The HI pies Supply Company. j Hp RENT?The Jeter place, near latt ty's Bridge, containing 1300 acres, H or 5 year. Prefer renting the S e place to one man. If cant do H will cut the nlace in :t __ ........ ...VMtJ g. For particulars apply to |B !. Deaver, Carlisle, S. C. ^ JLK8?We have !>oth floors of tew building covered with wagnd buggies of all styles. The , les Supply Co. , ? 4 ENT?House on Main street, 7 rooms, bath room, servant i; nice garnen, water works, F connection and modern im- I ments; possession given at once, 'to J. A. Brown, "the real es- i uan." I ? OUR GREAT STOCK I IS BEGINNING TO POUR IN. SVe have always been considered ^ood buyers, but we think that this season we have surnasseH fnrmpr efforts. Just received as a starter a frig lot of Manufacturers Samples in Ladies, Children and Misses Jackets and Sk':rts, bought at about one-half the wholesale price and marked at a quick selling price for SPOT CASH. - SO COME AT ONCE. ( McLure Mercantile Co., The Undersellers. I . - fjusr received! 0 SOLID CARLOAD B 1 AUBURN WAGONS lit 10 13 H v*??. mourns. H U COME AND SEE US.. Q i OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. I BUNION HARDWARE COMPANY,| ; HAIR & HAIR, | ; DENTISTS. : Z Crown, Bridgework and Regulating a Specialty. 3 5 Office over Mutual Dry Goods Co., Union, S. C. 2 }? DR. J. M. WALLACE. DR. H. L. FELLERS, fiji | WALLACE & FELLERS, | | DENTISTS. gf !g Crown and Bridge Work Ofllces: Rooms 1 and 2 nil A Specialty. Phone 117. Nicholson Building. ra ? Twenty-four Sharp Edges. B fyiW Each blade good for twenty TO FORTY B j velvet shaves without sharpening. B P^mCompact, Durable, Simple, and Hygienic. B ^^rThis wonderful little invention will give you B u!0$m as easy a s^ave your own home as it is B possible for you to get in the best barber shop B / J^r in the land, thereby saving time, money, and B The blades are "ret Im- B as"thln aspaper.^K^jPSp^^^^RjB^HM^^HHprovement fl i'W as hard as flint, in razor B as tough and in 400 B flexible as whalebone B Heavily (old- <^MrL?}/!r J ?U(rd set W i t li JTm jffil Triple silver-plated ^ 2 blades, (10.00 fBu^mgtASj^^^H^^RSjDBM^iaS^wi (et w'1^ 13 blades, Wuli fine iiimii.ii o I case, name gilded Extra blades, per on ease, and initials dozen, f 1.00 * monogram en{raved on Jlie iici drugcSm^^ Agents I 1 \ ? j . ) :