The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, February 17, 1905, Image 7
g ...Our Bii
I Yellow
On account
week lots of
tend, sn we
? H for another
P body to ha1
H bargains w
jjj| Shoes, Hat
1 people that
I sale willtel
I such big rec
1 chandise.
<vm so that we i
&?[| mous sprin
P begin to arr
^ roflt? rip/irh
HI of $3.50 and
^ $2.00, exact
m Don't Miss This Bi
I The Bail
Happenings of Interest
About Town. od.
--Mr. J. H. Rodger spent several
days in town this week.
Dr. S. T. D. Lancaster, of Pauline,
was a visitor here Wednesday. ^ :
Dr. S. G. Sarratt has been eon- j)r
fined to his room several days this wn
wpol- >
Mrs. Scott Douglass, of Washing- Me
ton, D. C., is the guest of Mrs. D. the
W. Wallace. tuc
Mr. E. P. Lipscomb, of Ninety- tlc
Six and a partner of Mr. Ed Ar- )
thur is visiting friends here. fri<
Miss Ruth Foster entertained a
y, select number of her young friends jjc
f Tuesday night very pleasantly. I fQf
Mr. J. J. Purcell left Wednesday am
for Augusta to attend the funeral of th(
his sister whose death occurred lici
Tuesday. Dp
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Gilliam lost
a little son Thursday of last week.
The little one had bronchial pneu- Dr
monia, following measles. Ins
Drs. Crown Torrenco and Thco.
Maddox attended a meeting of 8. cjlt
C. Medical Association, which was ,
held Greenville last Saturday. j t(,r
Ge!4 your tickets early for the;"1
Davit Oriscoll Stock Co.. It is H(
O worth double tho price, 16, 25, 35c..
Tickets on sale at Union Drug Co. 84,1
Married by Rev. J. G. Farr last tin
Sunday at the residence of Mr. pe
Frank O'Shiulds, Mr. Geo. Pruitt, coi
of Spartanburg, to Miss Fannie J. na
xtcuycp. | to
The teachers and students of crt
Clifford Seminary celebrated in a m<
most charming and approprirtc av
manner St. Valentines day by a wa
unique entertainment Tuesday an.
Don't miss the Davis-Drisooll H?
Stock Company. This company ou
will play for one week, beginning H<
- Monday, Feby. 20th. It is said to t?i
. bo one of the best popular price at- dei
tractions in the South. j coi
7* s o ii
The General Assembly a ill ad- ge]
r '.journ tomorrow, Saturday, Feby. an
18th. There has been more bills, jcj
good, bad and indifferent intro- pr
duced and killed in thia. session of
the legislature than at any previous jj,
session of which we have taken the an
trouble to notiee.
g Half Year Cle
ill Be Continue*
of the bad weat
! people were un
decided to contin
week. We wi
ve a chance at
e are giving in
:s and Furnishi
have already att
I you there has i
luction in good,
will be ready for
g stocks which
Tve. We are sel
r Half Price. A j
I $4.00 Shoes for
ly half price.
g Sale, itW.ll Contir
ley - Copel.
ti,?- ,%'i .. . Nothing
in any way leading to
5 whereabouts of Mr. F. G. Trefwho
disappeared the Gth inst.
m his home here has been learn Searching
parties have scoured
ods and ncighljorhood beyond
ffalo and the Forest Creek. A
it is being built and the Forest
ek will be dragged.
Phc Kentucky Wesleyan College,
Winchester, Ky. ahd of which
. John L. Webber was president
s burned to the ground lastTuesf
morning. The college was a
thodist institute and owned by
i Methodist Conference of Kenky.
As we go to press no parulars
of burning can be learned.
Vfiss Maude Garner gave to a few
?nds a most delightful St. Valene'a
party, Tuesday evening,
me old time games were played,
arts were trumps and the search
the hidden hearts was the most
lusing and interesting feature of
5 evening's entertainment. Deious
refreshmQnts were served.
. Adolphus E. Fant Passes Away.
