i mi mmm v .? .& mm mn ! ???
ir """ " t! I
Like Grandma
Used to Make.
You have often wished you could
get some Apple Butter which
would taste like it used to when
grandma made it. Possibly her
own wouldn't taste now just as
it did in those days, down on
the farm, but we have just re
i -i - i
I ICIIIA vjfpic DULLCI tunics 111 I'
stone crocks, convenient sizes <
* i
"Same thing as Pure, Fresh Groceries at '
the lowest living prices/1
Wc-giva Southern Trading Stamps wjth Cash
*ii in
Of the East Texas Country. iTn m
I o the I axpayers of Union
11 mi:'- of ill*- Eilrrln 111 * ' rA?>.i..
*trn\vh*rrv. i> 1 :ii. pear. t 'lililln and
other frui'f. anil vegetables. Big mon- . 1 wil1 l,p ?t ?*?e following place* for \
? .,>.,-1.,,. oic purpose of taking t ix returns of ,
#v in growing tor t m-nori .u rn in.i k j,erM>nn| property as designated hidnw:
On February 7th anil March itli West Springs, Jan, 9tl>, 1905, at Betand
21M. round t rip home-seekers t ick- sill's Store. i
st- fr.? t St l.o.iK Thebes. Cairo or Jan. 10th, 1905, at Binder's
, old store. ,
Memphis to It-xas point-.-it rale of one Cross Keys, Jan. 11th, 1905. .
fare pin- $J not exceeding $15. Sedalin, * Jan. 12th, 1005. i
On way coloni-t tickets at half fare. (ioshen Hill and Black Itock, .Tun. i
phi $_>on February 21st and March 21st . | 1^1'- ] '
... , .11. t .. r-santuc, Jan. 14th, 1905. i
\N rip- for booklet on J.-xa- fi.nt Wkhart, Jan. lbth, 1905.
lands, map and timetable. Adainsburg, Jan. 17th. 1905.
t l> SMITH T P A K el ton, Jan. '8th, 1905, i
f. oui m, j Jonesville, Jan. 19th, 1905.
Cotton Belt Itoute, Atlanta, Oa. Union, Jan. 20, 21, 2.1, 1905.
? - - - ? I Carlisle. Jan. 24th, 1905.
Nearly Quarter j Buffalo, Jan'. 20th', 1905!
^ jl I I'nion, in otlicc from Jan. 27th, to
1 11 C UF\/ ! -^'i. On tliat day tiie time sx'
piles for taking returns. All who fail .
>i i .. u- ,, . to make their returns in said time, will i
I have been selling f_,OOds he charged 50 per rent, penalty.
in Union County for 20 v-'^ loww o. Fan*, Auditor.
years: have customers 1 BOILERS AND ENGINES. :
that have been buying i 1
from me all this time, Tanks, Stack*, Stand Pipes,
they say that they find and Sheet Iron Work ; Shnftmy
go'ods better than i!,K. I'ulloyp, bearing, Boxes, "]
they can ^et for the same Mangers, etc Mill Carding".
t t "i ' ast everv dav: work i
money ttnywheie, while hnmi- - [
many of my competitors |nmhanl cn,mrin, m??.!? ?j 1
claim they are selling ??""" Hllu 1
goods at cost, i wish to Boiler Work and Supply Store.
say to the people of Augusta, Georgia. '<
Union County that I will <
save them money if they t*t i it m n t\ i !
will only give me the W A N K 11 !
chance, regardless of II xl 11 1 U JL/ j
what others are doing. i
?, f .I My old and new cus- '
Yours for good values, . J . , * ; ?
tomers to know that I
GEO. W. GOING. have opened a beef !
market in the rear of
AND and am prepared to J
serve you w,tl1 i
POCKET choicest cuts of BEEF, <
Lt i\l |\/rc P0RK' M U TTON, ;
/%| . _? _ _ fact, everything first *
CHEAP class in my line.
