The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, November 18, 1904, Image 2
![ BI
|| -CHIN;
I Jit
I Union
II Dep?
|| Don't
aPBCiai flPVB^isemenTS
Notices will bo inserted in this column at
tho rate of ?5 words or less for 26c ono issue,
four issues for 75c. Additional lines over
twenty live words 6c a line.
SEED Rye and Barley and Fresh
Turnip Seed at Scaife's.
THF Culp Property sal-i is only ?.
few days off now.
SEN I) to us for barbed wire. The Peoples
Supply Company.
BUY a lot at the Culp Properly Sale
on the 28bh and learn in truth that
"there's no place like home."
EVERY THING up-to-date at Trefzer's
Store. The latest now is a
ludy expert watchmaker. Bring
your fine repairing to Trefzer's.
PAYING rent is enriching the other i
man?stop it by attending the Culp j
rroperty Sale on the 28th.
IF you want, to save money buy baihul
wite from The Peoples Supply Company.
YOU look down Into the town from
the Gulp Property us into an amphitheatre.
EVERYTHING up-to-date atTTefzii's
Store. The latest now h a lady exl?ert
watchmaker. Bring your Hue repairing
to Trefzer's.
DO NOl' let this opportunity pass,
buy a homo place at the Gulp Land
Sale on the 28th.
FOR RENT?Nice six room cottage
corner Virgin and Academy streets.
Wiite to F. P. Yates, Donalds,
S. G.
DO IT now?the opportunity, the
Culp Property Sale, the time, the
IT IS due your wife and children that
you buy u lot on the 28th and build
a homo No prettier situ than the
Gulp Property.
BARBED wire ai.d staples. We are
selling a lot of these t<ecause weaie
selling them cheap. The Peoples Suppi
v Company.
ijrrv- _ i.i > ?- ? - ''
uu i u iuv ui me vjuip rroperty Kale (
. ? on the 28fch and atop the annoyance
of the FSnt agent ]
? ? h
WANTKD?Orders for ''Rtfe^'lectiona ]
and Letters of Gen. R. PL Loo" if! j
Capt. Robt. E. Lee. A moat in-'
tereating and entertaining work.j{
Address O. J. Colcock, Union, 8. C, ]
THE Building and Loan will bu Id '
you a bouse if you will get a Jot at
the Oolp Property Saleoo the 28tb.1 t
? A T =
irtment Si
You Need
ew Dishes
i i?ji.j ??i|i i ?su11uutitts til's
city purls and will be sold the 28th
this mcnth.
GRAPHOPHONES ut factory price.
Buy a graphophone at home and
save expreps. Furniture of all
kinds, blankets, quilts, rugs, window
shades, lace curtains, Ac , at
competition prices. Pianos, organs,
all musical goods, machines, stoves,
clocks, guns, and all kinds of whtcs
Santa Claus headquarters.
THE Culp Property is valuable n?
an investment. So remember the
UP NOT think that you can put of!
The Culp Property Sale is on the
Remaining in the Post Office at Union,
S. C., for the week ending Nov. 11,
I UK)4.
B?James Bawden, Anna Burky, John
Bell, Homer Balls, Peter Brownlee.
E?It E Eubanks.
F?Martha Frayler, F E Fowler,
Evans Ferguson, Benj Freeman, D G
G?W G Gregory, Willie Gaulis, A P
Green, J L Going, J It Gilliam, Will
H?Nannie Hendrill, E D Hough. Ida
J?Mrs Bessie Jones, Rosa L Jones,
Ida Jeter.
G?Giles PNeiston.
R?Amanda Reid, Haskell Reynolds.
8?Robt Sims.
T?Charlie Tice.
V?Fred Valentine, J V Vinson.
W?Alice Williams, Henry Wood,
Hazel Woods.
Y?Clayton Young (2), M T Yurborough.
Persons calling for the above letters
will please say if advertised, and will be
required to pay ono cent for their delivery.
J. C. JIunteh, P. M.
Citation to Kindred and Creditors.
Ftate of South Carolina, ) i
County of Union. J
By Jason M Greer, Esq., Probate Judge.
Whereas, A. G. Bentley has made
snit to me to grant him Letiers of Adminiatration,
with will annexed on the
Estate and effects of Jesse Holcomb,
These are, therefore, to cite and anrnonish
all and singular the kindred and
creditors of the said Jesse Holcomb, !
deceased, that they ho and appear ho-1
fore me, in the Court of Probate to be!
held at Union C. If.. South Carolina,!
on the 1st day of December, next, after
publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the
forenoon, to show cause, if anv they
have, why the said Administration
ifcould not he granted.
(Jiyen under my hand and seal this
15th d,ay of November, Anno Domini.