After an illness of several weeks
. Adolphus E. Fant breathed his
t at his home near Brown's
eek, Saturday afternoon the 11th
it, and was buried in the Beulah
arch grave yard Sunday afteron,
There was perhaps no bet
or more favorably known man
Union county than Dr. Fant.
! enjoyed a good practice of medne
as long as he was in active
vice as a physician. Born and
sed in this county he ever had
8 respect and confidence of the
nnln. Hn \vnn n mnn of nn 1111
mroonly bright mind and origility,
and never feared or hesitated
express his opinions. His genii
knowledge as well as that of
idicino was far better than the
erago county practitioner. He
a well informed upon agriculture
d farmed successfully, was always
eader and a leading spirit in tho
ighborhoad in which he lived.
i served as army surgeon through"
t tho entire war from 1861 to '65.
) married Miss Meador a daughr
of the late John Meador. His
ath has caused a vacancy in the
mmunity that cannot be filled l?y
y other man. He was kind and
nerous to neightors and friends,
d there is perhaps no other physan
who has done more charity
actice than he did. of this no one
ew, but he and the beneficiaries.
) leaves a widow, sisters, brothers
d a host of friends to mourn his
an Up... I!
t Sale!
! 5TH. 1
her of last M
lable to at- ^
ue the sale ||
ant every- ||
i he great 11
Clothing, l!|
ing. The ||
ended this ^
never been H
new mer- if
our enor= Ha
will soon |ji
ling Over= j||
special line
$1.75 and J|
wie Until the 13. |j
and Co. |
J Meeting ?f the County
Cotton Association.
! On the first Monday in March a
meeting of the County Cotton Association
will he held in the court
house. Meeting place in each town"
ship will l?e fixed, and each township
will have a monthly meeting,
and members from the County Association
will address each township
meeting. This is the one opportu- I
nity for the farmers to get together.
If they fail it will lie their own
fault, as they have all the oppor*
tunity which they need.
A Beautiful Home Wedding.
At 7 :I>0 o'clock Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's moth- '
er, Miss Ethelind B. CJoss was married
to Dr. D. S. Tope, of Colum~ !
hia, S. C. The ceremony was per" i
1 formed hy Rev. W. A. Masselieau. '
The decorations were elaborate and
beautiful. A large company of
friends and relatives of the con" i
trading parties were present. The j
I Dndo and groom loft on the night
train for Florida where they will '
spend their honeymoon after which
they will return to Columbia the
home of the groom.
Advertised Letters
Remaining in the Peat Office T'nion,
S. C., ti?e week ending Feh. 17,
1905. |
lle?7.7.'n Cn1e, George Condey,
George' runii g, OphdU rin ek. j
j D?Miss llt b.-ii; Davis, Mii-s Fhrence
. Do<d |
G?Ike Gault, Jim George, Ree .
Ga nor.
H?CI iro Hamilton
L? \ W Laws'in Mi"s Joaie Leather,
Jess.' Lii-gin-, Mis? t'arrio Long.
M ? K M Msok. Jenies Morgan.
P?Ge -rgo "ears..n.
fi?Mra A fie San-'ers, G P Scott,
CI irenoe Smith, Lewis Smith.
| T?Mrs. Martha Troler, Clayton
W?George Walter, Mi*? ' ula Walker.
Jim Waddell. Wi'linm Walsli- \ti?a
Mmi in illiHtna, W K Wilson, Bow- .
mun Wilki'8
Persons ra'linir for the above letters
will nlea-e hhv if mlvertiseil, an-i will V?e
require i to pav one rent for their ?lelivery.
J <\ IlttVTKB. P. M.
Notice of Election.
The County Board of Control will
elect dispenser, also lteer dispensers
: for Noe. l nnd 2, the 18th of March.
All Applications must be filed with
the undersigned on or before the
j 28th of February*
\ T. K. Foster,
, I Chairman County Board of
Control. 7-21.
" 'ill itfjiAfiln l' ' "'i '
Appointment of Road Overseers, f
The county board of commissionsrs 1
made the following appointments for j
road overseers for the townships of the
county respectively.
booan8vii.ijc township.