J. T. SEXTON S. PFrone No. '*
. x
ceiveu some wnicn seems 10 us
just like the good old kind. It is
i ? i
One of the 57 Varieties-==made
as those products all are, pure,
clean and good. We don't care
to say more about it. We would
rather you would taste it and
judge for yourself.
i-v:.?.. t i > - - * ^? i
I j
"As Ordinance Gkantix* L. G. 1
Youno, Hi# Associates AND AS I
road in* tub. Town* op Union, Soutii , i
i t
He it ordained by the Major and A I- j i
lertnen of the town of Union, South ' i
Carolina, in Council aeaemhlcd, anil bj 1 <
uithority of s ame that an Ordinance cr>- ?
;it!ed, "An Ordinance Granting L. G. , ?
Young, his associates and Assigns, a I
franchise to Uuild, Equip and Operate
in Electric Railroad in the Town of I
Union, South Carolina", ratified in i
Council assembled on the second day of ]
January, 1905, he and the same is hereby 1
amended bj striking from Section 14 of ;
said Ordinance the words "said rights i
being exclusively granted to the said 1
L. (?. Young, his associates and assigns", i
go that said Ordinance as amended shall '
read as follows, to svit:
Section 1. That L. G. Young and his
associates and assigns he, and they are
hereby authorized and empowered to
rmutrllcl- enilio. mnintuin anrl a
, .n...ri ............ ?
street railway through, on and along the j
streets and avenues and all streets and I
avenues that may be hereafter opened,
and arc authorised and empowered to ,
operate the same by electricity and ncc- I
essary equipments including the erection
and building of polefc and wires in said '
Sec. 2. That the said railway shall
be constructed with single or double
tracks as may be determined upon by the
said L. G. Young, his associates and assigns,
with all necessary and convenient
turnouts, switches and sidings; provided
the tracks shall not be laid or maintained
above or below the surface of the streets,
and shall be constructed of first class ,,T"
rails, in such manner that carriages and
other vehicles may cross the same at all
points freely and easily without obstruction.
All proposed plans, courses, styles
of rails and ti.e manner of laying the
same to be submitted to the Strict Committee
for their approval and sanction,
which shall be obtained before said Company
proceeds to break the ground or
occupy any of the highways of the city.
Skc. j. That the rates of transportation
of passengers and property shall be
fixed by the Company operating said ,
street railway, providing that the rates
of fare lor each passenger for one continotss
ride in any one direction inside
the Town limits shall not exceed live
ents, except before or after regular
[tours, when ten cents may be charged.
Sue. 4. In case of accident to the j
sleclrical equipment, animal or any
other motive power may be used tempoirilv.
Src. 5. The space between the tracks
ind eighteen inches outside of the rails
ihall be kept in good condition and repair,
so as to conform to the condition of
the halatw-r of the street unnn <vhi,-lt !.?
road rum, and satisfactory to the Major
and Town Council during the life of this
franchise; and in case the same jhall not
be kept in a state of-repa'tr satisfactory
to the said Major and Town Council the
same tnay he repaired by the Town and
the expenses of such repairs shall be
chargeable to the street railway.
Sxc. 6. The cars on said railway
shall run as often as the public interest*
demand, and the speed of the said cars
within the Town limits shall not exceed
fifteen miles per hour.
Sr.c. 7. All cars running after dark
shall he provided with suitable headlights.
No car shall uc allowed to stop
upon the cross walks or In front of any
intersecting street unless through neces- 1
sity. Cars operated upon said railway
tracks shall he entitled to the right of I
way, and the driver of any vehicle oh- :
structing the same shall turn out and
leave the track free upon the approach
of any car sons not to obstruct the passage
of the same; and any driver 01 anyother
person who upon the call or signal
of the motorman, conductor or any
other person in charge of any car, shall
neglect or refuse to vacate said tracks
3hall he subject to imprisonment in the
discretion of the Mayor or Town Coun
cil not exceeding thirty days or to a fine
not less than one nor more than fity dollars
for each and every offence, to he
collected a? other fines arc collected in
the Town of Union. Provided that this
section shall not apply as to the various
fire apparatus of the town which at all
times have the right of way in all streets
in case of fire.
See. 8. The said I.. G. Young, his
associates and assigns, shall forever save
harmless the Town of Union from and
against any and all legal damages,
judgements, decree* and rr>c?? iliat
i)f recovered against the said Town by
reason of the privilepes hefeby granted
or by reason of any act or acts on their
part under and by virtue of the provisions
of this ordinance.
