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11 Union
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? Bazar for (lis wee]
up-to date of this paper's issue are:
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, photograp]
of her husband taken from herfavoiit
oil portrait of him, especially for Mis
Mrs Ella J. Young. Washington. 1)
C , large photograph of J. A. Edder'i
famous portraint of Gen. Lee, the Cot
corun Art Gallery. Washington. I). C.
Mrs. tiwaflieid. Columbia. S. C., speci
mens of Paimetto wot k.
Mesilantes Maty F. Thorn pso", IL II
Hayes, J. J. Jackson, Frank C. Poe
Ileuiy Landan, Jno. Audeiaou, Misses
Carrie Jackson, Eva Hatch, ot the Win
nie Davis Chapter, Pittsboro, C.
each send dainty and useful aiticles.
Miss Ethelind Gosa. Greensboro, N. C.
Mis. Lizzie Ilames, Mis. W. F. Hughes
Mis Claude Graham, and Mauldii
Graham, ueefuland fancy articles.
Mis I). N. Wiiburn, Mr. Thos. McNaily.
The Uuton Drug Co., The Bat'
tery, W. T. Beaty, and G. W. Going.
contribute material
Mia Fincher Betsill, Crosa Keys, 2J
dozen eggs.
Mra. M. J. Murphy, Cross Keys, per
I)r. Hennet, 25 cetua.
Mis. Joiin Craw foul, 1'nion. 25 cents.
Mis K L. Coleman, Whitnme, $2 0<J
Dr. It. R. Jeter, Whiimire, $2 (Mi.
M18. It It. Jrter, Whiimne, $2.00.
Mra. J. II. Huff, Monarch M l1, oi.e
very handsome linen center piece, iu
drawn work.
From Cross Keys, per Mis C. F. ltav:
Mr. an Mrs. C. F. ltay, 3$ lt>s. butter,
one dozen eggs; and Mis. W. Humphries,
2} lbs butter, Miss Sue lluiuphriea,
one hen, ^ dozen eggs, *
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Bailey and Anna
I>e Bailey, 25 cents; Misses Leila and
Ciara Sparks, 20 cents; Measia. B. B.
BetHil, Wallace Wilbuin, John Wilbanksand
James Murphy, each, 25 cents,
Mr. B. B. Murphy, Mis. D. J. Davis,
and Miss Edna Davis, each, 10 cents.
From Seoalia, per Mrs. L J. Browning;
Mrs. J. I). Graham, $1 50. Mr.
A. J. Taylor, $1 00; Mr. C. 11. Kelier,
75 cents; Mis. C. H. Rice, 1 sola pillow,
1 cake for the pyram-d; Mis. J. A. Alveraon,
poultry; Misses Maggie, Slel a
and Ada Eates, each, 1 fancy handkerchief;
Mis. M. E Browning, a hemstitched
handkerchief, though she is veiy
feeble and veaia of ace: Mis. WvIim
E-des, 2 pounds bulte ; Mr. J. E. >linie.,
fresh poik ham; Mrs. L. J. JJiownirg,
1 pound buuer, 1 drz-n eggs, iretdi
h< me made light hi end.
From Sedalia, 1 bushel black walnuts.
From Sauluc, Mr. Janus Jenkins, an
aged and feeble Confederate soldier,
sends 1 flue chicken; Miss Jenkins his
daughter, 1 dozen eggs, 1 pound butter.
Mrs. haileu, 2 juis fruit.
Mrs. J. H. Huff, Monarch Mill, 1
veiy handsome linen centre puce in
drawn work. \
The Seminary gills will contiibute
more than 7o at tides of handiwork.
Mrs. A. II. Foster, Mrs Wallace
Meug, Mrs. W. I>. Wilkins, Mrs
Sanders, and Mrs. C. H. ilice^^rt So
daft*, will add to MM wn*okl off cwkee.
* r jj
r v Hr ??
= AT ?
artment $1
mm m. i
You Need
lew Dishes
Ti e bazar to he pitett Friday nk-hl
[j anl Saturday by He Wm. Wallacr
y Chapter for the benefit of the monimatil
will l>e decidedly the hippest thing of it.'
kti (1 tf at Union lias ever seen.
After a short, musical propiam t iok??tr
^ wi.l he erven t<? each person in the audi
. ei:ce which will entitle him to a "iru
down the pike " He can then visit tie
. } various Inohs in turn where ynurie
I ladies in the different national costume*will
either serve light lunches or sell the
characteristic productions ofthatcounj
' try.