Jasov M. Grrkr
_ '< Probata Judge.
Pab]J8ht,. , on the 18th flay of Novemw,
1904, in iTK Uxro.v Tiicci'. 47.3c
0F <1
ED 1
tore. | ?
Some fj
THKI'IIRT dl- I Ilk yftWfilk
ui 111 u vvrni*iimi
?OF THE? x '
At Union, in tlio State of Soath Caroina
at the close of business, November
10th, 1004.
(.ouns uud discounts $211,006 55
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2.793 42
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.. 15,000 00
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 10,000 00
Due from National Bunks (not reserve
aire lit" 16,050 72
Due from approved reserve agents 33,351 (0
hecks nnd other cash iten s 07
Notes of other National Banks.... 3.620 W)
Fractional paper currency,nickels
a- d cents 30ft 30
Specie 30,8 0 80
I.oral tender notes 8,000 00
Ucdemption fund with U. 8.
TTOMS'r (5 per cent, of circulation) 750 00
Total 1333,176 04
Capital stock paid in $ 60,000 (JO
Fundus til nil "*
oi.-in M
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes mud 10,667 87
National Bank Notes outstanding 14,500 00
Individual deposits suiijcct to
chock 165.459 -M
Notes and bids rediscounted 401391 06
Totul |3J2,150 04
State of south Carolina, I
Couty of Union. f
I, J. 1>. Arthur, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and beliof.
.1. D. Aktiiuk. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this
16th day ol November, 1904.
W. W. 11 i'(i iiks, Notary Public.
Con hbct?Attest :
A. If. Foster, 1
John A. Kant. V DirectorsF.
M. Fahr, I
\Citation to Kindred and Creditors.
State of South Carolina, )
County of Union, f
By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Prohato Judge-.
Whereas, Eliza A. Garner has made
suit to me so grant him Letters of Administration
on the Estate of and effects
of Geo. W. Garner, deceased. |
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and
creditora of the said Geo. W. Garner*
deceased, that they be and appear before
me, in the Court of Probate, to b?
held at Union C. H., South Carolina o?
the 1st. rlnv nf fr..v? ??- -
_ j ..vwuivn, nexi, aiiei"
publcation hereof, at 11 o'clock in tha
forenoon, to show cause, if any they
have, why the aaid Administration,
should not ho granted.
Given under my hand and seal this
16th day of November, Anno Domini,
1904. .
Jason M. Greer,
Probate Judge.
Published on the 18th day of November,
1904, in The Union Times. 47 2t
The Metropolitan Magazine is
$1 80 a year, hut we are offering it
and Tub Times for the price of the ,
raagtziae. i
I :> ' '
It J but had the price, I know I'd be a
howling swell.
A brilliant connoisseur and show Just how
to do things well.
To get the most enjoyment from the
things of every day
You'd only need Inquire of me to learn the
latest way.
I'm quick upon Invention, end I know a
thing or two;
I like a front seat always and an unobstructed
[ I'm sure I could design a lot of moat
amusing things
Had I the Inspiration that a half m million
I'd hAve no halfway doings, and the plans
I would evolve
Should carried out completely be. I would
the problem solve
Of universal happiness, an earthly paradise.
I'm Bure that X could do it If 1 only had
the price.
It very seldom happens, though, that he
who's best endowed
With sense enough to make things hum
is by stern fate allowed
To have the necessary funds, to simply
have the price,
And so the things that I can do, you see,
don't cut much Ice.
Where Money PsiU.
Well. Is It, after all, worth while
To be a millionaire?
A man can sit and watch his pile,
But even that Is care.
His money cannot purchase joy.
For when with pain his limb
Is racked he cannot hire a boy
To have the gout for him.
For raiment and a palace grand,
A phaeton and pair,
Ho only has to wave his hand;
They come as from the air.
But when he lias a jumping tooth
His money cannot gain
The service of a modest youth
To grin amd bear the pain.
It really would be worth the strife
To pile up bales of wealth
If it could buy a peaceful life
And great red gobs of health. I
While It may bring exalted rank
And lots to eat and wear,
Tet all tho money lq the bank
Can't buy a head of hair.
Made to Be Broken.
Why did Maude break her engagement?"
"It's the Btyle. She says a girl la
nothing this season, when half the women
are divorcees, unless she Is the
heroine of at least one romance."
The Baron and the Seer.
The wind Is raging through the sky.
His Btunt the sun begins U> shirk.
Now, with a smug, contented smirk.
The coal man greets the weather aleak
And treats him to an extra dry.
Chrysanthemun Contributors.
