|ga _js w w Is ^or ^ 1" DIAMONI gjK IS Wl m s ?? Tl Bb M W B m g wi B la he HI gg T| B? j?3 W' B ? i? c( B ? B B? m ?M m ? Patter B ? 1? llninn H 1 IflHVH W ?? il Special Advertisement Notices will be Inserted In tbis column tho rate of 26 words or lese for 25c one Issi four Issues for ?5e. Additional lines ov twenty five words Se a line. JTST received by Express a i'rei shipment a Wiley's fine candi in packages at Scaife's, two doo above Hotel. We give tradir. stamps. WE AUK making it mighty inlesv* ing to purchaser!* of molassca. W Iihvc a sweet proposition; jutrt m loaded something over a htindrc barrels. We would like todolms nesa with you. The Union Grocer Company. HOUSE WANTED?W?> want a goo heavy, county raised horse to wor in our delivery wagon, apply to h M. Estes store not later than Moil day, February 20th, 1905. Crescen Steam Laundry: 1 I.ET US remind you again that we ar< thoroughly in harmony with an; plan for the betterment of prices ant market conditions for our l'lante Friends. In evidence of the same we not only support any niovemen in their interests, but we sell tin best Seed and Fertilizers that wt can purchase, on the closest mar gins that any man can sell and con tinue business. We want to do bus iness with you, The Union Grocer Company, WANTED?Salesmen and saleslad-'n in this and adjoining territory, t represent and advertise on sale department of an old cstabli she commercial house of ho lid fine ,j?ria standing. Staple line. Salary J|3." per day, paid weekly, with ex' fv.nsc advanced direct from headqn airteri Horse and boggy furnished -uiio necessary. We furnish ever yttliinf Position permanent. Addr dss. Th Columbia House, Mono a, Bldg Chicago, 111. f>-4 HEKD Iriah'Potutoes and Or fan Setti beat Maine Grown Seed ! f?ook. He Bliss, Early Rose, Beauty ? A Slebror Peerless and Bnrbanlc; VV kjiite Bilve Skin and Yellow Danvers. Jle bctte aelsctlona, ns better qua i%ty and n lewer prices than we oflfe # <!?n be hurl We appreciate your bi niness. Th Union Grocery Compan y. A COMPLETE line of F airy and Croat man Bros', seeds. our assort inent which is eompi Ate, guarantee? new and fresh. We Elicit yonr nee< business. The Uniei#? 'Grocery Com pany. WANTED-^by ralhi/>)e ;young man, j position as alerjograp her and type writer, shipping clerk car something01 the kind. Have had H anited experience in thia kind ef work, and, il necessary, will work one month foi expenses. I have my owrn typewriter References given en Application. Xiiltt), W, B. P., 0. d-3t sa is] raa (SB) fffl 351 m m m ebruary We I SPECIAL GOOLYEAI HAT WE RECOMi1 le Soles are plump, ithstand wint gather, but not :avy as to be awkwai ie uppers are medit eight for health a >mfort. Stylish lape, elegant in isurpassed for we ns that won Grand I World's Fair. otton Mills Dep \m ]"KATT'R Stock Food, Pratt's P >u1try [9 .Food, and Egg Producer. Pr.tt's Lice Killer and all of Pratt's valuable at preparations for stock and poultry to if. ne bad fresh at The Union Grocery ?r Company. ~l > S'.iE The Peoples Supply Co. for hay, oorit and oats. ei? IB TO cure "La Grippe" get "Lawson's w Grippe Caps" (L. G. C.) from Puke Drug Company. jFLOUR put up in old fashion way, ' wood barrels, made from turkey red 11 winter wheat, price $5.80 per barrel K at Tl?e Peoples Supply Co. d i- IIUYLSR'S candy at Duke DrugComy j pany. "" jl.OST?A pair of eye glasses, gold d I frame. Suitable reward if returned k I to Scaife's store. j- j*T-U it: ?OLL> Hickory Wagons?a carload just t I received. The Peoples Supply Co. 1 "WANTED?Every person Vho is hold* ing cotton to call on us and have it insured. It is not necessary to put r it in a warehouse, we insure it '! wherever it is. See us at once you can't afford to take the risk. Bailey ] ^ Lbr. Mfg. Co. 3-tf . : KM1UK?If you want the best at the ..J lowest possible price come to see us, j I T1 e Peoples Supply Co. ? j MOl.ASSES in any size package to suit v! vosir nnxla l"n osi 1 ' ?* . ?~..w, .u iimi ft' gain n 0 barrels, from $1.50 per package to 75 cento per gallon. We will suit your d needs ami nave you money. The il Union Grocery Company. >0 '* CABBAGE plants, sure headers, just j * the thing for early gardens, grown , n in the open air, will stand great cold, 1 J- the celebrated Charleston Wakefield p variety, and five others. They are > guaranteed to give satisfaction. ! t Price, $1.50 per thousand in small i - lots. Over live thousand, $1.25. . i. Special prices over ten thousand. 