.1 Some of the ntincinal 5?ttr5?r*ti/Mia r>?.
I the pike will lie the "Streets of Cairo"
") with four booths of its own, the "(rip
. i Fey Scene" where fortunes will l>e tol<l
': by horo>cope and palmistry, and the
! "booth for Eighteen Sixteen Four"
? here all sorts of souvenits of the Iv>st
, ('ante, artistic calendars, flags and pictut
es will be sold
There will be twelve troths, in addi'
. lion to a huge pyramid of cakes, Chinese.
1 Japanese, candy. linker's chocolate.
I Cuban, ii dian Village, Little France,
j Co imany, flowers and Sixty Four.
There will l*? a largeuurnt>er of things
' to he sold at. all of tltese places and all at
i" reasonab'e and just prices so it. is possible
i for every one desiring to purchase gifts
I or souvenirs to l>e suited.
II The admission the llrst evening wiil
i l>e only tell cents and this admits one to
j visit all the twelve booths and sw all
: the dhplavs except, the side shows of the
i"Stieetsof Cairo" The admission to
I the^e shows will lie ten centa extra for
' the four.
Everything will lie sold reasonably
i and change will lie given* There will
i lie no grab hags. lalU'tig, nor catch penny
devices The ladles of the inai a.?merit,
desire to have just and fair dealings
and invite the patronage of the public
in the int< rest of our c irnmon cause
Thehj?z?r will open Friday evening
at 8.30. On Saturday fn-m 10 a m. to
| 10 p m
] The heirs-at-law of Mrs. S. C Welch,
deceased, will sell at public sale before
the court house door in the town of
Union, South Carolina, on salesdav in
January, 1903, the same being the 2nd
day of January, 1903, the following described
real estate, to wit:
All thattract of land containing ono
hundred and sixty acres, more or lees, I
lying, being and situate in Union j
County, State of South Carolina, hounded
by lands of J. \V. Jeter, A. W. !
Thomson, J. S. Welch, W. J. Tucker, !
and others said tract of land being the
same of which Mrs, S. C. Welch died,
seized and |>08.sesaed.
One-half rash, the balance on a credit
of ?uie year from day of sale, secured
by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage
of the premises. Purchaser to pay
for papers and recording of same.
James S. Welch,
and James 8. Welch,
Attorney in fact for all the other heirs- <
av-law of 9. U Weleh, deoeaeed,
I >
OF |1
.TIES'j 1
ED ||
Milk li
tore. [1
Some 11
To f h/> Tavnqim?o |
. v viiv a uApujrvi a Ul UII1UII
I will be at tbe following places foi
i tbe purpose of taking tux returns ol
personal property as designated below
, West Spiings, Jan. 9tl?, 1903, at Bet
sill's Store.
Gibbs, Jan. 10th, 1905, at Linder'a
obi store.
Cross Keys, Jan. 11th, 1905.
Selalia, Jan. 12th, 1905.
Goshen Hill and Black ltock, Jan.
13th. 1905.
Santnc, Jan. 14th, 1905.
L'M-khart, Jan. ldth, 1905.
Adamsburg, Jan. 17th. 1905.
Kelion, Jan. '8th, 1905,
Jonesville, Jan. 19tb, 1905.
Union, Jan. 20, 21, 23, 1905.
Carli>le. Jan 24th, 1905.
Monarch, Jan 25th, 1905.
Buffalo, Jan. 2Gth, 1905.
Uni >n, in ofTico from Jan. 27th, to
Feb. 20th. On that day the timo expires
for taking returns. All who fail
to make their returns in said time, will
be charged 50 per cent, penaltv.
52-9t John G Farh, Auditor.
' /% -.
CUFYfllOMi / J .
I Christmas
Is a necessity in making your
list of purchases for gifts. Here
you will find the largest variety,
the highest quality, the lowest
r\%*I/?Aa WT? ? ?- ' 1
)7i iuco. ?* e ncivc watcnes with
reliable movements in tne latest
style of cases, chatelaines, rings,
earrings, brooches, all kinds of
fine jewelry.
Don't fail to see my stock.
f. 0. TREFZER,
Th<? Metripolitnn Magazine and
Tuj? Tlal&s for $1.80 per year.
Special Advertisements
Notices will bo insetted in tills column at
ttao rate ol 25 words or less for 25o one issue,
four issues Tor Tao. Additional lines over
twonty tivo word>5c a line.