Skc. rj. The right is hereby reserved !
to have water and sewer mains laid, as
the public may require; hut if it should
he necessary at any time to take up and
temoveany part of said tracks for the
purposes above mentioned then the same
*hall he replaced as promptly as may be,
uid in as pood condition as found, at the
expense of the party for whose benefit
they were removed; and before any such
cmoval the railway shall he securely iniemnilied
apainst any loss or injury
herefrom by the person or persons or
orporntion for whose benefit such renoval
is made. When the streets are
lot praded or paved the tracks shall be
'o laid as to conform to the surface of
he streets, but when such streets are
lereafter from time to time paved or im
>roved the track shall conform to the
mproved or adopted prade.
or.t. 10. in consideration Of the condruct'on
and operation of the said railvay
within the Town limits and its exension
and operation to Monarch Cotton
Mills. Excelsior Knitting Mills, and the
nibiic benefits to lie derived therefrom,
he Mayor and Town Council hereby
vaive and remit tr the said E.G. Young,
iis associates and assigns, any and all
icense tax, or fees that may now or at
my time thereafter be assessed upon or
igainst the said railway, not relieving
he said L. G. Young, his associates and
issipns, of any property tax to which
hey may be liable. I
Sec. ii. All policemen when on duty j
nd in full uniform shall be allowed to
ide on any of the cars of said railway (
ree of charge within the Town limits.
Src. i2. The powers and privileges
lereby granted shall not vest until the
aid E. G. Young, his associates and as- igns,
shall have accepted a formal ac- t
eptance, in wiiting, of the provisions of
his ordinance, agreeing to comply with '
nd he hound by the terms and condi- I
ions thereof *
Sec. 13. It is further provided that E
torV ebarl begin [a good faith upon the j "
? .A.,
^instruction of said track within the
r??wn limits an or before the tat day of
|uly, igofl, and the said railway shall be
omp'eted and in operation within six
month* thereafter, unlets restrained by
insuperable obstacle*.
Sac. 14. The rights herein granted
ihall continue for the period of fifty
pears from the date hereof.
Sac. 15. If at any time during the
term of this franchise said railway shall
iot he operated for a term of nine months
sfter the said railway shall hare begun
ptration, tben this franchise or privilege
dinlI thereupon cease, determine and be;ome
null and void, unless prevented
from so doing by the process of the law.
Sec. 16. The Town Council reserves
to itself the right and power at all times
to pass such ordinances, rules and regulations
concerning said street railway
within the corporate limits of the Town
ind the operation of ?he same as may in
its opinion he necessary to the public
safety and convenience, nnd in the exercise
of the police powers incident to the
Town not inconsistent with the terms of
111 is franchise
Sec. 17. This franchise shall become
null and void unless accepted within
thirty days from the date of its ratification.
Done and ratified in Council assembled,
under the corporate seal of the
Town of Union, on this the sixth day of
Keb., 1905, at Union. S. C.
R. L. McNALLY, Mayor.
W. I). Arthur,
[L. S ] Clerk and Treasurer.
TTcll. nsW may be all aftefct t# yla.v
lT? Mart wet feflewu ?Im are ahiany.
But ft to Ht a w?Ws as
(p? that el E bey bee 8 same ef t-Whiney;
Car makhmr yevtbfsrt Mee6 rue pefl
It h?d ftotf ^hnee4 b?4ew the br<t.
Necr ?My pefeftrty w??Wi ebeut
An?1 haco n bey t? tele the brassy
Amt 9# rw** the grenst %e?rg?4 *?
lb ir?rjwoeb> v?-y tea* ne4 saaey,
And ell bee aw) Mcaiftaft
Ye obhmey en the ether ebto.
Wat was a game te atbr tfee bleed
Artxtot. If esmeeew toe*t bekVv
But. eh, a )?>uy?r> bqm was wu4
An<i frtw ww Ms nMas la pteMe
H en fke wresp rrtto We Siuau
T? vesture wfce* We gnwn a?o yia.yed.
In voeaat let WW?n veWee) tan ent
TW? vlayers far *i? gaw* assenWled,
Ani wWea a eevtest was to denWt
tTbe em earfW eMi e vet tow eat treaiVhut.