1 d Express rates eheap to all points. ' i, Send in orders to K. L. Conimins, 1 ir Meggett, 8. C. 4-41 1 ir ________________________ j 1 Valentine Party. < e < Miss Ruth Foster delightfully on- ' i tcrtained a few friends at a valen- | r tine party Tuesday evening at Iter : 1 1 ionic on South street. * | j The decorations were red paste- ^ " | board hearts. Hearts were the -' feature of the evening. ?. ?! Mr. Jlerliert Lindsay was the l' | winner of the first prize which was 0 a gold luart stud pin. The second a prize was awarded -o Miss Ina Me- 8 ' Nally and was a candy heart, and y. Mr. Hugh burroughs the consola- 11 ition n heart calendar, m i s m dsn i&j ather ? ^ 31 I WELTS a I UEND. t 1 11 to i' e r || 1 1 so * (gj i*d. S || jm |jj id 81 jl in 8 ifit' ^ 1 ar. f| s i Prize at ^ P t. Store. I $25^00 REWARD I | Will be paid to the person furnishing definite information as to the present whereabouts of F. Q. Trefzer, the jeweler, who so far as is known was last seen at Buffalo about 11a. m. Tuesday, February 7, 1905. He then wore a mixed brown suit of clothes, blue overcoat, grey cap with enameled neak and ?t?ih I ? mm-mm rimmed spectacles. Report clues as soon as discovered to the undersigned, though reward will be paid only when evidence is furnished of the exact whereabouts of Mr. Trefzer. INDEPENDENT ORDER BEAVERS Thomas McNally, President. Blood of the Grape. Is si pure, wholesome and non intoxicating drink that is pleasing to the taste and soothing to the inner man. It is an invigorating tonic, free from all soil consequences to the user. Nature is a good and (afe physician. Indeed, skilled physicians these days depend in a great measure upon nature in their 'fTorts to cure the patient. The uscious grape is one of nature's >est gifts to men. Blood of the jrapc is just this lusciousness in issencc. We serve this wholesome lrink at our soda fountain. If you lave not tried it, you are invited o do so. You will l>e pleased. To ry it once will convince you that t is worthy of subsequent trials. 71ill mow onn ? * . v... aiitcj m.t a iiu0;ii or more large >ottleg of this delightful drink in >ur show window. Full line of hot (rinks, also. Hot chocolate, hot lam boullion, and hot coffee. These rc great helps for cold rains, nows, sleets and other unwelcome isitors during the trying winter ime. THE RICE PPUG COMPANY. / \ Summons for Relief. (Compluint not gervid.) State of South Carolina, ) County of Union. ) Court of Common Pleas. N. 11. Hawkins, Jr., Plaintiff1, against Mary J. Ellis, James Greer, B. 11. Greer, Sallie Bishop, Mattie Bishop, Susan Tinsley, Lettie Smith, Alice Hawkins, Carie Hawkins, Lorcnna Hawkins, Ida Sinclair, Janie Hawkins, Maud A. Hawkins, Lizzie B. Hawkins, G. H. Hawkins, 11. A. Hawkins, Catherine Gwynn, or heirs. unknown, Holcomb, or heirs, unknown, Defendants. To the Defendants Mary J. Ellis, James Greer, It. H. Greer, Sallie Bishop, Mattie Bishop, Susan Tinsley, Lettie Smith, Alice Hawkins, Carrie Hawkins, Lorenna Hawkins. Ida Sinclair, Janie Hawkins, Maud A. Hawkins, Lizzie B. Hawkins, G. 11. Hawkins, B. A. Hawkins, Catherine Gwynn, or heirs, unknown, and Holcomb, or heirs, unknown, you are hereby summoned and required to answer the summons and complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Union County and State aforesaid and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their law office No. 3 Law Range at Union, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of* such service and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the Plaint iff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. BEATV & WALKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I Frank Pcake, Clerk of Court. [ska I.] Union, S. C., February 13lh, A. D. 1905. State of South Carolina, ) County of Union. J Court of Common Pleas. N. II. Hawkins, Jr., Plaintiff, against Matt .T. "Ellis #?t nl. Take notice, that the summons and complaint in the above stated cause of action, was 011 the thirteenth day of February, A. I). 1905, Hied in the ottlce of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, for Union County and State aforesaid. BEATY & WALKER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Union, S. C., February 13th., A. 1). 1905. State of South Carolina, ? County of Union. f Court of Common Pleas. N. II. Hawkins, Jr., Plaintiff, against Mary J. Ellis, et al, Defendants. To the Defendants, Maud A. Hawkins, (1. H. Hawkins and B. A. Hawkins, take notice! That unless you procure the appointment of a guardian ad litem to appear for you and defend this action in your I behalf, we will, after twenty days from i.u.. -t ?