A. B. ILancaster, W. C. West, J. H.
Hyatt, J. C. Vinson, L. B. Lee, N.
Lawson, Holland Lawson, W. F. Sumner,
San ford O'Shields. J. M. O'Shields,
J. F. Lawson, W. S. Lawson, Berry i
Gregory, J. N. Crawford, II. L. Williams,
V. 15. Lawson, .1. T. Bishop,
J. L. Ilelue, one other yet to be appointed.
J. S. Sumner, W. II. Clifton. W. 1).
Mollis, Win. Stevens, Itobt. Wilburn,
Jno. Graham, J. K. Whitinire, W. M.
Sparks, T. J. Alverson, P. B. Stewart,
I. L. Bobo, one yet to in; appointed.
oosiikn Itll.f, township.
W. W. Bishop, C. C. Rochester, Sain '
Mobley, R. L. Wilson, W. V. English, j
C. W. T. Willard, J. W Wilson, W. M. i
Sims, J. C. Cotield, J. .1. Thomas.
fish dam town81iii'.
W. T. McGowan, Pink Ciomcr, A. G.
Liles, Jas. Levister, W. II. Jeter, T. C.
Jeter, Walker Worthy, W. L. Hedgepath,
J. P. Cain, 1). F. Baldwin, one
yet to be appointed.
joxesvii.i.k township.
T. M. Tweed, J. M. Fowler. J. 15.
Mabrey, T. J. Garner, J. II. Tweed, j
I). M. Owens, G. A. Black, C M. Hyatt, j
Bannic Kennedy, S. J. Minton, W. A.
Tweed, T. A. Scott, Albert Gossctt.
1'ixckxky towx8hi1'.
W. C. Johnson, Jas Farr, S. 8. Farrar,
Jas. Vaughan, J. N. Fowler, Billy ,
Be.ntley, Jr., Ji J Garner, S. S. Faueett.
J. E. Meng, W. L. Inman, J T. i
Sprousc, Ellison Garner, W. F. Hart, I R.
F. Garner, Boyd Gault, W. 11
Kelly, J. G. Faucett, I) G. Gallman,
live others to be appointed. i
8antuc towx81i11*.
J. J. Willard, R. J. Gregory, W.
Ivcy, T. J. McNeaee, Jno. McCrackcn, i
E. G. Thomas, David Fant, Starks (
Austin, B. J. Jenkins, Sims McDanicl, ;
S. M. Gilmore, (Maude Meadow, Gist (
Briggs, E. S. Carter, W. J. Friday, 1
W. C. Johns, S. ('. Gregory, W T. McDanicl,
R.C Vaughan.
onion Towx.snip.
L. G. Bishop, Benny Mitchell, B. G.
Greer, Leonard Koiisler, Jr., W. J.
Jolly, Lcm Mitchol, J. A. Hughes, S.
1). O'Shields, Clarence Gregory, C. C.
Betenbaugh, W. H. Hawkins, J. 1).
Brown, S. M. Ivor, Bee Gregory, E. T.
Kohn, William Mitchel, .las. Adams.
Sparks Vaughan, Robt Scott, W C
Fincher, W II H >well, Carrio Barnett,
C. Bishop, Henry Humphries, one other
to be appointed.
At the last meeting the board unanimously
decided to dispense with the
growing of cotton on the poor house
farm and decided to grow corn, peas,
f;rain, hay, etc., so as to improve the
Letter to Hon. J. T. Douglas,
Union, S. C.
Dear Sir; "It ce t-. rs.ranch t"? put nn
pO'?r paint as good" a c inii>o.i n*ying
and true?it costs much m ret" put oii" '
p<w?r paint; more gallons.
Poor paint 1b paint and bary'ea or
paint and sand or naii>t and lime or
paint and chalk or paint and benz ne or
paint and wat? r; these are the usual
cheats; there ate oth? ra.