Me vMe HuM * te Sleep nod via it;
There was a wAutrp every mlmiie.
}t way We g?W le mieee petite.
W!ft? Tese ewttement ffsS bleod eptll5??.
But. ff my we weep verves we tf?rkK
VTt eWhraop was a ?eat were tWriTltng.
?<rtf way Ve Wetter em (fee wkele,
But btrfnsey eras re maing stroll.
Cholee of Remedies.
"Why Is the sultnn no (lewueastV
"He fears lie Is going to linve bad
luck. He lias Just discovered that he
has thirteen wires, and lie does not
know whether to kill one or marry another.
Where He Fell Down.
He had the morn! sourace
T? fare a belching pun,
And from a female
Ife wcuMn't ever run.
When tearful wifte asked htm
What kept him out so late,
Without a sign of flinching
lie always told her straight.
lie oven met his tailor
With calm and steadfast eye;
Ho went through darkest alleys
When holdup men were nigh.
But, oh. his moral fiber
Lacked one Important propHe
always tipjMid the waiter;
II? hadn't nerve to stop.
The Only Way.
"Fie la going to start a paper that la
bound to he a success."
"I hadn't heard that he had iuherited
a million "
The Classes Who Co.
"Me la going south for the winter."
"Millionaire or tramp?"
No Dream.
Man cannot live by bread alone.
But he mnst spend aeme dollar a
To give his makeup added tone
On cuffs and laundered collar#.
Marriage la a lottery tn which there
are no blanks, but sometimes there ore
blaukcty, hlankety blanks.
A woman may be suspicious of other
uien, but bli? will believe what a beauty
doctor tella her.
A HUtirine may be beautiful, but for
comfort it does not begin to compare
with n morning snooze.
u>i;n pays much more heed to bis
conscience If he thinks the police ere
If people were as willing to believe
good of others as they are to believe
good of themselves there would be *
universal grin that would compass the
earth and lap over and signal Mars.
Warning < Mothers.
The "only child In the family" in 66
>er cent shows disadvantageous traits,
t la usually of poor health, lacking
nuch of normality, both mental and
physical. The "youngest child," the
'only boy" and the "only girl" dleflajr
many striking resemblance* totte
afta&aiftijsgh 1
Room 12 up Stairs Foe tar
Low Rates Tla Southern Railway.
The Southern Railway fires helow
m few special low excursion rates
to the following points:
To New Orleans, l^a., Mobile,
Ala. and Pensaeola, Fla. One first
class fare, plus twenty-five ccnte for
the round trip from all coupon stations.
Ticket* on sale March 1-6
limited March 11th, 1005, may be
extended to return March 25th,
1005, account Mardi-Gras.
To Washington, 1). C. Prcsi"
dential inauguration. For civilians,
rate one first class fare plus twentyfire
cents for the round trip from
all coupon stations. For Military
Companies and Brass Bands in uniform
accompanying them in parties
20 ot more on one ticket?at
one cent per mile plus arbitrages.
Tickets sold March 2nd and 3rd.
limited March 8th, 100"), hut may
be extended to March 18th, lOOo. J
Very low rates to other points now
in effect.
The Southern Railway is the best
route to the above points, operating
through Pullman and Dining cars .
on all through trains.
For full information apply to any
Agent. Southern Roil way, or
R. W. Hi nt,
Division Passenger Agent,
Charleston, S. C.
Ia Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas.
fltoak ranges ten to twelve months
ia the jrsar, two and three crop* grow
ia a season. Now is the time to look
tip a location while the land is cheap.
On February 7th and 21st and March
7th and 21st, Cotton Belt Route will sell (
round trip home-seekers' tickets from
St. Louis, Thebes, Cairo and Memphis
to points in abore named states at rate
ef lift, or one fare plus $2 where it
makes less than $19.
One way colonist tickets, February
21st and March 21st at half fare, plus$2. ]
Write for map, time table, and ask (
about rates to any point.
L. P. SMITH, T. P. A.
Cotton Belt Route, Atlanta, da. ,
As Many a Union Reader
Knows too WelL
When tho kidneys are sick, nature
tells you all about it. The urine is .
nature's calendar. Infrequent or toi? I
frequent action; any urinary troubles
tell of kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills
cure all kidney ills. Union people testify
to this.