-.u' uowmi, tnfurt you, apply to C. H. Peake, Esq., Master for Union County and State aforesaid, at his office at Union Court House at Union, S. C., for an order appointing some suitable nnd competent person to appear for you and authorizing and requiring him to appear as your guardian ad litem and requiring him to defend this action in your behalf. BEATY WALKER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Union, S. C., February 13th, 1905. SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Statu ok South Carolina, \ County of Union, f J. C. Edwards, against The Smith Company. By virtue of authority vested in me under chattel mortgage given by The Smith Company to J. C. Edwards, bearing date the fourteenth day of May, A. I>. 1004, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, for Union County and State aforesaid, in Chattle Mortgage Book F. No. 0. page 035, on the 22nd day of July, A. I). 1904, I will, during the local hmirx of aol? o..ll " - 0?. ^M?v, avil uciurt* tilt* Court House door, at Union, S. C., for rash, "All that certain stock of merchandise. consisting of shoes, hats, pants, shirts, collars, neckties, and clothing, of any and all description, and all other articles and fixtures, belonging to The Smith Company, which are now contained in the store house of L (i. Young, and now occupied by The Smith Company, to the highest bidder, on the 27th day of February, A. I). 1905. J. W. SANDERS, Agent. Bkaty & Walker, Attorneys for J. C. Edwards. Union, S. C., February 13th, 1905. WHY SUPPER with Coughs and Colds when our WHITE PINE and TAR COMPOUND will cure you. Every bottle is a cough insurance policy and COSTS ONLY 25 CENTS. DUKE DRUB GO. Huyier's Rose Hill Greenhouses GEO. KCLLAR, Phfl., Mgr. Under Hotel Union, e .. / WE GIVE | Southern Trading Stamps! With every cash purchase amounting to !|| ten cents or over. Ten stamps Tor one g dollar, 'Tis seldom you can really get B something for nothing, but in this case you certainly can, and we will tell you how. B > It is very simple; you simply do your cash S trading with us in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, B Millinery, Small Notions, Shoes, Hats, 8 Trunks, Valises, Clothing, Underwear and || Fancy Goods, where you will always find B a large and well assorted stock, and our g prices a little lower and the quality of our merchandise a little better than at other B , ^ stores. Yours for more business, 8 0) % McLure Mercantile Company, I gg The Undersellers. ruiirT rroni nrn owiri rcr\ i TO PLANTERS: We desire to interest you in the most reliable PLANT FOOD on the market for cultivation of all farm products, Cotton, Corn, etc. Our complete fertilizers are made only from Dried Blood and meat and bone Tankage Amoniates. These ingredients have fully demonstrated in the soil that they ^re the best plant food known. Buy Swift*s Fertilizers. Planters Guano 8.65-2-2, Golden Harvest 8-2 1-2-21, Monarch Vegetable Grower 8-4-4 and Cotton King 9-3-2 for sale by THE PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. ATTENTION PLANTERS! I This Company is in thorough sympathy 1 1 and harmony with every plan to promote I the interests of the Planters to bring about j better market conditions for everything B that he can raise, and especially to secure 9 and maintain an honest price for cotton. 1 If you desire to curtail your cotton acre- I ? age and your Fertilizer supply, we are 8 heartily in sympathy and shall certainly . g co-operate with you to the fullest extent. 8 We have further shown our interest in I , your welfare by supporting and furthering I % in every way in our power every move set 1 on foot for your benefit. B In addition to what has already been done,- | we wish to say that we believe that the | surest and best solution of all the problems " g that confront the Planters and Merchants is 8 not only to use less Fertilizer, but to use 8 better grades and to use more of it under I ' other crops than the cotton crops, and E | ' above everything else, to diversify the 1 crops. Plant more of Corn, Sweet Pota- I toes, Irish Potatoes, Peas, Onions and g other stuff of like character, for which g there is always a ready market and which 8 market is constantly improving. g U/A Qro rtffofin/v f"' w.w vrnwiiiig iui oaic mis year, one ot g the oldest and undisputably one of the best I Mfa lines of Fertilizers in the country, namely, I THE OLD WANDO BRANDS. I We are also selling -at unusually close | prices, selected and uniform Seed Potatoes | and Onion Sets of the best known grades, g nnH in sHHitinn tr? tKocft - ? ... Mv.v..v>ys>i iv/ ?.?ivoc wc unry a complete line of Ferry and Crossmans' Seeds of every description. We want to serve you in any way in our power and will cheerfully render you every courtesy consistent with a safe business policy, and respectfully solicit a share of all your business. The Union Grocery Co., H Planters' Priends. I We will pay $1.00 per bushel cash for every bushel 1 of sound Sweet Potatoes delivered to us 1 within the next two weeks. |