NORTHERN' apples, oranges, bananas,
cocoanuts, grapes, raisins,
currants, citron, ?dates, prunes,
cranberries, all kinds of nuts and
fine chocolates and bo:> bons at
CHRISTMAS goods. Great attraction
at Mrs. M. A. Brigus, none
like it in the market.
FRUIT cakes, iced or plait), delicious
and satisfactory without the trouble
of baking; $1 50 at The Union
Gtocery Co.
MRS. M. A BRIGGS next to Haines
wholesale grocery, has everything
in confectionery you need for
WHY not buy the best it) candy?
Lowney's unsurpassed guaranteed
fresh, by express. Costs less G^an
other kinds, too. The Union C^ocerv
Company, agents.
FOR RENT?Nice sir room cottage
rirgiti and Academy streets.
Write to F. P. Yates, Donalds,
S. C.
HANDSOMEST and completcst line
of delicious candies, packages and
bulk, ever seen in this part of the
state. Don't cost as much as
others and much better. Union
Grocery Company, agents.
ALL parties owing me on account
notes or otherwise will please make
payment at once as I need the
money very much.
48-tf M. W. Bono.
I.llWVKV'S pnnHipa 1>uva wnn mnrfl
wives than any other kind. If you
don't want her to say yes, you hud
better give her the other kind;
Lowney's does the business. Fresh
by express. Union Grocery Company,
GOTO Mrs. M. A. Briggs for toys,
dolls of every description, fancy
China ware, nuts, candies, fruits,
raisins, currants and citron.
GENTS, you are on a losing deal if
you don't feed that girl of yours
on Lowney's candy. With every
package purchased by a gentleman
prior to Christmas, we issue a certificate.
The gentleman presenting
the largest number of certificates
Christmas eve night, will have expressed
to his beBt girl (free) a 5
pound box of the best candy she
ever ate, Lowney's, with his compliments.
Don't miss it. The
Union Grocery Company, agents.
DON'T forget the Waterman nen Duke
Drug Co. is giving avav. December
'20 is the time. Take a little time and
try fur it.
ItigTDie art Japanese China wnnTat
low prices at the Wonder Store.
HE best candies and crystalized
fruits, fresh by express. Sold for
Jess money by Union Grocery Company,
Lowney's agents for the
' Piedmont section of South Carolina.
Mail orders given prompt at
CUT GLASS?finest quality for lowest
' price at Duke Drug Co.
FANCIEST seeded raisins, 10e.
pound, fanciest cleaned currants.
10c pound, fanciest crystalized
citron, 20c pound, fanciest Jordon
shelled almonds, 60c pound, at
The Union Grocery Company.
CAPE Cod cranberries, cheap at The
Union Grocery Company.
BE sure to come to the Wonder Store
on Monday, the 19th, and take a
froe grab from the grab hag, opened
exactly at 2 SO p rn.t 100 or more
grabs. Come and take your choice
und get something ridiculous or
I'DUO T-T M-i - -i r? -
t iuiin irien naramga chips In bulk
at The Union Orocpry Company.
"HUYLER'S" galore at Duke Drug Co.
PURE Vermont Sap Maple Syrup
and old fashioned buckwheat flour
at The Union Grocery Company.
20 PIECES of new dress goods jnat received
by express and 42 pieces by
freight in all the new shades ami I
styles with trimming to match at
CRISP and dainty Kalamazoo celery
at Union Grocery Company.
(500 pairs of solid leather shoes mi all
styles of toes and all leathers just received
at Fh tin's and will lie sold
very cheap Fly tin says he intends to
do the shoe business and can afford to
sell them cheaj>er than anyone else,
and for every shoe he warrnnts yon
can have your money back or a new
| pair if the shoe does not give entire
DELICIOUS home made cheese, -l or
5 pounds each Made by borne
enterprise at The Union Creamery
Company's plant. For sale by
Union Grocery Company.
DON'T fad to read the Wonder Store
ad. on last, page, and govern yourselves
accordingly If you miss
going to the Wonder Store for yonr
Xmaa goods, furniture, machines.
&c., musical gOv.ds, you will miss a
big show, and many bargains.
300 boxes of delicious, sweet Florida
Oranges, famous Peace river sec- i
tion of Florida No matter what ,
prico you are offered, it will pay i
you to see our oranges and get our i
price. Union Grocery Company. ti
Great Slau
of Clo
In Men's, Boy's
eg Suits, Overcoats
Eli now going on.