J. II. Lindsey, with business on Main
St., and residing on Spring St , says: '"I
have been troubled with a very lame
back for quite a while. The kidney
secretions were dark and full of brick
aosi iixeseoiment, and caused me great
inconvenience, especially at night, by <
causing me to get out of bed so often.
My back pained from my hips to my
shoulder blades with a constant pain,
which at night would awaken me. 1 ,
did everything I knew of, put on plasters
and liniments, used bottle after
bottle of medicine, but nothing helped
me so much until I got I)oan's Kidney |
Pills at Holmes Pharmacy They acted
like a cliarm, and after using them the
first day I went to bed and rested splendidly
all night. Hinco using Doan's
Kidney Pills I have not had the backache.
I also tried Doan's Ointment for
itching hemorrhoids from which I had
suffered for years. It is imiossible to
express the Buffering I endured, but
this wonderful medicine gave me instant
relief. 1 also u*ed it for a sore
which it completely cured. I would
not be without Doan's Ointment if it
cost ten times what it does."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60c per
box, Foster-Miiburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the United States. Rem
em her the name?DOAN'S?and take
no other.
Very Low Rates to Washington D.
C. and Return.
On account Presidential Inauguration
Ceremonies, Washington. D. !
C., March 4th, 1005, the Southern
Railway announces the very low
rate of One Fare (plus 25 cents)
for the round trip. ;
ru*n -
ouii tower rales for Military
Companies and Brass Bands in uniform,
twenty or more on one party
ticket. 1
Tickets will be sold on March
2nd and 3rd, final limit of March ;
8th, 1005. |
However, an extension of final ;
limit to leave Washington not later
than midnight of March 18th, 1005 |
may l>e had by depositing ticket'
with Special Agent at Washington,
I). C. on or before March 8th, 1905,
and payment of fee of $1.00 at time
of deposit.
For further information as to
rates, schedules, sleeping car reservations,
etc. apply to any agent of
the Southern Railway or address
Brooks Mono an,
A. 0. P. A. Southern Railway.
Atlanta, Ga,
Bring your iob work to The .
Times. We nave new type'
faces and can please you. j i
>. /... .
?AT? ~
rhe Cash Bargain Store
Ladies' Fancy Turnover
Collars, 10c and 15c each
Ladies' Cape collars others
sell for $1.50 and
$2,50, we sell for $1.00
and $2.00.
Hand Bags, 15c, 25c, 50c,
75c and $1 .00 each.
Corsets 25c and 50c each.
Do The
Best Thing
For Furniture, Stoves,
Clocks, Trunks, Pictures,
Rugs and everything
that nertain*
to the furnishing of Jl
your house. We can "
save you money.
36 pound Feather Bed
for $10.00. Pillows, 6
pounds to pair, $1.50.
10 pounds to pair $2.50
Next door to C. E. Lipscomb,
Wholesale Grocery.
When You Buy
Your Jewelry, Silverware,
Cut Glass and
Millinery from us yoh '
not only get the goods
at the
but you are also given
Trading Stamps, with
which to get premiums.
this when you need
anything in our line.
hi. e> i in am i,
fyf ic/O
JL ? JBkakes sliort roads.
<m? SB^knd light loads.
^*^Pood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Ev*rywh_r#.
^ ^LJ [ ^
(Wood's SecdT
WaaiI'* CalMiUd M
Seed Potatoes
arc specially frown for seed purpose*,
and are very much superior
to ordinary potatoes. We carry the
largest stock in the South, and
can supply large buyers to the
cry best advantage, both as regards
quality and price.
Wood's Twenty-fifty Anniversary
Seed Book, which is
mailed free on request, tells all
about the beat new and standard
varieties of Potatoes* as well as
^ about all Garden and Farm
3 Seeds. Write for Seed Book and
^fl special price list of farm seeds.
I T.W.Wood & Sons. Sndssin,
I ^VOOV> &
| I0LI 1EBAL - PARIS. 1901. f
^'T - . ^
The Times and Metropolitan '1
Mafwine on* ywr for ft,80.