It takt-s more gdlons ?.f paint-and-acheat
than of hone-t paint, un<l tin- c.?t
of the labor of painting is so ranch a
gallon?one gallon costs as much as
another, f?-r labor.
Ti'ia is the way t-? reckon vour c sts
for this year; but bow ala ut not ytar?
Paint Devi-e, and the nexi year co-ts
nothing; year after n? xt the same; the
same for several years.
Paint anything else, and your costs
recur according to what you paint with.
Some of tiie mixtures wear one year;
some tw<>; three
It costs twice, three times, four limcp.
five times, as much to paint with a
cheat as to paint wiih Devoe.
Youis trnlv;
8 F. W. Dkvob & To.
P. S. Bailey Lumber Mfg. Co. sells
our paint.
s your :
? Disease with medi- Sj
cine. If the medi- 8'
cine is not right he 8 j
* cannot conquer dis
8 ease.
? If the druggist does
9 his duty the medi- 8
* cine will be right, 2
* and your doctor will 8
stand a fair chance
of winning the vie- 8 s
tory- ? I
You can help your !
- doctor by having J
* your prescriptions I
* filled here. t |
Wp dpliv^f trnnrl*; tn a i
8 any part of the city
at any time.
f Palmetto Drug Go., j
5 Huiet & Kenwick Owners
is it Right?
Is It right that a property owner
shonld lose $4 .20 to let a dealer make
60 cents? A dealer makes 60 cents
more on fourteen gallons of rcady-foruse
paint, at $1.50 per gallon, than our
agent does on eight gallons of L. A M.
paint and six gallons of linseed oil,
which makes fourteen gallons of tl e
best paint in the world, at $1.20 pi r
gallon; the property-owner loses ju t
$4.20. fs it right?
It only requires 4 gallons of L. A M.
and 3 gallons linseed oil to paint a moderate
sized house.
Ten Thousand Churches painted with
Longman A Martinez L, A M. Paint.
Liberal quantity given to churches
when bought from Union Hardware
?* it < ?l ???w ?
WEiT^a^wpE i?TTi3^rfc am j-rJWEa^jiSi JWjMwm
ImuJL a^imfe liUnE aiiiwi.-3dJt-iE 4 >u.nJf M mil# t .iiiiiir iiimmI#
\ 1 Bed Room, Dining Room, Parlor, Hall and H
pffl Library Furniture. Cook Stoves, Heaters and r"
f J the best Steel and Malleable Iron Ranges. B
m Blankets, Feathers, Comforts, Genuine Felt E
H Mattresses and Pillows. L,
H We have replaced our line of Undertaking Supplies |j
| J with the latest goods and are now prepared to fill If
M orders in this department from the cheapest coffin ||
[ J or casket to the handsomest' Broad Cloth covered H
m metal lined solid cedar Casket worth $450.00. jjj
Ring Us up Any Time Day or Night n
H we are prepared at all times to render assistance at 11
[1 the Lowest Prices, consistent with quality and ma- H
ljj| terial and service we furnish. H
I Bailey Furniture Co. |
>1IL s
n u l e st|
Our buyers have just M
HI returned from the mar= U
fl 4. A.t- ? f ^
Ikci wiin a car or iresn H
Kentucky Mules. Prices U
right. Come to see us H
before buying. ... H
a sn xJx. m ^
i ...When You... g
D ?
"j A Wagon, Buggy, Harness, ^
(\ Harm Supplies, Guano or Gro= J
q ceries, see us, as ti
n 9
, E a n t Bros. Co.|
P| The Crescent Steam Laun- ||
Hrv iq now rp^Hv
^ _. j .w/ w ?? vmmj iui uuai*
!pl ness and will begin Mon= &
||| day, Feb. 20, with a com- gj
ly plete plant of modern ma- ||
|? chinery and men of exper- if
ience. Our prices are in g
I*? reach of all and to please jj|
you is our motto. ||
Crescent Steam Laundry, p
t5V0r<krs left at Estes' Store will receive prompt attention. Eg
' . y. . .j,.
Vee" ""