120 Per Cei
1 on our entire st<
1 McLure Merca
The Unt
jlj Be sure and
jjl At the Palmetto Dr
200 boxes fancy Three Crown California
London Layer Raisins guar
nnteed, no old crop or Two Crowr
Goods. Rock Bottom prices, special
box price. Union Grocery Com
IF TOU want to trade at Flynn's tr;
and get there before ten o'clock, a
the crowds are so great after that lion
more people have to po away withou
heing waited on anil have to pa]
higher prices elsewhere.
150 barrels fancy, sound stock north
ern and mountain apples. W<
will save you money on anythlnj
from 5c worth to a hundred barre
purchase Union Grocery Co.
HAVE You seen the now up-t<vdate tin
of jackets at Flynns, the dtore tha
?twnifiaau made fn^moilfL
G.000 pounds assorted stick and mix
ture candies, all Uavors, all sizes
principally mint and lemon, th
popular flavors. Your order
wanted Unjnn Grocery Co
FLYNN has on band a lar/e and wel
assorted stock of solid leather shoe
that lit well for prices that peopl
never dreamed of. .
8 OOl) cocnariuts. , best new nuts
Your order appreciated, from on<
to a sack of 100. Union Grocer]
BALLOONS, balloons, sky rockets
Roman candles, torpedoes, toy can
nons, solutes, fire crackers anc
?vtn n.L .. i. II r \T It r? ...
I m 11 wurriH Ht ?> , XNfWeil HlTllltl'S
Phone 126
75 hunches of the fanciest bananas
you ever saw. Gome and Ret the
pick Union Grocery Go.
LOST?A key chain having two oi
three keys attached to it, a brass
door key, trunk key and suit cast
key. Finder will be rewarded ii
returned to th's office
2,500 pounds walnuts, pecans, nlggei
toes and almonds and mixed nuts,
guaranteed, every nut new, and
prices cheap Union Grocery Co,
GO to W. Newell Smith's for fresh
raisins, currents, citron, prunes,
figs, evaporated apples and peaches,
Chili walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecant
and almonds. Phono 126
10 boxes of prunes, the healthiest
diet yet, and the cheapest luxury
von can hnv. Union Grocerv Co.
THE Hev. Irl K. Hicks almanac for
1905 is r.ow ready, being the finest
edition ever issued. This splendid
and costly book of 200 pages Is a
complete study of astronomy and
storm and weather for 1905 It is
too well known to need comment
See It and you will so decide. The
price, postpaid to any address,
50?. per copy. The Rev. Irl R
Hicks' scientific, religious and
family journal, Word and Works
now abreast with the best magazines.
is 75c a yenr. Both Worn
and Works Bnd the Almanac $1 0O
per year. No better investment
possible for any person or familv
Try it and see Send to Word and
Works Publishing Co., 2201 Locust
St., St. Louis, Mo.
Christmas Trees.
You enterprising men and boys of'
the country, bring in a few well
shaped cedar trees and 'holly bushes,
the holly bu?h that is full of red berries,
these will sell readily at reason- ]
able prices. A nice holly bush full |
of red berries would be a nice con-'
tribntlon to the Confederate Monument
Bazar, to be used for decora-j
ghter Sale I
thing |
and Children's 1
i and Odd Pants 8
it. Discount S
>ck of Clothing^. S
utile Company, i
lersellers. g|
* EE
SiliEli9i3iiE9BBi 89
see tuc line ui 24IJ
ug Co. before you buy.- Hf
NJWICK. Owners. W
- My old^and new cus8
tomers to know that I /'
t have opened a beef
T\ market in the rear of
and am prepared to
e serve you with the
1 choicest cuts of BEEF,
9 1 SAUSAGE, and in j
fact, everything first A
1 class in my line. .M
1 N. P. DUNBARif-*"*!
j Phone No. 80. ' " I
i Geo. P. Brown's .
' Tablets and Tally
Hand Painted
Vmnc r
/^iiiUkj V.UI VJk3? ^
, We take orders for Engraved
Call and look over our
GCO. KELLAR, Phfl., fiflr.
My Office Will be Open
after Thursday, Dec. 15th, and
every day during the Holidays.
Also continuously during 1905.
A pair of Spectacles or Eye
Glasses will be just the thing for j
a Christmas Present for the old
folks. ^
Dr. McCreery Glymph,
M. & P. Bank Building. Take
stairway on Main Street.
1 Hours: 9to 12a. m., 1 to6:30p.m.