The handsomest b'osooms in the magnificent
Confederate Monument Bouquet
that netted $43 for the "sta/ter" to the
monument fund were grown and given
to the cause by Misses Neely and Effle
^artor of Union and Mrs. L. J, Brown
'ng of Sedalia. Others wern given by
Mrs. Hughes, Mm. 11. "E. lirnvn, Mrs
?M?a u?? Clifford. Mf. Thos.
McNally was manager and auctioneer
for the sale.
Just Received
A lovelv line of
Cut Glass, SterS=
ing Silver Pieces
and Fancy Clocks.
A lot of Watches
to be sold at reduced
prices for
the next 30 days.
Anything you
want in Jewefry
and Millinery can
be bought at
\ft ~
STnP.lf f
all I lllk V I UUI1
Duke Drug Co.
, 1
Under Hotel Union.
^71 i ? i.
throughout the city a
we sell all kinds of Di
linery, Clothing, Slfco
Trunks, Valises, Unde
Notions cheaper than
trade grows steadily t
from the beginning c
and will do all in our
it. Browns in Dress
scarce. We have rec
by express this favori
lines, Venitians, Broa
nels, etc. We are cer
business on Ladies'
Jackets. Our custon
son why is because 01
prettiest and our p
than at other places
McLure Mercant
The Unders
Consisting of $30,00
Qrade Diamonds, W
1 CSI..^ 4-^ 1
aiiu Diivcrwaic, iu i
Public A
A grand opportunity to to secure hi]
prices. Everything offered at this e
a full guarantee as represented, bi
know jewelers, J. B. Bennett & Co.
Handsome Prizesgiver
Sales daily at II a. m., 4:3
Ladies cordially invited 1
Chairs reserved. Sale Xb
Store, Main Street, 2 do
p can always be induced t<
g by usi
*j HUIET'S 11^
| Can't fail to stop the fal
g growth, invigorates the
the lustre or the hair.
Do The
For Furniture, Stoves,
Clocks, Trunks, Pictures,
Rugs and everything
that pertains
to the furnishing of
your house. We can
save you money.
36 pound Feather Bed
for $10.00. Pillows, 6
pounds to pair, $1.50. ?
10 pounds to pair $2.50 C(
INext door to C. E. Lips- ?
comb, Wholesale Grocery. *
Notice to Tresspassers.
All persons are hereby forbidden
to tresspass on the lands known bp
th e Sheriff, Robert Macbeth lands
*ifc, her by walking, riding, hunting,
fish ing, cuttiug timber or otherwise
and for each offense will be prose- __
rnt?> d to the extent of the law. m
Lessee and Manager.
ll-J.*4t ^ tr
No tice to Tresspassers
All' persons are hereby forbidden pi
lo tr (MpaoR on any of the lands o? 4/
the r undersigned, either by walking ?
ridin f., banting, fishing, cutting tlm- J
her o r otherwise, and for eaoh and
every offenee will be prosecuted to
the fi ill extent of the law. 0,
D. A Owens, .4,
J. W. Johnson, h
A H Foster. jf
W, E. Thomson. 4.
1 J
)WN FACT 1 ;
nd county that I
id Cloths, Flan? E
tainly doing the fl 1
and Children's g
lers say therea- E
ii r styles are the 1
rices are lower 3?
lie Company,!
sellers. Sg
niniT oivi!
nun mum"
0 stock of Hi^h
batches, Jewelry
5e closed out at
?h class Jewelry at your own
iale will be sold strictly under
icked up by the large and well
, Norfolk, Va.
1 away at each Sale.
O p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
to attend these Sales,
ikes place at Scalfe's
ors from Post Office.
0 remain permanently RH
lIR tonic. ga
ling out. Stimulates H
1 scalp and increases ?lj
ug company, jf
ICK, Owners. HQ
Dinner Jewelry 9
\ quite as important an essenal
as any other pertaining1 to
le Thanksgiving feast, as no
ne can enjoy good food at a
ood dinner without they are
onscious of being perfectly
ressed. We carry a very exmsive
stock of diamond, pearl
nd other jewelry, intended for *
ersonal adornment, any article
f which is doubly dear to the
ami nine heart.
Come and Inspect Our Line.
F r. TDPF7Fn
VI# I l\U L.UK)
lotice ?o Tresspassers.
All persons- are hereby forbidden to I
oh8J)hhh on any of the lands of the urn- ]
Brsigned, either by walking, riding, 1
anting, fishing, cutting timber or
herwiHO, and for each offense will be
roseoated to the fall extent of the law,
louse and Lot for Bale.
I offer ray dwelling house^ and lot
a onutn street tor aaie. lerma of
ile, oue third saeh, balanoe on ona
nd two year* time, with the prlwl*
>ge of paying all oaab.
4- Mas. Cob* N. Mukthy.